Meg Hack Adaptive Yoga and End of Life Support

Meg Hack Adaptive Yoga and End of Life Support

Certified Advanced Adaptive Yoga Instructor Mind-Body Solutions(Matthew Sanford).

Serving people of all ages living with a wide variety of disabilities...MS, spinal cord injury, stroke, TBI, and age-related diseases

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Adaptive yoga session


Sacred time. Caring for the sick

About me

After witnessing the benefits yoga had on my family members living with mobility issues, I decided to pursue training that would allow me to share those benefits with others.

I met Matthew Sanford and was blown away. Paralyzed from the chest down, he knows first hand the transformative effect yoga can have on the mind-body relationship. He has spent his adult life teaching others the magic of the mind-body connection with or without muscular action. I am forever grateful for his influence on my life.

While teaching adaptive yoga, I encountered people dealing with chronic and terminal illness. It was a natural progression to seek out similar training to bring the benefit of meditation, healing touch and the power of connection to people transitioning as well as their loved ones.

Training Includes:
