Snood photography

Snood photography

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"Hakuna matata." It means "no worries."
(The lion king)

Probably one of the cutest scenes tiny warthogs drinking from their mom.🥰


You don't think nature can be evil?

No. Formidable, frightening. But, no, not evil.

Is a lion evil because it rips a gazelle to shreds?

Just what we take with us then?

Yeah. This crew represents the best of humanity.

Lions? l


Chimps are going ape
Giraffe remain above it all
Elephants remember
Though just what, I can't recall
Crocodiles are snapping up
(Lion King)

The magnificent Elephant, ...what a creature... so impressively big and strong, yet so full of emotion. We saw these in both Hluhluwe-iMfolozi national park and in Kruger Park.
Our guide explained that Elephants do not recognize humans when they stay in their vehicle and told us that Elephants have a strong fear for humans.. so he stepped out of the jeep and as soon as he did the Elephants were quickly moving backwards and showing signs of fear which made me feel really sad.
Since Elephants have a superb memory and pass on their knowledge to their children it will probably take decades before Elephants forget the poacher encounters and start to trust us again....... if ever.

De prachtige Olifant, ...wat een mooi dier... zo indrukwekkend groot en sterk, en zo emotioneel. Deze zagen we zowel in het Hluhluwe-iMfolozi nationaal park als in het Krugerpark.
Onze gids legde uit dat olifanten mensen niet als mensen herkennen als ze in hun voertuig blijven en vertelde ons dat olifanten een sterke angst voor mensen hebben. Om dit te bewijzen stapte hij uit de jeep en zodra hij dat deed, gingen de olifanten snel achteruit en vertoonden ze tekenen van angst waardoor ik me best verdrietig voelde.
Omdat olifanten een uitstekend geheugen hebben en hun kennis aan hun kinderen doorgeven, zal het waarschijnlijk tientallen jaren duren voordat olifanten de ontmoetingen met stropers vergeten en ons weer gaan vertrouwen... als dat ooit gebeurt.


Mr. Frodo?

Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily.

I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox.

The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark.

Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.
(Lord.of.the rings fellowship of the ring)

The African hawk has incredible eyesight, and with it, no small animal is safe.

De Zuid Afrikaanse havik heeft ongelooflijk goede ogen waarmee hij zijn volgende lunch snel gevonden is.



(Truman Show)

During my trip through South Africa i also had a wide angle lens with me, being a landscape photographer I was obligated to carry some more glass on me enabling me to take pictures of this amazing sunset in Swaziland.


"they create a full wavelength dispersal,

so if you look inside it, you can see...
Every possible color. - Every possible color.


Remember you said that time God must be a painter"
(A Beautiful mind)

This is the Lillac-breasted Roller in dutch called the Vorkstaartscharrelaar.

The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi reserve has soo many different birds to see, in all these bright and vivid colors they are absolutely amazing.

When we drove through the park with the 4x4 I saw these bright colors in the distance and told the driver to hit te breaks to be able to take this shot. Luckily I had a 60-600mm sport lens with me so I could zoom in quite a bit. Combined with a high megapixel camera A7R3 I was able to crop it and still keep all the details and enough pixels to make a decent print.


Racing through traffic to make it to Scheveningen Beach what a beautiful sunset it was. I barely made it luckily the sun gave me 30 seconds to make this beautiful long exposure.

This was my first shot of the evening and with a bit of experience and trusting your camera to provide you with correct data I nailed it in one go.

I love making long exposures since they really give you 30 seconds of absolute peace and tranquility as you wait for the click of the shutter knowing that after it clicks you are rewarded with something beautiful. And after the rush through traffic and running with my gear to the beach I definitely needed this bit of de-stressing.

Have a nice weekend everyone.


What if you could go back in time and take all those hours of pain and darkness

and replace them with something better?

Like images or what? - Yeah, like a Hawaiian sunset

Things that remind you how beautiful the world is...
(Donnie Darko)

My first photo taken at Druif Beach in beatiful Aruba it's nickname being one happy island.. I can imagine people being happy there.. I would be very happy experiencing sunsets like these.... ❤️


What are you laughing at, Martini?

You're not an idiot, huh?

McMURPHY: You're not a goddamn looney now, boy, you're a fisherman.

[McMurphy chuckles]

Now, take your bottom hook.

(One flew over the cuckoo's nest)

I found these 2 fisherman on one of my older photos.. never noticed them before so I cropped it down to make them the subject of this photo which I took at the pier of Ijmuiden some months ago.


(car rental attendant) It's right there.

What is that?

It's an Oldsmobile Silhouette.

I ordered a Cadillac.

That's the Cadillac of mini-vans.

(Get Shorty)

Another shot taken against the light creating a sort of silhouette of deer. I left just enough light in to see a some detail of the fur of the deer.


Een lief vosje wilde aan het eind van de dag wel even poseren voor de camera.


Six times? Well, what if she's too fu**in' busy?

The words "too fu**in' busy" shouldn't be in a waitress's vocabulary.

Excuse me, Mr. Pink, but the last fu**in' thing you need's...

another cup of coffee.

These ladies aren't starvin' to death. They make minimum wage
(Reservoir Dogs)

This one was taken a few weeks ago when I met with some Team Fotografie members .photography .that.shutter

Its always a good idea to observe the clouds and turn around some times.


700 little records

All rock, rhythm, and jazz

But when the sun went down

The rapid tempo of the music fell

"C'est la vie," say the old folks

It goes to show you never can tell.

(Pulp Fiction)

First result of the sunset meeting with some members of Team Fotografie , .photography , , .that.shutter


I don't think about anything. I want to ask you a question.

When you came pulling in here...

did you notice a sign out in the front of my house... that said "Dead Ni**er Storage"?

Jimmie, you know I didn't see no s**t.
(Pulp Fiction)

Landhuis Nijenburg in Heiloo


I mean, it's not like gambling or liquor or even women...

which is something that most people want nowadays...

and is forbidden to them by the pezzonovante of the church.

Even the police departments that have helped us in the past...

with gambling and other things

(The Godfather)


How do you shoot the Devil in the back?

What if you miss?

Let's get back to the pier.

(The Usual Suspects)


And yet he bore a strange ring.

Two serpents with emerald eyes.

One devouring, the other crowned with golden flowers.

The Ring of Barahir.

So Gandalf Greyhame thinks he has found Isildur's heir.

(The Lord of the rings, The two towers)


‘In that dream I thought the eastern sky grew dark and there was a growing thunder, but in the West a pale light lingered, and out of it I heard a voice, remote but clear, crying:
Seek for the Sword that was broken:
In Imladris it dwells;
There shall be counsels taken
Stronger than Morgul-spells.
There shall be shown a token
That Doom is near at hand,
For Isildur’s Bane shall waken,
And the Halfling forth shall stand.’
(Boromir, Lord of the rings, The fellowship of the ring)


I shouldn't have done that.

You're not supposed to tell a guy you're gonna kill him no more.

I gotta tiptoe through the tulips with these as****es.

Taking all the fun out of the job.

Pappa Joe, you want me to go now?
(Boondock Saints)


Clara? Perfect.

She's in the cab! I'm going back for her!

The windmill!

Doc! We're going past 50! You'll never make it!

Then we'll have to take her back with us! Keep calling out the speed!
(Back to the future 3)


You didn't trust me. - I didn't know you.
At least I let you tag along.

Yes, give them a flower and they'll follow you anywhere.

Knock it off. You're not mad. - No?
No. You like the way I do things.
(Indiana Jones and the last crusade)

Een mooie opvallende bloem in de menigte


Would you hand me a dry towel, Miss Beautiful Tulip?
Oh, I like that. I like being called a tulip.
Tulip is much better than mongoloid.
I didn't call you a mongoloid.
(Pulp Fiction)

Thank you for a great evening in the tulip fields with and

Photos from Snood photography's post 26/03/2022

Dezelfde brug maar een ander objectief.
1. gemaakt op 400mm zoom
2. gemaakt op 16mm groothoek

de zoomlens drukt de afstanden helemaal in kaar terwijl de groothoek ze juist vergroot.


Mr. Pink:
Hey, why am I Mr. Pink?
Because you're a fa**ot, alright?
Mr. Pink:
Why can't we pick our own colors?
No way, no way. Tried it once, it doesn't work. You get four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black, but they don't know each other, so nobody wants to back down. No way. I pick. You're Mr. Pink. Be thankful you're not Mr. Yellow.
Mr. Brown:
Yeah, but Mr. Brown, that's a little too close to Mr. S**t.
Mr. Pink:
Mr. Pink sounds like Mr. P***y. How 'bout if I'm Mr. Purple? That sounds good to me. I'll be Mr. Purple.
You're not Mr. Purple. Some guy on some other job is Mr. Purple. Your Mr. PINK.
Mr. White:
Who cares what your name is?
Mr. Pink:
Yeah, that's easy for your to say, you're Mr. White. You have a cool-sounding name. Alright look, if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, do you wanna trade?
Hey! NOBODY'S trading with ANYBODY. This ain't a goddamn, fu**ing city council meeting, you know? Now listen up, Mr. Pink. There's two ways you can go on this job: my way or the highway. Now what's it gonna be, Mr. Pink?
Mr. Pink:
Jesus Christ, Joe, fu**ing forget about it. It's beneath me. I'm Mr. Pink. Let's move on.
I'll move on when I feel like it... All you guys got the goddamn message?... I'm so goddamn mad, hollering at you guys I can hardly talk. Pssh. Let's go to work.


"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope." -Mufasa

The Siberian tiger is an endangered species.. it makes me feel sad that seemingly there is no room for these magnificent animals to live in the wild next to us "civilized" humans 😢


“My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me I had a purpose: to bring laughter and joy to the world.”

Deze vriend uit de natuur zat zo naar mij te lachen, daar moest ik gewoon een foto van hebben. 🤣


Fenster: "I said he'll flip ya. Flip ya. Flip ya for real."

During the seascapes workshop by and , Bas said.. Arno you know what would look great,.. flipping this photo, that would work nicely in this composition.. so I did, great advice Bas 👍 now the lines lead in the right direction.


Palendorp is one of my favorite photography locations. there's so many different composition options which might overwhelm you at first.

Bringing order to the chaos of poles can be difficult but the reward even better.

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Amsterdam light festival verjaardagskalender