Imagine Creativity Home School

Imagine Creativity Home School

Imagine Creativity Home School - Creativity and play as a means to learning all subjects


The Genius of a Mind

How to find it?


If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. – Chinese Proverb


Free Content - Creative Learning for 4 to 7 Years Old. Creativity is the natural extension for the mind. Sign Up and Get Access to full Curriculum.

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Use the app to find other families with same age children. Free to post a profile. Sign Up and Get Access to full Curriculum.

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Creativity and play as a means to learning all subjects. Checkout our Imagine Creativity Home School.

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You Can’t Teach Creativity:

But you can create the environment, allowing time for it to happen, then praise the results. With persistence, a remarkable result is achieved.

The alternative: stuffing the brain with facts, screens for hours a day, waiting for life to happen ....


Before creativity there is imagination:


Imagination Quote from Einstein ...
It takes some courage to create the space and opportunity for the imagination to thrive in a curriculum.

Homeschool Curriculum Outline for 4-7 Yr - Imagine Creative Home School 27/08/2020

Inspire in your child πŸ§’ their creative potential, imagination and natural ambition.


Homeschool Curriculum Outline for 4-7 Yr - Imagine Creative Home School Find out what your child will learn in primary curriculum. We have shared a summary of curriculum that includes methods & materials to keep a child busy.

Online Homeschool Programs - Imagine Creativity Home School 25/08/2020

First Grade Curriculum -
I posted on the Full Curriculum Page enough activities, music and creative projects for at least six months. As my friend Ferdinand, who was a first grade teacher said: A child needs to learn to read in the first grade, but also needs to learn to read the clouds in the sky, the water in a creek and the wind in the trees.

Online Homeschool Programs - Imagine Creativity Home School Join thousands of parents & learn more about our self-paced online homeschool programs. Enjoy flexible homeschooling, individualized to your child.

Online Homeschool Programs - Imagine Creativity Home School 22/08/2020

Find other parents in your area who want to set up a learning pod. Free to create a profile:

Online Homeschool Programs - Imagine Creativity Home School Join thousands of parents & learn more about our self-paced online homeschool programs. Enjoy flexible homeschooling, individualized to your child.


Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up!

It's easy to choose homeschool with ICHS. A creative online education program for 5 to 7 years olds. A great homeschool education partner that fully equips parents to provide their children with an exceptional learning platform.

Work alone with your child by purchasing the curriculum, structure & methods. Join Now!