

Through online coaching I support people and help them achieve fantastic results, reach their goals


Happy National Fitness Day!

Some good reasons to exercise, that DON’T include to lose weight / be skinny:

✨To feel strong
✨To boost those endorphins
✨To feel confident
✨To improve mental health
✨To keep the heart happy and working
✨To help you sleep better
✨To help your body stay able to move as you get older

Did you workout today? ⬇️


This morning’s mobility & stability session felt so good after dancing the night away seeing McFly last night 🥰


It’s a new week, go smash those goals! Happy Monday 💙


☀️Making the most of this beautiful weather and taking my workout outside this morning!☀️

Do you like exercising outside? I don’t think I’d go to a public space to workout, but I love being able to access my workouts in my garden.

I definitely workout harder too, because I don’t have the worry of disturbing my downstairs neighbours 🤭


Finally back to my workouts after almost a week off, as I went to Edinburgh for the week.

I decided not to use the hotel gym, I was doing 20k+ steps a day up and down hills so definitely got my exercise in!

I also decided to switch off from this account for the week, because it had gotten to the point where it was ruling my life and that’s not okay.

I drank too much, I ate too much (far too much one day 🤢), but I don’t regret a single thing.

I had the best time and it was so great to be out exploring different parts of the world again 🌍💙


I’ve been neglecting…

…my morning routine
…my personal development
…my self-care

These things are all so important to me, and since officially finishing year 1 of uni a few months ago, I’ve felt a bit lost. And it’s really noticeable because I’ve lost my voice a bit.

Ive been doing the summer school module but it’s so short and there’s no structure to it. Having said that, I’m really enjoying researching and writing about Endometriosis & employment - such an important topic!

I just can’t wait to get back to the proper structure of uni and get back to a routine.

Do you thrive off routine? Or do you prefer just seeing where the day takes you? ⬇️


One of my worst ‘symptoms’ from Endo (more a knock-on-effect I’d say) is chronic back & hip pain.

It’s there all day every day. If I sit more than 20 minutes without moving, my hips seize up so I can barely walk. My whole back hurts, particularly between my shoulder blades and around the bottom left area.

(Im also hypermobile which doesn’t help 🥴 but I’m still learning about this)

So to be following a workout program that has such a focus on mobility & stability of the joints, with long focused warm-ups and cool-downs, is an absolute game changer for me.

It’s so great to just release that pain and stretch it out for a while. It’s the only time my body actually feels good, if I could do it all day every day I would 😂

Let me know if you’d like to try the sample workout for this programme! ✨


🌱It’s National CBD Day today, and I’ve spoken to so many people recently about using CBD as a method of pain-relief, I thought today was the ideal day to do a post. At first, I felt so ashamed that I was using CBD, but I have absolutely no idea why! It’s a natural form of medicine, and has been used for thousands of years…🌱

When I’m having a high pain day, I dose up on oral drops. I like the Love H**p 1200mg drops in Valencia orange flavour🍊 I also have a CBD-infused massage oil and gel, both from CBD Hero Gold🌟 These I rub into particularly painful areas, such as my sciatic area, and the muscles up along my spine.

If you are living with a chronic pain condition, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with choosing to medicate. Whether that be prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, or natural methods. You do whatever feels right for you, to help improve your quality of life. For clarity, I also use prescription medication, so I am all for that too! 💊

Let’s normalise medicating, rather than making people feel bad about their choices 🥰


Oh hey heels, it’s been a while.

I’ve always loved heels, so I’m super happy to have an excuse to wear them again 😂 have a lovely Friday night, whatever your plans! 🥰

(PS - hip dips are normal!)


It’s not all about…

…losing weight ⚖️
…getting skinny 💁🏻‍♀️
…toning up 💪🏼
…being “bikini ready” 👙

and a whole load of other things.

Right now, my goal is to exercise gently. And safely.

It’s about knowing my body and what it needs.

The program I’m doing currently is PERFECT. It’s the same trainer as the last program I did. And that one kicked my a*$ 🥴 I loved it at the time, and progressed SO much, both physically and mentally. But now what I need is to actually take it a bit easy.

It’s about learning. And listening.

Whatever your goal, whatever you need, I can help you get there, safely and comfortably. Drop me a message if you need help! 🥰


So happy for Upper Body day, and so happy the sunshine is back! ☀️

Have an amazing day 💛


Does your trainer teach you the value of rest?

Does your trainer get you doing mobility exercises to help you in your day-to-day life, not just during workouts?

Does your trainer focus on your breathing, and your sleep, and your self-care?

Does your trainer cheer your on throughout every workout, and give you form cues, and modifications if you need them?

Mine does!

With Beachbody, once you have your membership your trainer is there with you for every workout. And they give you bonus workouts. And recipes & nutrition videos.

It has been a complete life changer for me, and so many others. I have all of that support at the click of a button, without having to book sessions or pay extra or even leave my house 😅

Would you benefit from this? If so what are you waiting for?! Send me a message of check out my website (link in bio) ✨


✨Day One✨

Today marked the first day of a new programme.

The first day of new goals.

The first day of new challenges.

The first day of new equipment.

The first day of new structure.

I have been SO excited for this, and after day one I cannot wait for the next 13 weeks 🤩

It’s not too late to join - more info on my website (645 page, link in bio) ✨



It took until the penultimate workout of the programme, but I DID IT! Progress takes time, patience is key 💪🏼


It won’t always be easy. It won’t always be perfect. Sometimes things will happen that will make you want to quit.

Don’t quit, keep going!

Things such as:
- Your arms giving way
- Getting cramp
- Losing balance
- Feeling like you can’t breathe
- Needing to take a break
…are all normal during a workout.

Take that break, catch your breath, and keep pushing!


Oh hey endo flare, thanks for making an appearance during a bloody heatwave! Managed to get my workout done before it got too hot again but I think I’ll have ice packs attached to me for the rest of the day 🥵😂

Fellow endo warriors, does your pain intensify when it’s hot too? I’m a bit rubbish with the heat anyway so not sure if I’m just extra sensitive 😅


☀️Good morning!☀️

It’s so nice to wake up to this beautiful sunshine, and I can’t wait to spend the weekend celebrating with BBQs and Pimms.

But first I’m going to get my workout in before it gets too hot!

Have a beautiful day! 💛

(Link in bio for my Pre-Workout, which I cannot live without ⚡️)


✨Why is the number on the scales not moving?!✨

There are so many reasons, these are some of them.

It’s SO important to remember that the scale is not necessarily the best way of tracking your progress, instead try:

- Recording your actual measurements
- Taking photographs
- Tracking the weights you use during your workouts to watch your strength increase

How do you like to track your progress?


SO relieved at the latest government announcement!

You might struggle to see, but I wear hearing aids in both ears🦻🏻And to me, the mandatory mask requirement has caused me SO much stress and anxiety, and has led to some horrible experiences whilst out shopping😢

So to hear (excuse the pun) that masks will no longer be mandatory has filled me with so much joy.

Being deaf / HOH brings enough struggles in terms of communication, but everybody wearing masks has led to increased isolation of an already overlooked group of the population.

I understand that the news will not be as good to others as it is to me; everybody will take this news differently, and it’s important that we all respect others’ views and are kind to one another 🤍


💛I’m back!💛

I made a decision not to workout whilst I was away. Not because I couldn’t, because I can literally workout from anywhere. But because I decided I wanted some time out.

But this morning I worked out again for the first time since last Friday and it felt SO good.

I love lifting weights, I love the energy boost, I love the muscle pain.

And I LOVED the new program! It hasn’t yet launched yet and I absolutely cannot wait!

If you’re looking for a new challenge, drop me a message and let’s smash this together ✨


Do you know what’s freeing?

Being able to go on holiday and eat what you want when you want. Because although this lifestyle I have chosen is sustainable, I also realise that having one week of treating myself isn’t going to completely reverse all my hard work.

Granted I will have taken a bit of a step back, particularly as I decided not to do workouts this week, but I won’t be back to square one.

And I’m genuinely looking forward to getting back into my routine, and eating more healthily.

So please, if you’re on holiday….eat the food, drink the drink, and ENJOY yourself! Because you’re allowed to. And it feels great ✨


Alien experiment 👽

I recently read a really interesting idea in a book called You Are A Badass, and the rough gist of it is to pretend you’re an alien who has come and inhabited your body, your life.

The body you've inhabited - what are they good at? What do they enjoy doing? Are they happy? Do they make the most of the opportunities they’re presented with?

Taking a step back and looking from the outside in can be a really useful task to assess where you’re at and where you’re going. It’s really interesting to look at your life from another perspective!✨

I even now do it when I’m doing mundane tasks, like what would an alien think of me going up the escalator to the supermarket, and going food shopping? Would they find that strange? Deep, I know 🤣


My girls 🥰

Photos from team.MH's post 27/06/2021

Every day…

…we check in ✅
…we share our successes 💪
…we share our struggles 😰
…we hold each other accountable 🥰
…we cheer each other on 🎉

We are there to support one another, and to me that is one of the key components of successfully maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The partners get involved, the babies and bumps get involved. Working out indoors, outside, at home, at the gym, in the park. We’re all different ages, sizes, shapes, from different countries and different backgrounds with different goals.

But we have all been brought together on this journey and it’s pretty special! 💗

Do you feel this kind of support community could help you? Reach out to me and let’s get started together! ✨

Photos from team.MH's post 26/06/2021

Sometimes life will come and throw you off balance. Or just completely push you to the floor.

That’s okay; it’s normal and it’s going to happen.

The important part is that you get back up and stand tall again 💗

Swipe ➡️ to see me falling during yoga the other day 😂

Photos from team.MH's post 25/06/2021

I came across these photos the other day and was shocked 😲 They are from April 2020 and I can’t believe the difference from then to now!

They say “only look back to see how far you’ve come” and I really think that sometimes it’s great to do just that, to give you the motivation you need to keep going during those tough times!


Out of office = on ✅

Holiday mode = on ✅

Fake tan = on ✅

It’s been a bloody hard week with this endo flare, and I am so looking forward to taking some time out and giving myself a break 🤍

Photos from team.MH's post 23/06/2021

Why do I do what I do?

I’m not a fitness expert. In fact, when I first became a coach I was still fairly early on in my own fitness journey.

But when you come across an opportunity that puts you on the path you know you’re meant to be on, that gets you those results you’re so desperate for but never thought were possible, that literally changes your life, then you have to say yes!

I joined Beachbody as a customer and instantly fell in love. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into, but after just 6 weeks my body was changing for the better, my mental health shifted massively, and I was surrounded by people who were the perfect influence on me.

And because of that, I knew I had to share this opportunity with other people. It would be unfair not to!

And we have an incredible coaching sneak peek starting TODAY! So if you have ever considered coaching, or want to know a little bit more about it, please let me know so I can get you added into the group 💗


Good morning ☀️

I’ve been a bit MIA for a few days. Endo is wreaking havoc on my body, it’s the worst it’s been in about 6 months.

I spent the weekend with my family doing the things I love, which was perfect 💗

But it took all the energy I had (literally, I fell asleep on the sofa on Sunday afternoon 🤣)

So I took a much-needed rest from workouts and social media, and I feel a lot better for it 💗

Have a lovely Tuesday 🥰


After a verrrry long day thanks to only sleeping 2 hours last night, I am finally sat with champagne in hard to celebrate getting a FIRST in year 1 of my law degree 🥂🎉

Hard work and grit really does pay off, now to keep it up for the next 3 years 🥴

Have a lovely Friday evening! 🤍


Today I received my first Covid vaccine, and I have never been so happy to be stabbed in the arm with a needle! 💉

To me, this marks the next step towards more freedom when (hopefully) travel corridors begin to re-open.

One of my main loves is travelling, and I cannot even describe how desperate I am to be in a sh*tty plane eating sh*tty food, knowing that a new adventure awaits! 🌎

Photos from team.MH's post 16/06/2021

This morning I took my workout into the garden and it felt SO good.

Although I wish there had been more of a breeze, it was so hot already 🥵🤣

I absolutely love that my workouts can be downloaded and streamed anywhere without internet. And whilst I did take my dumbbells outside, there are so many options of equipment-free workouts to choose from to.

Do you like to workout outdoors? Or have you not tried it yet?


What a difference a little trim can make to how you feel! ✂️


I took some time off. I needed a break.

Our friends came for a garden party on Saturday and it was such a lovely day. And yesterday I needed some time out.

I still feel like I’m fumbling in the dark a bit without structure in my life, and I’d gotten to the point where I was feeling guilty for taking time out.

But now I realise it’s okay. Just because I’m not studying at the moment doesn’t mean I’m wasting time.

I feel like we can get so good at giving others people sound advice on how to be kind to themselves physically and mentally but then completely ignore that advice for ourselves 😂

So my challenge to myself is to give myself advice as if I were giving it to someone else, and then follow it.

Want to join me in this challenge? 💗


Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean working out every day.

It means listening to your body and learning to move it in the right ways.

Today was supposed to be an intense cardio session on my program, but I woke up and my chest was pretty bad again and I couldn’t breathe well.

So I chose to be healthy. I chose to give my body a gentle stretch to loosen up, but without causing myself to feel unwell.

It’s about learning that balance, and treating your body with respect to recover, and come back stronger ✨


Anyone else absolutely loving being able to get dressed up and go out again?!🤩

Granted this was a few weeks ago, and I absolutely would not be wearing this dress in this heat ☀️🤣


Every time I look at photos from this night, it makes me so happy. Not just because it was our anniversary (although that does make me happy), but because I was able to put on that dress and feel comfortable. And confident. And happy in my own skin.

And that has been the real win from this journey I’ve been on for the past year. I no longer feel like I need to wear a jacket to hide under. I no longer feel uncomfortable.

It’s freeing!

Do you want this? I can help you - send me a message and let’s chat! 🥰


It’s all about balance! 🥂🖌🎨


I’m back!

…sort of 😂

After over a week without exercising, I decided I needed to get back into it, even though I’m not quite better. And I went in with a really hard programme.

And now I regret it.

I preach about listening to your body but I’m the worst for not taking my own advice 🤣

Something a bit more gentle is on the cards for tomorrow, and at least until my chest is better and I can breathe again 🤪

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Monday and get to enjoy some time in the sunshine this evening ☀️ 💛


I’ve been feeling so out of sorts this last week or so. Not being able to workout really wears me down mentally; it’s my emotional outlet and my chance to clear my head.

So today, painting the fence was so therapeutic, and just what I needed.

Although someone please give me some advice on how to be quicker, I spent about 3 hours just doing this one panel 🤣


🍑 Low- intensity b***y workout 🍑

I’m still not quite ready to do any cardio or hard resistance training but I NEEDED to do something this morning! So I opted for a little low-intensity b***y session 🍑

These are some of my favourite moves for targeting the various b***y muscles, and they got me some real good results! 🤩

I would do 10-12 reps of each moves, and 3-4 sets.

Remember to engage your core the whole time so that you protect your back, and no arching the back!

If you don’t have resistance loops, you can always modify and just do the moves without - just be sure the give the muscles an extra squeeze! 😜

Don’t forget to save for later, and let me know if you try it!

*Disclaimer - I am NOT a trainer, these are just some moves I like to do to get that butt lifted ✨

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Happy International Dance Day!