

Most times God's power elude us because we neglect the simingly small things of God like GIVING THANKS and testifying of His goodness.

Remember, they overcame by the blood of the lamb and words of their TESTIMONY! INDEED- 'JESUS YOU NEVER FAIL'

Photos from ITestify's post 17/08/2023


Is your faith wavering?
Do you not believe in miracles?
Do you have doubts about the power of Jesus?
It happened to me: it was a very rough night, very unusual and so unpleasant. The nose blockage and mocur were so unusual and scary. That was surely not a common cold.

A simple prayer of faith, fighting my way through total believe in the healing power of Jesus, before 5:37am, normalcy was attend. This can only be Jesus.

Is your situation looking kinda minor as mine? , is your condition worst than mine?
Toh, jerk up and believe in Jesus Christ, He hasn't lost His healing power.
The Jesus that heals 'ordinary head ache / migraine' is the same Jesus that has risen and is still rising the dead. You know what? It doesn't cause him more energy or a different power to do it.
The same Jesus that provided 2penny from the fishe's mouth is the same that lifted 5 loaves of bread and few fishes in thanksgiving and fed more than 5, 000 men and a remnant of 12 basket was still gathered afterwards.

Do you still doubt?
Do you still not believe Jesus?
He has done it for me, He has done it for others, He can do it for you?

Nov 2nd 2020


You will soon testify. Su***de is never the way forward.
Nations are await your manifestation. And should you have not to the realisation that you have a global mandate hanging you, remember your family, friends, neighbours, class mates, church etc expect something of your life. Don't end it.
You will also testify very soon.
Push on to victory.


God's Commendation & Recommendation my motivation for Conquest and Further movement.

Dear Son, 2021 for me was a year with so much activity. I had some experience with so many persons and organisations. Some pleasant and some very unpleasant.
The year ended with so many of my 'assumed' goals not achieve. One among the major was getting a good PC which cost Lest than a million naira; so many of these persons and organisations promised but none kept to it.
Well, I thought about the year so far and I can testify that;
1. FOCUS is such a great value. In all you do, you must trust God for focus. It will cost you more to be everywhere than to be somewhere. Yes, you shouldn't be predicted or traced as the case may be, but you must trust God for the right location at all times - from the context of you being sprit man; wind. If you miss God's location for you, you will miss all his allocations for you.
2. Never trust men's commendation or recommendation. They don't have the blueprint. They didn't create you. Some are very myopic and commend you from their myopic views; such beings make you at ease in Zion. They make you proud and pompous when you are living far lest than you're made for. Some have serious and far visions, lots of open vistas, far more than you are created for and commend you from such points; such beings will overwhelmed you and the end product is serious depression, inferiority complex and ungratefulness amongst few.

The summary of this is, learn to constantly return to him who made you and knows what exactly he has in store for you. Never stop Retreating to lean on him for solace and the way forward.
But note, he may come to you through men, trust the Holy Spirit to discern who is communicating the heart of your maker. You have the Holy Sprit, don't doubt his presence with you and in you koh.

Always remember Daddy loves you son. Hold the hands of your sisters and ensure they don't go with the train of lawlessness. They are precious. Teach them to shut their ears to noise (meaningless and unprofitable sounds) and pay attention to the other.

So, this year, may I only shout when God says 'Let us Move'

To share a testimony, send a direct message or whatsApp message to


Mine is a generation given to vehement and desperate quest of Fire:

Though I learned in my early days of being born again that “there is no desperation with God” I remember very well how an Uncle and a father in the Faith enthusiastically told us God is never desperate and we shouldn’t be; in the context of his message that day, it was so clear that there is no desperation with God, this note is not about desperation though; maybe another day.

So, have you ever wondered what this fire is? This fire we so much talk about and make it look as though it is the ONLY criteria to making heaven or even breathing (of which it is in a sense)?

Victoria Orenze once said “we want power but we take for granted the important things of God; power will keep eluding us if this continues” and guess the important thing she was referring to that day, THANKSGIVING! Yes thanksgiving, God’s power has elude us most times because we don’t give thanks which is the password to God’s presence (Check Psalms 100:4 msg)

From the words of Evang. Lawrence Oyor:
The fire of God is not falling down and breaking chairs.
The fire of God is boldness.
The fire of God is hunger and passion for the Word of God, for prayer and for evangelism
The fire of God is loving Jesus
The fire of God is the catalyst that makes the kingdom of God moves fast!

And most importantly, the fire of God is the Holy Spirit!

Jesus was spoken of by John the Baptist to come and baptize with Fire and He sure did.
The Holy Spirit is not necessarily that big move some of us mistaken Him for, He is amongst many other form of Him, that silent spirit deep within you, the very spirit, consciousness and feeling, yes feeling (so you understand better) that made you respond to the call of Jesus to salvation.
It was He who made you feel sorry for that sin you committed and had no peace till you repent and in most cases make restitution.

So, stop glamouring and clamouring for that level of “so called fire”, neglecting the ABC of it.

Now, check within and be sincere with yourself, don’t you have the fire? (selah)

Is that not enough reason to appreciate God, be ever joyous and sit for fanning? Yes, he has to fan it to that level you’re wishing for. But alas! It doesn’t come with this attitude of desperation. The foundation must be right, the fanning must be intense so that, that level of fire will not consume you as it has some ministers.

Hey, am not calling you to settle for lest! No! Not at all.
Yes that manifestation you saw might be the fire and it might not be, but while you yearn for a greater measure and increase, don’t neglect the days of little beginning, the day that fire in you has to be sparked to greater flames in consistency.

Always remember you’re in time and God treats you as such.
Never take for granted the seemingly little, yet very important dealings of God! He is a God that always increases, he hardly starts from big to bigger, He mostly starts from small to big and bigger and biggest and to other levels you won’t have words for.

So, next time you notice a spark of fire, don’t ignore it in a quest for a bigger level, give him thanks and be deliberate about letting Him fan it to that big level you always dream or wish; trust me, what you think is fire, may be just a spark compared to what God really wants to set on; may you ever be ablaze for God!



You've to read this.

The man behind the pulpit is a s*x addict and He is struggling but no one knows..There are things clothes covered

She blast in tongues like a multipurpose machine gun.. Brutal in prayer meetings.. BUT dying deep down because she's struggling with ma********on.

I was once a victim many years ago.. Sitting with some of my friends one day and they said ".. Bro, please tell us your story and hide nothing" I tried to answer them; I looked at them and as I replied, I struggled not to get emotional and I said ".. My tongues were deep and brutal in prayer, everyone hailed my fine voice but no one knew I was struggling with a secret sin until God delivered me...."

He always used the word "Bless you brother" on me, he was my leader in our Christian gathering. but I didn't know HE WAS A GAY..

The beautiful angel on the microphone watch po*******hy every night to satisfy her lust she wishes to stop, sadly she can't break free BUT SHE LAYS HANDS ON PEOPLE'S HEAD EVERY SUNDAY... And she's called "MAMA"

She hates it, He hates it but they just can't stop and no one knows that they have sore underneath their garments, they look good on Sunday.. They lift up holy hands.. They are pure on Sundays but impure on Mondays... But no one knows because..... church clothes

She or he have a nice voice but she struggles with immorality...... ... Everyone knows them as choir masters or choir mistress but they are abortionist

He perform miracles everyday, but have a lady who have a child for him out of wedlock. World wide Prophet, Apostle, bishop, evangelist, gospel artists, let's humble ourselves and deal with our secret sins

AREN'T YOU TIRED OF THE CHURCH CLOTHES/CHURCH DRAMA? So many DRAMA in the church today... So many religious drama on Facebook, WhatsApp ...
Everyone is preaching...
Why not admit you need help?..

Preaching publicly against the same thing we struggle with in the secret, public success but private

So many people DYING INSIDE/STRUGGLING inside...
So many people in Church...
Youth leaders... Youths...Pastors, Bishops, Evangelist, Reverend, Apostles, dying of ma********on.. S*x addiction.. Po*******hy... BUTTTTTTTTT THEY CAN'T OPEN UP...

Church clothes give them a covering...



Oh Lord, am tired of CHURCH CLOTHES, I want to make heaven, this is my earnest crying for myself and my generation......

Oh Lord, invade my privacy
Why not cry out today.


• PURIFY YOUR MIND DAILY WITH GOD'S WORD - Psalm 119:9 (NIV) says, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word."

• WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS AND GUARD YOUR HEART - Proverb 4:23 "Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life."

• WATCH THE THINGS YOU WATCH. YOUR EYES CAN SET YOUR BODY ON FIRE. Job 31:1 says, "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman." Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.

May God deliver us from every secret SIN AMEN...




1) Purpose tells you who to marry

2) Purpose tells you where to travel to; it gives you direction

3) Purpose makes you do the right things, not just good things

4) Purpose tells you who your friends are.

5) Purpose makes you become responsible

6) Purpose makes you live a disciplined life

7) Purpose makes you live fulfilled life

8) Purpose makes you rely on God for grace to fulfill the task He as assigned you.

9) Purpose makes you influential

10) Purpose makes people even want to pay to see you; it brings value.

11) Purpose brings security; God will always protect everyone who's life is towards purpose

12) Purpose will make some people to misunderstand you

13) Purpose will make people think you're proud; because you discipline yourself from many distractions

14) Purpose is the reason why God cannot give up on you, because He has invested alot into you.

*May you discover your purpose on time in Jesus name.... Amen*

_*Omeike Stephen*_📝



●Fornication is not a norm. Even if it has become so common, it is a great sin to God and a disservice to your body.

●Exposing sensitive parts of your body as a lady or dressing recklessly is not a big girl thing. It is foolishness and a sin in the sight of God. Wearing of mad people clothes is not called fashion. It is called indecency and it grieves God.

●Virginity is not a sign of weakness or even s*xual malfunction. It is a sign of purity - something to be proud of that you have not been desecrated by the unworthy and filthy. No one should make them feel foolish because of being a virgin.

● That VIRGINITY is a wedding present to your husband not a birthday present to boyfriends. Don't enter your matrimonial home perforated.

●That Virginity should not be just about the s*xual organs. The eyes, hands, legs and mind should be virgins too. If these parts get corrupted with immorality, soon the ge****ls will confirm the corruption. S*xual purity matters.

●Females are not mere objects of s*xual gratification. There is more to a woman than her breast and buttocks.

● That the breast God give women is for breastfeeding and not to be used for Facebook likes and comments or to gain more fans.

●Not having a girlfriend does not make you less of a man. It makes you a man with a lot of control. It makes you a rare kind of a man in a world pervaded by immorality. It makes you a superman.

● Not having a boyfriend doesn’t mean you will run mad or something terrible will happen to you. These are traps the devil has used to destroy the destinies of many young people. It is a lie from the pit of hell. No one runs mad because of not having s*x. Remain s*xually pure. Purity Is Possible!!

●S*x is not one sure way to prove depth of love. If he truly loves you, he will marry you. If he is a real man why does he want the s*x but not the responsibility of keeping you?

●S*x is not the solution to your Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual cramps), it is one of those deceits of boys who want to get into your pants! Be wise sweetheart.

● S***m accumulation has no medical side effect. Your body is equipped to deal with that till you are ready to put them to good use. Don’t use that as a basis of going into fornication. Purity is Possible!!

●Masturbation is not a safe way to understand your s*xuality. You will only end up teaching yourself how to please yourself not how someone else should please you. You get addicted to it so much that no one can please you as good as you. It becomes a psychological problem, and it is a sin before God. Don’t get indulge into that. Self control is key.

●Lesbianism is not an option for girls only because men are not looking your direction. It is filthy and a disgusting sin before God. As senseless as animals are, they do not get to such level of mental depravity to be le****ns, why humans? 😭(Please talk to your girls especially about Lesbianism. It is becoming very common, starting as early as in primary schools.

●Homos*xuality is not also an option for boys because they think marriage is costly. It is filthy and a disgusting sin before God. As senseless as animals are, they do not get to such level of mental depravity to be g**s, why humans? 😭(Please talk to your boys, especially about Homos*xuality. It is becoming very common, starting as early as in primary schools.

●Let’s not also forget to teach them that living for God is not a burden or a bo***ge. Let’s make them understand that God is interested in their youthful age not when they’re old, weak and feeble and the world had retired them that they’ll now come to God.

●Let’s teach them that living a holy live is possible. If others can do, they can also do even better. Let’s make them understand that living for God doesn’t mean you will be the poorest person on earth, and even if that happens, they should be willing to suffer for God.


Without Jesus Christ you can't RESIST the temptation of falling prey to such UGLY desires
The presence of Christ LIVING in you (Col 1:27), gives you the POWER to overcome them

*Give your life to Jesus Christ, love Him and obey Him, and sin and Satan and worldliness will have no PART in you.*

*The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you my dearly beloved* 🥰🙏🏾




Not praying in tongues doesn't make you a sinner and praying in tongues as well doesn't make you a Christian. 🤔

A generation of deception that speak in tongue (Gift of the Holyspirit) but doesn't have the fruit of the Holy spirit will waste. 🙄

They come to church to lift up Holy hands but filthy heart.

Infact I have come to discover that witches pray in tongues when ever they want to carry out there witchcraft operation even in the church.

But how do you know those tongues that are genuine with the Holy spirit?

Even if you don't have discernment , you can know.🤔 Yes

Check the fruit. ✅

How can you be speaking in tongues and you still keep Malice for two years.

The holy spirit is not an unforgiven spirit nah. 🤦🏽‍♂️

How can you be speaking in tongues and you are looking s*xy and seductive. 😢😢

The Holy spirit is not a seductive spirit. 😅

No , he is not a s*xy spirit. He doesn't make people look s*xy.

How can you be speaking in tongues and be drunk with alcohol and cigarette.

The Holy spirit is not a drukened spirit.

How can you be praying in tongues and be having 2- 10 boy Friend of girl friend. 😢 Double or tripple dating.

The Holy spirit is not an author of confusion. He is not a confusing spirit. 😢

How can you be speaking in tongues and be sleeping around with guys or girls that you are not yet married too.

How can you be speaking in tongues and be changing figure or cheating.

Does the Holyspirit make people lie?
Pls think about this, "lie" here means many things.

You have to repent.
If fact, so many children of God, men of God , sons of God need to repent.

Lord have mercy upon me all the lies I have lied to the holy spirit. 😭🙏🙏🙏

Can we pray. 🙏🙏🙏


*Please Go and pray,*🗣️🗣️🙇🏿‍♂️
are you not tired of begging people to repent?

They don't listen n to you because you have not Gotten what will make them listen

There is is an anointing that compels people, when you are able to Grab it " you don't need to beg men,.

Men will on their own run to you.

John the Baptist was in the wilderness yet people came to meet him for salvation.😭😭😭😭

*Let us pray Lord do to me what you did to the Generals*

*Break me Lord and remould me🔥🥺🙏*


*The Stupidity Of A Waster*

*Stupidity 1*...A Bathing soap for 80k??
Will it wash away sins and sorrows?

*Stupidity 2*.... One Eye glasses for 350k??
If I wear it, will I be able to see the future?

*Stupidity 3* .... An Italian shoe for 150k?? Will I be able to walk on water?

*Stupidity 4* .... A Plasma TV for 500k?? Will it show me the Judgement day on the last day live?

*Stupidity 5* .... A Gold plated mobile phone for 3 million naira. Chai!!! Will I use it to answer heaven's call?

*Stupidity 6* .... A Hand Bag for 1.3Million naira?? Will I put my life inside it?

*Stupidity 7* .... 2 million naira for a table in comedy show. Which kind laugh I never laugh before?

*Stupidity 8* ... 3 Million naira per year at a university. After graduation, will they make me the president?

Sometimes, I wonder why some people spend like crazy, knowing full well that there are hungry children in the streets roaming about naked.

1. The smallest act of kindness you show, can change someone's life.

2. Remember, money only brings happiness if you help people with it.

3. Let someone say to you, BECAUSE OF YOU I DIDN'T GIVE UP !!!

When God blesses you financially, don't just raise your STANDARD OF LIVING, also raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.

Live your life to please God , you can never please human being.
Good morning, enjoy your day.


*_VIRGIN AND TOTAL MARRIED_* ❤️To My Fellow Singles ❤️

Singlehood is a gift from God😍, Singlehood is one gift God didn't give to Adam and Eve and somehow I feel that is why they failed.😭

Singlehood is a preparatory class to the university of marriage, it is a training ground💪 it is a time where bad character are dealt with, it's a time where bad addictions are dealt with, it's a time to serve God, 🙏it's a time of self discovery, it's a time when you discover your gifts and talents and work on them.🔥

Singlehood is not a time to jump from one man to another🙄, it's not a time to dish out your body like food, 😞it is not a time for night clubs and parties,😭 it is not a time to seduce married men and women, it is not a time to fight your fellow man cos of a woman, it's not a time to fight your fellow lady because of a guy, it's not a time to start getting pregnant and committing abortion!!!😭 It's not a time to have a baby, it is a time to become the best version of you!!!! It's a time to build yourself for your future spouse.🙌

It's not even the time to search for Mr right or Miss Right, stop wasting your time trying to search for who is right for you🤔. Save that strength use it to be the right person for someone, do you know that if you convert all the strength, time and heartbreaks 🙄you have had just in the name of searching for the right person. if you use it to become the right person you will not only be the right person but you will get the right person soon.😂 See, lemme tell you the truth; God is not a fool, the right person will only attract the right person!!!!!! The wrong person will always attract the wrong person!!! 🙅

This is the issue we have in marriage alot of young ladies waste their Singlehood; sleeping around, 😭staying with bad friends that corrupts their character, 🤔they waste their Singlehood in parties and slayings. And when they feel time is against them they drag one man who doesn't listen to God😂, the drag him into marriage and serve him with left overs,🙅 they wreck the man's life, some of them divorce with children and continue from where they stopped!!! Shame 😭😭

The key to having the right person is by being the right person, 🙅work on yourself, a man is not coming to complete you, 🙄No!! A man is coming to the "completed" you, allow God to work on your character. 🤔Before you will tell your future wife, "baby pls I can explain, it's not what you think" my brother Singlehood is the time to explain it to God, Singlehood is the time to kill that lust, that ma********on that anger🙇 etc become the best version of yourself, let your future spouse always thankGod for saying yes to you💓!!! upgrade your character, don't tell me that's how you are, don't tell me to love you they way you are, nobody likes rubbish stop all the useless packaging build your spiritual life.🔥

Singlehood is not a time for breast Enlargement,🙄 it's not a time for p***s Enlargement😭 the God that gave you all you have knows that it will be suitable for you and your partner stop mocking God!!!😭😭 Work on your mouth/ body Odour, 🙄work on your anger, 😭work on the way you talk, 🤔work on the way you eat, work on your dressing, work on the way you spend, don't tell me to love you for who you are, sister who are you!!!! Work on yourself nobody likes rubbish!!!🙄🙄



*When I am a Christian without Christ,*
I go to church, and also go to bars and nightclubs each day.

*When I am a Christian Without Christ,*
I have my Bible and also my Pornographic Magazines, each of them placed in its place. The Bible visible at the Bedside and the Pornographic journals at the bottom of the cupboard.

*When I am Christian without Christ,*
I have in my Laptop series of Gospel Songs and another of profane or worldly musics (songs). Of course, I take care not to mix the two categories of songs that I listen to in an alternate (alternative) manner.

*When I am a Christian without Christ,*
I have two types of clothes; the "decent type" (decent dresses), used for worships, church meetings and the so-called "stylishly or Chic type". That is S*xy and Fashionable dresses, used in few days, with friends.

*When I am a Christian without Christ,*
I play the most current artist on Saturday and on Sunday, I animate praises to the glory of God the Father.

*When I am a Christian without Christ,*
One of my favourite biblical verses after "God is Love" is "Do not judge". "God is love" and "do not judge" means: let me live my life as I want.

*When I am a Christian without Christ,*
I have no Power over Sin. To me, repentance is every night before sleeping. I say "oh God forgive my sins", but I continue to practice Theft (stealing), lies telling, ma********on, homos*xuality, lesbianism, fornication, drunkenness, prostitution, cheating and so on, with the biblical verse that "no one is just, not even one...", supported by "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). In fact, when I am a Christian without Christ, I am not a Christian. Let us review and amend our Christianity.

*Jesus is coming soon*
Share this spiritual message to awaken someone from spiritual death.

N.B:Jesus is the way to our salvation. God loves you.




It is an error not to be a terror to darkness 🛠️🛠️🛠️🛠️🛠️

It is abnormal to be normal 🙅🙅🙅

It is risky to not have fire burning in your bones🔥🔥🔥🔥

It is an insult to rub foundation of five thousand naira on a face, that haven't lay the foundation of her secret place🙅🙅🙅

It is an error to carry attachment of ten thousand naira on a head that does not have an attachment to the body of Christ 🙅🙅🙅

It is a big error to rub lipstick of 5k on a lips that can't stick to tongues for 5 hours🙅🙅🙅

It is an insult to put eye lashes of 2k on eyes that can't lash out the forces of darkness from territories 🙅🙅🙅

It is incorrect to wear heels of 40k when the sound of your prayers can't put the devil on his heels🏃🏃🏃

It is an error to gossip with mortals for five hours when you can't interact with Immortals for ten hours🙅🙅🙅

It is an error for your followers on Instagram to be more than the followers you won for Christ 🙅🙅🙅

It is an error for your last seen on WhatsApp to be 2 minutes ago, when your last seen from the realm of the spirit was 2 years ago🙅🙅🙅

It is an error to tell us "we shall see" and then expect us to be scared, because we are already seeing 🔥🔥🔥🔥


The bride price a man will pay to marry us, can never be greater than the price we will pay to reveal God to our generation kaaaii😭😭😭

I mean before a man takes us to the altar, our lives will already be an altar offering souls as sacrifices to God🔥🔥🔥

The first thing that will come out of us is not children but realities ahyaaa💥💥

I am not denying the fact, that they said it is painful to give birth to children, but it won't be so painful to us, because we have experienced a far greater pain, we have push something bigger than a child, we are Zion, we have travailed, we have push forth possibilities from within 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

We didn't come here to cat walk, No Sir
We didn't come to marry and give birth to children No Ma 🙅🙅🙅

We came to bring the kingdom of God to Earth, we came to establish the will of God on Earth, Sorry Sir, we are not s*x objects we are fire carriers 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

I heard that, No Man want to marry a lady that drinks or smokes, please tell the men ahead that we are addicted smokers and drunkards, we smoke packets of tongues, we drink Godka, we are naturally high🤣🤣🤣

We have been brought before the courts of Immortals, we have been found guilty of a hunger that will capture souls for Christ, we have been sentenced to a lifetime of prayers🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

We are more than your physical eyes can see🔥🔥🔥🔥
We are here with a fire that will burn the world 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


*Dearly Beloved* ,
If you have a teenage daughter or a sister in secondary school, please make out time this week before Friday to talk to her about *Valentine's day*, 🙏👌 educate her on what *LOVE* is all about💯.....No matter how innocent that your princess may appear, bear in mind there is something called *Peer Pressure*😟

Some ignorant teenagers will be lured into s*x this week all in the name of valentines day 🙉 Some will loose their *Virginity*, while some will get pregnant over a cup of ice cream, suya and gifts 🙉.....Show your teenage girls lots of love this week and always 💯💃💃 get her a beautiful Valentine gift and make sure to tell her categorically, looking straight into her eyes that no one will ever love her genuinely like you do
This may save you from *Unwanted Pregnancy* this week 🤔🙃

I know some hollier than thou mummies or elder sisters here would critisize this write up and swear to the moon and back that their daughters or sisters are innocent and decent 🙄🤔
It's alright, but bear in mind that if you don't take up your responsibility and talk to them about s*x, their mates will surely do that....
some of these "innocent" children know more about s*x than you think.




He drops you off and drives back to his wife and kids....

He throws away the used condoms along the road and buy sweets to clean your fragrance off him no matter how expensive it is.
He first takes a shower to clean your unwanted sweat and cologne. Then he agrees and accepts in his heart that he can't leave his wife because of you.

He forgives himself for cheating while driving to the Mother of his Children... He hugs her and ask the Kids about their Education when he gets home.

He eats food cooked by his Wife not 2 piece of
KFC that he bought for you!!! After eating, he relaxes on the couch with his wife... Later they both go to Bed.

They discuss about their Future. He makes love to her, (not s*x that he had with you)... He doesn't take a shower like he did with you because he is used to that Aroma of his Wife... She sleeps on his Chest while discussing their Investments, Policies and Planning their Anniversary.... And you are alone Struggling to Complete a 3 Year Course.

He gave you N50,000 with 2 piece of KFC and Coca Cola... Your Mother is Boasting that her daughter is Disciplined not knowing that you became a resting Zone of Lusting and Bored Husband of another lady that is planning a Graduation Party and release date of her book.

Ask yourself this Question: "What Happened To My Dreams And Goals I Made when I Passed SS3?

Forgive Yourself and find yourself a single Man for you... If you're not lucky then please Stay Happy Being Single.

Don't be the cause of a woman like you tears. Don't let her tears hold back your blessings. Don't tear a family apart... No matter the story he tells you channel him back to his wife and family.

Borrow sense this year!
There are plenty single guys to use, make use of them pls.
