Wellness with Tarot

Wellness with Tarot

I am an intuitive, energy healer who reads tarot in my healings.


The Full Moon in Scorpio goes exact very early this Monday, May 16th at 12:15am EDT alongside a lunar eclipse.

This is a time of taking responsibility for our actions and thoughts.

We are being provided with an opportunity to serve many others if we are willing to do this with patience and love.

Our Full Moon Ceremony will take place when the moon goes direct, and will provide us the tools so that we may make the most of this opportunity with grace.

We will receive more clarity on new creations and be provided with an opportunity to serve others and heal our physical spaces as well.

Access more truth and release limiting beliefs by joining this Scorpio Full Moon Ceremony.

Click one of the payment options below.
This event is $25 Pease note your email.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


The New Moon in Ta**us provides an opportunity to experience more creativity and passion in our lives.

The Ta**us New Moon goes direct at 4:28 pm EDT this Saturday with a partial solar eclipse.

Where are limiting beliefs keeping you from moving forward with what has already been revealed to you?

Are you willing to Know more?

Our New Moon in Ta**us Ceremony takes places when the moon goes direct.

This is a powerful healing and upgrading event where we will release these limitations and receive more clarity.

We will light up our paths to what is our highest forms of success.

We will each receive a Tarot reading to assist in consciously connecting our physical selves with this Soul information.

Experience more beauty, inspiration and authenticity in your day-to-day by joining this Ta**us New Moon Ceremony.

Click one of the payment options below.
This event is $25 Pease note your email.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


The Libra Full Moon goes direct this Saturday at 2:55pm. Libra is known for being the harmonizer. With this Full Moon we have the opportunity to recalibrate certain aspects of our lives not in the beauty of truth.

Our Full Moon in Libra Ceremony takes places when the moon goes direct.

This is a powerhouse healing and wellness event where we’ll each receive a Tarot reading providing insight.

During this Ceremony, we’ll be removing the blindfolds and releasing biases based in programming that drive our decisions.

We will also receive upgrades to amplify the braiding of our Higher Self intentions with our minds and bodies.

We are meant to know more of what our Soul requires and understand the roots of our preferences.

Join this Full Moon Ceremony for more harmony and Truth in your creations and relationship by clicking one of the payment options below.

Event is $25 Pease note your email for reading.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


The Aries New Moon is like having an opportunity to fire up our new creations with the Spark of Life.

The New Moon in Aries goes direct this Friday, April 1st at 2:24am EDT.

Our New Moon Ceremony will take place at midnight approaching this Aries New Moon.

This is a powerful wellness upgrading event where we will receive a Tarot reading after to provide insight on these healing transformations.

We will receive upgrades that assist our integration of this fiery momentum, and work with our innate abilities to be more courageous in the process of rising up.

Join this New Moon Ceremony by clicking one of the payment options below.

This event is $25 Pease note your email for reading.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


The Full Moon in Virgo goes direct this Friday, March 18th at 3:17am est.

This is a time of fertilization, and with the Virgo / Pisces axis, we are navigating how we serve both spiritually and in our daily routines.

Our Full Moon Ceremony will take place at midnight approaching this Virgo Full Moon.

We will receive more of our Soul information,
and work on releasing old habits and limitations to our visions and creativity.

Join this Full Moon Ceremony by clicking one of the payment options below.
This event is $25 Pease note email to receive your reading.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


The first Full Moon of 2022, in Cancer, goes direct this Monday, January 17th, at 6:48p Est. Our relationships and our homes, as well as our relationship to our homes and our bodies, are a big focus during this lunar gateway.

The Tarot card that corresponds with the Zodiac sign of Cancer is The Chariot, who houses the moon in motion. He is able to ride his magical chariot over water as he is in alignment with a re-unification with Highest Self. The Chariot is the last card of the life line of the Fool’s journey, and being numbered 7 links these energies with a formula for realizing Divinity and moving with this expression.

Our Full Moon Ceremony will take place when the Full Moon goes direct and when the downloads will be the most powerful. This is a time to activate higher frequencies of love, divinity and power.

This is a transitional time, with a beautiful opportunity to embody more of our power. We are opening up to moving with our creations and expansion in new ways that fuel our alignment with Divine Timing.

This frequency upgrade wellness event will assist you in moving with your creations in an elevated sovereignty and in aligning to pure potential.

Our projects and how we express will manifest with more power and momentum if we are willing to go beyond the known. We will also release resistance to change, expansion and the Light. This means a more harmonious space and ease and grace in our bodies.

The Full Moon Ceremony is a powerful remote energy healing and tarot reading where you receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

Click one of the payment options below.
Put in $25 and note the email you would like me to send your feedback.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


New Year, New Moon!

Our first New Moon & New Moon Ceremony of 2022 takes place this Sunday, January 2nd!!!

New Year, New Moon!

Our first New Moon of 2022 takes place this Sunday, January 2nd, at 1:33pm Est.

This is a Capricorn New Moon, and we are nurturing new creations that promise to expand our comprehension of our authentic selves, as we are willing.

Our willingness is like a spark of life establishing the blue prints to a new world.

2022 is a year of alchemizing fear into love, this can be an act. Also, it can mean, we simply release judgements of what fear is, or what there is to fear. Though, as we know, this is not so simple.

This New Moon gateway provides us with the spark of life boost to establish our power in our new creation in this new power year.
222 is a powerful formula and 2+2+2=6 = union in expression, and also The Lovers tarot card. Yes, we are in a Lovers year! We will talk more about the year ahead in an upcoming post.

Our New Moon Ceremony is a powerful remote energy healing and Tarot reading where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will work with the requirements of this New Moon threshold of powering new creations with pure potential.

We will work on releasing individual limitations along with that has told us our authentic self is anything less than divine.

We will receive more of our Soul information to power our next steps and what is needed so that we may integrate these upgraded energies, and create with more power.

Our ceremony will take place this Sunday afternoon, when the New Moon goes direct.

Experience the healing downloads and receive a tarot reading to set the tone of 2022 at the highest possible octave!

Click one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and note what email you would like feedback sent.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


New Year, New Moon!

Our first New Moon of 2022 takes place this Sunday, January 2nd, at 1:33pm Est.

This is a Capricorn New Moon, and we are nurturing new creations that promise to expand our comprehension of our authentic selves, as we are willing.

Our willingness is like a spark of life establishing the blue prints to a new world.

2022 is a year of alchemizing fear into love, this can be an act. Also, it can mean, we simply release judgements of what fear is, or what there is to fear. Though, as we know, this is not so simple.

This New Moon gateway provides us with the spark of life boost to establish our power in our new creation in this new power year.
222 is a powerful formula and 2+2+2=6 = union in expression, and also The Lovers tarot card. Yes, we are in a Lovers year! We will talk more about the year ahead in an upcoming post.

Our New Moon Ceremony is a powerful remote energy healing and Tarot reading where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will work with the requirements of this New Moon threshold of powering new creations with pure potential.

We will work on releasing individual limitations along with that has told us our authentic self is anything less than divine.

We will receive more of our Soul information to power our next steps and what is needed so that we may integrate these upgraded energies, and create with more power.

Our ceremony will take place this Sunday afternoon, when the New Moon goes direct.

Experience the healing downloads and receive a tarot reading to set the tone of 2022 at the highest possible octave!

Click one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and note what email you would like feedback sent.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


We have been progressing towards new ways of being. And now we are being presented with a big opportunity to integrate more momentum and power into these new creations.

The Full Moon in Gemini takes place later this week on Saturday, December 18th at 11:35p Est., and brings the energies of the messenger with it.

How are the messenger and the magician one..
.Gemini’s ruler Mercury provides the air and movement in a powerful alchemical formula. (Mercury does correspond with The Magician Tarot card, after all! ;)

There’s a push towards more ease in manifesting, through an establishment of sovereignty in the unseen.

When the Full Moon in Gemini goes direct late Saturday evening, we will have our Full Moon Ceremony. This is a powerful remote energy healing and Tarot reading, where you will receive personalized feedback after.

This meeting of the Souls will focus on big energetic releases of what has us feeling stuck in any way or sense.

This threshold will also reveal where we can express and communicate more authentically.

We will activate higher pathways in our bodies and minds, and receive more of our Soul information to power our progression.

We are here to enable the most potential from the new, upgraded energies downloading, as these provide a wind to amplify the new in our creations.

Experience the power of practical alchemy and join the blessings by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and note the email you would like feedback sent.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


We are in an intense and transformative time of opportunity with a big shift enduring from the Venus in Capricorn correspondences taking place now.

Where have you felt in limitation and held back from your creations?

Are there certain relationships that seem to be more challenging to harmonize lately?

Venus has been in Capricorn since November 5th of this year, and will remain here until March of 2022. This is an extra long period for Venus to be in Capricorn.

When Venus is in Capricorn there is an emphasis in creating with a sense of worth and a clear path that has the potential to manifest something beyond the scope of the old systems.

If you been feeling disconnected from your creations, the expansiveness of Venus and the goal-oriented Capricorn provide a chance to create with an abundance beyond what we have known, with rational steps that feel logical to us and for our personal mission.

This space provides for an infusion of pleasure into our business workings as we are willing to feel into a higher understanding of our own guidance and expanded roles in relationships. During this time, relationships have a chance to flourish in a way that is new. authentic and expansive.

Venus goes retrograde on December 19th until January 29th, so now is a prime opportunity to set our full intentions, and receive the boost from this opportunity.

Our Online Tarot Group Reading and Energy Healing via zoom will take place once on Wednesday December 15th at 3p Est. to assist in aligning our consciousness and bodies to the highest available upgrades of this Venus in Capricorn opportunity.

Each individual will receive a mini tarot reading and healing, where we will receive upgrades and activations in the body, relating to these Venus in Capricorn energies as your Soul guides.

If you are unable to attend live, you will receive your tarot reading and all the healing downloads at this event time, and there will also be a recording to watch later.

To Enroll, please click on one of the payment option links below.
This event is $33.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz



Give & receive the gift of wonder this Season with special end of year promos:

Purchase 1 private live or remote session for someone special, and receive half off your next booking.

Purchase any 4 sessions for yourself, and get 1 session Free to enjoy this upcoming year!**

**This deal can be applied to privates or on our Moon Ceremonies.




The Sagittarius New Moon will be lit early into this Saturday, December 4th, at 2:43a Est., with a Solar Eclipse occurring alongside, promising to be quantum leap opportunity!

The eclipse brings a time of surrendering of old habits that have powerfully impacted our day-to-day mindsets and subsequent creations.

This is a spiritual breakthrough that asks us to harness the courage of fire and our comprehension of light.

We are readying for something that goes beyond the small world, and is a creation expressing and of a higher freedom.

Our New Moon Ceremony will take place when the New Moon goes direct, and is a powerful remote energy healing and Tarot reading where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will assist those who join so that this time of spiritual elevation is felt with the most grace, clarity and power. This ceremony is meant to assist us in releasing and receiving what our Soul requires now in order to feel more constructive, confident and take decisive action forward into our inspirations and what drives our energy and the heart of our lives.

We will receive more of our Soul information to power our next steps and receive frequency upgrades, crystal activations and gifts of what is individually required to best experience these energies and be with more power and truth.

Experience the healing downloads and receive a tarot reading of this information by clicking one of the payment options. This event is $25. Please advise the email where you would like your feedback sent.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


The Full Moon in Ta**us goes direct very early this Friday at 3:57am Eastern. This Full Moon opposes the sun in Scorpio, and is a partial Lunar Eclipse as well!

We are being presented with a big opportunity to bring into our focus, a knowledge of our ability to consciously radiate higher frequencies that will feed our new creations.

We must be willing to take a deeper look at the emotions behind our thoughts, beliefs and habits, in order to fully take advantage of this threshold.

Our Full Moon Ceremony is a powerful remote energy healing and Tarot reading where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will work with the requirements of this Ta**us/ Scorpio opportunity of deeper understanding that powers our expression, communication and creations.

We will work on releasing unconsciousness along with the old beliefs that have disempowered our steady momentum and sovereignty.

We will receive more of our Soul information to power our next steps and what is needed so that we may integrate these upgraded energies, and create with more power.

Our ceremony will take place at midnight approaching this Full Moon in Ta**us going direct, as there will be a Void-of-Course only a few moments after the Full Moon from 3:58a until 9:33am, when the Moon transitions into Gemini.

Experience the healing downloads and receive a tarot reading of this information by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and note where you would like feedback sent.

Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Paypal: https://paypal.me/JillRabinowitz?locale.x=en_US


There’s still a chance to join our New Moon in Scorpio Ceremony tomorrow at 5:15p est. when the moon does direct. This is an opportunity to understand more of who we are and how we connect with others.

Scorpio is one of the more complex water signs with multi-layers beneath the surface. A New Moon in Scorpio promises to reveal new information to those willing to swim in these deep and expansive waters.

Our New Moon Ceremony promises to be a multifaceted transformational wellness event, whereupon we will move out of some of the old tendencies and habits of dimming our light or softening our comprehension and expression of truth. We will explore where we each deny that we are, indeed, swimming in One body of water.

We will receive upgrades that open up clear pathways to assist us in consciously translating energy into an expansive expression of truth and inspiration.

Experience the magic by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and the contact where you would like to receive your personal feedback from the ceremony.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz


Tomorrow the New Moon in Libra will be exact at 7:05 am est., and this is an amazing opportunity to upgrade the power dynamics in our relationships; our relationships to others, specifically our family, and also our relationship to our worth as and within the family of humanity.

The Justice Tarot card corresponds with Libra and relates to those aspects of harmony and balance, and supports us in the recalibration inherent in transformation.

This New Moon in Libra brings a new and creative energy into our relationships. This is a chance to see and be seen anew.

The question to ask ourselves during this cycle:

Am I ready to be re-known in a new ideal..

Our New Moon in Libra Ceremony is a powerful remote energy healing & tarot reading that takes place when the New Moon goes direct.

During the Ceremony, we will each receive the necessary gifts of recalibration, so that we may alchemize our attachments (to the small) into powerful connections.

Experience the healing by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and the email address where you would like to receive your personal healing & reading feedback writeup from the Ceremony.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz


The Full Moon in Pisces is already being felt big time, as we release blocks to integrating Spirit into our day-to-day routines.

This Full Moon will be exact on Monday at 7:55 pm est., and promises to be a culmination of that which we started with the last New Moon, elevating our Spiritual well-being. This is a time to finally release the old paradigm of seeking, and more profoundly express our Divinity.

Our Full Moon in Pisces Ceremony will assist and support you in working with these powerful energies to align you more closely to your Soul’s path.

Our Ceremony is a powerful remote energy healing and tarot reading, where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

Experience the healing by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and your email to receive feedback.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz


This week we experienced a powerful
New Moon Gateway alongside Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year!

It is now the Hebrew Year 5782, which is known as a Shmita year, or “year of release,” which is more widely known as the sabbatical year, and this is every Seven years, with the latest Shmita year being our year 2014.

In the Shmita year, debts are to be forgiven and there is an emphasis on redistribution and accessibility to all (of resources, wealth, energy, information), which is an opportunity to address the healing of the planet, the governments, and provide individual gain at a higher octave.

This is also as a time of letting the land rest, and trusting Higher Powers, and that which is beyond the known, especially regarding new creations, methods, processes and forms.
.So, are we to not work this year?

Not exactly.

We are only not to do what we thought we had to do from a lesser vantage point.

We are to give a rest to the old beliefs and limitations, and allow what is Always True to be. And to become in form.

This is a new starting point. This is a time of completely trusting Our Source. Abundance is promised, but not necessarily in expected ways!

The Hebrew language has a special relationship with numbers, which is known as gematria, and which translates to alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, a word or a phrase according to its letters…

5782 is a year of speaking the kingdom into form, as it ends in 82.

The letter Peh represents 80, and translates to mean mouth, language, expression, and this letter corresponds with The Tower Tarot card.
Bet is the letter that represents the number 2, and means home, and The Son, and corresponds with The Magician Tarot.

AND What’s really interesting here is that if you look at the actual Hebrew letters, within the letter Peh, there is a hidden letter Bet.

So, the habitation and the Son (Divine) dwell within the mouth. Within the habitation, we have creation and expression.

During this time, we are to be even more conscious of what we are speaking.

Ask, is what I am expressing of the Divine?

Am I speaking the Kingdom into being?

Am I expressing what is beyond the old?

Am I speaking a new potential?

Am I trusting the unlimited potential for new creation?



The New Moon in Virgo will be exact this Monday at 8:50 pm est. We have been feeling the winds of change, and the New Moon in Virgo provides a new life opportunity for each of us.

With Virgo centerstage, this quantum doorway is centered around our willingness to shine light on new ways to get our day-to-day life in accord with our Divine Will.

You might have already noticed.. but it is imperative that you see yourself as royal. We are all holy. As is All

Our New Moon in Virgo Ceremony takes place when the New Moon goes direct, and this is a powerful remote energy healing & tarot reading, whereupon we will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will each get to dump judgement, especially self judgement that would have us believe the new life is not available or that we are not worthy of this abundance.

We will receive upgrades that provide what we individually require to integrate a royal cocktail of worthiness, abundance, and sovereignty.

Experience the healing by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and note your email to receive feedback.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz


The Second of two Full Moons in Aquarius goes direct this Sunday at 8:02am est. (the first took place July 23rd).

This lunation occurs late in the sign of Aquarius, near the cusp of Pisces, and will allow us to step into our service from the perspective of our beneficiaries, in a higher realization of love.

The evolution of humanity is palpable, and there is a chance to know our Soul’s design more comprehensively.

Are you willing to know yourself in a new way?

If you are willing, there is a wish come true opportunity that comes from this claiming, and that relates this powerful Full Moon to The Star Tarot card, which is the seventeenth card of the Major Arcana, and also happens to correspond with Aquarius.

The image usually depicts the Water Bearer, and energizes creating in higher aspects that are a benefit and an innovation to the infinite waters, the collective; the All That Is.

Our Full Moon in Aquarius Ceremony will take place when the Full Moon goes exact early this Sunday.

We will be working with the truth of our Soul’s requirements as a pathway towards a more creative embodiment that claims the new into the field and form.

Old ideas that are obstacles to knowing ourselves as Divine and as an expression of love will be released, as we elevate our claiming of this for the benefit of All.

This event is a remote energy healing, gifting and Tarot reading, where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

You can join in by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and where you would like to receive feedback.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz


This Sunday, the New Moon in Leo goes direct At 9:50am Est.

This takes place on the eight day of the eight month of the year, and the Tarot card associated with Leo is numbered eight of the Major Arcana, named Strength.

The 8/8 portal is known as the Lion’s Gate, and provides a quantum opportunity to elevate our courage, confidence and power to express and connect with others. It is special that this Lion’s Gate is aligning with this New Moon. This is an intense calling in of a creative spiritual rebirth that feels empowering and more fun!
And that celebrates each of our unique songs. Especially those with the courage to sing!

Our New Moon in Leo Ceremony takes place when the New Moon goes direct, and is a powerful remote energy healing and tarot reading, where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will work on releasing fear and resistance to saying and being what we Really want. The we here is our Divine Selves, Our Lion Hearts, seeking to share the light and sing our songs.

Where are you holding back?
We will take a look at this, and provide upgrades to activate the highest opportunities during this intense gateway! This is all about accessing more of an open heart, confidence and our power.

Experience the healing by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and note your email to receive feedback.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz


In order for us to realize how we serve,
we must first claim ourselves as free…

The new encourages freedom in our being, though we must be willing to see through new eyes and act in an alignment with Divine will.

The New Moon in Cancer goes direct this Friday at 9:17p est. This is a call to action, through our being and expression in higher opportunity.

The Tarot card associated with this New Moon is the 3 of Cups, which illustrates movement, joy and abundance. These are the gifts that come from our higher union and freedom from the lower vibrations, frames and collective fears and structures, and also from our willingness to express.

We have a choice here to go for safety and what makes our small selves feel secure
OR to further braid our will with the Divine in expression, which is a massive opportunity for more empowerment.

The planetary placements during the time of this New Moon support big change, and are blessing those willing, with the patience and spaciousness to step into a new landscape that feels more aligned to truth.

Our New Moon in Cancer Ceremony will take place when the New Moon goes exact.
This is a powerful remote energy healing and Tarot reading where you will receive personalized feedback after the ceremony.

We will work on moving collective blinders and those individual blindspots, that have been creating confusion, feeding separation, and disempowering us from experiencing what more is (already) here for us.

We will also work with the available downloads to align and embody our Divine will, elevating our landscapes. We will be lifting what we see and perceive in our fields up to a higher realization, to support us more powerfully in our knowing, claiming and expressing of how we serve.

Experience the healing downloads and gifts of information by clicking one of the payment options below. Put in $25 and simply note to what email you would like Tarot reading & feedback sent.


Venmo: Jill-E-Rabinowitz

Videos (show all)

The Full Moon in Scorpio goes exact very early this Monday, May 16th at 12:15am EDT alongside a lunar eclipse.This is a ...
