Jeanie Hakes for Idaho

Jeanie Hakes for Idaho

I am a Christian, Conservative, Republican Patriot who is alarmed by government corruption and sickened by the loss of our Freedoms.

I am a non-establishment candidate who is standing up for our values, our liberties, and our friends.


Congratulations Kelly Anthon on your win!

Photos from Jeanie Hakes for Idaho's post 17/05/2022

Casting my ballot! Have you voted today?


This is a clear indication as to where our country is going. Our children, born and unborn deserve a country where life is celebrated and protected.


Idaho needs Bryan Smith!

Liberal Mike Simpson & his allies are at it again. Bryan Smith is the true Trump supporting conservative. He was a Trump delegate & donor. He'll be the fighter we need. Make the liberals mad. Vote Bryan Smith for Congress on Tuesday.

Jeanie Hakes for Idaho - Committed Christian Conservative 15/05/2022

Jeanie Hakes for Idaho - Committed Christian Conservative Vote Jeanie Hakes for Idaho State Senate, District 27!


I have told you many many times that IACI (Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry) is an enemy of the people. They control the Governor and all the RINOs in the legislature. They pushed for C0

Photos from Jeanie Hakes for Idaho's post 12/05/2022

Speaking to the very informed citizens of Malad. Thank you Malad for your concern and involvement in this election process.

Photos from Jeanie Hakes for Idaho's post 11/05/2022

Riding with these ladies was so much fun!! Pixie and Leah were out for some exercise and these ladies gave me a ride around the neighborhood. That is the most fun I have had in several months! I think we all need a pony and cart , it might be the only mode of transportation we will have with fuel prices continuing to climb!

Photos from Jeanie Hakes for Idaho's post 11/05/2022

Lunch with the seniors of Malad. So much wisdom in one room! Today was the birthday celebration lunch and it was well attended!

Editorial – RINO Rampage! Establishment Republicans, Devoid of Policy Solutions, Resort to Smear Campaigns 11/05/2022

Editorial – RINO Rampage! Establishment Republicans, Devoid of Policy Solutions, Resort to Smear Campaigns March 11, 2022 RINO Rampage! Establishment Republicans, Devoid of Policy Solutions, Resort to Smear Campaigns By:  John Crowder RINO (Republican in Name Only) Republicans across Idaho, lacking…

Photos from Jeanie Hakes for Idaho's post 11/05/2022

Knocking doors in Declo tonight. Thank you Declo for all of the support!


In the last several weeks, we've gotten many badgering comments and emails from a Kelly Anthon groupie telling us that we haven't been truthful with regards to his signing of the GOP Platform. Well, we are sorry to have to do this but we've been perfectly truthful. We may have been the first to expose these legislators and candidates who never signed onto the party platform in the 2020 election. Our website has been up and running and exposing them long before the Idaho GOP gave them another chance to sign it this time around.

In 2020, they were given time to sign and many even returned them late (it's noted on their page.) So her countless excuses to us didn't hold any muster.

Now, since being exposed for the fake Republicans that they are, many are actually signing the platform this time around. We believe it's only because of the spotlight we've shined on them and we think it's great. (This will allow us to hold them accountable to the platform they are signing onto). But it doesn't take away from the fact that they refused last election where many didn't have someone running against them and weren't being held accountable by organizations and PACs like Stop Idaho RINOs!


Great turnout in Burley for the showing of 2,000 Mules . Thank you Dorothy Moon! Election Integrity is a very serious concern. See what I had to say about it tonight.


Patriots, please spend time each day between now and May 17 praying for this election.


I am so blessed to have lived in this area for many years. I am running for the Idaho State Senate because I care deeply about the people in district 27 and across Idaho. The following is my pledge to you. I will stay true to my promise to protect the rights and futures of all Idahoans with each decision I make in the senate! God Bless America and God bless Idaho!


This is my pledge to the Voters of District 27!


Very much looking forward to this event! Dorothy is bringing 2000 Mules to the Burley theater! Meet Dorothy Moon and listen to how she will protect Idaho’s elections. Everyone is invited!


This is me driving to see my new grand baby who will be born any minute! 😍


Knocking doors in Declo today. Such a beautiful area with so many patriots!


Why am I running for the Idaho State Senate? Because I am tired of politicians putting the needs of the People behind that of Big business and Lobbyists! I have a proven track record of putting my customers first in business, and I will do that for the great people of Idaho! I care deeply for Idaho and its people, I want to see Idaho thrive! I hope I can earn your support!


I’m out door knocking every evening. Yesterday I was in Heyburn!


Very much looking forward to this event! Dorothy is bringing 2000 Mules to the Burley theater ! Meet Dorothy Moon and listen to how she will protect Idaho’s elections. Everyone is invited!


God is truth and truth is under attack!
Our freedoms are not being taken away at gun point but by one piece of legislation and one executive order at a time. Never be afraid to stand for truth!
“Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.“ Edmund Burke

And now Biden will have one also...what could go wrong!?!

Sen. Kelly Anthon won't let conservative Sen. Christy Zito tell the truth on the Senate floor 02/05/2022

Let’s take a moment to remember how Senator Kelly Anthon SHUT DOWN FREE SPEECH on the senate floor. After being slandered by the Senate leadership Senator Christy Zito stood to defend herself. As she spoke Kelly Anthon first asked that the cameras/recording be turned off then requested the senate adjourn for the day. A direct attack on free speech! What would happen if the senate adjourned every time a Senator disagreed with what was being said on the senate floor?!

Sen. Kelly Anthon won't let conservative Sen. Christy Zito tell the truth on the Senate floor Anthon and his buddies used procedural maneuvers to silence Sen. Christy Zito as she tried to clear her name. The Senate GOP used its media list to smear Zit...

Days of Elijah - US Marines w/ lyrics 01/05/2022

Happy Sabbath! Praises be to the great Jehovah Jesus Christ.

Days of Elijah - US Marines w/ lyrics US Marines at Camp Pendleton singing Days of Elijah. I added the intro and outro instrumental parts and the lyrics from the Robin Mark version of the song, a...


Our legislators, like my opponent Senator Kelly Anthon, increased Idaho’s budget by 21% this year. They are not interested in reducing taxes but in growing government and controlling our lives. It IS possible to eliminate the property tax and still fund schools and our emergency responders. The answer is to eliminate the unnecessary programs and government entities that we the people unwillingly fund with our tax dollars! Vote for constitutional candidates who will trim the government fat!

The legislature continues to dilly dally with property tax relief. Property tax is immoral. Our founders were profoundly against direct taxation on citizens. Direct taxation is property and income taxes. I have supported property tax relief. Please elect people to help me.


District 27 Senate

Jeanie Hakes has returned the ISAA 2022 Survey with 100% pro-Second Amendment answers.

Kelly Anthon did not respond.

Photos from Jeanie Hakes for Idaho's post 28/04/2022

I was in a little bit of heaven last night with the wonderful people of Holbrook! What a great turnout, great questions, and great conversation!

Videos (show all)

Our current Senator voted to INCREASE TAXES and FEES, he also crushed the GROCERY TAX REPEAL! I would change that! We ne...