Ery Day Nonsense

Ery Day Nonsense

A page of absolute indulgence in the utter nonsense created and distributed by Erycka Day.

I was getting too much attention on my private profile so here, ya thirsty brats, have a page just for me


Lol I've given up separating my private page from my public. Thanks for liking this page but it wasn't as functional as I wanted!

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 28/04/2020

Shopping ๐Ÿ˜˜

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 22/04/2020
Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 19/04/2020

Trying to feel it today, and it doesn't want to be felt. Mood is low, but I'm trying to be cute, dammit.
I know in the second pic my eyeliner is smudged and my eyeshadow isn't smooth; I fixed it right after that pic but I still liked it enough to share ๐Ÿ˜˜

Internet 12/04/2020

I'm gonna start doing a song every day on here, and maybe reviewing them or something, idk don't hold me to it. Youtube link will go in comments, when available.

Blues-laden rock and roll, but make it "Morning"!
This is an ideal track for this moment in time. It comes from the 2017 All Them Witches album, 'Sleeping Through The War,' which feels like an apt description for what we are all doing right now. The song lyrics describe a situation in which real life has become unmanageable, so "I guess I'll go live on the internet." Which also feels like what we are all doing right now.
I'll probably have more to say in the future about the state of our IRL cyberpunk dystopia,how we are literally (and permanantly) transporting our lives and culture into the digital realms, and how that's both really cool and really terrifying, but I'm in a good mood, so for now I'll just listen to some chill music, and... go live on the internet.

It's also ten minutes long, which normally is a downside, but people are trying to kill more time these days. The rise of the long song is upon us!


Internet All Them Witches ยท Song ยท 2017


Since I can't show off around town, I'll settle for internet validation ๐Ÿ˜˜


I wish life was more like TV. On TV, evil is easily recognizable. It says things like "The fools won't realize until it's too late," and "You haven't seen the last of me!" Evil on TV may be powerful, but it never takes much more than idealism and determination to defeat it. When it's exposed, usually towards the end of a story line in which it has gained a significant foothold and threatens to adjust the baseline of normal to new lows, it doesn't take much more than that. The public sees the evil, either through a gaff of their own undoing or due to the work of a plucky protagonist, and rejects it. The giant disc covering the sun is torn down, the sale of the second-rate lovable ski lodge is blocked, the record store stays open, all through the power of altruism and Doing The Right Thing.
We don't have a world like TV though. We have shades of grey that dominate the moral field. We don't have good versus evil, we have evil versus not-so-evil. We have people who stand directly in the way of the right thing, and debate it with a callousness usually reserved for Saturday morning cartoon villains. We have lost the liberty to choose a morally upstanding path, and have moved into the weeds of contemplating just HOW much evil we can tolerate.
I know the difference between real life and TV. On TV we have structure, logic, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this. We have Biden.

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 08/04/2020

The other reason to have a page for my nonsense is so I can post thirstier selfies here and keep them off my personal fb ๐Ÿ˜˜

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 07/04/2020



Sh*tty Life Pro-Tips: When you wake up, before you do anything else, take a bite of raw onion, preferably one that's been out overnight. The strength of the raw onion will overpower any other flavors in your mouth for hours, even if you brush your teeth!


Whenever someone talks about "the opposite s*x" I think of a toddler shoving moist cheerios into my nose. That's about the most opposite thing from s*x I can imagine.


I have all these memes saved from before I came out and now I have a page ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜˜

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 06/04/2020

Some before-and-after hair and makeup selfies for you. I'm proud of my raw selfies almost as much as I am of my nice ones! ๐Ÿ˜˜

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 06/04/2020

Some more old selfies lol but I PROMISE this page will have more content. And NEW selfies!

Photos from Ery Day Nonsense's post 06/04/2020

Seeing as it was my selfies that blew up my main profile, here's hoping I can catch lightning in a bottle again and fill this page up with follows ๐Ÿ™„


I have a new page for my nonsense! If you like my selfies, memes and writing, this will be a place for that stuff and public engagement more than my personal profile.

So at some point last night (4/5) I got SLAMMED with friend requests. I'm still not sure what happened, but upon investigation apparently someone somewhere liked my pics enough to put me on every "Suggested Friend" list on Facebook. I don't even know. But! I thought it was a good opportunity to give the people what they want, and to let my actual friends off the hook from having to pay attention to me SO much ;)

Thanks for the support! Be gay do crime!


Ery Day Nonsense is on the air ๐Ÿ™„
