

WickedPup | Welcome to the WickedPup! We introduce Naughty & Unstoppable & Wicked pups to the world!


๐Ÿพ A Former Dog Owner's Confession.
I remember that day so vividly, the day when I forgot to lock my apartment front door, and Pixie ran off into the streets. While any other person would have gone out to search for their beloved pet, I didn't. I just stayed at home, paralyzed by my own problems and unable to face reality.
I was in a really dark place then, lost my job, faced financial problems, and broke up with my boyfriend. I felt like I had nothing left to live for, and even my dear Pixie couldn't bring me out of that darkness.
But now, as I see a girl walking with her Yorkie, it all comes flooding back to me. The pain and guilt of abandoning my dear Pixie, the one who loved me unconditionally and was always there for me. I feel so terrible for what I did, for being such a bad mother who raised a puppy because of my own greed, even though I was not qualified to raise one.
Pixie, I'm sorry. I still don't know what I should do or how to make it up to you. But I hope that by sharing my story, I can prevent others from making the same mistake I did. Please, if you're thinking of getting a pet, make sure you're ready for the responsibility and commitment it requires. I know I don't deserve her forgiveness, but I hope that someday, she can find it in her heart to forgive me.
๐Ÿพ While the story above is not real, the message it carries is very real: Remember that pets are valuable companions who deserve our love and care.


๐Ÿพ Beautiful Days and Unforgettable Memories: A Cancer Patient's Remembrance of a Beloved Pet.
Today, I saw a little boy and his mother walking their dog outside my hospital room. As I watched them, I couldn't help but think of my old friend Ace, my beloved Welsh corgi who crossed the rainbow bridge a long time ago.
Ace was the puppy my dad brought home when I was just a little boy of six years old. We were inseparable from the start, causing mischief and making unforgettable memories in the neighborhood. I remember the time when we made a mess of the flower bed in the park, and how we ran away with the laundry of the neighbors. Those were the most beautiful days of my life. Ace was more than just a pet; he was my soulmate.
But as I looked out the window today, I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness. Ace crossed the rainbow bridge many years ago, and now, at 75 years old, I'm lying in a hospital bed, fighting terminal cancer. I suddenly got all choked up, thinking about the possibility of reuniting with Ace soon.
Life is truly unpredictable. It feels like just yesterday that I was running around the neighborhood with my best friend, and now I'm fighting for every breath.
I hope wherever Ace is, he's happy and free, waiting for me on the other side. I know that I'll see him soon, and that brings me some comfort. Until then, I'll cherish the memories of our adventures together, and the love that we shared.
๐Ÿพ This story is not real. We hope that this story brings some comfort and warmth to those who are grieving, and that it serves as a reminder to cherish the memories and love we share with our furry friends.


๐Ÿพ The Bittersweet Memories of My First Dog.
As I walked down the street, I saw a furry Pomeranian taking a walk with her pet parent. The sight of the cute little dog brought back memories of my first dog, Quinn, whom I re-homed five years ago.
Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the pain and regret that had haunted me for years. Quinn had been my best friend during a time when I was going through a tough divorce and struggling with addiction. I had lost everything, but Quinn was always there by my side.
One day, I realized that I couldn't take care of Quinn the way she deserved, and I made the heartbreaking decision to find her a new home. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, and the pain of losing her never truly went away.
As I stood there, watching the Pomeranian frolic happily with her owner, I realized that Quinn would never have that kind of life with me. It was a moment of crushing sadness, and I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.
I had made so many mistakes in my life, and losing Quinn was just one of them. I had been consumed by regret and nostalgia ever since, and it had become a part of who I was. People called it pet loss syndrome, but to me, it was just a constant reminder of my failures.
๐Ÿพ While the story above is not real, the message it carries is very real: Remember that pets are valuable companions who deserve our love and care.

Photos from WickedPup's post 20/04/2023

๐Ÿพ A Lonely Howl.
Hi, my name is Clara, and I'm a little puppy living in San Diego, California with my mom, Julia. We live in a small studio, and I love spending time with Julia when she's home. But the truth is, I feel scared and alone when she's gone.
Most days, Julia is busy at work, and I'm left home all by myself. I bark a lot when someone is passing by my room because it makes me feel less afraid. But my barking is so loud that my neighbors often knock on the door, thinking someone is in trouble. I wish they knew it was just me.
I hate being alone. I feel like nobody loves me, and I'm scared something bad will happen to me. I cry and howl, but nobody comes to comfort me. Sometimes, I even chew on things to try and distract myself from the fear.
I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going crazy. I wish Julia would stay home with me, but she always says she needs to work. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I just want someone to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.
But for now, I'll just keep barking and crying until Julia comes home. Maybe someday, she'll understand how miserable I am and do something to make it better. But until then, I'll just be here, alone and afraid.
๐Ÿพ While the story above is fictional, the message it carries is very real: pets are valuable companions who deserve our love and care.


๐Ÿพ Guilt and Grief: Julian's Heartbreaking Diary About Chloe.
It's been a long day at work. I've been swamped with meetings, presentations, and deadlines. But as I sit here in my empty house, I realize how much I've lost in pursuit of success.
Chloe, my sweet and gentle puppy, used to be my constant companion. We were inseparable. But ever since I got promoted at the company, I've become consumed by work. I thought I was doing what was best for us, providing for Chloe and giving her a comfortable life.
But tonight, as I walked in the door after another late night at the office, I found Chloe lying on the floor in silence. She didn't even wag her tail or bark like she used to. She just lay there, looking up at me with sad eyes. And in that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks - I've abandoned my loyal companion.
I used to spend hours playing fetch with Chloe in the park, taking her on long walks, and giving her all the attention she craved. But now, she's been relegated to a mere afterthought in my busy life. I've neglected her needs for years, and I can see the toll it's taken on her.
I can't help but feel a deep sense of regret and guilt. How could I have let this happen? Chloe deserved so much better. She's been there for me through thick and thin, and now she's just a shadow of her former self.
As I look into Chloe's eyes, I see the sadness and emptiness that I've caused. I realize that my pursuit of success has cost me the unconditional love and companionship of my dear pet. She deserved better, and I let her down.
I'm devastated, and I can't stop blaming myself. Chloe deserves so much more than what I've given her. I've lost something irreplaceable, and it's a pain that cuts deep into my heart. I wish I could turn back time and make different choices, but it's too late now.
I'm filled with regret and sorrow as I hold Chloe in my arms, feeling her weak heartbeat. I promised to always take care of her, and I've failed miserably. I don't know how I'll live with this guilt and emptiness in my heart.
๐Ÿพ While the story above is fictional, the message it carries is very real: pets are valuable companions who deserve our love and care.


๐Ÿพ You won't believe the hilarious mischief I got into today! My mom, Mia, was in the bathroom doing her business on the toilet, and I couldn't resist the urge to cause some chaos.
[Cut to a scene of Mia sitting on the toilet, looking blissfully unaware.]
So, I sneaked into the bathroom, tail wagging and mischief on my mind. I saw an opportunity too good to resist - a fresh roll of toilet paper just begging for me to unravel it. With a mischievous gleam in my eye, I pounced!
[Cut to a close-up of Scruffy attacking the toilet paper roll, scratching and biting it while Mia is heard giggling in the background.]
I tore through that toilet paper like it was my sworn enemy. It was flying everywhere, and I was having a blast! But then, things took an unexpected turn.
[Cut to a scene of Mia finishing up in the bathroom, only to find the toilet paper shredded all over the floor and Scruffy sitting in the middle, looking proud of his handiwork.]
Mia's reaction was priceless! She couldn't stop laughing as she tried to clean up the mess I made. I couldn't help but wag my tail proudly, thinking I was the king of mischief.
[Cut to a video montage of Scruffy getting into other naughty antics around the house, such as stealing socks, chewing on furniture, and playing hide-and-seek with Mia.]
But my mischief didn't stop there. Later that day, I decided to help Mia with her yoga routine. As she was doing a downward dog pose, I couldn't resist playfully jumping on her back and licking her face!
[Cut to a scene of Mia laughing hysterically as Scruffy happily licks her face while she tries to maintain her yoga pose.]
I think she loved my spontaneous "doggo-assisted yoga" session, although I may have disrupted her zen a bit!
[Cut to the final scene of Scruffy snuggled up with Mia on the couch, looking innocent and adorable.]
Well, that's it for today's diary entry, Diary. I'm one mischievous pup, but I sure know how to make Mia laugh. Life with me is always an adventure, and I can't wait to see what other hilarity I can get into next!


๐Ÿพ From Loneliness to Love: How Lily Changed My Life.
It has been a year since my divorce, and life has not been easy. The loneliness and sadness had taken over my life until one day, Lily came into my life.
Lily is a Shiba Inu puppy, and she is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I remember the day I brought her home; she was so small and cute. She was scared at first, but she soon warmed up to me.
I decided to name her Lily, and it suits her perfectly. She is playful, curious, and always so full of life. She has this energy about her that just lifts my mood and makes me feel alive again.
Living with Lily has been such a blessing. She is always by my side, wagging her tail, and looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. She is the perfect companion, and I can't imagine life without her.
Our life in Jacksonville, FL, has been great. We have so much space to run and play, and we love going on walks and exploring the city. Lily loves meeting new people and other dogs, and she always puts a smile on their faces.
I must admit, there were days when I felt like giving up, but Lily was always there to comfort me. She would snuggle up next to me, and I would feel her warm body against mine. It was as if she knew exactly what I needed.
Lily has brought so much joy and happiness into my life, and I am forever grateful for her. She has been my rock, my companion, and my best friend.
As I sit here writing in my diary, Lily is sleeping next to me, and I can't help but smile. I may have had a hard time, but with Lily by my side, life is beautiful again.
๐Ÿพ While the story above is fictional, the message it carries is very real: pets are valuable companions who deserve our love and care.


๐Ÿพ Gus's Story: The Tragic Cost of Not Paying Attention๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿš™.
As I sit here on the couch with Gus, my heart aches with regret. I can't help but replay the events of that terrible day over and over in my mind.
It was a beautiful afternoon, and Emma and Gus were playing in the front yard as they often did. My wife and I were inside, enjoying some much-needed downtime after a busy week.
But then, it happened. Emma dropped her toy ball, and it rolled into the street. I heard the screech of tires and a sickening thud, and I knew in my gut that something terrible had happened.
I rushed outside to find Gus lying in the road, his little body battered and broken. We rushed him to the vet, but the prognosis was grim. He was so close to death that we almost lost him.
Thankfully, Gus pulled through, but the damage was done. His leg was so badly injured that it had to be amputated, and he'll never be the same playful pup he once was.
As I sit here with him now, watching him struggle to get around on three legs, I can't help but feel a crushing sense of guilt. I know that I should have been more vigilant, that I should have been watching them more closely.
Being a pet parent is a huge responsibility, and I failed Gus in that moment. I hope that by sharing our story, others will realize just how important it is to always be aware of the risks and dangers that our furry family members face every day. Gus deserved better, and I vow to do better for him and any future pets we may have.


๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ Farewell to a Furry Family Member: The Heartbreaking Choice to Give Up a Pet.
As I sit here watching my wife pack up our little Jax's things, I can't help but feel a pit in my stomach. We've had to make the tough decision to give him up for adoption. It breaks my heart to think of life without Jax, but we have no choice.
When we first got Jax, we were thrilled. He was a cute little Jack Russell Terrier with boundless energy and a playful spirit. He quickly became a part of our family, and we loved him like our own child. However, this joy was short-lived.
This year, our son Noah was born. For the first few months, everything was fine. We thought Jax and Noah would grow up together as best friends. But then Noah's cough started, and it only got worse with time. We took him to the hospital, and the doctors told us that Noah was allergic to dogs.
I couldn't believe it. We had never heard of anyone being allergic to dogs before. But there was no denying it - every time Jax was near Noah, his cough got worse. It was heartbreaking to see our son struggling to breathe, knowing that our beloved Jax was the cause.
We tried everything we could think of to keep Jax away from Noah. We kept him in another room, we bathed him regularly, we even tried giving him allergy medication. But nothing worked. We had to face the fact that we could no longer keep Jax in our home.
It's been a tough decision to give him up for adoption. We've had to say goodbye to a member of our family, and it's hard to imagine life without him. But we know that it's the responsible thing to do. We have to put our son's health first, even if it means saying goodbye to our furry friend.


๐ŸŽ‚ Scarlett's Birthday Surprise: A Puppy's Story.
Hi there, I'm Coco, a Chihuahua puppy living in Columbus, Ohio. I was so excited when I was adopted by my new family, which includes a mom, a dad, and their daughter, Scarlett. At first, Scarlett was over the moon with excitement about having me. She played with me all the time, and I loved being her companion. However, things changed, and it was not for the better.
As time passed, Scarlett started to lose interest in me. She stopped playing with me and didn't give me as much attention as before. I was confused and didn't know what I did wrong. I tried to get her attention by wagging my tail, jumping up and down, and barking, but nothing seemed to work.
I spent most of my time alone, and I was often left in my crate. I didn't get to go outside for walks or even to play. I was so lonely, and my tail stopped wagging, and my bark was gone. I didn't understand why my family didn't love me anymore.
One day, I overheard Scarlett's mom talking to her about taking me back to the shelter. I was devastated. I thought I had found my forever home, but it turns out that I was just a birthday present that Scarlett got bored of.
I am now back in the shelter, waiting for a new family to adopt me. I hope that this time, I find a family who will love and care for me, not just for a few months, but for my whole life. Being a pet parent is a big responsibility, and I hope that people who are considering adopting a pet understand the commitment they are making. Pets are not just a toy or a temporary source of entertainment; we are living creatures who deserve love, care, and attention every day of our lives.


๐Ÿพ Being a Pet Parent: More Than Just Cuddles and Treats.
Hi, my name is Johnny and I want to tell you about my dog Stella. She's a Toy Poodle and we live in Austin, Texas with my mom and dad.
My mom got Stella from a dog shelter, and I was so happy when I met her for the first time. She was so small and fluffy, and I knew we were going to be best friends.
At first, my mom played with her a lot and gave her treats, but then she got lazy. She stopped taking Stella for walks and playing with her. She just sat on the couch all day and watched TV.
My dad tried to help, but he was always busy with work, and he got tired of taking care of Stella all the time. He would give her food and water, take her for walks, and play with her, but I could tell he was getting worn out.
Stella started feeling sad and lonely, and I could tell. She would bark and whine to get my mom's attention, but she wouldn't listen. She didn't understand that Stella needed love and attention too.
I wish my mom had realized that having a dog is a big responsibility. You can't just get a dog and then ignore it. Dogs need love and care just like people do.
If you're thinking about getting a dog, make sure you're ready to take care of it. You need to play with it, take it for walks, and give it food and water. You need to love your dog and treat it like a member of your family.
Stella and I are best friends now, and I love her so much. But I wish my mom had been a better pet parent.


๐Ÿพ Paws for Thought: Why Owning a Pet is More Than Just Cute Instagram Pictures
As Luna, the Pug, I lived with my mom, Isabella, in Philadelphia. I was her first dog, and she was my everything. At first, we were inseparable. She would hold me, cuddle me, and play with me all the time. I felt so loved and happy.
But then, things started to change. Isabella's life became busier, and she wasn't able to give me as much attention as before. She started going out with her friends and her new boyfriend more often. I was left alone at home for longer periods, and I started to feel lonely and neglected.
I remember the day Isabella came home and told me that she was thinking about rehoming me. She said she didn't have enough time or energy to take care of me properly. I was devastated. I couldn't imagine living without her. I thought she loved me, but now she was giving up on me.
I tried my best to be a good dog, to make her happy, to make her love me again. But it was no use. Isabella had made up her mind. One day, she packed a bag, put me on a leash, and took me to a shelter. She said goodbye to me, and then she was gone.
I was so scared and confused. I didn't understand why my mom had abandoned me. I missed her so much, and I didn't know what was going to happen to me. The shelter was noisy and chaotic, and there were so many other dogs there. I felt so alone and helpless.
Days turned into weeks, and no one came to adopt me. I was stuck in that small cage, with no one to love me or care for me. I felt like I was being punished for something I didn't do. I didn't understand why Isabella had given up on me so easily.
Eventually, a nice family came to the shelter and adopted me. They were kind and loving, and they gave me a new home. But I never forgot about Isabella. I still wonder why she couldn't be a responsible pet parent and take care of me. I hope that she learned from her mistake and never abandons another dog like she did to me.


๐Ÿ“– The Tears of a Child: The Emotional Toll of Giving Up Your Beloved Pet
Hi, my name is Lucas and I'm seven years old. I want to tell you about my puppy, Charlie. He's a Cavachon and he's my best friend in the whole world.
But something happened that made me very sad. You see, my parents are having a hard time with money because Charlie is a designer dog breed, and he has some genetic health issues that are common in his breed. As a result, my parents have to take him to the vet a lot, and It costs a lot of money to take care of him.
I overheard my parents talking the other day and they said they might have to give Charlie away because they can't afford to take care of him anymore. I was so sad when I heard that. Charlie is my best friend and I love him so much.
I don't want other kids to feel the way I do. That's why I want to tell you that adopting a dog is a big responsibility. You must be prepared to take care of them and love them no matter what. If you're not ready to do that, then it's not fair to the dog.
I don't want Charlie to go away, but I know my parents are struggling. It's just not fair that we have to give him up because of money problems. So, please think before you adopt a dog. Make sure you can take care of them and give them the love they deserve.


๐Ÿพ As I sit here writing this, tears stream down my face. I can't help but think about my sweet Molly and how she's no longer with us. It's been a few months since we had to give her up, but the pain is still fresh.
Molly was my best friend, my confidant, and my loyal companion. I loved her more than anything in this world, but my parents didn't feel the same way. When I was born, things changed for our family. My parents struggled with money, and it became difficult for them to take care of me and Molly. They thought it would be best to rehome her.
I remember the day we took Molly to the shelter. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes, and I knew she was confused and scared. I wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay, but I couldn't. My heart broke as we left her behind, and I knew she must have felt abandoned and alone.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but I never forgot about Molly. I hoped and prayed that someone would adopt her and give her the love and care she deserved. But as time went on, I realized that she was probably still waiting in that shelter, hoping that her family would come back for her.
I still feel guilty for not being able to take care of her myself. I miss her so much, and I wish I could have done more. I know now that adopting a dog is a big responsibility, and it's not something to take lightly. It's not fair to the dog to be rehomed just because things get tough.
Please, if you're considering adopting a dog, think about the responsibility that comes with it. Think about the love and care that they need and deserve. Don't make the same mistake my family did. Don't give up on your furry friend when times get tough. They're counting on you, and they deserve better.


๐ŸพDear Diary,
Today was a really tough day for me and my dog, Oscar. He's a Dachshund and he's super smart, but I don't think I'm doing a good job taking care of him. My mom got him for me a few weeks ago, but I didn't realize how much work it would be.
I forgot to feed him breakfast this morning, and I didn't take him outside to p*e until it was too late. He had an accident on the carpet, and my mom got really mad at me. I felt really bad for Oscar because it wasn't his fault. He's just a puppy, and he doesn't know any better.
My mom has been really stressed out lately, and I think taking care of Oscar is just making things worse. We live in Chicago, and it's been really cold outside. Sometimes I forget to put on his jacket when we go for walks, and I feel bad when he shivers.
I wish I could be a better pet parent to Oscar, but I'm not sure what to do. Sometimes I get frustrated when he doesn't listen to me, and I yell at him. But then I feel bad because I know it's not his fault. He's just learning, and I need to be patient with him.
I love Oscar a lot, and I don't want to give up on him. But I also don't want him to be miserable because I don't know how to take care of him. I wish my mom had talked to me more about what it takes to be a good pet parent before we got him.
I hope things get better for Oscar and me soon. I don't want to let him down anymore.


๐ŸพWoof woof, hey there! I'm Spike, the Maltese puppy living in NYC with my dad Ezra. You won't believe the funny adventure I had today!
I woke up with so much energy that I bounced off the bed and landed on my butt. Dad was still snoozing, so I tried to sneak out of bed to play with my favorite sock. But I got caught in the blankets and rolled around like a hotdog.
Just when I finally freed myself, someone knocked on our door. I barked as loud as I could, but my dad was snoring like a grizzly bear. So, I jumped on the door, but my paws slipped, and I landed on my face. Ouch!
Finally, my dad opened the door, and a delivery guy with a package surprised us. But as soon as he saw me, he screamed like a little girl and ran away. I guess I was too cute for him to handle!
Inside the package, I found a brand new toy. A squeaky ball! I loved it so much that I started bouncing off the walls, literally! I almost broke the vase, but don't tell dad!
Suddenly, a loud sound like a monster growling came from outside. I barked so hard that my ears flew off my head! But it wasn't a monster. It was just a big truck! Phew!
I got so tired from all the excitement that I decided to take a nap on the couch. But I forgot that I had a new toy in my mouth, and when I fell asleep, I started snoring and squeaking at the same time! Dad couldn't stop laughing!
After all the fun, I snuggled up with my dad and fell asleep, dreaming of chasing squirrels and eating chicken nuggets. Being a puppy can be tough, but with laughter and love, every day is an adventure. Woof woof!


๐ŸพWoohoo! It's me, Miles the Beagle pup, reporting live from Boston! Today was an absolutely pawsome day full of adventure and excitement, and I can't wait to tell you all about it.
First off, let me give you a little background info. I'm a super happy and funny pup, and my mom Sophia is the bestest pet parent a pup could ever ask for. She rescued me when I was abandoned on the streets, and ever since then, we've been the ultimate dynamic duo.
So, today, Sophia told me that we were going on a big adventure to a place called the "vet." I was a little scared at first, but I knew that as long as I had my mom by my side, I could conquer anything.
We got to the vet's office and there were so many new smells and sounds. It was like a whole new world for my nose to explore! I was having a blast sniffing around, but then we met a nice lady in a white coat. She checked me out, gave me a shot (which didn't hurt too bad), and then we went into another room.
In this room, there was a big, scary-looking machine. I wasn't sure what to do, but then Sophia picked me up and put me on a table. The machine started making all sorts of weird noises, but my mom was there to comfort me and give me lots of cuddles.
After we finished at the vet, we went back home and Sophia surprised me with a brand new squeaky ball toy. I spent the rest of the afternoon chasing it around and having a ball (pun intended).
All in all, it was a really exciting day for me. Being a pup can be tough sometimes, but with a pet parent like Sophia, it's always an adventure. Woof woof!


๐ŸพHello! My name is Sally and I'm a cute little Maltese puppy living in Los Angeles with my dad, Mike. I'm a girl puppy and I'm super duper friendly and cuddly.
Today was a totally horrible day! I woke up all excited to go for my daily walk with Dad in the park, but I got distracted by a butterfly and wandered off. I thought it would be fun to chase after it, but then I realized I was lost and alone.
I was so scared and lonely. I started whimpering and crying for help, but nobody seemed to hear me. I was all alone in this big, scary city, and I just wanted to be back in Dad's arms.
I walked and walked for hours and hours, trying to find my way back home, but everything looked so different and confusing. It started getting dark and cold outside, and I was shivering and miserable.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, it started raining cats and dogs! I was getting soaking wet and my fur was all matted and tangled.
But then, just when I was about to give up hope, I saw a familiar face - it was Dad! He had been searching for me all day long, putting up posters and asking everyone he met if they had seen me.
I was so happy to see him, I started wagging my tail like crazy! He picked me up and gave me a big, warm hug. He brought me back home and gave me a nice, warm bath to wash away all the dirt and mud.
Afterwards, we snuggled up in bed together and he gave me a big bowl of yummy food. I felt so safe and loved, and I knew that no matter what happened, Dad would always be there to take care of me.
Being a puppy can be really hard sometimes, but I'm so lucky to have a dad who loves me so much!


๐ŸพHi, I'm Izzy, a toy poodle living in a small town of Dallas with my mommy, Olivia. She is financially struggling, so taking care of me can be challenging. Today was one of those days where things just didn't go right.
This morning, I woke up feeling extra energetic, and I ran around the house, playing with my toys. I was so excited that I didn't realize that mommy was still asleep. She got up and was already tired before the day had even started.
Mommy took me for a walk, and I ran around chasing squirrels and barking at every passerby. She looked so tired and worn out, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to play, but mommy just wanted to rest.
Later, when we came back home, mommy had to do some work on her computer. I tried my best to be quiet, but I couldn't resist playing with my squeaky toy. Mommy got frustrated and yelled at me to stop. I felt really sad and guilty for making her upset.
As the day went on, I started feeling more and more down. I realized that I had been causing mommy so much stress and that she was struggling to take care of me. I felt like a burden on her, and I didn't know how to make things better.
That night, as we cuddled together, mommy started crying. She told me that she was worried about money and that she didn't know how she was going to take care of me. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how.
It was a sad day for both of us. I realized that being a puppy is not just about playing and having fun; it's also about being responsible and making sure that mommy is okay. I don't want to cause her any more stress, but I don't know how to be a better puppy. I hope things get better soon.