Iron Worx Fit

Iron Worx Fit

Men's Fitness is your guide to becoming a healthier, happier man. Read on for training advice.


Try to eat whole foods as much as possible as they are more nutritious. Whole foods are those that have not been processed or refined.


Lemon water is not just refreshing, it is also very healthy. Drinking it will help boost immunity, aid in digestion and help detoxify the body.


Strong leg performance

In order to train your legs properly, you should lure your calf muscles with different exercises.


Avoid the injury while using weights

If you have weights above head height (as with shorts triceps), you should tighten your butt.


Body weight exercises are strength-trainings using one’s weight as resistance to gravity. These types of exercises are convenient and effective.


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Show your body some love

Giving a sufficient amount of time for pampering yourself encourages the muscles that are tight or sore from training.


Do twists

Avoid the machines for a healthy change and alter them by using few free weights and by adding few twists train your body in the similar way you use your body in real life.


Balance your workouts

Don’t work just on certain parts of the body neglecting the other parts.


Do basic stretching exercises

You might not realize the importance of stretching until you start getting a back pain due to long sitting hours in office.


Train yourself for a fun run

Maintaining a long-term running program without a specific goal in mind is hard to follow.


Side Leg Swings

Hold on to a chair or to a wall for support. With one foot firmly on the floor, swing your other foot to the side then across your body. Both legs should be straight during the motion.


Windshield Wipers

Lie flat on your back with feet raised up and arms stretched out on your sides. Lower legs to one side without raising hands or hips nor your feet touching the ground. Repeat on opposite side.


Hanging Knee Raises

With a straight body, hang from a pull-up bar with your overhand grip. Contract abs then raise your knees towards your chest. This targets abs, hips, arms and upper back muscles.


Pistol Squats

Begin with standing on one leg with all your weight on it. Slowly descend while extending your other foot parallel to the floor and your arms straight out in front of you. Assume a stable position then repeat the process for the reps and the other leg.


Seated Calf Raises

Sit on the machine and place your toes on the platform of the machine with heels extended. Slowly lower your heels by bending at the ankles until your calves are fully stretched. Raise your heels by extending the ankles high as you contract the calves.


Jumping Rope Benefits

Aside from the fact that it is one of the safest exercise, jumping rope improves coordination and bone density. It also develops your cardiovascular health and breathing efficiency.


Wearing the Right Shoes

Using the right size and good quality of shoes can prevent foot and ankle damage.

So when choosing your workout shoes, make sure there's a half inch of space in front of your longest toe, and that you can easily wiggle your toes.


Crunches and Neck Pain

To avoid this, make sure you are not pulling by placing your fingertips behind you ears and not on you neck. Another tip is to put your tongue on the roof of your mouth when you do them. It will help align your head properly, which helps reduce neck strain.
