Fill A Need in Ozark County

Fill A Need in Ozark County

Fill a Need is about connecting people in need with those that are able to fill that need. It is a n


Offering these here first before I try to get rid of them elsewhere. Pictures in comments. FB won’t let me post a picture within the post.

5 packs (mostly full) Rayovac Size 312 Hearing Aid Batteries.

1 brand new pack of Duracell Size 312 Hearing Aid Batteries.

Free to anyone that NEEDS these.

Please comment OR send me a private message.


✳️ These are free diapers to anyone that needs them...if no one needs them, I’m trashing them. I’d rather see them go to someone that can use them. Please SHARE this post. FB won’t allow many to see this because they want me to pay for this to be seen by a larger audience✳️

I’m cleaning out my diaper stash and I have a variety of sizes and brands leftover...wondering if anyone NEEDS these diapers. I’d love to be able to just keep these as a set for someone that is either expecting soon or has a little one in the smaller sizes already. That would be ideal. But I may consider breaking up the sizes if I need to.

Luvs Size 2: 2 Diapers

Parents Choice Size 2: 80 diapers (we outgrew these fast!)

Pampers Size 2 or 3 (I cannot find the size on these, but they are for sure a 2 or 3): 4 Diapers

Luvs Size 3: 42 Diapers

Luvs Size 4: 24 Diapers


Please share from the original post so that it continues to get seen!! Thanks guys!! 🙂


EDIT: ***Due to the Self Shelter order, I am going to put a hold on this request at this time. I do not feel it is safe to put anyone together that is not currently living under the same roof. If this person is still in need later, we will revisit this need. But for now I do not feel comfortable with this. Other suggestions have been made to help as much as I can without putting anyone in any compromising situation***

I have someone that is in need of a ride to Mountain Home on the 3rd of April. Is there anyone available to provide transportation?

Please PM replies. And for everyone that sees this post, if you don’t mind to like, share and comment with an emoji to keep the post going, I would greatly appreciate it!!

Thank you!!


EDIT: ***Due to the Self Shelter order, I am putting this need on hold. I have someone that has volunteered time and tools, but it is currently not safe for this need to be fulfilled. We will revisit this need once the all clear has been given and we feel it is safe to commingle again***

Alright Ozark Countians I have a pretty big need and it’s a pretty dire situation. I will not go into details, but we need to make this happen.

I have a need for some mechanic work. Unsure of the vehicles issue, but this vehicle needs to get up and running again. And soon.

Is there anyone out there that would be willing to donate some time to help out? OR would there be anyone out there willing to make some monetary donations to a willing mechanic in order to get the vehicle running again? I’m willing to work with any and all options or new ones if you have suggestions.

I am asking for PM replies if you can help, BUT to keep this post showing up, instead of just liking the post, please comment with any emoji. I need this post to be commented on to keep being seen!!! Plus I think the emoji’s would make us all smile 🙂

I realize I’m asking a lot here, but I know we can do this!!

Thanks in advance for anything y’all can do to help!!


This need has been completely fulfilled, thank you to those that helped with the much needed items!!

👉Still needing diapers if anyone can help out with this it would be greatly appreciated!!

I have a request for size 6 diapers(any brand is fine), could also use some size 5t underwear for boy and wipes. These items are needed fairly quickly. ❗️Please respond by PM ONLY❗️with what you can provide.

**Wipes have been fulfilled
**Boys underwear has been fulfilled
**Diapers have been fulfilled


If anyone is looking for toilet paper, I heard this morning that Dollar General here in town has some. Not sure on the current status of supply, but as of this morning they had restocked.


I received this message earlier. If anyone has seen this dog food in stores please comment. Thank you!

Does anyone know where I can get a big bag of kibbles and bits (50lbs)? Or what would be a good brand to switch the dogs to that I can get? Thank you! 😜 — looking for recommendations.


I received this earlier. If anyone can provide information it would be greatly appreciated.

We have a person in the Howard's Ridge area that is in need of a Lift Assist medical item. Our First Resonders have been to the home 5 times in the last few months. The person's son has a bad back and cannot help the patient get up when they fall. They say that they have looked into getting a Lift Assist but cannot afford one. With the COVID-19 targeting senior citizens, our First Reponders are at risk going into homes. Even though they are always willing to help and can wear masks, the less they are needed, the better. If anyone knows where this family can get a Lift Assist, please respond here.


If anyone hears of someone needing toilet paper because they cannot find any anywhere else, I have a donor that is willing to fill that need. Please PM us with requests.


As we all know COVID-19 is primarily targeting our senior citizens. And some of them might worry about getting out to do their grocery shopping right now.

If you know of anyone that is worried about getting out, I have a volunteer that is willing to do their shopping for them.

Please PM us if you know of anyone in need. We will make the arrangements.


As shelves begin to become more and more depleted of items like baby formula and diapers, Suzie Green has mentioned that the Ozark County Health Department can help those that need these items. You can call their office at 679-3334


Fill A Need is about helping those in need by matching those needs with those that have those items available to donate.

If you have a need or know someone that does, PLEASE PM us so that your need can be anonymous. We will let you know when your need has been filled.

This is a non discriminatory, nonjudgmental place to ask for help when you need it.
