Losing it with the Conways

Losing it with the Conways

We are the Conways! This is our journey to become healthier! Courtney is down 75 pounds! Chris is do


This week’s weigh in! I’m only half a pound away from 75 pounds down! IT’S SO CLOSE!!! I would LOVE to see that gone by next Saturday’s weigh in, but I have a ton of Christmas festivities this week, so I’m not going to stress myself out about it! I’m going to enjoy myself, while also staying on track when I can! I’m fully expecting to be up from bloat next Saturday, but we will see!

Happy Saturday, friends!

*We follow ’s better balance plan! To save on your Pro membership, use code Healthi_Conway to save $5! Our code can also be used in their online store on some amazing products!


Happy !!

The first picture was from about 4 years ago. I was only about 20 pounds more than I am now. But the difference looks like a lot more than that!

This is why I try and not let the scale define my journey. Yes, I do weigh weekly, and it is SO nice to see the numbers go down. But it’s just data. Since starting strength training a year ago, I’ve noticed the weight comes off slower, but the changes in my body are coming quicker! And I am ok with that! Don’t be scared of strength training like I used to be! It will totally transform your body!

*We follow ’s better balance plan! To save on your Pro membership, use code Healthi_Conway to save $5! Our code can also be used in their online store on some amazing products!


Well this certainly shocked me! I did the bare minimum this week, in terms of nutrition. But now all of my thanksgiving weight gain is gone! And I’m 1.1 pounds away from 75 pounds gone!!! Let’s do this!!!

*We follow ’s better balance plan! To save on your Pro membership, use code Healthi_Conway to save $5! Our code can also be used in their online store on some amazing products!


And just like that, over half of my Thanksgiving week gain is gone! This is why it’s important to not get worked up if you see a gain, even if it was more than you thought it would be. Don’t let it ruin all of your progress!

To clarify, I WAS very upset when I saw the number last week. But instead of letting it get to me, and ruin my progress, I was even more determined to get back to my regular routine, and get that 7.7 pounds off! I didn’t restrict myself to do it. Just went back to my normal routine.

*We follow ’s better balance plan! To save on your Pro membership, use code Healthi_Conway to save $5! Our code can also be used in their online store on some amazing products!


Happy ! The first picture was from my ID badge at work, 2 years ago! The second is from this year! I sometimes still can’t believe the changes in my face, alone!

*We follow ’s better balance plan! To save on your Pro membership, use code Healthi_Conway to save $5! Our code can also be used in their online store on some amazing products!


I said I wasn’t going to post this, but the whole point of this page is accountability. I’m sure I’m not the only one that saw a gain today. I definitely enjoyed myself way more than I anticipated this week. I can make excuses, but I won’t. I did this.

BUT, at the end of the day, after the shock wore off, I’m not mad. It’s that time of the month, I’ve had lots of salty foods, I haven’t had my water….there’s A LOT of things that made this number as high as it is. I know it’s not all fat. It’s impossible to gain that much actual weight in a week. It’s bloat and it will come off! That is not an excuse, it’s just facts.

This morning I got up, got a healthy breakfast, and went to the gym. My goal is no off track days the rest of the month! And I KNOW I’ve got this! My goal is to lose some of the 7.7 pounds this week. I can do this!

Whether you were up or down on the scale this week, just know, you’ve got this! Don’t let a bad week ruin all of your progress!


Happy !! This week my goal is to have some balance, and to just maintain!

Don’t let the holiday week stress you out. Just enjoy yourself! One day won’t ruin all of your progress!


Weigh in day! I am SUPER excited about this! This puts me at 73.6 pounds lost! I’m case you’re new here, I was stuck at 70 pounds lost, for over a year. I would lose and gain the same few pounds. No matter what I did, I couldn’t push past it. I’ve FINALLY pushed past that, and I’ve been steady losing for the last few weeks!

My goal for this week is to maintain. I’m not expecting a loss this week, but I don’t want a huge gain either! Let’s do this!

*We follow ’s better balance plan! To save on your Pro membership, use code Healthi_Conway to save $5! Our code can also be used in their online store on some amazing products!


Today’s transformation Tuesday post. Courtney made me post it. 😂

I hope you all have an amazing Tuesday. Stay motivated, and keep pushing. I’m thankful for all of you!


Today’s looks a little different. There’s no before. That’s because this week’s transformation is focused on our mindset! When we saw this picture, we both thought “wow! We look skinny!”…this is something we haven’t hardly thought when we see our pictures! It’s so fun to see our mindset and our perceptions of ourselves change!


Happy ! I’m feeling quite bloated today, but still doing my thing! I hope you all have an amazing Friday!


Happy ! Feeling amazing today! Hoping our body scan tomorrow is nice to us! It’s been a couple months since we’ve had one and we’ve definitely had some ups and downs, health wise, since then! Either way, it will give us a new starting point!


Happy ! I was definitely feeling myself in the dress on the right, the other day! I never ever thought I would actually feel confident and beautiful in a dress, let alone one that goes above the knees! It felt amazing!



Happy ! Still here, doing our thing! We aren’t giving up!

Happy Friday, friends!!


Happy ! Also, happy first day of wearing a sweater this Fall!! 😂😂 the weather is amazing, I’m feeling great, and I’m hoping for a great week!

I hope you all have an amazing Tuesday! Remember, you can do whatever you set your mind to!



Well this is shocking! I literally got on the scale 5 times to make sure it was right!

If you’re new here, the last almost month has been rough for my nutrition and movement. The week before our vacation I let myself get into the mindset of “oh I’m not going to do well on vacation so might as well start now!”…I wouldn’t advise this! Then of course on vacation I didn’t do well either.

Then, after vacation, my grandmother went into the hospital. I didn’t know how to cope, so I started eating my emotions. I ate anything and everything in sight. The more unhealthy, the better. When she passed on Sunday, I couldn’t turn off the bad eating. It’s what I’m used to, to cope with negative feelings.

Then on Monday, I decided my grandmother wouldn’t want this for me. She was my biggest cheerleader when it came to my weight loss. She could barely see, but every time she saw me she would always tell me that she could tell I was losing weight and how proud she was of me. So I decided then and there, to pick myself up and do this for my Nanny! (And myself of course!)

So Monday, I started tracking again, ate healthy, and started back at the gym. And I feel great! And I guess the numbers are telling me that I’m doing something right!

Sorry for the long post! If you read this far, you’re awesome 😂 I truly do appreciate you all!



Happy ! I’m trying to get back on track after about 3 weeks of being off. I have found myself going back to my old ways of eating my emotions. I don’t like that, so I’m going to have to find new ways to cope! I CAN do this!


! First picture was around 2 years ago, and the second picture was a couple weeks ago! I felt amazing in that bathing suit, and not once did I worry about what I looked like. It’s such a good feeling!



This is one I’m extra proud of! The first picture is from 3 and a half years ago. I was miserable walking around the park. I was only 4 weeks pregnant, but I tried to blame it on that, but really, it was because of all the extra weight I was carrying.

I had to make multiple stops, and walking took everything out of me. This time, I wasn’t worn out at all, and walking was easy for me. I walked over 13,000 steps, and not once did it feel difficult!

Im so proud of the progress I’ve made, physically. Seeing the weight come off is nice, but seeing the non-scale victories are even more fun!



Happy ! Slowly but surely that second chin is going away 😂😂😂

Happy Friday, friends!!


Happy ! I hope you all are having the most amazing day!



Todays is me bragging on my husband! He has been putting in so much work, to better his health, and it’s showing! I can’t even express how proud I am of him!!


It’s weigh in day! My goal for August has been consistency. I’m trying to do as well as possible, leading up to our vacation in September! Looks like it’s paying off!

Happy Saturday, friends!!



Happy !

We made it to Friday, guys! I hope you all have the most amazing day! And always remember, you are great, and you can do great things!


Yay! After a pretty big gain two weeks ago, and not even weighing last week because I was so bloated I knew I would be up even more, it feels good to see a loss! And according to my scale, my body fat is down which is what matters to me the most!

Ready to take on another week! Today is a planned treat day for me, but come tomorrow, I’m back at it!



Decided not to weigh in this week. I’ve had a good week, but I’m SUPER bloated and I know it won’t be good for my mindset if I see a gain, even if I know it’s because of bloat.

I always preach that the number on the scale doesn’t define our journeys, and to not let it effect you, but this week I’m being honest with myself and I know it will.

I’m still here, tracking and doing my best!! Ready to crush another week! And next week my weekly weigh ins will be back! Happy Saturday, friends!


Watch this reel by losing_it_with_conways on Instagram 06/08/2022

Our girl is OBSESSED with Grogu (or as she says it, “Baby Yoda”) so when we saw this waffle maker at for 75% off, we knew we had to get it! So this morning she helped me make waffles!!

Sadly I was out of kodiak mix so I had to use bisquick. I just followed the recipe on the back of the box, with a couple additions, and substitutions. Recipe with additions is below.

2 cups bisquick
1 1/3 cup milk (I used oat milk)
1 egg
2 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce
2 scoops churro protein powder ()
1/3 cup water (or more milk)
Dash of cinnamon

Mix it all together and make some waffles! We got 14 waffles at 3 bites each on ’s better balance plan, or 100 calories each!

Watch this reel by losing_it_with_conways on Instagram


Happy ! It still feels unreal to me that I’ve lost 4 sizes! My next goal is to be in a size 18 jeans! That’s my first big goal! I’ve got this!!



This is what we call, life getting the best of me! I ate pretty much whatever I wanted the past couple of days. And the weight is reflecting that.

But guess what? It’s ok! What do we do? We get right back to it! This weight gain will come off. And I know most of it is bloat from all the sodium I’ve consumed in the last couple of days.

Don’t let the scale define you. This week, I could be upset and mad. But I’m not. I know exactly why I got these results. If you have a gain, just move on, and keep doing your things! It will come off eventually!



Happy ! I’m starting to only have one chin 😂😂 but for real, the changes in my face alone will always shock me!!


Our body scan results for month 2 are in! Cathlynn touched Chris and got on the scale during his so we don’t think his is 100% accurate, but we are still super happy anyways!

The guy doing the body scan told me “since you just had Covid and haven’t been as active for a couple weeks, don’t be surprised if your body fat is up”…well I showed him 😂😂 almost a full percent down!

Bring on month 3!!



Happy weigh in day to me!! I may have gotten back on the scale multiple times to see if this was real 😂 I had three days this week where I ate pretty much only junk, so I was sure I would be up. I guess when I got my act together the rest of the week, it really helped!!

I’m proud of myself for not throwing in the towel on this week and quitting just because of a few bad days. This is proof that a holiday weekend won’t ruin your progress!



Happy !!

We’ve had a few off track days, but that’s ok! I’m back at it today! Remember, it’s ok to enjoy yourself at the holidays or special events. It won’t ruin all of your progress! Just get right back to it, the next day!



It’s weigh in day! Another loss and I am happy about it! Like I’ve said before, this number doesn’t define my success, but it sure does feel nice when it comes down!

I hope you all have an amazing weekend! And remember, enjoy yourself and don’t feel guilty about it! One holiday weekend isn’t going to ruin all of your progress!



Happy !! I’m feeling SOOO good on this first day of July! I have goals, and I won’t let anything stop me!

Let’s take on this month, and make things happen! You’ve all got this!!


Another super successful week for me! I’m so proud of myself! I have goals and I’m not going to stop until I reach them!

Also, I use the words “super successful” lightly. If you were consistent, and are proud of the week you had, no matter what the scale says, you had a super successful week! Consistency is key, guys!

Happy Saturday friends! I hope you all have the most amazing weekend!



Happy ! We’ve been making so much progress lately! I’m so proud of both of us for making consistency a priority, even when we don’t feel like it! We’ve lost over 150 pounds combined, and we aren’t done yet!



Another delicious coffee from Themacrobarista! This one is a Twix cold brew! I tried really hard not to steal it from Chris because it was THAT good! I’m going to have to get this one next time!

How to order:
Grande cold brew
1 pump caramel syrup
1 pump mocha
Splash of half and half
Caramel drizzle
2 Splenda

When I tell you it tasted like a Twix, it really did! You’ll definitely want to try this one!


Happy ! I’m still not a fan of my arms, but I’m so glad I’ve stopped letting it keep me from wearing sleeveless things. Not once did I think about my arms while wearing the dress on the right. That is a huge mental win!


Photos from Losing it with the Conways's post 19/06/2022

New coffee order! French Toast Shaken Espresso! This is from Themacrobarista and it is DELICIOUS! And only 75 calories!

How to order:
Grande shaken espresso
No classic syrup
2 pumps cinnamon dulce
1 Splenda
Cinnamon powder

My little girl tried to steal mine, but I only let her have one sip before I took it back! It was too good to share 😂

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