Susan Belschner Tager Author

Susan Belschner Tager Author

I have written a picture book, illustrated by Bethany Hiller, based on a true story of a little girl's flight at the beach with her kite.

It's a sweet story of her big adventure and her daddy's love.


Hoping to share my Christmas story "More Lights for Frankie" with more children this year. The books are $15 each with a $2.00 mailing fee, if needed. It's an adorable Christmas tale, based on a true story.

Photos from Susan Belschner Tager Author's post 06/11/2022

I just got my new book from the printer. Illustrated by McKinzie Lefstein, it’s a sweet Christmas story about a young girl who is new to her neighborhood, and afraid Santa won’t know where to find her. Do you have any little ones on your list, up to about age 8? The books are $15, with $2.00 for mailing, if necessary.

Baltimore, MD – Beacon 19/09/2020

This is the link to the article on my book that was published in The Beacon newspaper today. There are a few mistakes, especially regarding the friend who told me the story about her daughter, not her son. Also, apologies to Scott Fuqua for the misspelling of his name. Other than that, I am really happy to have the article published. Here's hoping, it will generate some interest in my book. Let me know what you think of the article, and pass the link on to any friends who might be interested.

Baltimore, MD – Beacon


Did everyone see the news story about the three year old girl in Taiwan who was picked up by a kite? It was pretty scary. She is fine, but I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been. Thank goodness, the little girl in my story really wasn't scared at all. A couple of people contacted me to tell me about the news story. It reminded them of my book. Kathy Domm Stock told me to be more careful what I write about. Ha.


Thanks everyone for your support. I have made it into the black now for both printings. I am so grateful to my friends who bought the book. I don't know how many more I'll sell in the immediate future, with bookstores, libraries and yard sales/book sales shut down. But, I am looking forward to next year when everything is back to normal. You all have helped me believe I'll sell the rest of the books one day.


I had a good time yesterday selling books and giving away masks. The Montego Bay community in Ocean City, Maryland, where we own a mobile home had a yard sale yesterday. I really enjoyed talking to folks and selling some of my books. I'm also happy to report all of the people who came to talk with me wore masks. People here are taking COVID seriously. I had decided not to take part in the sale if shoppers weren't masked. Not a problem.


I'm going to be interviewed by a writer from the free newspaper, "The Beacon" next week. I emailed them a description of the book and how it all came about, and they are going to have an article about it in an upcoming issue. I was inspired to contact them after watching the Ricky Gervais series "Afterlife." I guess I too long to be in a local paper. I hope my interview is a little less weird than the ones on that show. I'll let you all know when the interview will be published, so you can pick up a copy.


The book is now carried at Browse About Books in Rehoboth Beach Delaware. If you are in the store, or know anyone with children going there this summer, please consider asking them to purchase the book from the there.Remember it's called "Carried Away."


Welcome to my author's page. If your child/grandchild liked my book, please leave a review. Thanks.
