S.O.S. Ministries

S.O.S. Ministries

To give hope to the hopeless by meeting people's physical needs, and more importantly, their spiritual need for a relationship with Jesus Christ.


Come with us to Central America this December to share the love of Christ through Christmas celebrations! Use your unique talents and gifts to serve with us on the ground in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

Can’t do December? Join us in February and be a part of serving at our Night to Shine event (partnered with the Tim Tebow Foundation) to bring a smile to the faces of many with special needs in El Salvador.

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 15/08/2024

“Thank you all so much for your prayers and support on the recent missions trip! We are all back safely and there is more to come, but we were able to visit around 600 students to share the love of Christ the first week, and attend to anywhere between 700-900 medical, dental, and eye patients.

It was such a great team unified by the love of Christ.

God is good! I'm thankful for yall!”

-Paul Wonderly, team leader.

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 12/08/2024

Report from our West Africa brothers…
“In a new village in Africa, there are 24 new converts! Jesus do great work that one person is saved, but twenty-four in this dark area is many! With no Hope Center we still using some place around to study Bible and prayer meetings, it is difficult to have Sunday service.
So we bless God, He is using SOS ministries as we make ourselves available to reach out to them... the Lord’s timing is perfect.”

Please keep this ministry, and the needs there, in your prayers as God is working in the lives of so many in West Africa!

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 09/08/2024

God opened the door for our summer team to visit a school where we had not previously been able to go due to the extreme violence in the area. Every child there has been affected in some way by the situation there. However, through our team they heard about the love of God, and the hope and peace we can have in Him.

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 05/08/2024

Thank you to all who have been praying for our team in Central America. The medical clinics in Guatemala and Honduras went well, and many were treated and heard the gospel.
The medical team were combating many people who were suffering from a dengue fever outbreak.
Please pray for the people living there who are still battling this, and also continue to pray for the team as they seek to finish well, and return home.

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 30/07/2024

Last week the Lord brought our missions team in El Salvador to a special family. Having several children with special needs already presents some challenges, but in addition they also had had their home destroyed in a mudslide.

One of the women was trapped in the mud and they helped her to escape after she was stuck for over an hour.

Our team was able to offer some encouragement, prayer, and gifts. Please keep this family in your prayers, as well as the team as they continue to serve.

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 26/07/2024

One of our main focuses in Central America has been to invest in the local youth, and give them the tools to go out and evangelize to the world around them. Over the last few years we have been so amazed to see this dream happening, and so many youth from the local church in El Salvador joining our team in Guatemala and Honduras.
They play a tremendous part in helping to translate, helping explain the culture to our teams, evangelizing, planning the youth ministry, and so so much more.
In a place where daily wages are very very low and cost of living can be hard, it is often difficult for the youth to earn the funds for the whole cost of the trip.
Would you like to help sponsor one of these youth going on this trip this Summer? $100 will cover their bus, food, and needs for the 1-2 week long mission trip.
Visit our website to donate, and specify it is for sponsoring one of the Salvadorian youth.


We are one month out from the start of our medical missions trip!

Many people in the regions where we work do not have access to medical care, either due to lack of finances or ability to get to a facility. We seek to not only provide care for those who otherwise may not be able to receive the help they need, but also use this time to share the gospel and love of Jesus with each person.

How can you help?
•Join our team! For more information or an application go to our website, linked in our bio.

•Donate toward medical supplies. All vitamins, medicines, and first aid we provide comes from donations. We are fundraising $6000 to buy these in country. To give toward this, donate on our website and include it is for the medical missions trip supplies.

•Pray! Pray for the team, the people we will be helping, and for the logistics of the trip to go smoothly!

Thank you all for being a part of this ministry!


Praise the Lord! Maira’s surgery went well and there is no sign of cancer remaining! They confirmed that maira‘s surgery went well, there is no sign of the cancer remaining, and she will not need chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

Praise God!

Thank you to all who have joined us in praying, Maira has been a big part of both our mission teams, as well as the ongoing ministry in El Salvador. Please continue to pray for her and her family as they continue serving the Lord.


Thank you all for praying for our sister, Maira.
By God’s grace, the surgery went well, but now we are waiting on the results from the biopsy and that will show if she needs more surgery or not.
Please continue to pray for her, her family, and the ministry she is such a huge part of.


We are asking for prayer for our dear sister Maira in El Salvador! She is currently recovering from having had a rapid surgery yesterday due to a tumor in her thyroid.

Please pray for wisdom to the doctors, a full recovery for her, and for peace for her family through this.

Maira is a blessing to so many people, and much loved!


“They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18
That has been the heart of so many serving and giving to SOS Ministries from the very beginning. We are thankful the ministry has been very blessed with all of your efforts and partnership in spreading the gospel.

Please be in prayer with us for the provision for the ongoing ministry and many Hope centers around the world.


Join us as we run a summer project to the schools in Honduras and Guatemala – share the gospel in school! Encourage and love kids going through difficult circumstances. Provide school supplies and a meal to schools with needs and encourage and work alongside God’s people.

Go to our website for more information, applications, and trip dates!

Serve Overseas - SOS Ministries 17/04/2024

Are you or your youth group interested in serving overseas this Summer? Check July/August mission trip dates and find out how you can get involved!

Serve Overseas - SOS Ministries Serving Overseas With SOS Woven into the fabric of SOS Ministries are Short Term Mission Trips. Each trip is different based on the needs of those being served and based on what God chooses to do on a specific trip. However, there is one common thread that ties all of these trips together- the fello...


With a heavy heart we are sharing that our dear sister in Christ has gone to be with the Lord. Marina, the wife of one of the elders of the church in Honduras had the heart of a servant and loved the Lord and His people. She has been a beloved member of our teams, always making sure meals were ready, cleaning, and greeting everyone with a warm smile. We will miss her dearly, but rejoice to know she is with the Lord.
Please be in prayer for her husband, children, family, and church members as they grieve the loss of this sister.


So how can you be involved in making an impact in the US?

• Prayer is so important and we would love for you to join us in prayer for the ministry.
•If you would like to get involved in your own community, you could tutor English at your local library, host an international for the holidays, have an English conversation class, or help refugees with everyday things.
•If you would like more updates on this reach out to receive our newsletters

It is no accident that the nations have come to us (Acts 17:26,27). Let’s make the most of this opportunity!


“It’s been less than a year since we started teaching a US Citizenship class, and 9 people have already become US Citizens. After they complete this process, we host a celebration party and it means so much to them to celebrate this life-changing event and receive a red, white, and blue blanket from one of the ladies in our church’s Dorcas Ministry who has lovingly sewn them by hand. Our English conversation class at the library is also going well with about 9 students from various countries around the world”
Chuck and Shelly, reports on ministry in the US


“The beginnings of SOS started by teaching English and the Bible to internationals

As SOS grew, SOS saw the need to invite us (Chuck and Shelly) to join the team to focus on reaching internationals here in the USA. We started by hosting lunches at the college but were told we could no longer continue that; we didn’t let that stop us though! Shelly started teaching English as a second language (ESL) at a local library and doing Bible studies with internationals in our home. Then God opened the door for a team of people to adopt a refugee family. “
Chuck and Shelly

God is working in the lives of internationals here in the USA, please be in prayer as they learn more about the Lord.


As spring approaches and we see new life, let that be a reminder that God is bringing new and eternal life to people across the world.


“The beginnings of SOS started at a local college in the Tampa Bay area teaching English and the Bible to internationals and hosting lunches for them. From there, God opened doors to plant churches in Central America and Africa over 24 years ago. Much has changed since then. But one thing hasn’t changed: Everyone needs the Savior!”
Chuck Rasico

Photos from S.O.S. Ministries's post 08/03/2024

The church is growing in every Hope Center, members are increasing with people coming to Christ! With the Gospel Ministry going wonderfully, the brothers are most anticipating the begin of Pastor’s Training Center. God knows when to open it.

Please play, alongside our West African brothers, for the planning of the Pastor’s Training Center.


The Lord is wonderfully working in one of our other missions in Africa. The church is growing, a new village is studying the Word of God in teaching now. The teachings for now is under a tree, one day may you help us have Hope Center there.

-Our brothers in West Africa


The newest Hope Centers are growing. People are turning to Christ! They are living the Word of God by example. Please pray for them as many are just new converts, the enemy still tempts them with going back to their old ways and religions. But they are now knowing it is evil, but God their King is holy. The struggle is there, but so is Jesus!

-Report from our brothers in West Africa


We appreciate all the friends of SOS ministry for their donations and prayers. We can only say we are so much thankful for you! Please continue to pray.
-Our brothers in West Africa



The Gospel is flourishing in West Africa in part because they have nothing. But when the Good News of Christ is preached to the lost, and they receive and believe it with joy, they then realize they now have everything!

Videos (show all)

Come with us to Central America this December to share the love of Christ through Christmas celebrations! Use your uniqu...
Come with us to Central America this December to share the love of Christ through Christmas celebrations! Use your uniqu...
“Thank you all so much for your prayers and support on the recent missions trip! We are all back safely and there is mor...
Thank you to all who have been praying for our team in Central America. The medical clinics in Guatemala and Honduras we...
One of our main focuses in Central America has been to invest in the local youth, and give them the tools to go out and ...
Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God. William Carey ••••#sos #missions #ministry #go #gointoallthe...
Pray and consider joining us on a mission trip to El Salvador, and share the gospel in this beautiful country. ••••#sos ...
Last year our medical team was able to provide care, and minister to around 800–900 patients and 150+ dental patients in...
Sharing the word through preaching, building relationships with activities and games, relating character traits through ...
We are one month out from the start of our medical missions trip! Many people in the regions where we work do not have a...
We are one month out from the start of our medical missions trip! Many people in the regions where we work do not have a...
Who will you share the good news of Jesus with today?Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them ...