Taisie Grant Yoga

Taisie Grant Yoga

Functional yoga & movement for riders, skiers & 50+. Movement to aid longevity, and prevent injury.


Just leaving this here for you to reread and reread again… as it response particularly hard today.

“The strength of your purpose will propel you through the pain of failure.”

So friends… my message to you today is:
Keep falling on your face.
Keep growing.
Ignore the crowd.
Stay focused on your why.


Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 04/04/2024

To anyone who’s followed me for a while on here, It’s no secret I love food as much as I love movement and all things wellbeing.

So much in-fact that I’m a freelance cook on the side of my movement coaching. Often working away from home and abroad for short live-in stints.

A little like how the mat allows me a blank canvas to creatively colour upon, cooking stirs up that same creative energy within me.
I love colours, textures, flavour combinations, the infinite experimentation and the buzz of anticipation as to whether something has worked or not - cooking allows me a different for of canvas to paint upon.
It brings me enormous peace and huge joy too.
And for me, cooking for those I love is one of my favourite things to do.

Nothing is fussy or fancy. Just simple, good quality ingredients, cooked well.

This is a little smorgasbord of some yummy dishes I’ve whipped up in the last week for those I love.

1. Slow cooked ‘melt in the mouth’ belly pork with braised fennel, served with a warm lentil, herb and spinach creation and lemony crushed potatoes.
2. My Easter beef Wellington. Served with a potato and squash dauphinois. This was simple perfection.👌🏻
3. Honoring ‘The welly’
4. A nod to Easter 🐣 - welly: post cooking - pre cutting. my brother signed it with a T for me. Cute.
5. King prawns - dill - lemon emulsion 🤤
6. A cheesy and well puffed Gruyère and cheddar soufflé - to go alongside the prawns and simple dressed green leaves.
7. The best snack in history. Gooey medjool dates, stuffed with PB and coated in dark choc and topped with sea salt 🤤🤤🤤🤤
8. A simply throw-together working lunch, puff pastry tart to keep us fueled working on
9. Rhubarb and custard tart 🌻 - does a classic marrying of flavours get ANY better?? (Again fuel for us post long days filming for
10. A pre-game brunch. And boy was it good.
Cold fillet steak, a yummy herby, seeded salad, chili fried egg on seed bread and sour cream topped with Onuga. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Who likes my foodie content? And who’d like to see more of it alongside my movement content for inspiration to help you nourish your tummy as well as your body & mind? ⬇️ ⬇️

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 01/08/2023

It’s soon to be D-Day!
Training rides done ✅
Waterproofs tested ✅
Smiles intact ✅
As these ladies are about to set-off on their ride of a life across the Mongolian steppes on semi-wild ponies in what it known as the worlds toughest horse endurance race; 1000kms over 10 days, in the

They’re raising funds for the incredible .
(If you would like to support these ladies and their fundraising head to their .for.life2023 page where there is a link 🙏🏻🙏🏻)

It’s been an absolute privilege and blast training these firecrackers through our to get them riding fit for the race.
They’ve put in serious hours to ensure they’re well prepped to help their bodies stay strong right to the finish line and make their ride as easeful as possible!

We know they’ll be crossing the line smiles beaming!

We’ve been through broken arms, horse-kicks, and countless other challenges - but they’re resilience and team spirit is unshakable!

Can’t wait to watch them as they go!
thank you for choosing us to support you on your journey! We’re so proud of you and absolutely pumped for your journey ahead.
We know you’ll be coming back with endless tales and an adventure of a life time to share with the grand kiddos!!

Now. Giddy up and Go!
Ride like the wind!💨
we‘ll be cheering you on every ‘steppe’ of the way!

Go team Kenya!
🇰🇪 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪


Be Yourself.
Everyone else is taken.

Happy Sunday mes cheries.
T x


Just remember - you only ever need to be you.
Not who the rest of the world wants you to be.
Just, You.
That’s more than enough. 🧡



There’s ALWAYS a reason to smile…you just have to decide whether or not you want to look for it…

Smiles made by today. Thank you Danny 🙏🏻

Happy Friday friends,

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 05/04/2023


Sharing the magic words of .

‘Your power doesn’t live outside of you. You won’t find it through the latest marketing gimmick.
It will not come from trying to look younger.
It will not come alongside more muscles or more money.

It is innate.
And the work is to remove the thoughts/feelings/beliefs/choices that keep sending the message to you that you’re “not enough.”

Even in the pursuit of “enough-ness”: f**k being “enough.”
Be all of it. Be more.

If your bigness threatens others, that is not your invitation to get smaller, it’s their invitation to rise.

Stop accommodating other people’s limitations by making them yours.

F**k that.

You are on this planet to become your best and highest self.

You're here to live a life that makes you and those around you happy.
You're here to serve and share love.
You cannot do that if you continue to avoid your purpose and your truth, and then try to numb that pain of not answering the call with temporary bu****it that keeps you asleep.

Wake up.

Stop hitting snooze on your mother effin heart.

Be big. Live big. Love big.

And know, you can never run from your truth or your power (they live in the same place!), so you best listen to your soul and honour that it knows the way.

You just have to drive the car.

Trust. Trust. Trust. And love.’

Happy Hump Day Honies.

Big love,
T xx


// Choose to let go //

The more attention you give a thought, emotion, feeling, the more energy and power you give it and then stronger that thought or emotion or feeling will get.

You are the only person who can give yourself inner freedom or take it away from yourself.
Nobody else.

So remember next time you feel that bubbling from underneath, that event, that word, that interaction, that thought, that emotion that feeling that comes up to try and railroad your day.

You HAVE a choice.

To hold on to it and the negative energy that is associated with it, letting it block your energy flow.
Or to acknowledge it; then relax and let it go. Freeing yourself from the hold the energy has on you.

I’m not saying it’s easy. But it’s necessary.
It is ALWAYS better to let go, rather than to close.
And it’s an ongoing education and re-education.

We will always be having these feelings. So our ability to let them go will determine the state of our being.

Start small.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
But just start.

Happy Thursday Friends,

T xx

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 01/03/2023

// SAVE this delicious 🥗//

Slow roast a selection of veggies.
I used butternut squash, carrots (both skin on), radishes, romano/red peppers (roast in halves then cut up at the end), red onions, smashed garlic cloves and new potatoes.
I love adding in brussel sprouts too - they give a lovely nutty flavour.

Pop your veggies on a foiled baking tray. Don’t pile them too much on top of each other as they will likely not caramelise but also don't spread a million miles apart.
Drizzle with cold-pressed rapeseed oil + sprinkle with S+P. I use Kosher salt & cracked black pepper.

Put in pre-heated oven @ 200oC & slowly roast. I like to check at 15/20mins to see how they're going, give them a little shake etc. Then keep checking every 5ish mins.

When nearly cooked (I like mine golden brown with some caramelisation on the edges.
Everything should be soft & a little wrinkly.
(I do a big batch of these as you can then eat throughout the week in other dishes, or just with this salad over & over as they re-heat really well in the microwavay.)

Take a bowl.
Add in a selection of your salads + herbs.
I use gem lettuce, each 1/2 cut into 3.
Handfuls of lambs lettuce + rocket (I'm obsessed!)
& top using thai basil, mint, coriander, chives (this is my favourite herb combo). Don't be shy with them. I probably use a cupped handful of each (but I love herbs!)

Add your warm roasted veggies on top of the leaves (how many depends on how hungry you are as these are the bit that fill you up!)
Then lavishly drizzle good quality EVOO & balsamic (I like one with 4/5 rating on the ageing scale). I used Gold label and Organic EVOO.
Sprinkle sea salt flakes (I use . ps never cook with sea salt flakes it's not what they're designed for!)

Toss together.

My cheat; whipped feta + herb dip from . You could easily make your own, but this is SO good!
If you don't have this, just add in a hearty crumbling of feta to the salad before you mix.

Plate with a big dollop of the dip spread across the bottom of the plate & load the delicious leaves & veggies on top for quite simply a SALAD OF DREAMS!

Cont. in comments…



Well guys, here it is! You asked, so I’m delivering.. the mighty salad that is so much more than just some uninspiring leaves.

For those who know me, know I LOVE to cook!! (It’s a side-hustle of mine too, live-in cooking for people for short periods of time).

You’ll also know if you know me; that I am NOT one to do things exactly.
I take ingredients, alter the quantities to what I feel like/ what I have in the fridge and go from there..

So here it is.
My soul-nourishing rainbow salad 🥗
Slow roast carrots, radishes, brussel sprouts and red pepper with a scattering of clothed garlic cloves (ie with their skin still on), I chop up the carrots & pepper in to similar sized bits, half the Brussels & often half the radishes. (You want everything to be pretty equally sized so it cooks together - but whatever you do, don’t slice the carrots in to rounds - they want to be longish batons.)
Drizzle with cold pressed rapeseed oil & s+p before cooking.
Cook at about 200oc until their skins start to shrivel a bit. If they start to go too brown at edges, turn to 180 ish.
These will be about 30-40 mins. But keep checking from about 20 mins in. Some ovens are ferocious!

When you think veggies are nearly does, take a head of little gem lettuce, cut in to half (length ways) then each half in to about 3 long, thin chunks.
Add this to a bowl.
Add in a selection of mixed salad leaves, rocket, and a load of herbs (I love Thai basil - Infact I’m mildly obsessed with it), coriander (always swap for parsley), chives is usually my go to mix.
Pour over some good quality balsamic vinegar (not glaze and not cheap watery stuff), and a good drizzle of very good quality extra virgin olive oil. You want a healthy amount of both so the leaves are well coated.
Give it a good toss….(The salad that it)

Slice some cherry toms, avo & cucumber. This also had finely cut red cabbage.
Toast equal quantities of pumpkin & sunflower seeds on the hob in a frying pan. Keep an eye on them as they turn quickly.

Take veggies out, pile on top of the leaves, put the tomatoes, cucumber and avo and toasted seeds on top of this and give another good toss.

(Continued in comments…)

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 30/01/2023

// Do hard sh*t //

This morning - I was feeling a little off kilter. And I had been over the weekend.
I listened to a short talk by on doing the hard stuff first thing in your day.
Something known as eating the frog.
It’s a book I’ve read and am aware of. But somehow this morning, Jay’s nudge brought it back in to my conscious focus.

So - I went and got in a cold bath.
Yes that’s right; not shower, but bath.
It’s a different ball game when your whole body is submerged in cold.
But I levelled my breathing and stayed there for a few minutes (it does wonders for toning your vagus nerve - more on this further down my feed).
But not only that, it also builds resilience.
When you get up and do something hard as the first thing of the day. Everything else becomes that little bit more manageable.
When you do one hard thing and realise that it wasn’t that bad, you subconsciously tell yourself that you can do something else that might from the outset appear hard. Each time helping rewire your mindset to a more positive, powerful one that evolves and overcomes rather than stands still and crumbles.

This was my skin when I got out. It was goosepimpled to hell, stinging like mad and bright red. You can see when I touched it - that’s the comparison between my normal skin and the colour post bath.
But goodness did it make me feel good. So much so I got out and got back in for another re-run. And was going to have a hot bath after but instead as it made me feel so good, I just stuck with the cold one. And I’m genuinely not just saying that. Something switches. And it all of a sudden becomes more bearable. And weirdly addictive.

So I challenge you this week. What is it that you’re going to start your day with that is hard?
What frog are you going to choose to eat?
I’d love you to share below.
Perhaps I can tempt you in to a cold bath! If not bath? How about a shower?
If not that, perhaps getting up 30 mins earlier when that warm cost bed still has your name all over it.
Let me know below.

Here’s to a strong week ahead team! 💪🏻
Monday - come at me.🔥

Big love,
T xx

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 28/01/2023

// To all of you, whom I love so much…//

Your eyes might always roll, but THIS is why I take the umpteenth photo every single time.
They are a date stamp in time for me.
They transport me in an instant, right back to the very second I took the photo.
How I felt, the happiness, the love, the friendship, the warmth, the laughter, the conversation.
The smells, the sounds, the temperature, the colours, the scenery.
It all comes flooding back.

When someone asks me “does time travel exist?”
A million times YES, is my answer.
And Photos are my very reason that it does.
They immediately transport you back to the very moment you took it in. Time, after time, after time.
Posting this reminder after just spending the afternoon with my gorgeous and inspiring 95yr old Granny - and catching a snap with her! ☺️

Happy Friday friends.
Wishing that you have a beautiful weekend wherever it may take you and whoever you may be sharing it with. Lucky them! 😘
Pause, be present and embrace it all.. and remember

Big love,
T xx


// Brave, Strong, Smart //

This jumped out at me as I was standing in line in the post office earlier…it is one of my favourite quotes.

So just incase you were doubting yourself today and needed to hear otherwise, here’s a little reminder from one of my all time favourite childhood stories,
Winnie the Pooh.

You ARE…
BRAVER than you believe.
STRONGER than you seem.
SMARTER than you think.

Don’t ever allow yourself for even a hot minute to think otherwise.
You’ve got this 👊🏻

Thank you A. A. Milne for you magic and your wisdom.🙏🏻

T xx

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 11/01/2023


Another spin around the sun.

To The Best of the Best.
Because I couldn’t not.

Here’s to you.❤️
To The love. The laughter. The warmth. The nest. The unwavering support. The gentleness. The courage. The strength. The enormous open heart. The endless embrace. The honesty. The learning. The greatest of friendship.

The world will always be a better, brighter place while this, brave, beautiful and selfless soul is here.
👸🏻HBD Wonder Woman👸🏻

X # # # # # #



Since New Year arrived, I’ve had a few days to press pause, be present, & do some thinking about the things that are a priority to me & what I want to make more time for in 2023.

Last night I stayed with my incredible Granny.
She is 94 & nothing short of phenomenal.
The matriarch. The peacemaker. The joy giver. The kindest, fairest, most generous soul I know.
She’s funny. Unwaveringly Loyal. Smart. A crossword WIZARD, Hellishly Elegant. Sophisticated. Cheeky with a wicked sense of humour.
Her memory is razor sharp & my oh my, is she wise.
& when she smiles, just like me, her eyes almost disappear & her whole face lights up. That’s when I know she’s happy. Really happy. Nothing elicits a quicker feeling of warmth & fuzziness than seeing her smile her “really happy smile”.

We ate, drank fizz, reminisced, exchanged stories, shared advice, giggled like schoolgirls, played bananagrams, but most importantly, we were present & gave each other time.
We talked for hours & turned in gone 11pm.

As I leave, or whenever I spend time with her, I always snap a pic of us.
To hold on to. To treasure.
This morning she squeezed me so tight just as we snapped this & broke in to her happy smile & giggled.

As I left, I couldn’t help but burst in to tears.
Because it never stops hitting home just how incredibly precious she is & how unbelievably lucky I am to have been able to fully know her not only as my child self, but as I have moved through my teenage years & now meet her as my adult self - the evolution of our kinship has become one of friendship, adoration, enormous respect & big conversations.
It’s a true privilege & one I realise not everyone gets to be so lucky.
She is also the closest link to my grandpa who I utterly & truly adored.

So the reason I write this is as a little reminder as we go in to yet another year.


It sounds obvious. But so often we get caught up in our lives & the things that are really really important to us, seem to somehow get overlooked by the rollercoaster of life & all its trappings.
But always remember, TIME, is THE GREATEST GIFT you can ever give to anyone.
Love T x

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 02/01/2023

//BE “TOO MUCH”.//

This really struck a chord this morning. And actually I’m kinda glad it’s going to be my first post for 2023.
It’s rare that I would repost but as someone who has also often been deemed “too much” - this I felt needed sharing. Verbatim from as it was so eloquently articulated.

But from me, this is what I have to say to you all as we head full charged in to 2023. So listen and listen real good.

Please. Remember.
In a world where we are constantly told we should be this or shouldn’t be that. A world shrouded with societal expectations and social classes and each coming with an unwritten book the size of Mrs Beeton’s which we’re continually versed on as soon as we’ve left the womb on how you should and shouldn’t behave, what you should and shouldn’t do as a female
“be nicer, be petite, be don’t do that, that’s not very “ladylike, present yourself better, don’t say that, you’ll never attract someone behaving or looking like that…” it is endless. Trust me. I know. But it doesn’t mean we should listen or be confined to the box that we were already lined up for. But instead We should encourage others to question why, be curious and to step in to their truth. Rather than to except being dulled down because of societies preconceived ideals.

So Incase you need to hear this from someone else...

Don’t EVER let others dim your light.
Remove the filter you’ve felt you need to place upon yourself.
Burn so blindingly bright…and do so with all your might.

You don’t need to blend in to be not just liked, but Loved.
You don’t need to be afraid of people knowing the real you. How lucky they are to.
You don’t need to follow the crowd. You’ve got all that you need to walk your own path. You just have to believe that you can.

Don’t be afraid to be YOU.
Fully, authentically, UNAPOLOGETICALLY, wholeheartedly YOU with every cell of your being.
Of being “too much” for

You’ll never be “too much” for the right people…

People will come and as many will go…

Don’t be scared of those that choose to walk away. For it only leaves space for those who belong, to come.

Find your tribe. And hold on to it tightly…

(Continued. in the comments…)



Tomorrow I’ll have had yet another trip around the sun… man this years been a goodie…flown but wow.
It’s been a year of many magical moments (more on this tomorrow).

However there is one thing that has been the most consistent, cup filling daily routine and that is my work.

It’s super special that my birthday falls on a Friday which happens to be the day I do my group class. There’s a lot of feels behind this.

So I would like NOTHING more than to celebrate with you all on the mat tomorrow morning.
To see smiling faces on the other side of the screen brings me enormous joy.

Movement, coaching and wellness have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. And I am so grateful for the connections, the friendships, the tribe, the non-stop learning and endless growth I have gained from this magical journey I’ve embarked on.

Join me tomorrow (Friday 16th December) 7.30am for a

Sign up link in bio.
And if you haven’t joined me before, Use code: BIRTHDAY22 for a free class. 🎉

For anyone who hasn’t joined a class before - please don’t be scared! Jump on and join! I promise you’ll enjoy yourself. And I’ll meet you with endless smiles…

Huge love to you all, and I so hope to see you tomorrow.

T # # #
📸 .life


// the sun will rise again, and so will we. //

Remember these words when all feels lost. We will ALWAYS rise again.

Beautiful words from .

Happy Thursday team.



// GRANTitude #5 //

It’s the little things that make the biggest difference.

Connection, community, movement and music.

Grateful to you for the most magical evening and for giving me the chance to flow alongside and other beautiful souls.

Cup and soul FULL! Please forgive me Tom! I don’t know what it is with your surname that’s got my brain being naughty!

Take away from todays GRANTitude - find your tribe.
Then Let them to fuel your soul and allow that to catapult you in the direction that brings you joy, contentment and purpose!
It’s powerful beyond all measure.

Sleep tight team x


// #4 //

Grateful for the one person who makes me complete.
Epic lunch spots
Being cosy
Magic stain removers
And all the acupuncture feels..


// The best is yet to come //

Just one last thought to leave you with before I hit the snooze button. 💤

Be curious.
Stay open.
Don’t be afraid to say “yes”
Let your gut guide you. No Seriously.

Sleep tight gang xx


// Daily GRANTitudes #3 //

Tik tik boom, .official choccy soufflés, Remembrance Sunday, the amazing power and speed of todays technology and the vagus nerve!

Enjoy. X

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 14/11/2022

// My Hero. //

I always find Remembrance Sunday so incredibly moving.
Mainly because this man, my humble hero, is no longer here.

The most remarkable story.
The most gracious, stoic, selfless and wise soul who was kind beyond all measure.

Take It Easy up there ❤️



//Daily GRANTitude #2.//

So this one was on more cold showers, incredible clients, Christmas and family..

Let me know your thoughts - does anyone else get frustrated by the hype shared around Christmas? And agree with my train of thought that any time you’re with family it should be special? Why save it just for one day of the year… curious to know what you think…

P.s. Can’t promise I’ll get to these every day - but they will be as daily as they can be.

Lots of love,
T xx


// Daily GRANTitudes #1 //

So here they are.
The audience (you guys!) voted. And for better/ for worse, you voted for me to SHARE the inner ramblings of my world.

So! Welcome to the first . The shares from my world to yours from inside this non-stop-thinking brain of mine.

Join for 30 seconds, a minute or the whole darn thing.

Fire questions, perhaps know that you’re not alone with your thoughts or maybe 🤞🏻 even learn a little knowledge nugget to take away.

They’re gonna be pretty raw, real and mighty unfiltered. And I shan’t apologise for it. But that’s what I do best.
None of this behind the lense filtered outlook crap.. just authentic T, chattering away.

And lastly - please let me know if you enjoy these daily thoughts as I share. It helps me know to keep on doing them! So hit that like and share button or comment below! 🙏🏻

Big love to you all. And thank you for being part of this journey with me! 🙏🏻

And a massive shout out to for the daily GRANTitudes 💜 You LEGEND!


// a simple stretch down //

This is the sequence:
- 90/90 with side bend
- 90/90 Small back bend
- runners lunge tap downs
- modified side plank with quad stretch
- reverse table (one armed or two)
- happy squat (little wiggle) - nod and release neck then interlace fingers and lift hands to sky - retracting shoulders and opening the chest
(Option to also add in a side lunge in this sequence)

- Spinal roll up and down, releasing neck.
- Happy squat with thoracic rotation left and right (pull from elbow)
- Straighten legs, rolled forwards, release neck and be soft.

- Shoulder rolls
- Piriformis curtesy stretch left and right
- Standing side bend

Shake it all off and you’re done.

Short. Sweet. And effective! 💥

Comment below if you do it and find it juicy.



This was a live from this morning.
It doesn’t take long to move your body, tease out any sticky bits, connect and find a little heat and energy.

Come to this for a time out any time today.

Enjoy. X



It's World Mental Health Day today. And I wanted to just share this little reminder.

It's SO easy to keep going on the hamster wheel; days, weeks, months spinning by your peripheral as you don't really take account what what is happening in front of your very eyes and within your very self.

It's so important to take a moment to pause. To stop. To check in. To say, how am I feeling.
Because to feel is OK! and to Feel is important.

Tuning in to our internal world, our mental chatter, how our mind and body feel and listening to what it is trying to tell us. It's so easy to press the 'override' button and continue spinning that wheel, to block out that chatter, those feelings that are trying to desperately get your attention, but at some point, those little legs are going to become exhausted, the wheel will overheat from overwork, cogs will start to break and you'll come flying off, with an abrupt bump.

Remember you are never alone in this. In how you feel. In what you feel. Allow those around you to support you. You are not a burden. Don't let those little hamster legs get to the point of exhaustion. Tune in, pause, listen and feel. Then ask for support from those who love you. Because they will always offer it with open arms if they are truly your tribe.

I loved this message from the wonderful bare pack at that I read this morning and wanted to share wider with you all for a reminder on Mental Health Awareness Day.

"Your mental health doesn’t define who you are. Embrace it within your wholeness but don’t let it colour every aspect or imprison yourself with labels.

Nothing is fixed. Nothing is permanent. You can change your mind. Just because you’ve been known for battling one thing for a long time you don’t have to resign yourself / your life to staying that way.

Stop being so unkind to yourself. Get the out of your own way. Beep Beep. 🚗

And while you are there, stop lying to yourself. Weird paradox isn’t it. Only we know the full picture & truest truth. You can’t deny that. So it’s been really bad. Ok cool how do you get yourself to a place where it feels easier & calmer? Lying to yourself only sets you back years.

Simplicity is actually the richest, fullest experience you can have.

You are not an island. You aren’t the only one to ever feel these feelings or have these thoughts. Open up, even if you’re the first out of people you know. People will start to bloom around you too. You’ll find connection & learn it’s okay - oh you too. It breaks down the barrier we often apologise for.

Stop saying sorry or apologising for who you are. Does nature apologise for its beauty?

Nature has seasons - why can’t we have seasons of emotion? They will pass. Live like the seasons, rest when the earth rests.

Build your life around your recovery. Don’t just tack recovery on. It won’t work.

Compliment more. Express your thanks more. Let yourself be soppy & loving.

Everyone’s too busy in their own universe to judge. There’s a difference between judgement & caring. If they do judge - not your people.

Don’t fear getting help. It’s bravery not surrendering."

So from my internal world to yours, I'm sending you love and am pulling for you every step of the way.
T xx

Photos from Taisie Grant Yoga's post 05/10/2022

(Caption finished in comments)

Firstly, it’s rare for me to stand & take a picture in front of a mirror.

I’m not the sort of person who likes myself in front of the mirror.
Never have.
But over time, I have learnt to see the soul standing in front of me, acknowledge and accept everything about that soul that makes it so very unique,
and embrace and love it all.

Last weekend, I was in Madrid & happened to end up, by a very very fortunate set of circumstances, staying in the most fabulous place the .
The morning before the wedding, I headed to the gym to do some movement.

It was empty and I used all the “accessories” I could find.
The exercise ball
The bosu ball
The mini weighted sand discs.

I added these in to my regular blueprint ritual - to challenge myself a little more.
To challenge my stability, core integration, strength, mobility, endurance…& more..

I’ve embodied the as a teacher for nearly 2 years now.
I cannot believe the changes I see in my own body, but also those of my clients who have also made this approach a regular part of their life + embodied it fully.

The approach I use & teach IS NOT not an overnight sensation of:
unfit to fit,
overweight to optimal weight,
scrawny to lean,
beach body ready

but IT IS:

- sustainable
- preventative
- challenging
- repeatable
- fun
- intelligent
- adaptable
- performance enhancing


And so I took this photo to acknowledge this journey/ my journey.
The time & commitment it has taken to become the person who I see looking back when I stand in front of the mirror.
I still have weeks where my own personal practice slides, but I’m OK with that…
The point is…
THROUGH the approach I embody & teach, I now have a body that is so much stronger than I realise, adaptable, balanced, integrated, mobile, stable, spatially aware, responsive, reactive & injury free.

A body that I hope that if I continue to look after in the way that I do, will see me moving well, & injury free, long in to my 90s.

A body that I’m really proud to inhabit & live in because it allows me to do everything that I want to do…[cont. ⬇️]

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