A. S. Faux

A. S. Faux

Aspiring Writer


Let's talk another way I've tried to make this game a little different. The dice used have been dramatically reduced. Inspired by EZ D6 and Professor DM from Dungeoncraft when he talked about someone removing damage dice and determining damage based on the attack roll I decided to reduce the dice pool to only the d20.
How does this affect the game? The hopes is to speed up and simplify combat. The attack roll is used to determine damage dealt by the use of a damage chart. This is also true for magic damage as all spells that attack will have their own attack rolls.


A little background on the decision to build this TTRPG.
Earlier this year Wizards of the Coast, the owners of Dungeons and Dragons, decided to try to change the Open Gaming Licence which would cheat many third party producers of DnD content. And this got me thinking on how would I build a game to some degree replicate the D20 system but work around the D20 system as well and this began to bring back old ideas that I never implemented.
This lead to the creation of a stat system based on the Vampire: The Masquerade attribute system, using attributes that can describe the character. Though what I want is for each attribute to have a particular effect on the character and each attribute can be strengthened to increase that effect.

This is a working note for this system.

Strength affects

Melee damage+1 per rank , Weight allowance +15 per rank
Climbing +1 per rank, Weight allowance +15 per rank
Swimming +1 per rank, Weight allowance +15 per rank
Weight allowance +30 per rank

Constitution affects

+1 to PA vs poison per rank, +1 health per rank
+1 to PA vs toxins per rank, +1 health per rank
+1 to PA vs Necromancy attacks per rank, +1 health per rank, +1 to Necromancy casts per rank
+1 to PA vs diseases per rank, +1 health per rank, +1 to Abjuration casts per rank

+1 Body PA /2 Body ranks

Dexterity affects

+1 to physical attack casts per rank, Ride +1 per rank
+1 dodge bonus to PD per rank, Escape Artist +1 per rank
+1 to Acrobatics and Stealth per rank
+1 to Sleight of Hand and Disable Device per rank

Intelligence affects

+1 to Appraise per rank, +1 to PA vs Divination per rank, +1 to Divination casts per rank
+1 to Knowledges per rank, one additional language per rank, +1 to Transmutation casts per rank
+1 Linguistics per rank, +1 to Conjuration casts per rank
+1 to Spellcraft per rank, +1 to Evocation casts per rank

+1 Mind PA /2 Mind ranks

Wisdom affects

+1 to PA vs Enchantment per rank, +1 to Enchantment casts per rank, +1 to Sense Motive per rank
+1 to PA vs Illusions per rank, +1 to Illusions casts per cast, +1 to Perception per rank
+1 to Healing effects per rank
+1 to Survival per rank, +1 to Divination casts per rank


+1 to Bluff and Disguise casts per rank
+1 to Diplomacy and Handle Animal casts per rank
+1 to Intimidate and Perform casts per rank
+1 to casts to influence another
+1 Spirit PA /2 Spirit ranks

As you can see I divided each of the D20 stats into four attributes that have their own effects which is the foundation for the entire gaming system.


This page has gone too long without a post.
This page was created to show what I do. I am a writer and gamer. I am Argent Silas Faux and I wish to share my work with you, whoever maybe reading this.

As of late my time has beem focused on building a TTRPG that not only could appeal to the average gamer but also to a Christian audience who considers fantasy to be doorways to inviting unwanted spirits into their lives. How might this be done? By building a lore and world for this game based on the pre-flood world of the Judeo-Christain lore. There is not much known of this time as the primary, canonical sources are quite vague but by looking at closely related outside sources, commonalities of mysterious ancient civilizations across the world and other myths I am forming together a vision of the pre-flood world that will hopefully be able to appeal to the Christian and the gamer.

A test packet will be compiled soon to give to test players and others to look over for opinions. It won't be perfect, a lot of work still needs to be done, much more writing and mechanics worked out but it is playable if not potentially janky.
