Golden Analysis Investments Inc.

Golden Analysis Investments Inc.

We are a Forex financial service. Our aim is to financially empower our loyal customers via trading


We are ecstatic to announce our new package: Investment plans. We offer our stakeholders the opportunity to double their invested equity in a month!

“What is in it for you?” You may be thinking... While it is true that we charge no expenses and costs on this investment plan, we do however make our money through profited equity that has exceeded the agreed return on investment.



Bronze - 4 daily signals
Silver - 6 daily signals
Gold - 8 daily signals
Diamond - 8 VIP signals


The world is going through a time of crisis; the Forex Market isn’t... The Forex Market cannot unemploy you, retrench you, cut your pay or demean you like many bosses do, it allows you to be your own boss. Working for yourself is the key to financial freedom and independence.


Great signal given out today! Deep in profits. 👑


This limited time offer ends on May 18th:

Our expert online trading course (valued at R6,000|$400) is on sale for R250|$15.
This online course teaches you all that you need to know. Includes a video library of trading strategies as well as fundamental trading information.


We urge for everyone’s safety to stay home as much as possible during this pandemic. With unity and effort we will overcome this virus. If you display multiple symptoms down below PLEASE visit a local testing lab or medical practitioner.



We offer customers the opportunity to make money immediately; trading signals and strategies make it easy to make consistent money on the Forex Market. Our teams deliver professional signals that have a high hit-rate in profits... we make money with and for you.

Please message us directly with enquiries.

Bronze Group - R150p/m |$10p/m (4 signals daily)
Silver Group - R200p/m|$13p/m (6 signals daily)
Gold Group - R250p/m |$17p/m (8 daily signals)
Diamond Group - R300p/m|$20p/m (10 signals daily & free trading course!)

Trading Course - R500|$35
