Wellness Found

Wellness Found

Wellness Found provides an integrative, approach to human health.

We leveraging yoga, nutrition, and eastern philosophies to strengthen, nourish, detoxify, and de-stress the body to help you achieve your health goals.


Monday: I am resilient

No matter what you are working on, change is uncomfortable. Changing our habits, our expectations, our appearances, our actions - it all comes with a certain level of discomfort, increasingly so when it threatens some sense of personal identity that we may have spent a lifetime forging (or running from). When we recognize this, we can embrace the discomfort and as part of the process for rewiring our views, perspectives, reactions, and habits.

Know that the process may be bumpy. Know that you may make mistakes. And know that mistakes are ok.

In wellness we sometimes get hooked to the idea that as soon as we make a mistake or slide back that we’ve “fallen off the wagon.” But consider this - there is know wagon to fall off of. It’s all part of the same process. Take a moment to reflect on why that speed bump maybe happened and then move on and repeat to yourself:

“I am resilient - I am resilient enough to forgive myself. I am resilient enough to turn inward and listen. I am resilient enough to move forward. I am resilient.”


Happy Holidays! Delayed Sunday post:
If you are experiencing uncomfortable bloating or gas more than 30 min after a meal, especially in the lower abdomen, it's possible that you may have some SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) or candida/yeast overgrowth. Bacteria and yeast feed on prebiotic foods (e g. Wheat, raw vegetables) and their byproduct is gas (same as when you add yeast to bread to make it rise) 💨

There's several things that can cause SIBO and yeast overgrowth, but some major culprits are stress and antibiotics. Antibiotics wipe out your gut flora, creating an empty space in the garden for weeds (yeast) to grow, which antibiotics do not affect. Yeast can also contribute to water and fat retention in the adipose tissue of the lower belly.

While probiotic supplements are great, if the gut flora is imbalanced with SIBO or yeast, it could be exacerbating the problem. Fear not though, there are supplements to help rebalance the gut, and get rid of yeast including:
Grapefruit seed extract 🍊
Oregano/thyme/clove oil 🍃

Combine this with a clean diet, removing foods that promote yeast and bacterial growth for 60 days, then work on backfilling with healthy probiotics after. We don't really want to promote the growth of large intestine bacterial strains in the small intestine, so in this case after the 60 days I recommend

30 days of lactobacilus (a small intestine strain). Then 30 days+ of a probiotic blend, which may include large intestine strains like bifidobacterium.

Happy belly, happy life 😀
📸: Jannes Jacobs


perfection is an illusion.

Sometimes we think that every day has to be a 10/10 to see progress. But you are the sum of all your choices made to this point, not just the one made today.

If you ever told yourself that you fell off the wagon, know that wellness is an ever evolving journey and there's no wagon to fall of; there's simply the next choice to make.

It's OK to have an off day. It's OK to not feel like a 10. Just continue to move forward and let go of any judgement.


- Today's post is about .

These days we are so comfortable with stress that it's hard to even tell when we are stressed.

There are lots of ways we can stress our body: emotional stress, digestive stress, sickness, lack of sleep, too much time between meals... these all can stimulate our stress response hormone: cortisol.

Our stress response is not a bad thing, it keeps us alive. It just was never meant to be ON all the time. It's like buying a stove to cook 3 meals a day but leaving it on all the time.

Cortisol stimulates our sympathetic nervous system and puts our body in a catabolic state that relies on quick burning fuel (sugar) to respond to fight or flight. Conversely in a destressed state our body is more anabolic and relies on slow burning fuel (fat).

Not only does stress create an uphill battle in burning fat it can also create hormonal imbalances. Cortisol relies on the same hormone the produces testosterone and estrogen, but our body will prioritize cortisol (again to keep us alive), creating hormonal deficiencies and imbalances that have a variety of adverse effects, like: aging, lack of energy, infertility, hairloss, and weight gain.

In short: chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our whole being. Carve out at some time this weekend to pause, destress, and turn it OFF! Take a short walk, do some yoga nidra, or some pranayama exercises.

Join our FB Group (Link in Bio) for free health tips, yoga classes, meditations and more!


Monday: I am greater than the cards I was dealt.

“I just have a slow metabolism,” “My whole family has suffered from this,” “I have bad genes,” “My past experiences have made it impossible to be well, drink water, and/or eat healthily.” If you have ever said something like this to yourself, you’re not alone. We all have mental and emotional blocks that hold us back from success. But remember you are greater than the cards you were dealt. Nothing in your past can dictate your choices in the present.

Everyone’s lived experience is valid and genetics can have a real impact on someone’s health journey. However, our past experiences and our family tree does not excuse our accountability to our own health. It makes our journey unique, but lifestyle accounts for more than 80% of our health.

Each and everyday YOU get to choose the actions, habits, foods, and practices that support your health goals. What brings you into balance is unique to you. Everybody, no matter what they suffer from, can achieve their health goals when they find the answer to their underlying health imbalances.


'Clean' tap water isn't always 'safe' to drink.

In the US, we are privileged to have access to running water. free of parasite or disease-causing bacteria.

This is in part thanks to water treatments using chlorine and fluoride to kill the bacteria in our water.

However, fluoride is a known poison that has been linked to lower thyroid function, which also has detrimental effects on weight management.

Constant exposure to 'safe' amounts of chlorine can have detrimental effects on the healthy bacteria in our gut.

Furthermore, all major cities tested positive for pharmaceuticals in their water supply as a result of latent drugs in human urine and people disposing of unused drugs down the toilet.

US water supplies have also tested positive for toxic heavy metals like aluminum and lead, as well as pesticides leached from nearby farms

These are all toxins that are filling your rain barrel, that your body has to spend energy to remove, and that are holding you back from achieving optimal health.

Consider a good water filter, like Zero Water for all water that you consume.



No matter where you are on your wellness journey or what your destination may be... remember it's a journey that you get to navigate and your compass lives within.

You are the sum of countless decisions made throughout your entire life. They help inform how you got here but they do not dictate where you are going.

Let go of judgment, preconceptions, and fear. Embrace your journey. And love yourself along the way.