Queer Socials

Queer Socials

Q***r Socials are the newest creation of Q***r Inc. Join Us!

Bringing together the history of the way gay people met up before social media and hook up apps, now we are creating new nights where we bring the gay to the bar we choose.


Wanna hang out?! Guess what your community does too!

If you missed the first Let's Meet Up Social event don't worry... FOMO doesn't last forever!!

AUGUST 11TH from 7-10 PM
We're back at Social Bar and Grill in Tacoma for a happy hour kickback with the people we love... YOU!

👉🏾 Open to the Public, Q***r Folx, and Allies ❤️
👉🏾Happy Hour Menu 🤤
👉🏾 SAFE SPACE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

See you there