The Zombie Ninja Otter Gamer

The Zombie Ninja Otter Gamer

Do you fear the Dread Pirate Roberts?

Support the stream:


Hey yall, I just wanted to say thank you fire all the super and follows and interactions you do during my stream! I love the support and especially love the social aspect I get to do one of the things I love to do. I still continue to ferrite across all 3 platforms I stream to and I how one day I can eventually get good enough to be at least a good small time streamer. So thank you again for the support and I hope I get to see you in the next stream!

TheZombieNinjaOtter - Twitch 29/05/2022

TheZombieNinjaOtter - Twitch Picking FIGHTS with the wrong people!!! Part 2


Great times! It's nice to see how far I've come streaming.


Will be going live today at some time, what time do you think would be best for all of you? I would love to get some charts going


What you are witnessing is highly intensive training by Otter Team 6 to adapt and overcome the freezing temperatures of the Antarctic when they go on their missions to take out high value targets of the Penguin Illuminati Leaders! Train me Otters, TRAIN!


Easter Breakfast!


Thank you to everyone who tuned in to my recent stream. I'm going to start getting back into it now that life is getting more stable! Remember it helps allot to like and share my post to get me out there to help me grow, thank you!


Want to say thank you to all who came and viewed mw on my stream and I'm looking forward to doing another one!


It has been almost 3 months since my last stream! Allot has happened in that time and I think I am ready to get back into it! So keep an eye out for me!


Yo please check out this guy! I promise you won't regret


I know this is a late post but I apologies to all of you who was looking forward to my streams this weekend. We are packing and moving and my daughters birthday. Over the next month it will be very busy. Thank you for all your support!


Just gaming with the homies! Made some sweet plays and got some sweet Dub Dubs!!! Check it out!


Hey Ninja Otters! Out of curiosity, I want to ask what you think of my streams so far, and what can I do to improve them? I'm open to all criticism 😊


Come try something new! Come hang out with us and have some laughs and good conversations!!


Thank you SOO much MilkyPimples for the raid! It was my first ever raid to happen to me and it was so exciting! Much love to you and your supporters/ followers. Just know you made somebody's day!


Hey yall, how is everything going? Lets start a conversation. Tell me what your all time favorite video game is and why? I will go first, has to be Halo! It was ahead of its time in the first 3 halos and the story line is amazing. And I have allot of fond memories with friends and my brother Utah playing it.


Final placements for the charity tournaments!


Officially at 80 followers!!!! So close to that 100!!! I cant wait to reach that mile stone!!!


Just an FYI I am currently going to change my streamer name to what you see now. My the Zombified Ninja Otters defeat the heretical Illuminati Penguins!!!


Jamming on the way home! Stay spazzy!


Half way done with my leave! Really looking forward to bringing you all more content!


I apologize for the late notice, but I will not be streaming again until after the 3rd. I am taking some time off to be with family to attend a loved ones funeral that passed in December. Thank you for understanding, and please be safe. Bit most of all, be spazzy!


I know I didn't stream yesterday, but today I will be having some extended free time to myself and I plan to do a full day stream for you all playing with multiple people and games through the day. I can't give an exact start time but keep an eye out for me. Please hit that follower button for me too! I'm almost to 100 and that's what I need to reach for the level up program! Thank you!


I will be streaming later around 10 P.M. tonight. Sorry for the late notice!


( #1 Casual Gamer in Warzone) (100 Follower Battlepass Giveaway!!!) Thunder in the Down Under!!!

Powered by Restream

100 folllower goal!!!! Help me reach a 100 followers on Facebook and 1 lucky winner will win a free BattlePass on COD Warzone in a random blind draw!!! Once the goal is reached of course!!! Good luck, have fun, stay Spazzy!!

Help reach a 100 Followers by hitting the like, follow, and share buttons. I appreciate every supporter I get. If you want to help me out one step further in my goal, hit up the links down below and show some support for the crazies!!


Just want to say thank you to all who have followed me so far on this journey! Pretty much half way to my goal! And that is amazing! It brings me such excitement to see a community growing. With that said, I want to ask what kind of games would you like to see me play. Go ahead and do a cobweb and let's get a discussion going! And as always, stay safe, stay spazzy!


Hey Everyone! I just wanted to post an update for you. I been working on my stream setup where I can. You will notice some changes I have made when I stream this coming up weekend. One of the things I need is to gain a 100 followers. So I ask this weekend if you can help me out by sharing my content and asking people to follow me it will help me to start in the level up program facebook has for streamers! I want to thank you all who are supporting me so far. Stay tuned for this weekends streams and I will keep you post with updates when I can. Stay safe and stay Spazzy!!!


Hey Spazzers! Just want to inform you that I am working everyday on all platforms to improve my pages for you.
Also I will only be streaming on Fridays and Saturdays for now, times will vary.
I came to the conclusion that this will be best to balance family and work life. Thank you for your understanding.
Stay safe, stay Crazy!

Videos (show all)

"ZNO" The Zombie Ninja Otter!!!
Easter Breakfast!
Casual Play Ep. 1
Casual Play Ep. 1
Planeswalkers are Welcome!!! 1v1 Casual Commander!


Opening Hours

Friday 10:00 - 23:00
Saturday 10:00 - 23:00