BridgeRaise Videos

Videos by BridgeRaise. Not active here. Find me on instagram. Corporate partnerships for non profits is our specialty.

Your first impression with corporate partners does NOT start at your introductory meeting, it starts before then!

Their first impression of you is made when...
📧You send the first email
🌐They visit your website
📱They visit your social media channels

So, what do you want to make sure corporate partners see when in those moments?

Make sure your first email, website and social media accounts have
▪️ Aspects that make them want to write you back
▪️ Up-to-date material
▪️ Posts that build your credibility

This is how you’ll form an amazing first impression with your corporate partners! You got this.

#corporatepartnerships #corporatesponsorships #corporatefundraising #bridgeraise #firstimpressions

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Your first impression with corporate partners does NOT start at your introductory meeting, it starts before then! Their first impression of you is made when... 📧You send the first email 🌐They visit your website 📱They visit your social media channels So, what do you want to make sure corporate partners see when in those moments? Make sure your first email, website and social media accounts have ▪️ Aspects that make them want to write you back ▪️ Up-to-date material ▪️ Posts that build your credibility This is how you’ll form an amazing first impression with your corporate partners! You got this. #corporatepartnerships #corporatesponsorships #corporatefundraising #bridgeraise #firstimpressions

Today’s #ClientQuestion: What to do when you get asked for exclusivity? 🤔 So you negotiate a partnership agreement with a company & then the agreement comes in & there's an exclusivity clause - now what? 1️⃣ Don’t panic & make sure it really needs to be there 2️⃣ Ask questions & determine what the reasoning is 3️⃣ If they are really committed to a big large scale exclusivity, make sure the investment really aligns with your organization Sometimes, saying “no” is a really powerful move! If you want some specific thought starters on this and help entering into this conversation read my blog post, “How To Say No To Exclusivity” here Good luck! And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to DM me. I'd love to talk about it! #BridgeRaise #TeamBridgeRaise #corporatepartnerships #corporatefundraising #corporatesponsorships

4 Ways to Build Your Prospect List
4 ways to build your prospect list NOW! The following tips will help you build the strongest and freshest prospect list for your organization: 1️⃣ Networking - there is no better way to start a conversation than meeting some in person! 2️⃣ Dreamstorming...and alignment - This is all about thinking or dreaming about the companies you have always believed are aligned with your organization. Do your research and make a connection! 3️⃣ Sector Analysis! What sector matches with your charity via a common stakeholder group, a way of working or maybe something else? Then, look for leading companies in that sector to make a connection with. 4️⃣ Talk to your program team! They're already out there meeting corporate contacts in one way or another and you need to know those folks! Stop mining the same contact list you've had for the last year. Take these four simple (yet time consuming) steps and put them into ACTION! 👏 This is something BridgeRaise specializes in, so if you need help, reach out! We love to watch you and your organizations grow! 📲 Send me a DM 📲 #BridgeRaise #TeamBridgeRaise #CorporatePartnerships #CorporateSponsorships #CorporateFundraising #ProspectList

Are you wishing you were the organization with an awareness month? With corporate partnerships on your priority list, you might be thinking that it would be the ANSWER! And in some ways it is. It can provide urgency, a real purpose to your outreach, and a marketing opportunity for your proposal to your corporate partnership prospect. And for companies, there are a few key reasons that charity partnerships make particular sense when there is an awareness month. However, these months can be full of pitfalls for charity recipients, and I'm giving you a few thoughts: #marketing #CSR #charity #partnerships #bridgeraise

Do you ever totally lack perspective? Are you aware when you have totally lost track of perspective? If you are thinking, "YEP!" 🙋‍♀️, or "I'm so overwhelmed I'm not sure?!", 🤷‍♀️ ... then maybe you need a vacation. Some of you may know I just came back from a glorious two weeks off. Totally OFF! (special thanks to my exceptional team 🥰) And what I was reminded about beyond the beauty the world and how much I love sun, new places and family time is that... vacation gives me high quality perspective. I catch up on sleep, I get to experience new, non-work things and most importantly, my schedule is driven by enjoyment and experiences. And this gives me time to think about: ▪️ What I enjoy about my work. ▪️ What I value in my life. ▪️ The relative importance of work and life. ▪️ That most "emergencies" and work "crises" are minor and fleeting. ▪️ How much I love my business, clients and team! That many of them are easily solved when you have perspective. ✨ AND it is very difficult to have perspective when you are exhausted and overwhelmed. So, if you are feeling like perspective is elusive, I encourage you to give yourself the gift of space from your to do list. I know you will be better for it. And so will your organization, your work, and your colleagues. Whether you love a beach, a mountain view or just quiet time disconnected at home - The time to plan it is now! ☀️⛰️🏡 #Vacation #TimeOff #BridgeRaise #CorporatePartnerships #CorporateFundraising #CanadianFundraisers #Perspective #PerspectiveIsEverything

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, that's how the old saying goes, right? If this is an expression or a tactic you've been taught about how to be successful in Corporate Partnership Outreach, then I have an alternative for you. I'm Heather Nelson, I'm a Corporate Partnerships expert. ... and I do not like that expression. Let's break it down: What are squeaky wheels? They're annoying. Sure, they get your attention. But for the wrong reasons. ❌ Of course, I encourage Corporate Partnership specialists to be persistent and resilient AND I often suggest reaching out more than once. But in a way that is thoughtful and adds value. Not annoyance. Multiple outreaches should: ▪️ add value by teaching or sharing important information ▪️ show consideration and respect ▪️ be authentic and respond to the vibe of the interaction ... THAT'S what we want! 👏 A recent experience with a persistent and inconsiderate squeaky wheel reminded me of the detrimental impact it has on relationship building. Want to hear more about this, listen to this video. I've noted some tips in this video, but most of all... don't squeak! 😉 #BridgeRaise #CauseCampaigns #CorporatePartnerships #CorporateFundraising #MindSet #Clarity #YouHaveValue #TeamBridgeRaise #CanadianFundraisers

How many times have you heard a marketing expert tell you the importance of writing at the level of a 5th grader? i.e. make it easy to read and easy to digest... But then, when you are writing a proposal or email for a corporate partner and you find yourself getting fancy, with big multiple syllable words and super long sentences? STOP THAT! 🙅‍♀️ People in the CSR, marketing and human resources departments are all VERY BUSY. If you want them to read your email or proposal, you need to get to the point, be clear, and make it easy to read. You have a way better chance of getting an answer if the person doesn't have to read it twice to know what you want, or what you are doing. So, cut the big words, dense paragraphs and try writing your next corporate proposal for a 5th grader. ✅ Clear. ✅ Concise. ✅ Compelling. Willing to try it? You got this! ✨ #BridgeRaise #CauseCampaigns #CorporatePartnerships #CorporateFundraising #MindSet #Clarity #YouHaveValue #TeamBridgeRaise #CanadianFundraisers

The war in Ukraine is heavy on many of our hearts. It is important that each of us support in a way that is meaningful for us. Having said that, as fundraisers, we understand better than almost anyone how much financial donations can help in these situations. In particular, financial donations to reputable and credible organizations that are effective and experience in these situations. Have you become the voice of expertise in answering all matter of questions in this area? I have and honestly I find it challenging to boil down so much knowledge about fundraising and financial support. All, while having so little knowledge about the specific situation in Ukraine. For corporate fundraising, the war on Ukraine also means that there is going to be a re-allocation of funding. Rightfully, there are going to be organizations that will receive an unexpected increase in support and others who are going to see their support scaled back. What do you do in this situation? How can you prepare? My key piece of advice: Don't ignore what's happening. Reach out and talk to your contact. Describe your role in helping the situation, or be clear on the importance of their continued to support to your important cause and stakeholders. This is the time to communicate MORE, not less. Be honest, be authentic, and it will serve you.

Work smarter, not harder. We're better together. ✨ Have you signed up for the #CorporatePartnershipLaunchpad yet? It's the LAST DAY to register! In this small group setting, we are going to solve your shared challenges and activate each of you into action! At the same time, this program will ensure that you're taking the most efficient action to get great Corporate Partners. You'll leave the program with a benefit framework and a proposal deck that WORKS! What's holding you back? 📲 Send me a DM and let's chat! Let's work together. Sign up today 🚀 #BridgeRaise #CorporatePartnership #CorporateFundraising #CorporateSponsorship #2022 #NonProfit #NonProfitFundraising

I invite you to join me for my brand new, 8-week course, The Corporate Partnership Launchpad, running March 7 - May 6, 2022! 🚀 We're going to be leveraging Mallory Erickson’s high-demand Power Partners formula, in conjunction with intimate, small group coaching with Heather and specific BridgeRaise tools and tactics. We'll help you attract large corporate donations for your organization without: ❌ Wasting time ❌ Guesswork ❌ Overwhelm Ready to further your mission and increase your impact through Corporate Fundraising? Only 6 Spots available! Sign up now 👉 #BridgeRaise #CorporatePartnership #CorporateFundraising #CorporateSponsorship #2022 #NonProfit #NonProfitFundraising #CorporatePartnershipLaunchpad

Is the uncertainty and greyness of this particular season getting you down? You're not alone. Did you know that today is Blue Monday? Although for those in my neighbourhood it's looking pretty white out there! ❄️ We've all been there. And I have some tips to share that have personally helped me: ▪️ Get outside. I know, it's cold! But Nature can be so healing. ▪️ Consider a micro-step: what is the next thing you NEED to do? ▪️ Find community. Surround yourself with warmth, connect with a friend and just generally, reach out. No matter the weather, I can't wait for Happy YOU Year this week! Have you registered? It's all about YOU and is guaranteed to wipe those blues away. This Thursday, January 20th, 2pm - 5pm. Register 📲 Link in bio. The sun will be shining again soon! ☀️

4 Do's and 1 Don't to Maximize Corporate Partnerships
Are you counting down to year-end and wondering how to raise more money from your corporate sponsors and partners? 🌟 If this sounds like you then the information I am sharing is just what you need! 🌟 Watch the full video at the link below to learn the 4 things TO DO and the 1 thing NOT TO DO to maximize your year-end for your charity or nonprofit. Need some additional ideas? I have a download that will give you a number of ideas on how you can say thank you a little more creatively. You can find the link to it in the YT video description. And while you are on YouTube make sure to "Like" and "Subscribe" so that you are alerted to when future videos all about raising more money from corporate partnerships go live. 💻 Watch the full video here: You've got this and I can help! #CorporatePartnerships #CorporateSponsorships #NonProfits #Notforprofits #charities #CanadianCharities #nonprofitsector

How Not to Give Your Corporate Partners Everything
Grocery shopping when HUNGRY! 🤦‍♀️ You know the drill, I found myself filling up my cart with lots of YUMMY foods – things I wanted, things like chocolate-covered almonds. MMMM. 🍩🍫🍬 Then Ken showed up, rolled his eyes 🙄, and reminded me of my promise to myself to focus on foods that support my objective of HEALTH. Corporate Partnership negotiations can be a lot like this. Your corporate prospects mention all the yummy, delicious things they would like as benefits. Things that go well beyond what they need to meet their objective, or require to feel awesome, but that add a little sugar to the partnership. And when that happens, you need a plan…you need a Ken! He was my strategy to focus on my objective. 📝 ➡️ Here's my strategy for you. The next time your negotiation starts “leaking into everything in the cart territory", watch this video and visit this BridgeRaise blog: #corporatepartnerships #corporatesponsorships #corporatepartners #charities #nonprofits #CanadianCharities #fundraisingstrategies

Oh my, it's September!
Is this a challenging time for you?'s full of: ☑️ Back to school ☑️ Jewish High Holiday Season ☑️ Your “other” New Year (as a daughter of a teacher, my family always thought of September as new year!) ☑️ Family milestones (child going to kindergarten or university, anyone??) ☑️ Back to kid’s sports (is this just me? Holy stressful!) 😟 ☑️ The end of your favorite time (my summer love lives on) 😀 ☑️ A return to a more consistent schedule… I’ve been talking to my clients and all of that brings a lot of newness, change and transition. Throw in year-end fast approaching on a fundraising calendar – cue the stress! But for me it is also the perfect time to reach out, reconnect and renew relationships that may have lapsed over the last few months. I reach out to friends, colleagues and team members, and look to support one another. Taking a few minutes to make connections, will be worth it as we go into the busy fundraising season. I know I'm doing that this month. What’s going on for you? ** Need a little extra inspiration to get your relationships warmed up? Click on the links in the comments to access two videos that will help. #makeconnections #renewrelationships #corporatefundraising #corporatepartnerships #fundraising

Small nonprofits can and do raise money from companies. 💰 Yep - fact not question. We know it because we see it every day. ❤️ And we at Team BridgeRaise love them. We see them leverage their superpowers to do it. What superpowers?? And do you have them too? We bet you do...💥 And we are proud of you and love helping you achieve new success. ➡️ If you want to read more about how we connect with small shops, visit BridgeRaise's blog: #smallshops #smallshopsuperpower #nonprofits #charities #corporatepartnerships #corporatesponsorships #corporatefundraising #nonprofittemplates #fundraising #nonprofitleaders #nonprofitfundraising

I asked, and you answered…Corporate partnerships for the win!
Want to know who won? I asked you, what you call the companies that support you. 📣 Over 80% of you said corporate partners. 🎉 THAT IS AWESOME!! 🎉 It matters because it tells me that you and I are aligned. We both believe that nonprofits can provide value to companies. We know that nonprofits have value that goes beyond what sponsorship can capture. We recognize that most companies expect more than what the word donation suggests. Hopefully, we also agree that we can have respectful, mutually beneficial relationships that make the world a better place. Partners work together making that happen!! 🤝 Ok, now that I've moved beyond the word choice, are we still on the same page? Any interest in building your corporate partnerships to a new level with some support? 📩 If you'd like to talk about how BridgeRaise can help, DM me. #corporatefundraising #corporatefunding #corporatesponsorships #fundraising #sponsorships #corporatepartners #corporatepartnerships #charities #nonprofits #CanadianCharities #CanadianNonprofits #nonprofitsector #charitablesector

Summer is the best time of year! ☀️ I love summer and with that in mind, I share in this video a few ideas to make summer great. And to inspire you when you're taking a break, BridgeRaise pulled together an inspirational summer playlist. 🎧 ➡️ Access it here: Have a great summer! #ilovesummer #takeabreak #restandrejuvenate #trysomethingnew #summerfun #getoutside #readabook #blockofftime #spotifyplaylists #summerplaylists #BridgeRaiseSummerPlaylist #corporatefundraising #corporatefunding #corporatesponsorships #fundraising #sponsorships #corporatepartners #corporatepartnerships #charities #nonprofits #CanadianCharities

Register Now - A Board’s Guide to Corporate Fundraising
Boards are critical to corporate fundraising success... Knowing the keys to success with corporate fundraising and having your whole Board on the same page when critical decisions need to be made, will save your Board significant time and make your decisions powerful and efficient. Register Now for A Board's Guide to Corporate Fundraising on June 10th at 1:00 pm and receive: ☑️ Our Corporate Fundraising for Boards e-Book ☑️ A corporate support acceptance policy template ☑️ A recording to refer back to and share with your Board! Over the course of 90 minutes we will cover: ☑️ The various approaches to corporate fundraising and which is best for your organization ☑️ How to know if you’re ready for corporate fundraising ☑️ What may be holding your charity back from success ☑️ Your Board’s role and responsibilities in corporate fundraising ☑️ A step-by-step roadmap for success …and have the opportunity to ask Heather any questions you may have. 📢 For more information and to register: #BoardofDirectors #nonprofitboards #nonprofit #nonprofits #charities #charitablesector #nonprofitsector #corporatefundraising #fundraisingstrategy #corporatepartnerships #corporatesponsorships #fundraising #executivedirectors

Collecting Courage
This year has been one of important learning and awareness building for me, and initial action. I have much more work to do in all of these areas. That could not have been more evident as it was this week as I learned in horror about the tragic, and long covered up, death of 215 kids in the residential school in Kamloops. Part of my learning, which I wanted to share, I did write and record before this week and so it does not specifically address the tragedy and my feelings about the need for action on the Truth and Reconciliation report. I will need to read and share on that another day. It is still though reflective of the importance of listening to the stories of the individuals who are experiencing, and who have experienced mistreatment and systemic racism. One of the most powerful pieces of work has been listening to the stories of BIPOC men and women, particularly, the stories and experiences of those in the nonprofit sector. In my video, I share some of my reflections, but most importantly a recommendation to buy and read Collecting Courage. It will open your eyes, and hopefully spur you to action.

Corporate Fundraising Email That Works
Are you hearing back from your cold prospect emails? If not - this video is for you! In it, I share the secret on what to do to ensure you hear back quicker than you may have in the past. It is an easy-to-follow 3 sentence email template that has had great success with many of my clients. They have been telling me it worked far better than they could imagine. I encourage you to try it and see how it works for you. And then let me know how it goes! #corporatefundraising #corporatepartnerships #corporatesponsorships #prospectemails #nonprofits #charities #fundraising #sponsorships #fundraisingtips #sponsorshiptips