Pain Fluent

Pain Fluent

Are you someone who has made the shift to work from home over the past couple of years? A fitness be


Have you ever watched a full sunset? It is the most relaxing experience.

It happens so slowly. Most people only watch the main part where it starts to disappear but they don't stick around for the shift from light to complete darkness. That is the part that makes you stop right in your tracks.

It forces you to breathe slower and appreciate the official change from day to night.

Take some time to find what relaxes you today.


Before you begin your busy Saturday, give yourself permission to do something for you today. Pick one thing, big or small that will benefit you.


We talk about stretching frequently. It is an important key to wellness.

Stretching increases energy, mobility, strength, blood flow among so many additional benefits.

Even if it is in bed right when you wake up or at the end of the day before you sleep, find time to do a little bit of stretching daily.

Remember, stretching is for everyone. You don't have to touch your toes in order for it to be effective. Start slow and do what you can.


You deserve 10 minutes out of your day to hear your body out.

Start to take just 10 minutes each day to be somewhere quiet. That somewhere can be in your car away from your family. It can be the walk to your mailbox in the morning. It can be in the shower. Anywhere that you can remove yourself from the stress-filled routine to just be.

Listen to your body to see if you need rest or you need relief.

If your body needs rest, make sure that you are doing everything you can to maximize your sleep and stay hydrated.

If your body needs relief, spend time understanding where you feel tension, where you feel pain. Address those issues by stretching, massaging or soaking your body's muscles.

You deserve 10 minutes to hear your body out.


Never upset when our four-legged friends join us for some self-care!

Do you have a furry family member at home who enjoys joining you for a workout, stretch or some meditation? Let us know in the comments!


We love to see happy customers!

Thank you so much for sending in this testimonial Katie! We are overjoyed to hear that our Premium TENS Machine has helped you achieve some relief!


Instead of jumping out of bed quickly when you wake up, take a few minutes to stretch your body and get the blood flowing.

This can help to remove some of those smaller aches and pains you feel when first getting up.


Does electrotherapy make you uneasy?

At first, it can be a bit intimidating but it is completely safe, both in the hands of a professional and for at-home use!

When using a TENS machine, all you are really doing is stopping the pain with tiny electric pulses.

It is an entirely non-invasive process and is safer than taking painkillers because of the harm those can cause for your liver.

Safety is always a priority and it’s good to be cautious, but remember that some treatments may appear intimidating at first and it’s equally important to look at the risks and benefits of alternative treatments!


Easier said than done right?

You already have so much going on everyday. You already feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day. How are you supposed to find time for recovery and prevention?

It is so difficult. Balancing families and work and friends and other obligations, it is already overwhelming.

Taking the time to heal your body from pain and continuing your healing process through prevention is so important. It deserves to be a priority in your life because it is a priority for your health!

Pain Fluent wants to make this important key to your health feel more attainable. Our products are designed to save you time while providing your body the TLC that it requires and deserves. Our products work in 10 minutes or less to provide you relief.

Can you take 10 minutes a day to take care of your body?


Happy Valentine’s Day! We hope you take time to enjoy the love given to you from those you love.

Remember that you and your body deserve some self-love. Try to do one thing today that promotes wellness and relief.

Let us know what you chose!



As you recover from the work week today, try to think about how much you moved during work hours.

During the pandemic, many of us needed to change our routines and what was normal. With the limitations and increase in work fro home opportunities, without even noticing, we started to move less.

Suddenly, we weren’t walking to and from work, going on coffee breaks, catching up with co-workers in the halls, or walking to meetings daily.

While those were seemingly small things at the time, we lost nearly all of them and significantly reduced the amount of time we were moving.

To combat this, we need to be intentional about when we move. You should be moving for a total of at least 3 minutes per hour.

Set a reminder if you have to at first but get comfortable getting up during work again to move your body. It will make you more productive, more comfortable and reduce stress.

How many days in the coming week are you going to move for 3 min once an hour between 9am and 5pm?


Our bodies are such a gift. It is our responsibility to remember to treat it as such.

We are able to dance, run, walk daily because our bodies are putting so much effort into making it happen.

Movement is so healthy for the body but so is recovery. When you are feeling pain or fatigue or after you’ve done strenuous activity, remember to allow your body to recover.

You can stretch, do yoga, apply heat, apply pressure, massage and a variety of other activities.

We not only want to share our products with you but ways for you to improve your routine so that you can reduce and prevent pain occurrences.

Make sure you follow us for tips and guides as well as Pain Fluent announcements and new products!

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As you recover from the work week today, try to think about how much you moved during work hours. During the pandemic, m...

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Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00