Glenn Ritchey

Glenn Ritchey

Skate hard or die


You do not need to quarantine your dreams to self-doubt and fear any longer.

You do not need a special title to lead and be a positive difference-maker.

All you have to do today is, get started, exactly where you are, and with your current knowledge!

Do it!


When starting to grow a following, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable in your posts. When you are true, people will trust you, follow you, and buy from you!


Look, we get it, priorities change throughout our lives, life fu***ng happens, we get it! Invest in yourself, for you, for your family, for your future! Don’t be that person that doesn’t think twice about getting the newest IPhone, but won’t invest in themselves by joining a coaching program! “Pay the price now, so you can pay any price later”!

1️⃣ Invest in yourself, join a coaching program - $999 Too much!
2️⃣ Pay $999 for an new IPhone- Most definitely!

1️⃣ Take a 2 hour training course to learn something new - I’m too busy, I have no time!
2️⃣ Watch 2 hours of Netflix - Just 1 more episode!

1️⃣ Go for a walk with your kids - Sorry kids, I’m too busy today, maybe tomorrow!
2️⃣ Go for a couple beers after the game - Count me in!


Are you in a job that you just can’t stand, and dread going to work everyday?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Most people feel the same, and yet, most people do nothing about it, except complain to anyone that will listen!

Isn’t it time for you to make an impact on the world with what you know?

Or, maybe you’ve already started down the path of being a branded expert, but stuck not getting paid what you’re worth!

No matter where you are in your life, or career, you’re an expert at something, and people will pay you for your expertise! Society will tell you that you need more experience, or an MBA or Doctorate to be seen as an “expert.”

You’re an expert!

An expert is someone who knows more than the next person, so you’re parents and teachers are experts… and so are you, don’t ever forget that!

But most people are afraid to call themselves an Expert, because they’re afraid of what people will say, and they don’t want to seem arrogant, or come off as a “know it all”!

Stop caring what society thinks, F**k them, they don’t know you…

You are the expert!!!


Whatever it is you have to do that takes you out of your comfort zone, or even scares the s**t out of you because you don’t know if you can do it…remember this!

Your first kiss you were so nervous, but now it’s natural, and you don’t think about it!

The first time you tried to ride a bike without training wheels was scary and you fell down…a lot, but now you can do wheelies!

The first time you drove a car, you were so scared you were going to hit something, and maybe you did, I know I did, but now you can drive without thinking about it!

The first time you told someone you loved them, not knowing if they felt the same way, scared the s**t out of you, but now you tell your significant other you love them all day!

Just Do It!


Let's be honest here folks...
Procrastination SUCKS!

In the past I quite often procrastinated, and at times, I still can, and do!

But, procrastination is not laziness, generally! It is a way of coping with your challenging emotions and negative moods brought on by certain tasks!

Here are just 5 of many reasons people tend to procrastinate:
1️⃣ Fear of failure.
2️⃣ Fear of criticism.
3️⃣ Avoidance.
4️⃣ Low self-esteem.
5️⃣ A tendency to self-defeat

Here are a few ways to help get over that procrastination hurdle, and not feel bad about yourself, 5 is my favorite, whats yours?
1️⃣ Awareness - Be self-aware that you are procrastinating, the first step is being aware that you are doing it.
2️⃣ Be honest with yourself, identify and understand your feelings, and why you're procrastinating, is it anxiety, fear of not knowing how to do something, etc.
3️⃣ Have a plan in place, know what you need to do, and when you need to do it. Like that saying goes, "those you fail to plan, plan to fail!"
4️⃣ Work on your harder tasks earlier in your work day, when you're more focused, and alert.
5️⃣ Just Do It! Don't think about what you have to do, overthinking can lead to procrastination, just take imperfect action, it always wins over "perfection" and not doing the task!


This is my real life pandemic story, thought I'd share with everyone because I'm sure a lot of you have similar stories. Lets have a day of sharing, I'm telling you mine, why not share yours!

My story started with me wanting to get off 2nd shift after 3 years to spend more time with my family, and have more "normal" work hours...and that's what I did! Things were going well, working 8-5 with a nice title for a really good company, it wasn't my dream job, but it wasn't bad! I'm sure some, or many of you have been there, you're doing okay, and would like to do something else but can't find the right thing, so you keep on pushing on. Wondering all along, I wonder if I left my job could we survive until I find the right thing, or even start that business I've had in the back of my mind.

Then one day in the news you hear of a "virus" that's spreading around the world, there is a global pandemic, countries are shutting down, people are losing their jobs, and businesses can't survive! So, you do what you can, going to work everyday with a mask on, hoping that you and your co-workers can stay safe and don't get this virus killing so many. Then, like any other Pandemic day you come to work and at the end of the day, "bam" you no longer have a job!

Anger, fear, and what am I going to do set in! It's tough out there, hard to find jobs, but you're a survivor! Me, I worked with a friend for his digital marketing agency helping/coaching business owners learn how to find new customers and become successful and thrive! This is a global pandemic, we all have to help each other if we want to make this world a better and safer place! Tough times don't last, tough people do!

What's your story?


For all the business owners and managers, what have been some pain points when trying to build a successful team?


Turns out my first ride of the season is on the first full day of spring!


A little Jack for me and my brother to warm up on a great morning of shinny hockey!


Two mindsets, fixed and growth, which one are you working towards!


Good morning, who starts their day with a cold shower? What benefits have you noticed since taking cold showers in the morning?


Are you a big fish in a small pond, to make progress and grow, you have to learn to be comfortable, being uncomfortable!


“Often it isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out, it’s the little pebble in your shoe.”
—Muhammad Ali

What’s the pebble keeping you from getting to the top of your mountain?
