Dichter India Pvt. Ltd.

Dichter India Pvt. Ltd.

Dichter India Pvt. Ltd. is a Market research and analysis firm. We provide deep market insight and in


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Kiara Advani Senco gold AD TVC 21/01/2023

Dichter India Pvt Ltd is super happy, because our research have been acknowledged by one of India's best Jewelry brand.


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What Market Research Tells Companies About New Products and Services 19/04/2022

Know more about Market research and how it's helpful for your business.

What Market Research Tells Companies About New Products and Services Market research is a strategy companies employ to determine the viability of a new product or service, involving the use of surveys, product tests, and focus groups.


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Market Research Definition - Entrepreneur Small Business Encyclopedia 16/05/2021

We at Dichter India have all the required skills and expertise to help you find out what should be your next step toward becoming a successful entrepreneur...
Bibekanand Das

Market Research Definition - Entrepreneur Small Business Encyclopedia Back to Encyclopedia Market Research Definition: The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present and potential customers for the product or service; research into the charac...

7 Reasons Why Marketing Research Is Important to a Business 14/05/2021

Market Research is to business what SONAR is to submarines.

7 Reasons Why Marketing Research Is Important to a Business It’s easy to dismiss the importance of marketing research. After all, when you first think of a business idea, spending hours on market research is the last thing on your mind. Most of us would...


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