

This page is dedicated to my music as a rapper.


To many this may come as a surprise, but recently I have found myself considering the points of critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In other words, I have recently exposed myself to a considerable amount of what is termed “Anti-Mormon” literature or discussion. These are my realizations:

It has done nothing for me; it has only taken happiness, faith, and hope from me. There are things in the church’s history I cannot explain, but it does not negate the fruits of the restoration, i.e., God’s restoring of Christ’s church and His doctrine through Joseph Smith and The Book of Mormon.

I cannot explain it. The restored gospel as taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is just true. If one lives the teachings of Jesus Christ as taught in His restored church; If one accepts the doctrines of His restored church as true; and receives His ordinances, entering into covenants with Him and our Eternal Father, he or she will know the truth of it all. I have seen the other side of the coin and it is bleak, dark, lonely, and full of despair, i.e., void of hope. Joseph Smith was a true prophet; The Book of Mormon is true; and President Nelson is The Lord’s mouthpiece upon the earth. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

T-Rec - YouTube 30/11/2022

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T-Rec - YouTube My Raps

Kendrick Lamar Father Time Remix by T-Rec 02/06/2022


Kendrick Lamar Father Time Remix by T-Rec This is a song about my relationship with my dad. It begins pessimistic towards him, but it then shows a change of heart and mind towards him - I begin to b...