37CELLS unifies all wearable and performance data in one platform for highly personalised insights


You know, when it comes to getting fit and staying healthy, diving into the whole data thing is a total game-changer! Smartwatches offer you this cool superpower where you can track all your health stuff—like heart rate, sleep, calories burnt, and much more. It's like having a personal health coach! And get this—once you've got the data flowing, use it to fine-tune your workouts and tweak your nutrition. It's all about tailoring your plan to what makes you feel unstoppable.
And let's not forget goal-tracking. Setting yourself some exciting targets, whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle, or running that extra mile, tracking your progress turns those goals into a fun, rewarding game.
With 37CELLS you have access to FitBot, your personal 24/7 health and fitness coach that interprets your data and turn your health goals into an epic adventure!
What are you waiting for? Gear up, tech up, gather your data, set those goals, and become unstopabble!🚀💪


How often do you find yourself in the zone? That state of optimal experience where you're fully immersed and rocking that heightened focus?
In sports, this is a game-changer! Athletes become laser-focused, effortlessly pulling off moves like magic, and time. Well, it's on a whole different wavelength. Confidence and clarity reign supreme, and self-consciousness takes a backseat. It's not just about winning; it's about that joy and satisfaction that comes from being in the groove.
When was the last time you felt the magic of being in the zone?
Share your experiences!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio


Sun exposure has both positive and negative impacts on fitness and health. On the positive side, it provides vital vitamin D for bone health and immune function, positively influences mood and motivation, regulates circadian rhythm, and boosts energy levels. However, excessive exposure can lead to sunburn, skin damage, dehydration, and overheating, emphasising the need for precautions like sunscreen, hydration, and appropriate clothing.

Check out 37CELLS' cool sun-safety feaures!
🌍 REAL-TIME UV INDEX UPDATES is like having a sun-savvy BFF that tells you when it's time to slather on more sunscreen and when it's okay to show off your beach bod. It also
🏃 It tracks your workout data and adjust suggestions for your activities based on weather conditions.

Life's too good for sunburn!☀️



January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and it's essential to recognise the substantial impact that thyroid issues can have on our fitness and overall health.
There are two main types of thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
People with hypothyroidism may experience fatigue and weakness, making it difficult to engage in regular physical activity and exercise. It also slows down the metabolism, leading to weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
Hyperthyroidism is associated with an overactive metabolism, which can lead to weight loss and a challenge to gain or maintain muscle mass. Additionally, individuals with hyperthyroidism may experience an elevated heart rate and palpitations due to the increased metabolic activity.
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can contribute to joint and muscle pain and can impact mental health leading to symptoms such as depression or anxiety.

The 37CELLS community believes in the power of knowledge and support, and we want to make a difference, so let's support those affected by thyroid disorders, this month and always.


🏋️‍♀️ Showcase your fitness achievements like never before with 37CELLS' Fitness Selfie feature! Capture your triumphs in a single snapshot by overlaying your training data onto your photos – whether it's a power run, a scenic hike, or an intense workout session.

How it works:
1️⃣ Choose your favourite workout moment or post-gym glow.
2️⃣ Overlay real-time data like calories burned, distance run, and time taken to achieve your exercise milestone.
3️⃣ Add a personalised caption to share your experience or triumph and inspire your followers with your dedication and progress.

Download 37CELLS and start creating Fitness Selfies that tell your unique story.
Let the Fitness Selfie revolution begin!


A healthy, active lifestyle requires more than just vigorous workouts and a balanced diet. The secret lies in understanding the significance of injury prevention and rehabilitation.

Committing to your wellbeing and applying these mindful practices will result in a healthier, happier you!
1️⃣ The foundation of any successful fitness routine is a well-designed warm-up that prepares your body for the challenges ahead, increasing flexibility and blood flow, and promoting optimal muscle function.
2️⃣ During exercise, it's essential to listen to your body's signals. Pushing through pain should never be the goal. Tune in to your body's responses and modify your routine if needed.
3️⃣ Whether you're lifting weights or engaging in activities like yoga, always prioritise proper technique. Learn the correct methods and make adjustments as needed to protect your body.
4️⃣ Your body needs time to recover, so schedule in those rest days and ensure you're getting quality sleep.
5️⃣ In case of an injury, remember the R I C E method – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation – to kickstart your healing.

Your body is incredible, and taking care of it is a lifelong journey!

Photo: Photo by Pixabay


Fitness isn't just about sculpting your physique; it's also a powerful catalyst for personal development, and cultivating discipline and mental resilience.💯

Here's why.

Goal-setting requires dedication and structured efforts, instilling a sense of responsibility and focus, while the consistency demanded by a regular workout routine fosters discipline, turning exercise into a non-negotiable commitment that parallels other aspects of life.
Managing time effectively to balance work, social life, and workouts becomes a valuable skill, contributing to overall productivity.
Overcoming physical challenges in fitness routines translates to a mental fortitude that allows individuals to face difficulties head-on, adapt to discomfort, and persevere through adversity
The mental resilience cultivated through fitness stems from stress adaptation, as exercise becomes a controlled stressor that helps the mind adapt and cope. Endorphin release, triggered by physical activity, contributes to a more positive mental state, aiding in stress management.
As concentration improves through focused workout sessions, self-efficacy grows with every fitness goal achieved, creating a robust foundation for personal development and a resilient mindset in navigating life's challenges.

Photo by Allan Mas


Ever wonder how athletes achieve peak performance?

Here are some tips inspired by their training techniques that you can apply to elevate your training and daily life:

🏋️‍♀️ Move Smart: Just like athletes fine-tune their movements, incorporate functional exercises into your routine. Focus on good posture, balance, and efficient movements to prevent injuries and enhance daily activities.
📊 Data-Driven Decisions: You don't need a team of analysts, but paying attention to your personal data can be enlightening! Track your fitness progress, sleep patterns, and nutrition to make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle.
🧠 Train Your Mind: Mental toughness isn't just for athletes. Practice mindfulness, visualization, and positive thinking. A strong mind helps you overcome challenges and stay focused on your goals.
🍏 Nutrition Matters: You don't have to be a pro to eat like one! Optimise your nutrition based on your lifestyle. Fuel your body with balanced meals, stay hydrated, and consider nutritional choices for sustained energy.
⏳ Prioritise Recovery: Athletes know the importance of rest. Ensure you get enough quality sleep, practice relaxation techniques, and allow your body to recover. A well-rested body and mind contribute to improved performance in daily tasks.
👥 Build a Support System: Athletes thrive with a support network. Surround yourself with positive influences, friends, and family who encourage your journey. Having a strong social circle can boost your motivation and resilience.
🚀 Set Goals & Celebrate Progress: Athletes set clear, achievable goals. Define your objectives and celebrate small victories along the way. It's the journey that counts, so take pride in your progress!

Remember, you don't need a stadium to be a champion in your own life. Embrace these principles, stay committed, and watch yourself achieve new heights!

Photo by Chris Peeters


Did you know that Vitamin D isn't just about strong bones?

According to research, a 7-minute morning or mid-afternoon walk during summer and up to 40 minutes at noon in winter (with at least your arms exposed for vitamin D synthesis), is a game-changer for your immune system, mood, and overall well-being.

A well-rounded diet rich in fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified foods like milk, orange juice, and cereals combined with sun exposure proves ample.

However, when achieving optimal sun exposure and diet becomes challenging, a vitamin D supplement becomes a valuable resource. Take a proactive step to ensure your health and wellbeing stay on track. Your body will thank you with boosted immunity and a radiant smile! 😁


In our hectic lives, protein shakes offer a quick solution for supplementing nutrition. While the impact of protein shakes on your health depends on various factors, including your individual health goals, dietary needs, and overall lifestyle, here's what you need to know:

👊The Pros:
* Ideal for busy lifestyles or those struggling to meet protein needs through whole foods.
* Essential for muscle repair and growth, especially beneficial for active individuals.
* Aids recovery by providing a quick source of amino acids post-exercise.
* Contributes to a sense of fullness, potentially aiding in calorie control.

☝️The Cons:
* May lack the diverse nutrients found in whole foods, leading to deficiencies.
* Some shakes contain added sugars and artificial flavors; choose products with minimal additives.
* Excessive protein or low-quality supplements may cause digestive discomfort.
* Quality supplements can be expensive compared to whole food sources.

* Protein shakes should complement a varied diet for a range of nutrients.
* Lean meats, dairy, eggs, legumes, and plant-based sources should be the primary protein sources.
* Opt for high-quality, minimally-additive protein products, preferably third-party tested.
* Seek advice from healthcare professionals or dietitians before significant dietary changes, especially with pre-existing health conditions.

How do you incorporate protein shakes into your routine? Share your favourite recipe or tips below! 💡


Welcome to a whole new world of well-being with 37CELLS!

This cutting-edge performance and health app, seamlessly brings together data from leading smartwatch brands like Apple, Garmin, and FitBit and gather all your fitness insights in one user-friendly haven, so no more worries about losing your hard-earned training data when switching smartwatch brands – we've got you covered!

Also experience the benefits of personalised fitness support with FitBot, our friendly AI integration. FitBot evaluates 147 data points from your smartwatch to offer you tailored guidance for your unique fitness journey.

It's like having a knowledgeable and supportive friend by your side, making every step of your wellness adventure more inviting and rewarding.

Download the FREE app now:
👉 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cellapp
👉 iOS: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/37cells/id6446766121

🚀 Join the movement to seize control of your fitness and health and unleash your full potential!


Are ice baths just a passing trend?

Ice baths have become the go-to for fitness buffs, but are they more than just a wellness craze?

The science? Ice baths, or cryotherapy, involve submerging in cold water, around 10-15°C. Ancient Greeks did it for healing, and now it's back in the spotlight for recovery. Your heart rate drops, leading to potential long-term benefits in heart rate variability. Duration matters—aim for 10-20 mins, but even 3 mins can do wonders!

The Benefits?
❄️Ice baths reduce inflammation and soreness after intense workouts for faster recovery, contributing to long-term improvements in strength and power.
❄️Intense exercise can suppress the immune system, but ice baths might help modulate it, keeping it strong without overreacting.
❄️Cold exposure releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones, and builds mental toughness. It's not just physical—it's a mood booster!

With solid science backing its physiological and psychological benefits, ice baths are here to stay.

So, dive in for a chill that goes beyond the surface!

Photo by Till Daling


Muscle growth is a fascinating interplay of scientific principles, hormonal factors, and dedicated effort. Understanding the mechanisms and principles behind muscle hypertrophy empowers you to design effective training and nutrition strategies to achieve your fitness goals. By embracing resistance training, maintaining proper nutrition, prioritising rest, and recovery, and staying consistent, you can unlock the full potential of your muscles and embark on a rewarding journey of strength and transformation.
Read all about it here https://37cells.com/science-of-muscle-growth/


The world of health and fitness is on the brink of a profound transformation. Our understanding of human physiology, coupled with advances in technology, is shaping a future where the pursuit of a healthy, active lifestyle will be more accessible, personalised, and effective than ever before. Here’s a glimpse of what we can look forward to.

🔹 Wearable Health Tech: It's not just about step counting anymore. These devices will continuously track various health parameters, offering a complete picture of your well-being. Plus, they'll instantly share data with healthcare professionals, enabling swift adjustments to treatment plans

🔹 Nutrigenomics: Unlocking the potential of genetics and nutrition. This emerging field will be the cornerstone of personalized health and fitness. By analyzing your genetic makeup, you'll discover the dietary strategies that work best for you and those you should steer clear of

🔹 AI Health Coaches: Your personalized wellness companions. AI-powered coaches will provide tailored guidance for fitness routines, nutrition, and mental well-being. They'll adapt to your progress and changing goals, offering continuous support and motivation.

Get ready for a future where individuals are not just healthier and happier but also more in control of their well-being. It's a world where a healthy, active lifestyle isn't just a goal – it's a way of life.


Ever wonder if the 8-glasses-of-water-a-day rule is enough?

Well, the recommended daily water intake varies from person to person based on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and climate. However, a general guideline is to aim for about 8 glasses of water per day, which is roughly equivalent to 2 litres or half a gallon. This is often referred to as the “8×8 rule.”

Some individuals may need more water, especially if they are physically active, live in hot climates, or have certain medical conditions. Athletes, for example, may require significantly more water to compensate for the fluids lost through sweating during exercise.

To get a more personalised estimate of your daily water needs, you can use online calculators or consult with a healthcare professional. Additionally, paying attention to your body’s signals is crucial.

Thirst is a reliable indicator that your body needs more water, so be sure to drink when you feel thirsty.

Ultimately, staying hydrated with clean, safe water is a cornerstone of good health.


Gluten has become a buzzword in the world of nutrition and health. It seems that everywhere we turn, gluten-free products and diets are on the rise. But what's the fuss and why has it garnered so much attention?

Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye that provides elasticity to dough, helping it rise and maintain its shape.

For those with celiac disease or NCGS, a gluten-free diet is crucial for health and well-being.

However, for the general population, eliminating gluten without a valid reason may not lead to improved health and can even have unintended consequences as a gluten-free diet isn't inherently healthier for individuals without gluten sensitivity. Whole grains like wheat, barley, and rye provide essential nutrients and fibre, which are beneficial for overall health and eliminating these grains without a valid reason can result in an unbalanced diet.

A balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, both with and without gluten, is generally the best approach to achieve optimal nutrition and overall well-being.

The fuss around gluten is a complex issue influenced by medical necessity, dietary trends, misinformation, and marketing. As consumers, it's essential to approach our dietary choices with critical thinking, considering our individual health needs and consulting with healthcare professionals when necessary.


In a world that cherishes youth, the pursuit of anti-aging and longevity has become a common goal for many. We all wish to age gracefully, preserving our vitality and joy as we grow older.

This pursuit isn't new, but it's gained fresh vigour lately with individuals like Bryan Johnston and other pioneers paving the way with their vibrant lives. The value of a longer, healthier journey is immeasurable, and their strategies offer valuable insights.
While genetics play a role, our lifestyle choices are vital. A balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and other anti-aging practices unlock the potential for a more vibrant life.

37CELLS is a pioneering health and fitness app that enables you to synchronise data from various wearable devices, compare your performance with others, and calculate your health age. You can download the free 37CELLS App and access to its AI FitBot right away from the Apple Store and Google Play Store, or visit www.37cells.com to transform the way you approach fitness with individualised recommendations for nutrition, workout routines, and training plans.

📸by Andrea Piacquadi


The value of AI in health and fitness is undeniable as it empowers individuals to make more informed decisions, improve outcomes, and enhance overall well-being. From enhanced diagnostics to personalised treatment plans, preventive care, and lifestyle management, AI is transforming the healthcare landscape.

FitBot, 37CELLS' AI, is no exeption and here's what it can do for you:
1. Personalised recommendations based on examining an extensive array of data points, including stress levels, sleep quality, physical activities, and live weather conditions, to provide holistic recommendations.
2. Tailored dietary recommendations based on individual goals and health status.
3. Customized Workouts based on your preference and fitness levels to ensure that every workout session is purposeful and effective and get you results.

Download the 37CELLS app today from the Apple Store and Google Play Store or visit www.37cells.com to have a chat with FitBot and see for yourself!


Stepping onto the scale can evoke a mix of emotions – from anticipation to anxiety, excitement to dread. This simple device holds the power to dictate how we feel about ourselves and our progress towards health and fitness goals. However, it's important to remember that the scale is just one of many tools in our wellness journey, and changing the way we converse with it, can lead to a healthier mindset. Here's our tips to start transforming your relationship with the scale

1. Stop fixating solely on the number displayed and pay attention to how you feel, your energy levels, and your overall well-being.
2. Set goals like increased endurance, improved flexibility, or better sleep - accomplishments that can be equally as fulfilling as the right number on the scale.
3. Weekly or monthly weigh-ins can provide a more accurate representation of your progress.
4. Avoid extreme diets and restrictive eating patterns and focus on nourishing your body with whole, nutrient-rich foods that make you feel good from the inside out.
5. Treat yourself to something that promotes your well-being, like a relaxing activity or a new workout accessory.
6. Sharing your journey with others can provide encouragement, advice, and a fresh perspective.
7. Your Worth isn't determined by a number on the scale.

Changing your conversation with the scale takes time and effort, but it's a step toward cultivating a healthier relationship with your body and overall well-being. Rather focus on a holistic approach and celebrate your progress so to create a positive and empowering journey to health.

Photo: Sandeep


Prioritising and optimising your circulation is fundamental to maintaining overall health and well-being, as good circulation not only supports vital bodily functions but also contributes to a longer, more energetic, and healthier life.

Poor circulation causes a lack of physical vitality, reduced mental concentration, chilly hands or feet, prominent veins, or a compromised immune system.

Here are our top suggestions to guarantee optimised blood circulation to your muscles, organs, and brain:
1. STAY ACTIVE and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.
2. EAT a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to support cardiovascular health and circulation.
3. STAY HYDRATED as water is essential for maintaining proper blood volume and preventing dehydration, which can negatively impact circulation.
4. MANAGE STRESS as chronic stress can lead to constriction of blood vessels and poor circulation.
5. AVOID SMOKING as it damages blood vessels and reduces circulation.
6. MANAGE WEIGHT as too much weight puts strain on the cardiovascular system and impedes circulation.
7. ELEVATE YOUR LEGS to encourage blood flow back to the heart and reduce the risk of varicose veins.
7.MASSAGES improve circulation by stimulating blood flow to muscles and tissues.
9.COLD WATER THERAPY stimulate blood flow and improve circulation.

Remember that individual needs and medical conditions vary, so we always advise to consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle.


Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a significant indicator of overall health and well-being. It measures the variation in time between successive heartbeats, reflecting the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Higher HRV is associated with better cardiovascular health, stress resilience, and improved recovery from physical and mental exertion. Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, stress management, sleep quality, limit alcohol and smoking, etc. can help improve your heart rate variability and promote better health.
Improving your heart rate variability is an essential step towards better health and well-being.
By adopting a holistic approach that combines regular exercise, stress management techniques, quality sleep, a healthy diet, and other lifestyle changes, you can positively influence your HRV. Remember that each individual is unique, and it may take time to notice significant improvements. Be patient and consistent in your efforts, and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about your heart health. With dedication and perseverance, you can enhance your HRV and pave the way for a healthier and more balanced life.. 💓🌟


In the midst of our hectic lives, stress and anxiety not only affect our minds but also take a toll on our bodies, often resulting in tension and discomfort.
You can now alleviate these physical manifestations of stress and unlock a state of deep relaxation with the power of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) by systematically tensing and releasing muscles.
This process has been widely proven to reduce anxiety and stress levels as it helps you let go of accumulated tension, allowing your body and mind to enter a state of profound relaxation.
As a result, you experience a significant reduction in stress and anxiety, promoting better mental and emotional well-being.


When it comes to digestive health, did you know that there isn't a fixed "normal" number of bowel movements for everyone? Instead, it's the quality of your bowel movements that matters most, along with other factors influencing digestive health. The misconception of needing a daily bowel movement for better health stems from Victorian-era beliefs, but fear not! Most individuals can have anywhere from one bowel movement a day to three times a week, and all of these are considered normal. 👌
Remember, assessing digestive health isn't just about frequency – the appearance and consistency of stools are equally important indicators. So, focus on overall digestive well-being and consult medical professionals for any concerns.

Photo by Tim Mossholder


Smartwatches have become an indispensable accessory for fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy individuals alike. Among the numerous options available, Apple, Garmin, and Fitbit watches stand out as popular choices. However, they cater to different needs and preferences.
Apple Watches shine with their integration into the Apple ecosystem and offer an extensive range of smart features beyond just fitness tracking such as a vibrant Retina display, an intuitive user interface, and the ability to make calls, send messages, and stream music directly from your wrist.
Garmin's rugged designs and long battery life are ideal for athletes and individuals who prioritize performance tracking and navigation during their workouts. They also offer health monitoring features like heart rate tracking and sleep analysis, albeit with a more fitness-focused approach compared to Apple Watches.
Fitbit watches offer a seamless fitness tracking experience with a focus on wellness and a strong community aspect.
Consider your requirements, budget, and desired features to determine which brand aligns best with your needs. Whichever choice you make, these smartwatches are fantastic companions on your journey towards a healthier and more connected lifestyle.
Whichever brand you choose, 37CELLS conveniently consolidates all your wearable data in one platform – even if you change smart watch brands – to effortlessly track your lifetime progress.

📷Ketut Subiyanto


Bryan Johnson invests $2 million a year to be 18 years old again. From battling weight issues, depression, and being on the brink of despair, he has set a world record for reversing his biological age through enigenetic techniques. He achieves these results with an algorithm that governs his body and life.
But what's most interesting is that according to Bryan, SLEEP stands as the most crucial method for enhancing longevity.
During sleep, our bodies undergo vital restorative processes, including tissue repair, hormone regulation, and memory consolidation. Adequate sleep promotes a healthy immune system, reduces the risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and improves cognitive function. Moreover, quality sleep enhances mood, reduces stress levels, and supports mental and emotional well-being. By prioritizing sufficient and quality sleep, individuals can significantly increase their chances of leading longer, healthier lives.
Bryan's top sleep tips include going to bed the same time every day, wearing blue light blocking glasses and having 1 hour downtime before going bed, get a temperature controlled mattress, black out your room... and sleep alone!

Photo by Kampus Production


In the realm of health and wellness, heart rate variability (HRV) has emerged as a prominent metric for assessing autonomic nervous system activity and overall physiological well-being. While heart rate variability provides valuable information about your physiological state, analysing HRV data trends over time takes its usefulness to a new level as it allows you to establish your baseline or individual norm.
By regularly tracking and comparing HRV data, you can identify your typical values under different circumstances, such as during rest, exercise, or stressful periods. This baseline assessment becomes a reference point for future analysis, enabling more accurate interpretations of HRV values.
For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, HRV trends serve as a valuable tool for assessing training adaptation and optimising performance. Through consistent tracking, you can observe changes in HRV during different training phases.
For example, during periods of intensified training, HRV may initially decrease due to increased sympathetic activity. However, as the body adapts, HRV tends to rebound and increase, reflecting enhanced cardiovascular fitness and improved autonomic balance. Analysing HRV trends allows athletes to fine-tune their training programs, ensuring adequate recovery and avoiding overtraining.

Photo by cottonbro studio