Jeany Crux

Jeany Crux

Jeany is the host of the self-aware and empowering podcast, EXPAND with Jeany Crux and the founder of Crux Creative.

Biz Storytelling & Ethical Marketing Agency.


I ask that you keep an open mind as I introduce my theory on thoughts to you.

Yes it might seem a little out there, and yes it will definitely go against what you were taught in school!

But expansion doesn't come without thinking beyond what we know to be facts.

Every great scientist and inventor was successful because they believed there could be more to their reality than what they were currently experiencing as their truth.

So in this episode I'm introducing a theory I've come to recognize through my subconscious studies on where our thoughts come… I’ll give you a hint, I don’t think they come from us or our human brains.

For me, this theory explains how we're able to access different levels of consciousness and channel psychic messages.

I'd love to hear your "thoughts" after you listen to this!



Listen to "How some women have masculine energy and why our souls choose our parents." On EXPAND with Jeany Crux.

Who are the masculine women? And no, I’m not talking about genders and females who identify as males. I’m talking about why some women have a more dominant masculine energy inside them than feminine.

Let’s discuss how the women who delegate and dominate in the world are able to do so and why I believe we all have masculine and feminine energies trying to find balance within us.

I’m sharing what life experiences contributed to me stepping into a more dominant masculine energy and how my influence from my father played a role in what type of energy my partner would end up having.

Now, as I find myself feeling a desire to step more into my feminine energy, I’m recognizing how being a masculine energy female has held me back from this and made it a challenge in my marriage. Luckily for us masculine women, I’ve figured out a cheat code to restore balance in our relationships and to unleash our divine feminine oracle.



Introducing 👁 EXPAND with Jeany Crux 👁

A self-aware and empowering podcast + YouTube show helping you expand your consciousness (Formerly Make Your Own Magic).

On Expand with Jeany Crux… Empowerment through self-awareness, metaphysics, dream interpretation, decoding messages from the body, psychic development, intuitive nutrition, psychology, reprogramming limiting beliefs, undoing toxic ancestral cycles, balancing masculine and feminine energies, accessing the collective consciousness, healing traumas, spirituality, mysticism, human evolution and remembering your soul’s purpose.

✨️Are you ready to level up with me? Subscribe to my mailing list to receive bonus content and lessons at


I’m getting real about some of the deepest desires that women have but are too ashamed to admit. The strong desire to be desired and the power we gain from stepping into our sexual kundalini, serpent energy.

We’ll discuss the ancient Greek Hetaira women and how a dream that I had about working in a brothel was able to level up my marriage and divine feminine power.

On the Make Your Own Magic podcast… Step into your power through self-awareness, spirituality, metaphysics, breaking toxic ancestral cycles, nurturing your psychic abilities, connecting with angels and spirit guides, healing your body, intuitive dreaming, the evolution of humans, and accessing the collective consciousness.

Listen + subscribe at ⁠


When we forgive others, we forgive ourselves for being human.

We become free from victimhood and are able to step into a higher vibration that embodies love and light and lessons learned.

Let’s explore the meaning of life and why I believe our soul and spirit guides predetermine our entire experience before our lives even begin.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to release control and step deeper into your authentic truth and power.

🎙✨️ Listen at


Who are the Shapeshifters? All of us.

Lets explore the ways that we can shift our reality in any given moment to raise our vibration and manifest our dreams.

Humans have evolved from reptilian brains that are highly adaptable to whatever we program them to experience.

Find the full episode at 🎙✨️


Celebrating a time to go inward and reflect on why we are here and where we are going 🙏

What do you love most about wintering? 👇

Listen to the full episode at 🎙✨️


I recently chatted with Natasha Bolvin , a Dream Educator, Dreamwork Coach & Intuitive who has devoted over 20 years of her life to interpreting dreams for people.

Together we dive into sharing our own dream stories, the different types of intuitive dreams, and tips and tricks that every single person can use to tap into the power of receiving messages and guidance through the dream world.

You can listen at 🎙✨️


Dang, Tony is hitting hard with these words right now 🙏✨️


After working with the same company for 10 years, I made the decision to quit my radio broadcasting job this week.

I'm getting real about the lessons I learned from this experience and why I made this decision without having another "job" in place.

You can listen at


I'm currently undergoing a massive shift in my life. It's been a rollercoaster of a week over here!

This seems to be a theme right now as we're all being boot kicked onto our true path.

I'm going to be sharing more about what's happening with me in tomorrow's podcast episode.

But in the meantime, I want to hear from you...

Has something shifted in your life this week?


Mommas! We gather again on Tuesday, October 24th!

This week, we'll be exploring our psychic abilities and Mom intuition.

This is a safe space for moms who are looking to share the real stuff, not just the social media version of parenting.

Babies and children of all ages are welcome!

Sign up here:


🗓 New Date: Sunday, Nov 26th from 2-6PM.

Join us in circle as we gather in nature with animals at the farm.

Together, we'll remember and connect with our primal instincts.

Feel seen and heard among strangers.

Move our bodies in ways that feel good.

Embark on a sound healing journey.

Connect with like-minded sisters through storytelling.

We gather at in Bowmanville on Nov 19th.

I am also excited to welcome Kailey .experience as she guides us through a campfire song circle 💃🔥

There's a limited number of spots available at: ✨️✨️✨️


Imposter syndrome.

We've all got it.

None of us actually know what we're doing.

The ones who make it big choose not to let it stop them from trying anyway.

Every day, I keep pushing myself deeper into unknown territory.

Giving up is not an option anymore.

The future is now.

The future is what you perceive it to be.

The future is yours ✨️deya dov


For many women darkness can bring forth a fear of the unknown, vulnerability, loss of control, or having to confront shadows. For hundreds of years, we’ve avoided complete darkness in order to feel safe and in control.

Now is a time for us to conquer that fear. To allow our curiosity and primal instincts to take over as we surrender to the lessons that darkness has to teach us.

In a safe female-only space, we will journey into remembering what it feels like to move and navigate through complete darkness while we embark on a sound journey and storytelling exploration.

Register here:


We laughed, cried, shared hard truths, tended to our babies, and were able to be seen and heard.

I invite you to join me again on Tuesday, October 10th for another Initated Into Motherhood: Mom + Child Circle.

This is the space for mom's to evolve and talk about the profound changes that come at this time.

This is not a Mom circle where we talk about the superficial stuff. This is where we talk about our unexplainable experiences and deep feelings.

Together, we'll dive into mysticism and spirituality as we share and grow together.

Comment "I'm in!" If you'd like to join us 💃✨️✨️✨️


I recently traveled to the home office of where she spends her days chatting with dead people.

We spoke about her childhood as a medium, dealing with imposter syndrome as a psychic, conversations she has with dead people, and her biggest tips for tapping into our own psychic abilities.



It is with great respect and love for men that I am stepping into a space with the full bodied intention to empower the divine masculine.

This is a circle for men to transform control programming of the Masculine energy into MASS power led by the heart and consciousness.

I am here to help you remember your masculine power, release pent up energy, and heal the body and mind while offering freedom to the spirit.

Join me on Wednesday, October 11th inside the most incredible cathedral I have ever stepped foot in: A Place of Remembering. Located in Peterborough, Ontario.

🔗 in bio.


THIS is the space for men and women to come together to explore new ideas and share their mystical experiences.

It's the call for those who have recently experienced a profound awakening and are seeking answers to life's biggest mysteries.

Expanding Consciousness is your sanctuary. A safe space for you to shine your light and explore yourself without fear of judgment. This is your tribe, a place where your unique journey is celebrated, embraced, and explored.

Our first meeting is Tuesday, October 3rd at 6:30PM at Nirmana School of Yoga in Orono, ON. Join us through the link in my bio ✨️✨️✨️


We rise, we fall.

We wax, we wane.

We bloom, we shed.

The moment we lean into our cyclical nature, we learn what it feels like to become free from our own harmful grip.

Join me TOMORROW at 8PM for a FREE cyclical living masterclass.💃

Together, we'll explore what it means to live cyclically and at ease in our natural feminine states of being.

✨️ Register through the 🔗 in my profile ✨️



On Saturday, November 4th, we will spend the day outside by the fire on a beautiful private property in Norwood, Ontario, in honor of every single time a woman has had her power taken from her. 

We will call upon our own inner Burning Woman archetype and provide her with a safe space to mend her wounds and unleash her fire.

Awaken, remember, heal and reclaim your divine feminine power as we guide you through a drum & sound healing meditation, sacred rage ceremony, breathwork & intuitive movement experience, and a fire dance activation.

🔥Join us at


Nothing could have prepared me for motherhood. Even all those times when I was told “nothing will ever prepare you for motherhood”.

Just like giving birth, our initiation into motherhood is something that we simply need to surrender to and release total control over.

Does that make it easier? Hell no. What it does do is allow us to evolve into this new archetype.

Now that I am a year and a half postpartum with my second child, I have finally settled into this space of navigating two tiny humans and answering my call to be of service in my community.

After spending the last year searching for support that I needed, and finding myself coming up short most days… I have finally settled on the fact that I need to be the leader to create the space for new moms who are sharing a similar experience to myself.

This is where “Initiated Into Motherhood: A Spiritual Circle for Mom + Child” was born. THIS is exactly what I was searching for one year ago and what I still need today.

Together we will honor our rite of passage, bring back the red tent communities, take part in rituals + ceremonies, be present in the space we’re in, remember what it feels like to be primal, play, dance, sing, share and feel heard. All while we take care of our babies.

Children will be encouraged to explore barefoot and roam free through the space while we gather in circle (one that definitely won’t be perfectly round).

This is a safe space for you to come without knowing anyone, breastfeed, change diapers, and come and go as needed. Let's hold each other🙏✨️


GIVEAWAY! I am feeling called to gift a spot to join me for an evening of storytelling, drum + sound healing, and intuitive movement in nature!

We are gathering in circle at Bragg Farms in Bowmanville on Saturday, September 16th at 5:30PM.

To enter:

⚡️tag your soul fam (1 tag = 1 entry)
⚡️winner will be randomly selected + announced on Wednesday, September 6th

Tickets can be purchased at 💃✨️


I recently travelled to Bobcaygeon to chat with lightworker and channel Denise Benning

We sat in her beautiful yurt on her property on a rainy day to talk about how the angels guided me to her, spiritual awakenings, what it's like to connect with guides and multidimensional beings, past lives, energy work, divine timing, and mystical experiences.

I think you’ll be into some of the stories we’ve both shared here, including my take on a horrible past life that I experienced with my dog Bowie. 🎙✨️


This last year has hands down been the most transformational for me. The biggest contributor to this came from the moments where I found myself taking off my masks in healing circles among women whom I’d never met before.

Every time I would take a leap and be authentic in front of the faces of these strangers, I was always met with a feeling of oneness and deep love, support and understanding.

Every time another woman would share her story with me, I would feel myself being able to understand her on levels I didn’t even know were possible.

The truth is, yes we’re all having these individual experiences here, but at the same time, we’re all the same. We’re all just trying to figure out ways to find freedom from our pains and escape the holds that fear has on us.

I have found myself through the faces of other women in these circles. I have found my own answers in their stories and stepped into my own personal truth and power by sharing mine.

I believe that the need for women to gather in circle is stronger now than ever before.

We are a powerful force when we allow ourselves to come together and see that we are not alone.

This isn’t about meeting new friends (although that does happen), this is about witnessing other women in their experience and allowing ourselves to be seen, heard and felt by those who truly do understand us.

Healed women heal women.

If you want to experience the power of coming together in circle as we witness one another while doing our individual work, then join me as I guide you through this process in the Wild Woman Awakening Circle, in nature at a farm in Bowmanville on Saturday, September 16th.

Comment "I'm in!" to learn more!

Videos (show all)

Choosing thoughts of love over fear. Raising our vibration, understanding levels of consciousness and manifestation.List...
Choosing thoughts of love over fear. Raising our vibration, consciousness and manifestation.
While I was working away on my podcast, @spotifyforpodcasters reminded me of my 1 year anniversary from when I launched!...
Your thoughts become your vibration. Exploring the law of attraction and manifestation.Listen to “My Theory on Thoughts:...
Your thoughts become your vibration. Exploring the law of attraction and manifestation.
We're going off the rails on the crazy train with this one.How our conscious minds receive psychic messages and developi...
We're going off the rails on the crazy train with this one. How our conscious minds receive psychic messages and develop...
Why I believe our souls choose our parents before we come have this human experience...Listen to "How some women have ma...
Why I believe our souls choose our parents before we come have this human experience...
The divine feminine oracle is nurtured through safe, healthy and open relationships.Listen to "How some women have mascu...
The divine feminine oracle is nurtured through healthy and open relationships.
What causes a woman to step deeper into her masculine energy? Female empowerment in balancing energies.