Orlando Division - The Satanic Temple Florida

Orlando Division - The Satanic Temple Florida

This page is to help those interested find their Satanic/Secular/Freethinking community. follow us
Twitter @TSTFlorida
IG: TST.Florida

Tell Governor Ron DeSantis: LGBTQ Kids Deserve Protection - Veto the “Don’t Say Gay” bill 17/03/2022

Tell Governor Ron DeSantis: LGBTQ Kids Deserve Protection - Veto the “Don’t Say Gay” bill LGBTQ youth in Florida are under attack. The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill (House Bill 1557/ Senate Bill 1834) is a cruel and dangerous bill that stigmatizes the existence of LGBTQ students in school.


Guess who has a booth at FREEFLO 2022?!?! Get your tickets, stop by, and stay hi!

FREEFLO 2019 was terrific! And 2022 is going to be awesome! If you don't have your ticket yet, it's not too late.
Come meet new people from across Florida and hear some terrific speakers. Get energized. Hanging out with fellow freethinkers feels good. It's social. It's educational. And it's a lot fun!
Learn more about FREEFLO (Freethought Florida conference) at FREEFLO.ORG

RRR Fundraiser 05/09/2021


With the TX abortion bill bu****it y'all know FL has the same s**t lined up right?

So what can we do?

1) Know your representatives. Make phone calls, write letters. Ask others you know, who agree with you, to do the same! If you have a template letter or call script please provide in the comments.

2) If you have the financial means. Donate to TSTs Religious Reproductive Rights fundraiser.

Everyone can do option 1.


RRR Fundraiser Lawyers for TST sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to request that TST be able to access abortifacients without being subjected to the agency’s regulations. Normally, access to Misoprostol (a first-trimester abortifacient) requires a prescription, and Mifepristone(the second d...


Happy Unveiling Day!

Celebration of religious plurality and shedding archaic superstition

A centerpiece of our religious movement and icon of modern Satanism, the Baphomet with Children statue was commissioned by The Satanic Temple in 2014 and created by Mark Porter with "respect for diversity and religious minorities" in mind. On July 25, 2015, The Satanic Temple unveiled Baphomet to a large crowd of devotees in Detroit, signaling the beginning of the new Satanic era. We observe this milestone in Satanic history by celebrating Unveiling Day.

-stolen from Jeff Wilfong


Biden signed into law a measure that designates the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, as a national memorial. Link in comments


Today in Satan History (TiSH?) I'm going to touch on Aleister Crowley. I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with him, but for those that aren't...Crowley was known as the "Great Beast," and the "Wickedest man alive." and he refered to himself as "Beast 666." He was an occultist, poet, painter, and practitioner of "magick." It's not known if he identified as a Satanist, but the occult images and language could be taken as such.

On a visit to Egypt in 1904, Crowley reported mystical experiences and wrote The Book of the Law, a prose poem which he claimed had been dictated to him by a discarnate being called Aiwass. This is where his, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" comes from. Much of his ceremonial magick came from Enochian Magic, which was first described by John Dee and Edward Kelley, as an invocation of angels.

Some of my favorite writings from Crowley are his poems, particularly, The Pentagram and Hymn to Lucifer.

Hymn to Lucifer

Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.

His body a bloody-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breathed life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience.

You can read The Pentagram here: allpoetry.com/The-Pentagram

There's tons of information about Crowley all over the internet. But I suggest the writings of Lon Milo DuQuette.


This week's Satan in History is Ahriman, the main adversary of Ahura Mazda the creator deity and highest deity of Zoroastrianism.

Ahriman, also known as Angra Mainyu, which in the Avesta-an Iranian language used by Zoroastrianism-translates as Destructive Spirit. In another part of the Avesta, Ahriman is called aka mainyu, which means "evil spirit," "evil mind," or "evil thought."

In Zurvanism which is an extinct branch of Zoroastrianism, the notion of "twin spirits" comes up. One being Ohrmuzd and the other Ahriman, and are described as twin brothers. Zurvan was an androgynous being that wanted to create heaven, hell, and everything in between. Zurvan proclaimed that the first born would have sovereignty over creation and upon hearing this, Ahriman ripped open the womb to emerge as first.

Satan is too described as the adversary. in the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum-a group within the Roman Catholic Church-Ahriman is described as "demon in the Rank of Fallen Powers." Who's main purpose is to obscure human brains from the "Truth of God."

Philosopher, Rudolf Steiner used the name Ahriman as one of the two main forces which pull humanity away from the centering influence of Christ.

You may recognize the name of the founder of Zoroastrianism from Nietzsche's book Thus Spoke Zarathustra, where his "God is Dead" idea is first used.

Ahriman also shows up in popular culture in TV, Movies, Video Games, Novels, and Music to name a few. For more on Ahriman in popular culture check: https://www.liquisearch.com/angra_mainyu/in_popular_culture


This week's Satan in History is Stanisław Przybyszewski.

Born on May, 7th 1868, he was a Polish novelist, dramatist, and poet of the decadent naturalistic school. Described as a genius with the striking personality of a spider, Stanisław identified as a Satanist. He called himself the Meteor of Young Poland – and this name was engraved on his tombstone. His "circle of friends" were often described as Sad Satan’s Children.

He was influenced and often corresponded with the editor of The Moderní r***e, a magazine devoted to contemporary literature (domestic and translated), fine arts, art criticism and theory. Przybyszewski was greeted like a prophet, the shortening of his surname to “Przybysz,” meaning “Newcomer” or “He who comes.”

He was obsessed with starting the "ideal magazine" about artistic and occult ideas. This led him to be editor and contributor of many popular journal's at the time. In one letter he states, "How sad and terrible is all that I wrote. One should finally write something incredibly calm, quiet, one should finally overpower Satan, and become oneself an endlessly quiet and good and deep Satan. So what? Something like the death of Satan? Oh to hell with it, one must overcome Satan and become Satan oneself!"

For a more in depth history of Przybyszewski's life and work, check out Sad Satan’s Children: Stanisław Przybyszewski and Esoteric Milieus by, Karolina Maria Hess

Dark Crafts Carnival 19/02/2021

Only 8 more hours to get your bids in!


Dark Crafts Carnival Silent auction 'Dark Crafts Carnival' hosted online at 32auctions.

Hymn To Satan by Giosue Carducci 18/02/2021

Today in Satan...a couple days late.

I'm starting a new educational in depth series of posts about Satan in history.

Giosuè Carducci died 114 years ago on Feb. 16, 1907. The Italian poet won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1906. The bitterness of some of his poetry revealed frustration and rebelliousness. Rime nuove (The New Lyrics) and Odi barbare (The Barbarian Odes), both of which appeared in the 1880s, contained the best of his poetry: memories of childhood, evocations of landscape, laments for domestic sorrows, an inspired representation of historical events, an ambitious effort to resuscitate the glory of Roman history, and an anachronistic but sincere cult of pagan civilization.

An excerpt from "Hymn to Satan"

Behold! Rust
erodes the mystic
sword of Michael
and the faithful

Archangel, deplumed,
drops into the void.
The thunderbolt lies frozen
in Jove’s hand

Like pale meteors,
spent worlds,
the angels drop
from the firmament

In unsleeping
king of phenomena,
monarch of form,

Satan alone lives.
He holds sway in
the tremulous flash
of some dark eye,

You can read the poem in its entirety here: https://allpoetry.com/Hymn-To-Satan

For more visit: https://www.britannica.com/art/Italian-literature/The-Risorgimento-and-after

Hymn To Satan by Giosue Carducci Comments & analysis: To you, creation’s / mighty principle,


Happy Lupercalia! Hail Yourselves!

Taken from the TST newsletter:

On February 15th, TST will celebrate Lupercalia. Inspired by the ancient Roman festival of the same name, Lupercalia commemorates the personal liberties of bodily autonomy, sexual liberation, and reproduction. In keeping with tradition, February 13th and 14th are observed as days of feast before the holiday on the 15th.
Recent Religious Reproductive Rights Initiatives

For Satanists, Lupercalia represents a “Hail Yourself” day in which we reflect on our Third Tenet: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. The Satanic Temple believes that personal choices, like reproduction or the termination of a pregnancy, are for individuals to decide for themselves free from the coercion of others.

Consistent with our Tenets, the values of bodily autonomy, reasoned personal choice, and freely-given consent constitutes the basis of many of TST’s activist efforts. TST’s Religious Reproductive Rights campaign demands that states respect our religious beliefs when members seek reproductive care and abortion services. TST’s Protect Children Project campaign defends children in schools from enduring physical abuse, confinement, and other inhumane disciplinary tactics that are imposed without their consent.
On Lupercalia, be reminded that a Satanist alone controls the circumstances that affect their own body.

Dark Crafts Carnival 13/02/2021

This is the link to bid on the Dark Crafts Carnival auction itmes:


Dark Crafts Carnival Silent auction 'Dark Crafts Carnival' hosted online at 32auctions.


Official flyer is up! Don't miss this VIRTUAL event! https://fb.me/e/42Gf0CcxR


Our Space Coast Division Head created this awesome Sol Invictus graphic.

County Commission approves plan for invocations it believes is on solid legal ground 24/12/2020

Brevard County now has a policy that, on paper, allows religious clergy to participate in an invocation practice. Once our 2 Chapterheads are Ordained TST Ministers we are going to test this policy... possibly late spring (but this may be pushed back as our ordination program is still in Alpha stage)

County Commission approves plan for invocations it believes is on solid legal ground Representative of non-theist community says "we're looking forward to participate" as part of the invocation speaker rotation for County Commission meetings


Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, today we honor the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender bigotry and violence and remind ourselves that we must continue the fight against transgender violence.

You MATTER. We see you. And we love you AS YOU ARE. Hail yourself 🤘🏻


Florida make sure you are registered and have requested your presidential election mail in ballot


Voter Guide


39 states allow online voter registration. If you live in Florida, you can register to vote online for the presidential election before the deadline on 10/5.




And now, a word of introduction from The Satanic Temple's newly organized Satanists of Color Coalition...

The Satanic Temple believes that Black lives matter*. While our tenets are intended to articulate the universal moral principles by which we choose to live, this universality does not imply ignorance of the reality in which we live. The weapons of state, economic, and personal violence continue to be levied, more frequently, more severely, and with greater impunity, against People of Color. The Satanic Temple stands, unequivocally, against this violence and against anti-Black racism in all its forms.

As Satanists, we believe that the struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. Reforming, replacing if required, those laws that have proven unable to constrain police abuses and the institutions complicit in perpetuating it, is essential.
In advocating for this necessary end, it’s essential that we center the needs, and respect the wishes, of those most affected.

The Satanic Temple, the US’s only nationally recognized Satanic religious organization, is very apt to get and hold media attention. Ill-considered protest tactics, such as showing up as a coordinated Satanic bloc instead of in individual solidarity with existing movements, risks distracting valuable attention from those groups and the specific issue of state-sanctioned anti-Black violence. Those willing to damage the cause in such a manner are not aligned with TST or our values.

Activities consistent with our values are as follows:

• Members are encouraged to read SoCC’s Resource Guide, which includes resources for individual education and activism.

• Chapters are welcomed to get in touch with the Satanic Action Inter-Chapter Committee for support/coordination of efforts currently in development and are fully supported and encouraged to develop protest actions and support for local legislation specific to their areas of service.

• Chapters are encouraged to contact the Satanists of Color Coalition to coordinate the development of anti-racist policy and strategies in their local communities.

Racism is bu****it. It has no place in Satanism and no place in a just society. To the extent that we’re able, we plan to be productive partners in fighting it.

Hail Satan

*We must make it absolutely clear that the above is purely a statement of our morals and values. As a rule, TST does not endorse other organizations, and this includes the Black Lives Matter movement.

TST SoCC Resouce Guide

Buy local: A list of black-owned restaurants - bungalower 05/06/2020

According to a recent story by the Washington Post, black-owned businesses and neighborhoods have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. That fact is even more important when compounded with recent protests and activations across the country sparked by the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can help make an impact by joining peaceful protests without breaking curfew, you can sign online petitions, donate to local charities and organizations, and you can also put your money where your mouth is and spend some money at a local business.


Buy local: A list of black-owned restaurants - bungalower According to a recent story by the Washington Post, black-owned businesses and neighborhoods have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. That fact is even more important when compounded with recent protests and activations across the country sparked by the murder of George Floyd in Minne...

A Statement Regarding Protests, Activism, Police Brutality & George Floyd (and a Statement on Statements) | Lucien Greaves on Patreon 31/05/2020

"I have been asked whether The Satanic Temple will call on its members to go out and join the protests. I can and will not tell people what form of direct action is right for them. The Satanic Temple will not tell anybody that they must or must not join in the protests that, throughout the nation, reside on an unstable spectrum between peaceful and violent. That is for each individual to decide. This is a protest of a mass of individuals who are justifiably outraged over an issue that transcends religious identification. As individuals we must decide whether we engage directly with the protests and whether we think such protests, in our own local communities, are likely to be productive or not. Each person must decide whether their own participation will be helpful and whether it will be safe -- given their individual conditions and capabilities -- or not." - Lucien Greaves

A Statement Regarding Protests, Activism, Police Brutality & George Floyd (and a Statement on Statements) | Lucien Greaves on Patreon Official Post from Lucien Greaves: After the release of a video in which police casually appear to fatally suffocate a man -- George Floyd, who seemed to be offering no resistance -- with all the flagrant pig-headed disregard of entitled bullies who fully expect to get away with it, people have take...

Holidays 06/05/2020

Did you know that The Satanic Temple has official holidays? We do! Learn more by visiting TheSatanicTemple.org.



Thank you again for coming out and supporting us this past Saturday!

All silent auction winners have been contacted and have paid!

The tattoo raffles have been drawn and winners notified!

We can't wait to do it again!

Hail yourselves! 🤘

Please Support The Satanic Temple 09/02/2020

I've had a couple of enquires about how to donate to The Satanic Temple. You can make a direct donation using the link below. If you'd like for your donation to count towards our event last night send a message to this page with a screenshot of your donation confirmation, showing the amount. It will be a couple of days before we have final numbers so adding to it would be awesome. Thanks again for support and such a warm welcome Orlando!


Please Support The Satanic Temple Your tax-deductible donations support TST, defend the 1st Amendment, fight the attack on women, their bodies & health options, & much more.


What a phenomenal evening!

Thank you to everyone that came out to support our vendors!

Thank you to our vendors for participating!

Thank you to our group members that helped out!

Thank you to The Falcon for co-hosting the event.

Thank you to Dead Register for playing an awesome extended set!

It will be a couple days before we have final counts BUT I know we raised over 3K for TST!!! We will post an official counts later this week!

HAIL YOURSELVES!🤘🖤 You all made this night a night to remember!


Silent auction sneak peek #2



Please refer to the map pictured for recommended parking for our Dark Crafts Carnival at The Falcon TOMORROW! Public parking is highlighted in Green where residential is in Yellow.


The weather is looking wonderful for our Dark Crafts Carnival THIS SATURDAY! Hope to see you there!

Orlando Satanists host an arts and crafts market at the Falcon 06/02/2020

Check it out! 🤘🤘🤘

Orlando Satanists host an arts and crafts market at the Falcon There’s a been a recent surge in the number of “dark” arts and crafts markets – ones that focus on oddities and esoterica – popping...

Dark Crafts Carnival 02/02/2020


Dark Crafts Carnival 1st Annual Crafts Fair benefitting The Satanic Temple.


Now accepting donations for the Dark Crafts Carnival ~ Satanic or dark/spooky crafts, crochet, art, accessories, jewelry, etc. ❤🖤

°°°All proceeds benefit The Satanic Temple°°°


Hey, hey, hey ~ Orlando SatanFam! 🖤💜

We are meeting up soon to discuss the 3rd tenet. Are you a member of the group? If so, you can get all the details under the °°Events°° tab. And if not... why not?? 😏 🖤💜