The Albert Omuko Perspective

The Albert Omuko Perspective

Iron sharpens iron


Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14


Thank God for ministries that reveal deep dtls on the ways of the devil.
But we need more knowledge on the ways of God.


The best way to win people to Christ is by clarifying why they need a SAVIOR.
Not badmouthing the religion they are in.


After I cleared primary, I was selected to join Moi High School Gesusu although my dream school was Kisii High.

However the finances at home were not good then and after a long deliberation, I was admitted to Gusii Highlights High School under the then principal Mr. Madhu Mohan.

While in Form 2, I strongly desired to join a new school to finish my O-levels. My grades had started heading downward.

The reason was that a teacher named 'Okonkwo'(not his real name) developed a hatred for me for no good reason. He has since left us.

God sent some destiny helpers who recommended me to Kisii High which was then headed by the late Mr. Patrick Monyenye and I joined at form 3.

Those who joined from other schools were referred to as 'enchuka' and some people didn't like them.

A popular bully by the name Obiero who played Rugy once found me eating a dry loaf of bread at the Canteen and tried to bully me.

I never knew it was a crime but later when I thought about it, perhaps he had my best interest. He told me to use water if I couldn't find strong tea😀

At Kisii High , I met great minds like Mikez Michael Gisesa, Dol Bert, Vincent Matoke, Edu Manyange, Dominic Achoki ,Cyprian Onyoni , Atuya Benard,Kenton Akoya, James Chacha, Jeff Ogwora, Brendan Mwamba, Kevin Aure, and many others.

Today all of us are who we are by the grace of God.

The lessons I have learned so far:
1)Never allow your circumstances to determine your future.
2)You may not have control of your past or background but with the help of God, you can take charge of your today and tomorrow.
3)God is spirit, He will not come down but He will use other people to lift you.
4)Respect everyone because you may never know where your paths will cross.
5)Never be afraid of making tough decisions when needed.
6)Never despise humble beginnings.
7)You will face rejection at some point, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're the problem. Sometimes insecure people tend to project their insecurities to others.

P.S-Kids shouldn't pile pressure on their parents to take them to expensive institutions if their financial situation doesn't allow them


Many have said that this servant of God (Marco)should have been treated in nrb instead of being flown back to his home , maybe his life would’ve been saved. Time was wasted along the way.

A few years ago, someone I knew got involved in an accident along Mombasa road around 5pm.

The managers of the company he worked for decided that he had to be driven all the way to a hospital at Parklands Road to be treated there since his insurance cover was there.

That was despite the heavy traffic at that time. We wondered why the man couldn’t be rushed to nearby hospitals to be treated.

By the time he arrived at Parklands after over 2 hours, a lot of internal bleeding had happened and he passed on upon arrival.

He was a young man with a promising future and a young family.

Also in 2017, we lost a friend who was misdiagnosed in one of the so-called high-end hospitals in nrb. She was given the wrong diagnosis and wrong medication which backfired, went into a coma, and passed on after a few weeks.

And you will still hear some say that ‘siku yako ikifika,hautavuka’.

Are we glorifying premature death? Coz if we do,we are glorifying the devil.

Premature death is not the will of God and must reject and cancel it at all times.

Have you ever lost a loved one due to human error?

Most deaths that happen in our hospitals today are due to human error that would’ve been avoided


A lot of people are seeking answers as to whether this God we keep talking about is real.

May He reveal Himself to everyone who has any doubts.

As for me and my house and as Albert Camus once said and I quote:
'I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.


Learn to politely say no to any help that comes with disrespect..

Photos from The Albert Omuko Perspective's post 22/08/2024

This is the other side of GenZ that is rarely talked about.

There's something special and unique about this generation than we care to know.

That tells us that no one is too young or too old to preach the gospel.

We don't have to wait for the pulpit to spread the gospel.

And everyone that is born again is already commissioned by heaven to spread the gospel.

All glory and honor to God .

To the youth:
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12


I once listened to a sermon by TD Jakes titled 'No Experience Is Wasted'.

Every experience (whether good or bad) is meant to prepare us for what the Lord has in store for us.

Our failures and past or present mistakes do not really define us and I believe that's why the scriptures say in Romans 8:28 that ALL things work together for good ..


Those who grew up in the 90s like me would remember Shari Martin.

His most popular song was 'Rafiki pesa' which I didn't quite relate with since I didn't have the money anyway.

The lyrics are still in my mind though.

But the song that always excited me was 'Christmas' because in those days, it was such a big deal.

It is the gospel songs from giants like Shari Martin and others that contributed to the building of our faith.

He passed on this week and is now resting with Jesus in heaven.

May the Lord continue to strengthen his family.

Which gospel musician had a huge impact when you were young?Or even today?


“5 minutes early is on time. On time is late. Late is unacceptable.” -Brent Beshore


When Paul found out that some people in the church of Corinth had started idolizing him and Apollos, he refused be a partaker.

Anyone who identifies as a servant of God but is not pointing people to God but to him/herself is in error.

If God has gifted you, it was never about you but His people.

God will never share His glory with anyone. (Isaiah 42:8)

6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
(1 Corinthians 3:6-7)


Things that worked with Millenials but can't work with GenZ and Alpha😊

Several years ago when I was on form 1, I delayed arriving home on a Saturday.

We were raised in a manner that arriving home past 7p.m was too late and there were consequences.

So that day I visited a classmate's home as we had some homework that needed discussion.

I arrived home around 730pm and was asked where I came from. Since I didn't know how to lie, I said I was from a girl's home for some homework.

I was told to go back to where I come from😊.

I had to plead for leniency and it took the intervention of a neighbor for me to be forgiven.

Today if you tell a GenZ to go where they came from, be ready to pay the price for that decision.



We hear this a lot from folks who want you and I to hate Christianity.

Today let’s analyse this from the scriptures.

1. First of all,the gospel first came to the Jews and these are in Middle East. Romans 1:16. This was in the 1st century.
2. When the Jews didn’t receive the gospel, it reached to the rest of us who were previously known as Gentiles because we believed (John 1:11-12)
3. The man by the name Simon the Cyrene who helped Jesus carry the cross to his crucifixion was a black man from Libya which is in North Africa. Mathew 27:32. This was in the 1st century.
4. Philip preached to the Ethiopian Eu**ch who was on his way from Jerusalem Acts 8:26-40. This was in the 1st century.
5. The name Christian was 1st used in the 1st century in Antioch when unbelievers observed the disciples of Jesus Christ for a while and saw that they were like Jesus. Acts 11:19-26

When did the whites first come to Africa?

-It is true that the whites came to Africa with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other.
-It is also true that the whites used religion to colonise Africa and carry out a lot of evil against Africans.
-And even today ,many are using the bible and Christianity for selfish gains and to do evil.
-However Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a lifestyle. It is the way of life.
-Being a Christian is being Christ-like. It has nothing to do with the name they call you which is probably derived from the bible .

So in this information era,a lot of people who have read a lot of books except the bible will come to deceive many.

Finally,to anyone who wants to be called a Christian , a lot is expected of us . A true Christian shines God’s light unto the world.
-A true Christian doesn’t conform to the standards of the word but rather exposes them and gets transformed daily through the word of God.



The greatest gift you can ever grant your children is to BE A PERSON WHO HAS FACED & DEALT WITH their traumas.

Don't pass your traumas on to the next generation. Saying things like, "This is how my mama raised me!"

Just because it has been done, doesn't mean it should be done again.

Seek healing. ... and Christ is the place of healing.

Courtesy: VT, Vusi Thembekwayo


For a door to open, sometimes another has to be shut.
Let's normalize thanking God not only for open doors but also for shut doors.


Keroche Breweries heiress Anerlisa Muigai has been saved. The 35-year-old beauty queen announced on her social media page that she gave herself to Jesus Christ.

Anerlisa posted a photo of herself while in the car and added a caption revealing the benefits she had since she gave her life to Jesus.

"So glad to have given my life to Christ. My life is so much at peace. The people I have chosen in my life are everything I ever wanted. God is the only way. You come first."

This comes weeks after another celebrity, Michelle Ntalami, returned to social media and announced that she was saved.


I love 7. It symbolizes perfection and completion.
May the Lord complete the good work He has started in you(Phil 1:6).


Separate yourself from the gift you have been trusted with.

It's God working through you. The carrier of the gift is not the gift.

Respect He that has trusted you & chosen you for that privilege. Do the work. Park your emotions. Pause your ambitions. Freeze your ego.

Do the work!

Credit: VT


Before Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish, He gave thanks(Mathew 14:19).

Before He resurrected Lazarus, He gave thanks(John 11:41)

What are you trusting God for?

Therein lies the secret; Giving thanks as if you already have it.

Thanksgiving not only to God but even to the people God is using to bless you.

A heart of gratitude opens a multitude of doors.

Anything more you can add?


Distraction is one of the biggest robbers of great destinies.

When Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem noticed that Nehemiah was almost finished building the Great Wall of Jerusalem, they tricked him to meet them for an important meeting.

But they actually wanted to harm him.

Nehemiah refused to go to the place they wanted to meet him and this was his response, “My work is too important to stop now and go there. I can't afford to slow down the work just to visit with you.”

They sent messengers 4 times with the same message and 4 times he gave them the same response.

You and I have a very important assignment and purpose from God and the devil will stop at anything to distract us.

Just remember that it is not every meeting you must attend, not every person you must hang around with, not every job or business you must do.

Just stick to the straight and the narrow.


...When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19

Christina Shusho - Zakayo (Official Music Video) 29/05/2024


When Christina Shusho announced that a song titled ‘Zakayo’ was about to be released, many Kenyans got excited and there was an interesting debate online about the title.

The song has been out for over 2 weeks now and it has blessed many hearts.

Shusho is my favourite gospel minister outside of Kenya and this is why I respect her:
1. She has remained consistent over the years even after the money and fame came in.
2. All her songs are scriptural and have a biblical storyline and valuable lessons.
3. Many of you might not know but after the 2017/18 elections and the tension that followed,she formed an online prayer group on facebook specifically to pray for Kenya. God answered

Enjoy ‘Zakayo’ on this link and share.

Christina Shusho - Zakayo (Official Music Video) SMS SKIZA 9843470 To 811(C) Relax Investment Christina Shusho Songs OUT WORLDWIDE ON MAJOR DIGITAL STORES:https://...


You either have the right to be called a child of God as per John 1:11-12 or the devil has full rights over you.
No in-between.


It is possible to be extremely busy but not productive!
The two shouldn't be confused.
Purpose to be productive daily.


If you have known me closely, you might know that I can cook some really good food.

It is something I'm passionate about and I think it runs in the family.

Cooking for me comes out naturally. I'm the 1st born and by age 8 I knew how to cook.

Plus cooking is therapeutical.

I do create time every once in a while to cook for my family and from what they say, they like how I do it.

My favourite meal? Ugali,Silver cyprinid, and lightly fried sukuma wiki.

So if I wasn’t doing what I do today, I would probably be an executive Chef at a 5-star hotel, who knows?😊

So one day in the campus hostels several years ago,I cooked a very delicious beef stew and kales(sukuma) and set my water to boiling.

Then I put ‘Unga’ and started stirring but shock on me! The ugali turned out differently and I saw different things!

It dawned on me that I had used a washing detergent known as ‘Toss’ which was white in colour and next to the cooking area!

That was the same day I stopped indulging in what the young generation now calls 'ndukulu'!

The month of May is very significant to me coz it reminds me of the month I overcame another addiction; alcohol.

Never be tempted to think that those in prisons are the ones without freedom.

You can be out here but you’re imprisoned by many other things.

Do yourself a favour; emancipate yourself or perish! It is possible with God.

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28

What is it that you’re struggling with today? Bring it to Jesus.


When God restores you, He repays all the years you've lost.
To Him,a day is like thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

10 Minutes Ago (2023) | Full Movie 13/05/2024

I stumbled upon this exciting movie on YouTube and I highly recommend that you watch it especially if:

-You feel like you have lost everything and there's no hope.
-You have suicidal thoughts, in fact, you've tried taking your life.
-You lost a loved one and are still grieving.
-You have no peace of mind and are stressed or depressed.
-You're blaming God for all your misfortunes and even stopped attending church or fellowship.

Remember, God still loves you and He is ready to give you another chance but only if you give Him a chance.
LENGTH:1 hour, 15 minutes

10 Minutes Ago (2023) | Full Movie A man desperately seeks answers, after his failed attempted to commit su***de, brings him face to face with himself, through an unfamiliar new friend.


When still new in salvation, God answers prayers real quick.
But as we continue to mature, it takes longer. Any explanation?


After my K.C.P.E exams, I was selected to join the school of my dreams.

However, the financials at home were not adding up at the time.

So I joined a cheaper school, studied there for 2 years, and transferred to the school of my dreams. Prayer answered.

Those from my time(long before Matiang'i and Maghoha) would remember that we used to wait 2 years to join university.

But in my case, I had to defer my joining by 1 year because again finances were not good at home.

So I stayed home for 3 years. But I tried to keep myself busy.

Here's what I have learned:
1. Sometimes it's totally ok to wait. Waiting doesn't mean you're a fool even though it may seem so to some.

2. Delayed gratification is king. You don't have to get everything you desire now.

3. God remains faithful even when we are faithless.

4. Refuse to succumb to societal pressure to please others. No one knows your private tears except you and those close to you.

5. The F.O.M.O(fear of missing out) has caused many to make wrong decisions which are costly in the end. Resist it.

6. Live within or below your means. There's peace in contentment.

7. Have a heart of gratitude at all times.

BONUS: Do not give up on God coz He won't give up on you.

What more would you add?
