Randy Schrum

Randy Schrum

I like to help people.



We are not righteous because we do good, but because Jesus Christ did it perfectly.


Love people😀


For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10


Follow Elon Musk social post as we share them on:


We will not bend and we will not conform.

The facts remain.


Now you know...


Conflict of interest?


The Constitution requires an equal and fair election to select our President. If you won’t fight to remedy all the blatant election fraud, then you’re not upholding the Constitution.

This makes you an enemy of the people, regardless of party.


We can't ask any questions...

We can't ask any questions...

Now even some elected officials in congress are calling those who challenge the legitimacy of the election as treasonist.


This is the classic move of these wicked people.

Caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar and crumbs all over their lips, face, and shirt. We walk in and point out the blatant obvious observation and they in turn deny it. Going as far as to claim we ate the cookies.

And with the repetitive brainwashing of the deceptive media and tech giants some will even fall for it.


Attention Congress:
Reject the Electoral College Certification on January 6th.


The people in this video from all over the world are more than Trump supporters. They are believers in the Constitution and our great Republic.


“Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump. A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election.

Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”- Donald J. Trump


We fully support this message.


Right now the church is being exposed...it’s time for a backbone in this hour. Start contending rather than being cowards.


Courage is contagious.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened.

Here Is The Evidence 28/11/2020

Where is the evidence? 👇👇👇
Now you can stop saying there is no evidence.

Here Is The Evidence Crowdsourcing Evidence For Journalists


Voting Systems CEO backed out of appearing to provide answers at the last minute and lawyered up instead.- Friday November 20th, 2020.

Voting Systems CEO backed out of appearing to provide answers at the last minute and lawyered up instead.- Friday November 20th, 2020.

Tell me again why you are not concerned that your vote will not just count now, but more importantly in the future.

Dominion Voting Systems committed to attending an oversight hearing in Pennsylvania but backed out at the last moment, lawmakers in the Keystone State said Friday.

“The members of the state government committee were looking forward to publicly addressing the plethora of accusations of Dominion Voting Systems in a format which would have allowed open and honest dialogue. I was impressed at what appeared to be the willingness of Dominion Voting Systems to address accusations, and it would have put the 1.3 million Pennsylvanians who used their machines at ease, including myself,” state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who chairs the Government Oversight Committee, said during a press conference.

“Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up and backed out of their commitment.”

Read more at The Epoch Times


We will not concede.


This is the United States of America.

Not Venezuela, Russia, or China.

It's America!🇺🇸

This is the United States of America.

Not Venezuela, Russia, or China.

It's America!🇺🇸


Thousands of Americans providing sworn affidavits witnessing first hand voting fraud.

Countless videos documenting voter fraud.

Dominion voting systems on video admitting that their systems are not secure...
..and they received a massive grant from the Clinton foundation.

State of Nevada. The all Democrat County Commissioner race, on same ballot as President, was thrown out today because of large scale voter discrepancy.

It's mathematically impossible for Biden to have won.

Not one House seat flipped for the Democrats running against a Republican opponent.


In fact the Democrats lost House seats.


The Republican Red Wave led by Donald Trump showed up in force!

Even though pollsters and the media interfered with the election days before the vote. With some even stating that Biden had a 15% lead days before the election.

That is clearly election interference, not merely missing the mark on your polling.

Yet, we are supposed to believe that Joe Biden swept in and received more votes than any candidate in U.S. history?

You are telling me that at the moment of all these Republican votes that when the American people checked the box for President...
..that's when the wheels came off?

Wake up!

Over 500,000 ballots with the only box checked on the entire ballot was for Biden.

Not a single other candidate or bill was voted on...500,000+ ballots!


That is what happens when you are in rush overnight after the election pump more fraudulent votes.

Over a 1000% increase of voter registration and voting of those 90 years olds on up vs. past elections.







You either contend now or you'll never have a vote that counts again.

These people are enemies of the United States.

If you have taken an oath to protect this country that includes enemies domestically!

It is time for Justice.

It is time for LAW AND ORDER.



Blatant theft.

The ramifications for those in the minority celebrating this crime are oblivious. Totally and utterly clueless...

However, imagine when Democrats want to have it appear you are voting (declaring your wishes) on something you don't agree with, but they do...

Such as limiting your health care at a younger age such as 75, 72, or even 65. Why? Because you wanted universal healthcare and they can't pay for it unless they limit those who need it most that are straining the system. They'll just put it on the ballot and magically get the votes needed to pass.

Or how about taxing you at 63% of all your income. You might say, "not going to happen." Well not so fast... they'll just put it on the ballot and magically get the votes needed to pass.

How about pe******ia? They'll just put it on the ballot and pass a bill that recognizes pe******ia as normal and legal. Magically getting the votes needed to pass.

You will no longer have a voice if you do not contend for legal and fair elections. You'll have a dictatorship and not even know it.

We must demand that the fraud be prosecuted now.


It’s true.


Want something to happen?


The culture game is rigged.


Taking a knee to the leftist mob.

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Set Apart
Acquire The Skills You Need During This Crisis
Guard your mind with all diligence.
The way we deal with uncertainty lets us know whether Jesus is ahead of us leading, or behind us just carrying our stuff...