YOP Poll
Easily integrate a survey in your blog post/page and to manage the polls from within your WordPress d
Easily Run A Full-Featured Poll On Wordpress
✅Intuitive and Friendly Interface
✅Fast and Accurate
✅No coding required
✅Autonomous Poll Scheduling
✅Customizable Display
YOP Poll allows you to easily integrate a survey in your blog post/page and to manage the polls from within your WordPress dashboard.
But if offers much more than other similar products. Simply put, it doesn’t lose sight of your needs and ensures that no detail is left unaccounted for.
This plugin was especially designed for flexibility and it is very easy to use.
Starting a poll with YOP Poll is easy:
Go to your YOP Poll menu and select the “Add New” option.
Fill the required information according to the examples we included: name, question, answers (add additional ones if you need), select the start/end date for your poll, and decide on the advanced settings for results, votes, voters, accessibility etc.
Once you decided on all your poll details, click on “Save”.
To view your new poll access “All Polls” from your main menu and choose the corresponding entry from the list.
Under “All Polls”, each poll has an option called “Get Code”.
Clicking on that will display a popup that generates the code you need to place in your page or post.
This is it. Check your page or post now.
Wish you many happy surveys :)