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Photos from rach_t.f's post 14/06/2022

Battling with your food and body image can be very difficult.

It can be isolating, lonely and all consuming.

This wonderful lady had previously struggled with her control and restriction over food so wanted a way to lose fat and tone up that was going to help her relationship with food and her lifestyle.

Losing fat isn’t always about calorie restriction. Which is something she had struggled with.

It’s about increasing your energy out put as well as balancing your nutrition and fuelling your body well enough to allow it to lose fat.

She wanted to have a healthier, more active lifestyle but was a little unsure of where to start until she started working with us.

In only 8 weeks, she has settled in so well to a training regime she is enjoying, that’s challenging her, but importantly fitting into her lifestyle.

Her nutrition and relationship with food in her words is the best it’s been in so many years!

We have now increased her calories to 1850 which is enabling her to lose fat but importantly building and toning her muscles.

Her metabolism is already increasing due to her resistance training and ever growing strength, her increase in protein as well as increase in performance levels.

Only EIGHT weeks into her programme, we are so proud of everything she has achieved so far.

To reach our goals physically, it’s the daily habits and mindset that need the most work.

She is absolute proof and all credit to her for trusting the process and looking after her body.

We are excited to see the next stages of her progress and watch her confidence grow more and more!

Whether we have a small amount to lose or a lot, it’s so important to look after our body and mind to create the healthiest versions of ourselves we can be.

You do NOT have to live in cycles of dieting, restricting calories and self punishment.

There is a much healthier way that will make you much happier!

If you’d like to work with me personally to help you reach the goals you’ve been longing to reach,

DM me READY and I’ll be right in touch!✨


Does the thought of going to a gym scare the crap out of you?!

It certainly did me!

I spent years of my life wanting to get fitter, be in better shape, work on the areas I hated most...

But what held me back was the confidence to even start doing anything about it.

It became the norm to be uncomfortable, it was just something I became used to.

I thought I was never going to be fit or change the bits I didn’t like, or be confident in general.

I would eat very little to keep my weight down which yes, kept me slim but the cycle of controlling food was damaging to my body as well as my mental health.

After my beautiful daughter was born, I started to get into exercise a bit more from home.

I got some reasonable results so was a little happier but no where near where I wanted to be.

I then went on to have my handsome boy.

After 2 c-sections my body had changed even more, so I knew I needed to increase my training and get some help so I decided to get a Trainer.

One of the best decisions I have made!

Having the support, and accountability really helped me feel comfortable in the gym and taught me how to achieve what I was looking for.

I began to love fitness.

The way it made me feel, how my body changed and got stronger as well as how my confidence grew.

So much so that I wanted to help other ladies feel the same!

I decided to do a Personal Training course which completely changed my life and in turn has changed others too.

Being nervous in the gym or feeling too scared to even start, is honestly more common than you think!

I work with ladies every day that struggle with the gym but having guidance and planning really helps their confidence to know what to do and how to do it.


As soon as those results start coming, you start feeling strong and empowered, the more you want it to become part of your lifestyle!

It fills me with joy seeing my wonderful ladies succeed and accomplish things they never thought they could.

Please take the first step if it’s something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, it’s worth it I promise ✨


We had such a lovely date night together last night, only dinner and cinema but was bliss.

It’s so easy to let weeks go by, working hard, dedicating time to our family and always prioritising them.

Sometimes we just need to stop, rest and recoup which is easier said than done!

Feel great for taking this time together

Happy Sunday lovely ones, hope you’re resting today ready to smash the week ahead! ☀️


Wise words as ever from

Life is full of lessons, the quicker we learn them and the more we make choices to improve our lives, the happier we will be.

Our mind is the most powerful tool we have ✨


There will always be parts of your journey that will be harder than others.

Sometimes you’ll be flying, motivation is high and others when you are slowly coming off track and begin a total 180.

This is normal.

It’s normal not to be full speed going forward at all times.

It’s normal to back track and normal to slow down.

It can take us off guard, due to unexpected events happening in our lives, or sometimes they are planned events.

Either way they can slow our progress and can make it really difficult to get back on that train.

What we believe is one of the most important parts of your journey to reaching your goal, is facing up to the fact things have gotten tough.

Do you ever notice you’re off track but yet completely dismiss it?

Use excuses?

Hide away from the people that support you?

Bury your head in the sand and revert to old habits?

Yep, I think we all do to a degree but what we need to do is stop, recognise and own up to the fact things are not easy and do something about it.

Often we have gotten ourselves into a rut for a reason, therefore we need to change our behaviour to get out.

Hiding away and falling down the hole is only going to set you way back and make it that bit harder to achieve your goals.

Next time things are difficult try this

▫️ Reach out to someone you trust that supports you

▫️ Own up to the bad habits you’ve gotten back into

▫️ Look at what has slipped and why

▫️ Put some daily goals in place and get someone to help keep you accountable

▫️ Reduce the the treats and fill your fridge with healthier options

▫️ Force yourself to that gym class, training session or even a walk

▫️ Remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place

▫️ Think about how uncomfortable you are in this place therefore how much worse going backwards will be

You have the ability to take control again, so do it! No matter how small your steps are…

You don’t have to keep doing the journey alone… ✨


Being pregnant is an absolute blessing. Any one that is able to carry a child is truly lucky.

I just wanted to share some of my recent experiences, as I do believe many women don’t share how they truly feel and feel guilty about being honest.

I struggled with body imagine for many years.

I worked hard at the mental & physical aspects to heal & make positive changes to become happy in the body I live.

This pregnancy, absolutely, has had its ups and down and only just edging into the 3rd trimester!

Hormones probably playing a huge part, working lots as well as running a home and looking after my family, has given me some low days.

Not to mention the back and pelvic pain which is one of the biggest difficulties for me.

As for many ladies, seeing your body change, being out of control with it, gaining weight, changing shape, anxieties of how you will look and feel after delivering your precious bundle, are real.

I had a low day and decided to try on a dress in the shop. OMG.

Ever feel that changing room mirrors are the devil?

Well that day I did for sure!

Obviously didn’t buy the dress but really did feel upset with how I looked and was feeling mentally.

I also battled with feeling guilty about this too.

How can you complain about your body when growing the most amazing gift anyone can ask for?

Well I’m being honest and I’m hoping that me saying this out loud helps others know it’s perfectly normal to go through these feeling too!

I am an active person that exercises to help my mental health and happiness.

I realised that although not being able to exercise much the last couple of weeks, I knew I needed to in order to help myself feel better.

My back was having a better day, so instead of driving into more of a low, I forced myself into my training gear and set up a circuit.

WOW, it was as if I’d taken a magic pill!

It felt amazing. I felt alive, empowered, strong, proud and a hell of a lot happier!

The moral behind me writing this, is that

It’s normal to have ups and downs
It’s normal to feel mixed emotions
It’s normal to love being pregnant and dislike it sometimes too

*continued in comments


Yes, you did read this correctly!

Did you know that long term dieting causes great stress to your body and can actually harm how your body loses fat?

Putting your body under any kind of stress, especially long term, has its repercussions.

What does this have to do with my dieting and my fat loss?

Well, you may have read some of posts relating to metabolism and how we work closely on this with our clients.

When we have put our bodies through periods of neglect, whether it’s bingeing, poor nutrition, extreme restriction on calories, of course eventually it causes harm.

How can we expect long term abuse on our bodies not to have damaging effects?

When we put our bodies through cycles of restriction in order to lose weight, many people go to extreme lengths to get quick, high impact results.

Our bodies quickly lose fat due to harsh restrictions in calories, because we are burning more energy than we are putting in our body.

This is great right? I should keep doing this and I’ll lose loads of weight!

Well no it’s not.

If we continue doing this for a long period of time or relentlessly keep putting our bodies through these cycles, eventually our bodies make adaptions to protect itself.

This is where the metabolism part comes in.

When our body notices that we aren’t having enough fuel to keep us functioning well, it’s starts to slow things down to protect itself.

Our metabolic rate starts to slow, pulse can lower, body temperature lowers, therefore energy out put lowers.

Our bodies are designed and adapted to survive, therefore our bodies natural responses are to do exactly that.

To lose weight of course we have to be in calorie deficit, but harsh deficits will be the reason you will stop losing weight or it really starts to slow.

Not to mention how low you will start to feel and how your health suffers…

You really don’t need to live on a “diet”

If you’re keen to put an end to your dieting, Click the link in my bio to get some info on how I can help! ✨


When we decide it’s time to start on our journey it can be super daunting.

It could be something we have tried many times, post baby, post op or just because it’s time we do something our body needs.

The majority of the time, we make excuses, such as

“Im not in the right headspace”
“Im too busy”
“Im not ready to start as it’s such a challenge”
“I want to enjoy life a little longer first”

Sound familiar?

I’ve heard allll of the excuses.

Im guessing the larger amount of weight we need to lose, the more daunting it becomes which us understand and

Your weightloss journey does not need to be as difficult and unenjoyable as you think…

But how?

✨ Start telling yourself this is a lifestyle change. Not a diet.
✨ Do NOT cut out the foods you love completely, rather limit them
✨ Ensure you are in a calorie deficit you can actually sustain for more than a couple of weeks
✨ Celebrate every win you have along the way. Such as how your clothes fit, your energy levels, how your skin looks
✨ Stop relying solely on scale weight as progress as this creates unhealthy connections
✨ Include all the food groups to give you a healthy balanced diet, enabling you to reach your goals without causing damage to your body
✨ Seek help and support on your journey. Having guidance, accountability and someone routing for you is so important

No matter how far you feel from your goal, you CAN get there.

Start looking at your goals as a permanent place you want to stay.

A way of life. Not a short term fix.

If you’d like me to guide you on how you can achieve and maintain your goals, take the step and reach out!

Drop me a message and I’ll be in touch right away ✨


We were looking through our rather short honey moon (thanks Boris) pics, reminiscing on the incredible time we had

Life is for creating memories with the people we love!

Although our life is very busy and is about to become even busier with our baby boy, I know we will be back one day Mexico ☀️

(Gosh to have that tan and fit into that dress again!)

Happy Sunday ✨


Have you ever stepped back and looked at your own relationship and behaviours when it comes to food?

Often our habits are so ingrained we don’t even realise when we have unhealthy ones.

It took becoming a parent for me to really realise how unhelpful my obsessions were around food and my appearance were.

As my daughter got older, I realised how much children are sponges and copy exactly what we do as parents.

It genuinely horrifies me to think of her or my son having the struggles I have had around food, body image and disordered eating.

Knowing this, helps me every day to think about my actions and behaviours as I know that my children will only copy and create habits they see in me.

Have I perfected this part or my parenting?


Do I still have days I struggle with body image and food obsession?


Do I consciously work on this and have greatly improved?


It’s so important to heal parts of ourselves as parents.

To be the very best versions of ourselves we can be.

To make our health and happiness a priority to teach them to do the same.

To learn to have healthy relationships with our body and food.

To create healthy, balanced, active lifestyles instead of controlling and restrictive ones.

Our children’s futures start with us.

Let’s give them the best chance we can 💕


Absolutely this! ✨

Ladies, the moment you stop obsessing over external things and trying to control them, you will start to find happiness in the skin you are in.

Eat the cake.
Be proud of your progress.
Know that food is not your enemy.
See the beauty in your self that everyone else sees.
Only allow your mind to speak kind things to yourself.

Enjoy this weekend and celebrate all the wonderful things in life and all that you are 💕


Studies say that as many as 75% of women have some kind of disordered eating.

Disordered eating isn’t limited to bingeing or anorexia.

There are so many different forms, many even cross over. There are still new categories arising!

Sometimes we don’t even realise we have a problem with our relationship with food.

Disordered eating can come and go, we can go through periods of being ok and then it can creep up on us without even knowing it.

But what could disordered eating look like?

It can be demonising food

Going through periods of bingeing and restricting calories

Limiting yourself to certain time frames to eat

Ignoring hunger cues

Obsessing over scale weight before/after eating

Feeling out of control when it comes to eating food

Feelings of guilt and shame

Purging after meals

Feelings of low self worth

Obsession around calories, food intake, type of food, how your body looks

Erratic weight changes

Low mood, anxiety, low energy

Sadly the list goes on.

We need to learn and understand, that without fixing our disordered eating, we will never be happy within our bodies.

We all have goals of how we wish our bodies to look, but without working on our relationship with food and ourselves, we will forever live in the cycle we are in.

When I start working with my ladies, I want them to see that we can only reach our goals when we implement the daily habits and mindset changes that are needed to get there AND STAY THERE.

Reaching a scale weight or dress size then bouncing back, isn’t overcoming our struggles.

Maintaining our goal and being happy in our body is ✨


I want to get my motivation back and feel happier in my body!

Flavia was struggling with her motivation.

She had been a gym member before and got pretty fit but had gotten stuck in a bit of a rut when it came to her fitness and nutrition.

She had gained weight and was generally feeling unhappy in her body.

Her energy was low which didn’t help her motivation.

Flavia became a client online as she previously had PT from myself many years ago and managed to get some good results, but coaching has gotten her even better results!

We carefully audited her diet to see where to set her targets and what she needed to improve on.

We then set her training plans of only 3 sessions a week but we’re effective and progressive to help her build muscle, lose fat and shape her body.

Through her weekly check ins, coaching calls and support, Flavia has managed to get her motivation back and get her diet in a really good place!

Flavia has worked very hard, followed our guidance on increasing her metabolism and has truly reaped the rewards!

Flavia now

🔥 Eats more calories and protein than ever
🔥 Is feeling stronger and fitter than ever
🔥 Is toned, loves her shape and is confident in her body
🔥 Has increased energy and motivation
🔥 Has a very healthy, balanced lifestyle

We are so proud of all she has achieved

You don’t have to settle for being unhappy in your body. You too can reach your goals just like Flavia has!

If you’d like me to audit your nutrition and training to spot some easy fixes, just drop me a message mentioning this post and I’ll be in touch! ✨



So many of us have something we dislike about our body.

It can even be a number of areas.

Have you been feeling this way for a long time?

Do you feel it affects your mental well being and happiness?

Does it affect how you dress and the style of clothes you buy?

Sometimes we just become used to how we feel.

We just accept that’s the way we are, or we completely block it out and don’t face the reality of how we feel.

It is a lonely, isolating and miserable place to be.

So many lovely ladies I work with, felt the exact same.

Sometimes, something just clicks and they decided this is not a place they want to be nor stay.

Life can get in the way, which I guess is a reason so many people just continue to hide behind how they truly feel about themselves.

It seems too bigger step or challenge to start working towards it.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

You can keep searching for that filler, diet pill, make up, shake but nothing will change until you put the work in, inside and out.

Stop relying on THINGS to change how you feel or how your body looks.

It’s the changes we make to our lifestyle and mindset that will allow us to change our bodies and be happy within them.

However small your steps maybe, you are choosing to work towards happiness.

That takes strength and courage.

You can be that woman that achieves more than she ever thought she could! 💕


10 months being Mrs Zare! 💕


Learning to embrace your body and it’s changes is basically the difference between happy in your skin or not.

I’ve always struggled with my image, my body, what I think other people think of me but all this does is cause you to be unhappy!

I’ve been known to pressure myself in all areas of life but especially my body.

I had to work on this.

Only I could enable my self to feel worthy and content In the skin I live in.

It took work.

It took hard work.

It took changing my environment, people within it, learning that self love is not selfish.

It’s about looking after you and being the best version of yourself you can be.

Confidence comes from letting go of the idea of perfection

comparing yourself to others

not allowing past trauma to haunt you

genuinely working on your self, physically and mentally

accepting there is only one YOU

You CAN be confident in your skin you’ve just got start working towards that, making it your priority.

✨ Fuel your body well

✨ Exercise to keep fit and strong

✨ Talk to yourself kindly as you talk to others

✨ Value your body and for all that it’s capable of

The happier you are within yourself, the happier the rest of your life will be 💕


When we want to lose weight, our go to tends to be cleaning up our diet.

It’s easier, less time consuming and we can get results quickly.

Our diet is extremely important for numerous reasons. Health being a huge factor but what we put in our bodies equates to a huge proportion of how we look.

I speak to many ladies, day in day out that have struggled with their weight therefore have tried numerous diets, only leading to them end up in the same position again.

Some people lose STONES when restricting calories and cleaning up their diet.

This is of course brilliant but they are missing out on many, many benefits of incorporating exercise into their lifestyle.

Not to mention the sustainability of their weight loss.

Why is exercise so important when it comes to weight loss?

Exercise is the most effective way of speeding your metabolism.

It also enables you to be in a much higher calorie deficit, allow your calorie intake to be higher!

I know I’d much rather eat more and exercise a few times a week, than what much less.

But I do love food!

Other benefits of exercise that dieting alone doesn’t give us

✨ Increased muscle mass, which gives us the toned look (we lose muscle as well as fat through dieting alone)
✨ Increased strength and bone density
✨ Increased cardio vascular fitness
✨ Endorphin release leading to improved mood
✨ Higher life expectancy
✨ Stress relief and improvement in anxiety and depression
✨ Increased metabolism and fat burning
✨ Increased libido and energy levels

As much as it can feel like a chore, if there’s even one reason on the list above for you to do it, that should be enough!

Take it from someone that was unfit, unmotivated, scared of the gym, completely unconfident in herself…

Once it’s part of your lifestyle, it will lead you to the happiest, healthiest version of you!

If you’d like me to help start you on your journey, drop me a message and I’ll be in touch! ✨


Are you really making the sacrifices needed to get you to your goals?

Are you truly giving it your all?

Are you genuinely pushing yourself to limits to create change?

Or are you still caught up in quick fixes and finding the easy route?

Be honest…

I think we are all guilty of wanting to achieve optimum results in minimum time.

Why wouldn’t we?

It’s human nature.

But when in life do we achieve the things we wish for without working for them?


The same goes for our weight loss goals.

Our habits and mindset need to change before our bodies do.

Half heartedly flitting between our old mindset and small changes aren’t going to get us out of the place we are now.

There’s a reason you are in the position you are in therefore it’s going to take change, hard work and sacrifice to get you out.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to be realistic about what you can achieve within your lifestyle, but wanting it to be an easy, pain free journey is equally unrealistic.

When it comes to weight loss,

You will have to limit your junk food or your alcohol intake

You will need to get in that workout when you are tired

You will need to make the sacrifices to enable you to get results

You will need to feel uncomfortable at times

But this is all necessary.

Short term sacrifices for a life time gain!

You have to push your limits to achieve success!

You’ve got this ladies! It will be worth it! 🔥

Photos from rach_t.f's post 24/05/2022

At Total Fit Coaching, we pride ourselves on the service we give our clients, as well as the results we get them.

Our approach is always adapted to each individual to help them achieve the results they desire in the best way possible.

Being through fitness and health journeys ourselves, we offer genuine and realistic solutions with our metabolism boosting programme so you can eat more whilst losing the fat, WITHOUT regaining it again.

We feel great joy seeing our clients thrive and progress on their journeys with us, as well as sustain their incredible results after

We believe in:

🔥 Long terms results
🔥 Not over restricting calories
🔥 Balanced way of living
🔥 Becoming the fittest, most confident version of ourselves!

If you’re fed up of going at it alone, we are here to help!

DM me ‘metabolism boost’ to start losing that stubborn fat forever!



Start believing and you will start achieving! ✨

The majority of us have goals we want to achieve.

In life in general as well as our health and our bodies.

You know the biggest thing that holds us back when trying to reach them?


How many times do you use excuses that really, you could get s**t done anyway?

How many times do you wait for “the perfect time” when actually you could be well on your journey already?

I believe we spend too much time waiting for our motivation to show up or for someone else to create the opportunities for us.

Well, I guess we will be waiting for a long time if we continue to live this way.

Life is filled with ups and downs but it’s how you deal with them and manage them that will determine the outcome.

How you talk to yourself is so important.

Deciding what you want in life is so important.

Sometimes we just need to snap out of the funk we are in and start doing.

Asking yourself, am I happy where I am?


Then what can I do about it?

Start asking yourselves the very questions we are all quick to ask others, it may just be the thing you need to get your butt heading in the right direction.

Stop wasting time waiting for the right time.

Take life by both hands, your goals, your dreams and keep working towards them no matter what comes your way!

Happy Monday lovely people.

Let’s smash this week and make some progress! 🔥


Photos from rach_t.f's post 20/05/2022

I speak to ladies week in week out who are currently struggling with their weight.

This week I felt I had to voice how I’m feeling as it saddens me, that so many women go to such extreme lengths to lose weight and feel more confident in their skin.

Myself included, I have tried the vast amount of fads out there such as

❌liquid diets
❌cutting out carbs
❌cutting out meat
❌low fat
❌low calorie

You name it!

But did they work?


Did they last?


It’s so easy to get sucked into the marketing of quick fix, fad diets as quite frankly we all want quick results and you can get them this way.

The only problem is that not only do we regain the weight, every time we put ourselves back on these diets we are making it harder for ourselves.

* Our metabolism slows to protect our body
* We develop unhealthy relationships with food
* We get hooked on scale weight loss and quick results
* Our physical and mental health suffers
* We can develop disordered eating
* We create a lifestyle cycle we cannot get out of

You know what else we do?

We then pass this on to our children.

Fortunately, I learnt through education and experience with my own journey plus hundreds of clients that this is no way to achieve fat loss and reach the goals you want to.


Please stop punishing yourself and your body going to extremes. You really don’t have to!

You can lose fat

WITHOUT cutting the foods you love
WITHOUT cutting out food groups
WITHOUT going on crazy low calorie diets
WITHOUT spending hours of the day being hungry
WITHOUT living in the cycle of having to constantly diet…

Are you fed up of going at it alone and want to end the cycle you’re in?

Click the link in my bio and I can show you how you can lose weight for good in a way that’s much more enjoyable!

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