I like tea very much, its taste is bitter first, sweet second

My factory produces: Pu'er tea, black tea, green tea, white tea, if you like, we can communicate

Photos from's post 09/05/2021

High-quality green tea comes from high-quality high-altitude production areas tea


Fresh tea Have tea together


Photos from's post 29/04/2021

Do you want hot tea? Yes or no



Drinking tea is like life, you need to make it slowly, don’t worry


Photos from's post 28/04/2021

Continue to drink tea, delicious raw and sweet aftertaste, you can contact me if you want to drink



You will receive your favorite tea soon. A cart of tea is being loaded and sent to the destination. I hope the road goes smoothly.



Чай упаковывается, чай, который тебе нравится


Photos from's post 26/04/2021

Icelandic students Pu'er, welcome to consult

Исландские студенты Пуэр, добро пожаловать на консультацию

Photos from's post 25/04/2021

The happiest thing is drinking tea, do you agree with it?

Самое счастливое - пить чай, согласны ли вы с этим?

Photos from's post 24/04/2021

Everyone needs to find their own suitable tea, not expensive tea is suitable for you

Каждому нужно найти свой подходящий чай, вам подойдет недорогой #чай

Photos from's post 23/04/2021

A good cake of tea requires high-quality fresh tea leaves and tea-making technology. You can chat privately with western medicine tea.
Хороший чайный пирог требует высококачественного свежего чая и технологии приготовления чая. Вы можете поговорить наедине с чаем западной медицины.

Photos from's post 23/04/2021

Good old tree tea, please like the old tree, please contact me if you need it

Старый добрый чай из дерева, пожалуйста, полюбите старое дерево, пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной, если он вам нужен



07 Две коробки чая года были проданы на аукционе за 22740 юаней.

Two boxes of tea of ​​the year were auctioned for 22740 yuan

Photos from's post 22/04/2021

Do you like Pu'er? Please like it! Need to chat with me privately

Тебе нравится пуэр? Пожалуйста, нравится! Нужно поговорить со мной наедине


Photos from's post 21/04/2021

Fresh tea, waiting to be made! Please like it, you can contact me if you want Свежий чай ждет своего часа! Пожалуйста, нравится, вы можете связаться со мной, если хотите

Photos from's post 20/04/2021

The tea just picked, has not been made yet, please like it if you like it, and if you need it, please send me a private message


Photos from's post 19/04/2021

If you like it please like it, if you want it please contact me #чайнаяатмосфера #глубинавпростоте #внимательныйчай #честныйчай #людичая #чайныймастер #чайныебудни

Photos from's post 18/04/2021

Хотите его выпить? Пожалуйста, нравится
Want to drink it? Please like it
#Чай пуэр

Photos from's post 17/04/2021

Вам нравится такой красивый чай? Пожалуйста, похвалите его за красоту
Do you like such beautiful tea? Please praise it for its beauty
#茶 #Чай


Мао наконечник белый чай, самый высококачественный белый чайMaojian white tea, the best quality white tea #白茶 #чай

Photos from's post 12/04/2021

Действительно из района производства Laobangzheng небольшое количество пожилых людей,Это баня 2001 года #часы #чай

Photos from's post 12/04/2021

Пожалуйста, любите его ,
01 [7581] Отваренные чайные кирпичи с лазерной маркировкой, по 160 штук каждый, богатые ароматом, и самое главное - "старый" вкус. Сырье - крупнолистные породы Мэнхай, форма кирпича правильная, толщина однородная , эластичность умеренная, цвет супа красновато-коричневый., Вкус мягкий и гладкий, а аромат старения замечательный.

01 [7581] Laser-labeled cooked tea bricks, 160 pieces each, rich in scent, and the most important thing is the "old" taste. Menghai big leaf is the raw material, the bricks are correct, the thickness is uniform, the elasticity is moderate, and the soup color is reddish brown. , The taste is mellow and smooth, and the aging fragrance is remarkable.

#чай #часы

Photos from's post 11/04/2021

Это наш старый классный значок, пожалуйста, полюбуйтесь, он вам понравится!



Недавно построенный завод будет введен в эксплуатацию в следующем месяце



Будьте добры к изобретению чая,Please praise the invention of tea


Photos from's post 04/04/2021

The tea-making masters are busy making high-quality tea, please give them a thumbs up, because they made high-quality tea for us

Мастера-заварщики заняты приготовлением качественного чая, пожалуйста, дайте им большой палец вверх, потому что они сделали для нас качественный чай.



Вы любите чай пуэр? Пожалуйста, любите чай пуэр, давайте поговорим о том, как сделать чай пуэр лучше

Do you like Pu'er tea? Please like Pu'er tea, let's talk about how to make Pu'er tea better
🇵🇷 #普洱 #чай #茶道具


Photos from's post 31/03/2021

It's the season for green tea picking
Please leave a thumbs up for high-quality green tea👍🏻

#Зеленый чай


My cup is blooming, please like it, please pay attention to me, I will share good tea and tea set

Моя чашка цветет, пожалуйста, полюбуйтесь, обратите внимание на меня, я поделюсь хорошим чаем и чайным сервизом



Приготовление чая - это искусство и культура. Чай полезен и полезен для организма.

#岩茶 #чай thé


senaacakil_ değerli.. Daha fazlası için beni takip etmeyi unutmayın Nasıl buldunuz? Yorumlarınız çok



When treating guests with tea, the handle of the cup ear and teaspoon should face the right side of the guest, which is polite to the guest



The wine is half full of tea. Tea should be noted: tea should not be too full, to eight full is appropriate. The water temperature should not be too hot to prevent the guests from being scalded. When there are more than two visitors, the tea color should be even with the tray. Hold the bottom of the tray with your left hand and the edge of the tray with your right hand. If there are tea snacks, they should be placed in front of the guests on the right, and the cup should be placed on the right side of the snacks. Tea should be served with the right hand, from the right side of the guest, with a smile and eyes on each other.



In today's society, guests to tea has become a common etiquette in people's daily social and family life.



Tea drinking environment should be quiet, elegant, clean, comfortable, let people have a sense of ease.

Tea selection also varies from person to person. For example, people in the North like to drink scented tea, people in Zhejiang like to drink Qingfen green tea, and people in Fujian and Guangdong like strong oolong tea and Pu'er tea. The tea set can be exquisite and unique, or simple and plain.



Tea drinking is not only a traditional diet culture, but also has a certain effect on eliminating free radicals because it contains a variety of antioxidant substances and antioxidant nutrients. Therefore, drinking tea also helps to prevent aging, with health care function, drinking three or two cups of tea every day can play an anti-aging role. Tea contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids. Drinking tea also has a certain effect on clearing oil, relieving greasiness, enhancing nerve excitement and eliminating food and diuresis. But the more you drink, the better. Not everyone is suitable for tea. Generally speaking, 1-2 times a day, 3-5 grams each time, 400 ml of drinking is more appropriate. Generally speaking, drinking tea also means drinking water.



Zhengshan race, from Fujian
#чайнаяатмосфера #глубинавпростоте #внимательныйчай #честныйчай #людичая #чайныймастер #чайныебудни


In 1385, in the 18th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Juzi Ding Xian went to Beijing for an examination. When he passed by Wuyi Mountain, he suddenly got sick and suffered from abdominal pain. He ran into a monk of Yongle temple in Tianxin. The monk took his tea and drank it with him. The pain stopped. After winning the first prize in the examination, he came to thank the monk and asked about the origin of the tea. When he learned that, he took off his Dahongpao and wrapped it around the tea cluster for three times, so he got the name of Dahongpao. Zhuangyuan took Dahongpao back to the capital in tin cans

tea #чайнаяатмосфера #глубинавпростоте #внимательныйчай #честныйчай #людичая #чайныймастер #чайныебудни


jinjunmei,After brewing, the color of the soup is amber golden eyebrow, with a light and sweet honey fragrance. The product is sweet and smooth, and the bud at the bottom of the leaf is straight and straight, showing a fresh bronze color.

1. Jin: Jinjunmei is made of touchun touya, which is picked once a year. Only the tea raw materials in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve can produce the unique quality of authentic Jinjunmei, which is rare and precious as gold, indicating that it is a top-level black tea, so it is named "Jin";

2. Jun: it is named "Jun" because its raw material is picked from the wild tea trees in the mountains of Tongmu village nature reserve, and it hopes that this tea can be quickly popularized like a horse;

3. Eyebrow: all traditional famous teas have the name of "eyebrow". Jinjunmei uses tea bud as raw material, and its tea shape is as slender as eyebrow. "Eyebrow" also has the meaning of long-term and longevity, so it is named "eyebrow". After understanding, it is named "zhengshantang" Jinjunmei

#чайнаяатмосфера #глубинавпростоте #внимательныйчай #честныйчай #людичая #чайныймастер #чайныебудни


Dahongsam, produced in Wuyishan, Fujian Province, is a oolong tea with excellent quality. Chinese special tea. The shape of the strip is tight knot, the color is green, brown and fresh, and the soup color is orange and bright after brewing, and the leaves are red and green. The most outstanding quality is the fragrance is fragrant with orchid, high and lasting, and "rock rhyme" is obvious. Besides the health functions of improving the mind, eliminating fatigue, invigorating urine, relieving heat and heat, sterilization and anti inflammation, detoxifying and preventing disease, eliminating food and greasiness, and reducing weight and bodybuilding, it also has special functions of anti cancer, blood lipid reduction, anti-aging and so on. Dahongsam is very resistant to brewing, and it still has fragrance seven or eight times. To drink "dahongsam" tea, we must follow the procedure of "Gongfu tea" small pot small cup of fine products to slow down the drinking process, so as to truly taste the Zen tea flavor at the top of rock tea. Note the importance of living, sweet, clear, fragrant.

#чайнаяатмосфера #глубинавпростоте #внимательныйчай #честныйчай #людичая #чайныймастер #чайныебудни

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