Education Unboxed

Education Unboxed

The goal of Education Unboxed is to rethink the way we do education, challenge assumptions, and prov

Homeschool Help - - Free Help for Homeschool 02/08/2020

***New Section On the Education Unboxed Website!***

(Considering homeschooling? Check it out!)

Homeschool Help - - Free Help for Homeschool Articles with homeschool help for the anxious parents considering homeschooling due to Covid-19. They also apply to any new homeschooler at any time!


Hi, everyone! This bookstore is another one of our family endeavors that you might want to check out. 10% off during this time of quarantine! Hope you all are well and safe!


Hello, friends! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, and this is not a math post,… but I wanted you to know about our family’s new endeavor. We have started an online bookstore, and this weekend is our grand opening! 15% off of everything on the site (11/29/19-12/2/19).

We are selling mainly vintage, children's, classics, poetry, and nature books. If you are a Classical or Charlotte Mason homeschooler (or love reading good books to your children), what we have available will especially interest you! We’ve got Landmarks, Lois Lenski, Thornton Burgess, Gyo Fujikawa, Tasha Tudor, Aesop’s Fables, Fairy Tale books, Illustrated Junior Library books, All About... books, vintage readers, Childcraft, Ambleside Online titles, and a lot more! Thanks for checking it out! is a homeschool family owned & operated online bookstore of curated vintage children

Poetic Knowledge by James S. Taylor - Book Review - Education Unboxed 27/03/2019

New book review posted on the website! Read my review of Poetic Knowledge by James S. Taylor at

Poetic Knowledge by James S. Taylor - Book Review - Education Unboxed Book review of Poetic Knowledge by James S. Taylor. Reviewed by Rosie Gearhart of

Education Unboxed - Long Division - Part 1 - Math Video 02/10/2013

This video explains long division in a visual/kinesthetic, conceptual way. This is not a "Does McDonald's Sell Cheesburgers" (divide, multiply, subtract, check) video. Children need to understand what they are doing, not just memorize steps. IMO, the most relevant reason to learn long division is to truly SEE how numbers work, to create a clearer mental framework which will be helpful throughout life. Otherwise, why not just use a calculator?

Education Unboxed - Long Division - Part 1 - Math Video


Here is a 10 minute introduction and overview of how to teach multiplication in a visual/kinesthetic way so that children truly understand what they are doing instead of simply memorizing symbols and formulas that they will later forget.....

Education Unboxed - How to Teach Multiplication - Math Video


I got this email the other day and thought I'd post it here. It's so encouraging to know that our videos are helping so many people out there!... "Hi, we bought Math Mammoth last fall and have been using your videos with rods alongside it. My kids love math now and it is a joy! Saige is so cute! We just laugh and laugh at her. I wanted to let you know again how much we appreciate these videos! Thank you! We attend a homeschool co-op on Fridays and I teach two 15 minute segments to the pre-K classes using rods and your videos. When I mentioned it last term, ladies were not that interested in me teaching with rods, but when I brought the rods and did the staircase with baby and mommy everyone was sold! Many of them asked for your site and were delighted to find videos for their older kids. Again, thank you! Jodi _______ in South Texas."

The Puzzle Game 11/01/2013

Yea! We finally made another video! My 4yo has been enjoying this game all week. It's a quick and fun way to work on number bonds to 10! It'll be up on our website in the next day or so. Enjoy!

The Puzzle Game The thing I like about this game is that you can get in a lot of number bonds practice in a very small amount of time. When a child is first learning the rods, there…


In case you didn't know, all of our math videos are organized by category and difficulty at! Check them out and tell your friends!

Education Unboxed - Math Tutoring Help Through Videos, Games and More The goal of Education Unboxed is to rethink the way education is done. Watch math videos for tutoring help, game ideas and more!


Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here! We're planning a move across the country so it's going to be a while before I get to making more videos. In spite of that, though, I'm open to suggestions of topics you'd like to see covered,... and I'll try my best to get around to them at some point in the (probably distant) future!

Near Doubles 19/08/2012

New video for the littles!

Near Doubles Here's another activity you can do with young kids. If you know the doubles facts, you can find the doubles +/- facts by using logic. You can also do this activity…

Overcoming Difficulties with Number: Supporting Dyscalculia and Students who Struggle with Maths (Bo 17/08/2012

I'm reading this book right now which is about helping children with dyscalculia learn math, and I keep saying, "Oh, my goodness!" and, "Seriously?!!!" because the methods suggested are EXACTLY what I've been teaching - mostly what I learned from the Miquon and Singapore math programs and from Crewton Ramone. I strongly suspected that these methods would work well for kids with LDs, but now I know they will! So, if you are a homeschooler and have a child with dyscalculia, make sure to go with a conceptual program that teaches bridging ten and the area model of multiplication and division. If you are a parent of a child with dyscalculia and your child goes to public school, BEG the math teacher to consider this way of teaching. If you are a teacher in a school, convince the higher-ups that the school should be teaching math this way. If they're not then they are failing 5-10% of their students (and the students will think it is themselves who are the failures)!

Overcoming Difficulties with Number: Supporting Dyscalculia and Students who Struggle with Maths (Bo In writing this practical book, Ronit Bird draws on her teaching and training experience to create teaching plans for key numeracy topics aimed at those working with students aged 9-16. She provides detailed strategies for teaching numeracy skills through a progression of pr...

Marble Math 17/08/2012

The Marble Math app is FREE for today only! I haven't tried it yet, but we have Marble Math Jr. and that one is great!

Marble Math Get Marble Math on the App Store. See screenshots and ratings, and read customer reviews.

A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form 15/08/2012

Good book...

A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form “One of the best critiques of current mathematics education I have ever seen.”—Keith Devlin, math columnist on NPR’s Morning Edition A brilliant research mathematician who has devoted his career to teaching kids reveals math to be creative and beau...

Kids AppFriday Deals - Special Back to School August 2012 - Fun Educational Apps:  Top Apps for Kids 10/08/2012

The Math Evolve app is FREE right now for "back to school." My 8 yo has been enjoying this app. It has a game element to it that keeps it engaging. Check it out! (There are a bunch of other math apps free right now. Check them out at the link below!)

Kids AppFriday Deals - Special Back to School August 2012 - Fun Educational Apps: Top Apps for Kids Kids Apps AppFriday is on! and this week we have an impressive number of top educational apps going free including 10 top math free math apps. Check them out and make to sure to download while free … It will help your kids for Back to School for your kids.


Ninja Chicken app is currently free! It helps you practice recognizing prime and composite numbers. The other TapToLearn apps look good, too!


Math Mammoth is having a sale right now through August 20th! Coupon code: AUGUSTSALE. Also, Homeschool Buyer's Co-op is having a sale through August if you want to get the full curriculum!


200 "Likes" already!!!! Woohoo!!!!


Brand new Mental Subtraction videos are up! (You might need to refresh the page in order to clear your cache before the new ones show up.) I redid the parts using Cuisenaire Rods because one child I'm tutoring (who probably has dyscalculia) had a difficult time with the concept and I realized I needed to break it down into smaller steps. If your child was fine with the first version, let him/her continue to do it that way, but I wanted everyone to be able to understand this stuff so this is a more step-by-step version.

Education Unboxed - Mental Math - Math Videos The goal of Education Unboxed is to rethink the way education is done, challenge assumptions, and provide information to help people teach more effectively.


Fun Story: I'm tutoring an "almost 2nd grader" this summer who really struggled with math last year in 1st grade. To give you an idea, he only got through the 6's in Mad Minutes by the end of the year. That means he only had FIVE successes and about 170 "failures." (I know it's not supposed to look like that, but I'm pretty sure it comes across that way to kids. Can you tell I don't like Mad Minutes?!) Anyway, last week I taught him mental addition by making tens. Here is what his mom just wrote me... "We were in the car on the way home and Corey wanted to play a math game... I gave him my iphone and you should have heard him..." 8 + 7 ummmm ... MOM I can't do this!!! Me: "Corey what does 8 wa..." Corey: "Oh Mom don't tell me 15!!!!" He figured it out so quick I was beaming and so was Corey!!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! I know we have a lot to go, but it is clicking!!!!"


I just re-recorded Mental Subtraction videos because I have discovered a better way to teach it than what I previously showed. Hopefully I'll be able to get them up some time this week!

Long Division - Part 3 21/07/2012

Long Division - Part 3!

Long Division - Part 3 This is Part 3 in the series of videos about long division. This video has divisors and quotients that are 2-digit numbers and shows how you can use drawings to aid in the conceptual understanding of these types of problems. This method works especially…

Long Division - Part 2 19/07/2012

Long Division - Part 2

Long Division - Part 2 This is the second video in the long division series. These problems have divisors and quotients that are between 10 and 19. Doing multiplication problems with Cuisenaire rods where children multiply teen numbers would be an excellent intro to this topic.…

Long Division - Part 1 18/07/2012


Long Division - Part 1 This is the first of several videos that show how to do long division using Cuisenaire Rods to aid in conceptual understanding. Most people have no idea WHY the long division algorithm works. They've just memorized the steps without understanding. This…

Multiplying Teen Numbers Using the Formal Algorithm 11/07/2012

Here's the third video explaining how to teach the formal multiplication algorithm. If you haven't seen the first two, watch them (below) first...

Multiplying Teen Numbers Using the Formal Algorithm This video explains conceptually the multiplication algorithm when multiplying two numbers between 10 and 19 using Cuisenaire Rods. This helps aid in understanding what the formula is all about. It is important that children know the formula, but it is…

Teaching the Algorithm for Multiplying 2-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers 11/07/2012

This video extends the teaching in the last one posted. Bigger numbers, using drawings to represent the manipulatives when the numbers get large. Hopefully I'm presenting this in small enough steps for everyone to understand!

Teaching the Algorithm for Multiplying 2-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers This video extends the teaching from the last video, applying it to larger numbers. Once the numbers get too large to easily use Cuisenaire rods, it is helpful to draw it instead. Children can use representative drawings for smaller problems, too, if…

Introducing the Multiplication Algorithm with Small Numbers 11/07/2012

Introducing the traditional multiplication algorithm in a conceptual way. This is about 3rd/4th grade level stuff, FYI....

Introducing the Multiplication Algorithm with Small Numbers This video shows you how to introduce the traditional multiplication algorithm (or formula), but in a conceptual way using Cuisenaire rods as manipulatives. The multiplication algorithm is usually not understood, even by teachers. This video will make…


I FINALLY got a chance to make some more videos! (This summer has been crazy!) Look for them to be up soon!

MathGirl Number Garden 03/07/2012

The apps MathGirl Number Garden and MathGirl Addition House are on sale today!!! These are math apps that are actually conceptually based! My girls love them! They are definitely worth it for Pre-K through 2nd or 3rd grade girls! Check them out!

MathGirl Number Garden Get MathGirl Number Garden on the App Store. See screenshots and ratings, and read customer reviews.