

Looking to spread awareness on climate change and spreading helpful articles on what is going on in

Covid-19 gave the world a chance to fix the climate crisis. We’re about to waste it. 20/12/2021

"The One Chance We Have"

This article on climate change has stood out from the rest in which we discuss the effect the pandemic has had on the climate change issue and how we have been given a golden opportunity to slow down global warming. As we begin to go back to a normalized state around the world, we no longer are staying inside and thus are missing out on the chance to help reduce carbon emissions. In a surprising turn of events CNN has noted that some of the biggest fossil fuel-producing countries are injecting taxpayer money into the polluting industries. Check out this article if you want to see how countries around the world are handling climate change during these tough times.

Covid-19 gave the world a chance to fix the climate crisis. We’re about to waste it. The pandemic could have been the decisive moment in the fight against climate change. Instead, some of the biggest fossil fuel-producing countries are injecting taxpayer money into propping up polluting industries.

The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof 20/12/2021

"The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof"

In this article we go over the facts, evidence, and widely disputed proof of climate change. Through various technologies such as satellites we are able to track temperature changes in the atmosphere. We are able to see that the average global temperature has increased by 1.2 degrees Celsius since 1880. One notable thing is that the greatest changes happened in the late 20th century. This article does a great job of outlining climate change facts and knowledge to those who are interested in learning more about the matter.

The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof Definitive answers to the big questions.

A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us. 20/12/2021

"A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us."

In light of a frightening discovery the speed of global warming is not slowing down and we might be paying the price for it. This article goes over the damage that has been done due to countless nations not curbing their fossil fuel emissions. According to the report issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, even if nations started sharply cutting emissions today the global temperature is likely to rise around 1.5 degrees Celsius within the next two years. Its imperative that we as a whole understand what we can do to cut back on our emissions whether that be at home or on a larger scale to help lessen the damage to the world.

A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us. Some devastating impacts of global warming are now unavoidable, a major new scientific report finds. But there is still a short window to stop things from getting even worse.

NASA-supported Study Confirms Importance of Southern Ocean in Absorbing Carbon Dioxide – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet 20/12/2021

"NASA-supported Study Confirms Importance of Southern Ocean in Absorbing Carbon Dioxide"

Recent research has revealed some interesting news regarding the Antarctic Ocean. The Ocean is a much stronger carbon sink than scientists have previously thought. We can determine how much Carbon is being absorbed through the use of scientific instruments that measure water acidity levels. This article dives into the importance our oceans have in cleaning up carbon emissions. We should be looking into other ways to keep our oceans clean and worry about polluting less to ensure that our oceans keep doing a good job of cleaning up our mess.

NASA-supported Study Confirms Importance of Southern Ocean in Absorbing Carbon Dioxide – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet Research shows the Southern Ocean (the continuous body of salt water around Antarctica) absorbs much more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases.

5 places running on 100% renewable energy - World Smart Cities Forum 20/12/2021

In this article we talk about Iceland's conversion to renewable energy and what this could mean for the world moving forward. "Iceland is a country running on 100% renewable energy. It gets 75% of the electricity from hydropower, and 25% from geothermal. The country then takes advantage of its volcanic activity to access geothermal energy, with 87% of its hot water and heating coming from this source." Quite the impressive read and really eye opening to see that running on renewable energy is a possibility going forward. This kind of thinking and implementation could help us with our carbon emissions and can also help us cut back on fossil fuel consumption.

5 places running on 100% renewable energy - World Smart Cities Forum As nations across the world are putting in the effort to help tackle the climate crisis, some places are doing better than others. With the United Nations Paris agreement signed by 175 countries, they have vowed to help with the long-term goal that is keeping the increase in global average temperatu...
