Beautiful and brilliant writer

Beautiful and brilliant writer

i am trying to do something i love


Thinking of all the ways that wouldve made it completely true hoping that we could've would've should've made it our once in a lifetime butterflies are just aches now tears are now just fury I gave it my all but couldn't hold on to it

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Changing for what? The better? The worse? I've put a lot of thought into this I want more for me I want more for you I want the smiles on our face to reflect the future not be left on the past you were my light for a year you were my heart my life my everything but lately nothing feels right nothing feels okay nothing seems to be getting better I wish there was a way to turn the clock back to make you understand to make you listen to help myself be heard I am here but not the same person I once was I'm hurting I'm needing help but this is not a cry for help this is myself telling you when I needed you the most you weren't there I'm breaking I want to smile again

Lacey Dawn Turnbow 😔


I don't know what to say anymore I don't know how to feel about anything I've tried yelling out and talking about my feelings but I'm usually hushed up about how I feel or I get berated about my feelings how do you expect me to talk to you when all we ever do is fight about how I feel it's not fun and it's not cool I'm so tired of it tired about absolutely everything I don't know if I can do this anymore

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Will I ever be enough will it ever be my time to settle down or am I just here life sucks when you spend your life thinking that you're not meant to do anything but be peoples shoulder there strong person the person that takes absolutely everything and gets nothing in return life is short but I want to find my one true happiness are you my other half or am I just settling

Lacey dawn turnbow


They should make an app that's for cleaning but you help them clean it would be called cleaning buddies you make a new friend while cleaning the house and you also don't have to do it alone I mean I'd buy it lol idk about yall lol 😅


I want the boy with the strong face with the perfect heart someone who's out every weekend in his mom's new car you tell me he shouldn't stress out that it's not that hard but he's got a feeling that it'll leave an ugly scar
If she's says he's nothing to worry about then why'd you walk away
Stupid bitch making me so sad didn't think she could hurt me so bad
He's got everything that I wish I had how could I ever live with that
I know you'll go and change your mind one day and be bored with mine
He's got everything that I wish I had
And he's all I wanna be like so bad, so bad
He's got everything I wish I had,

Lacey dawn turnbow
Boy version of she's all I wanna be by tate McRae


I forgive you I forgive you for all the hell you put me through these last 26 years you have completely hurt me you don't get to do it anymore you may not have been there to hurt my physically but you mentally killed me I can't love anyone with everything i have because I wonder if they would do the same to me even tho you hurt me in ways a person should never hurt a child you did and I'm tired of holding onto something that I would never let happen to anyone I love you lost the right to call me anything but a person you are a pice of garbage but I forgive you because if I don't I'm going to hold onto this for the rest of my life and I don't want that I want to love someone with everything I have and it kills me that it took me this long to say this

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Her reflection is gone her heart has been shattered life has taken all that it could and left nothing but slivers of who her past self used to be her smile her laugh when will she ever be enough when will she be able to keep a smile on her face she misses it misses the laughter the jokes the sun she is now covered in darkness and pain but she will get through this storm she will never give up

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Why do I feel so alone I shouldn't you're sitting right over there eyes elsewhere head in the game never anywhere else tears never seeming to grasp your attention laughs and moments you'll miss erry cries that'll never be heard again you push away I push back harder the flame that was lit before is now growing dimmer your hands that used to grasp mine never seem close anymore I could say these things to you over and over and they'll never actually be heard I feel so alone yet your right there wishing that maybe you'll realize that and begin holding me again but everytime I mention it it pulls us apart so while I keep wondering if it's me or us pulling us apart I realize I'm still alone and left in the dark

Lacey dawn turnbow


You're the sun I'm the moon when my darkest days are here you light a path to lead me to better days I'm the water you're the ice I make your coldest days melt away through thick and thin through tied and untied you're mine I am yours I love you that much is sure

Lacey Dawn Krajca


I don't know what it is my depression my postpartum or my fear I seem to push everyone away when things get serious it's not because I don't love them or anything I think I'm just scared of commitment or being hurt all I ask is don't leave don't give up on me I'm really trying and I'm sorry I'm so difficult to deal with lately

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Emotionally drained from head to toe I don't know what to do I feel so alone thoughts running wild in my head while I sit on the edge of the once amazing cliff wishing the world wasn't so round so that my head would stop spinning thinking this will all come to an end rather quickly I pray for change I pray for help but with all disregards I'm a slave of my own demons left alone with my thoughts and my own feelings I have no where to go no where to be I guess we will just have to see

Lacey dawn turnbow


I gave life to a beautiful soul you have completely isolated yourself from your child you have made it clear that you want absolutely nothing to do with this beautiful human so while you sit there having fun doing things I haven't done in years you can continue because you have chosen not to give a crap about anyone but yourself and your so call child support which bu****it because it's absolutely nothing I will continue loving this human I created I will help them grow to the person they should be and know that what you did is bull I gave you the opportunity for 4 years of their almost 6 years you don't get to call yourself a father you can sit there and act like I am treating you like the bad guy but I am the one that changed all of the diapers fed all the bottles watched them grow with every milestone you're missing out on this and I hope to God one day you learn your lesson because they have me they have a person that loves them cares for them

Lacey dawn turnbow


Happy looks good on you it has the sunshine shinning through the clouds of a stormy day it makes everyday seem like an adventure tears are gone laughter fills the spaces where the heart break once stood you brought all of this out not knowing that this would be the adventure that you needed

Lacey Dawn Turnbow ♥️ ❤️


Aching from all of the extra scars bleeding from all the words that were used troubled from the past that you left behind

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Sometimes I just can't seem to get my emotions out sometimes I feel trapped and don't know where to go sometimes I don't know which way is up and which way is down talking about the problem makes it worse makes things real makes me hurt I keep my mouth closed to keep all the emotions in but it feel like I'm a half filled soda bottle with mintos about to explode and I feel like I won't be able to control the river of emotions I feel like saying this will help but it doesn't it feels like a part of me is dying and I can't keep from screaming and yelling and hoping one day this aching sensation goes away tears flow down my cheeks and all is quiet I wish you well I wish you peace never letting go and never deceased

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


You know what's hard it's not being able to be with the person you fell in love with or being able to talk to them everyday it's hard as crap when the person you want to talk to ignores you for weeks at a time
I chose to date finally after waiting months to have someone back that wasn't coming back I chose my happiness over being alone no matter how you feel about this situation you can't say anything you left me and I gave you space I gave you time to grow but it also made me realize so much about myself I grew and learned what I wanted for me not you me you can be upset you can be mad but keep it to yourself

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


The walls are closing in, one breath 2 breaths, sharp pain in my chest no rest always spent protecting others, 3 breaths 4 breaths I collapse from all the anguish the pain deliberately proceeds to paralyze me 5 breaths and I'm out
Anxiety one of the many killers keep strong be calm stay positive
Lacey Dawn Turnbow


It all started with the creepy house nobody ever went near with late night howls of the wind and freezing chills.
It was the midst of summer and I was going to a party in the old house my parents forbid me to go to no one ever told me why.
Night came and I walked to the house for the party it looked deserted like no one was there I went and knocked on the door and out of no where a cat jumped at me
I noticed a broken window and decided to go through it was empty black and cold
I felt a chill up my spine and I knew I shouldn't have came in I turned around to leave but the window disappeared it was like it never existed I looked for another way out but there wasn't a door or window to be seen so I started to panic I tried to find my phone and as I did I looked down at it no service I decided to take a look around using just the flashlight on my phone for light I walked around looking for something anything that could help me escape I found some stairs and walked up them there were three doors and the all had something written them one had the name Elliott one had the name Susan and the last one I could not believe had my name Andrea on it I opened my door to find it to be completely empty but one door I opened it and crawled inside I was never seen again my town tells my story for everyone to know to never go to the house on Mary road and if you do your sure to disappear with the last 2 doors empty and no one sees in

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


No matter what we went through we loved each other you were mine I was yours I love every imperfection every flaw every single part and you loved me at my lowest as I did you, you pushed me away I pushed back but I wasn't going anywhere I loved you the late night drive over to my parents just for a kiss or a hug the late night drives together hand holding forehead kisses everything was so perfect I cry not because I'm hurting I cry because I didn't want you to leave every part of me wants you every part of me needs you and loves you

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Through the fight of all of the anger and anxiety she finally let's go through the bickering everyday with herself trying to fake a smile through it all she finally has enough she cuts everything hoping everything would end the pain and suffering the depression to fade she lies there hoping to die hoping to leave this world of misery and yet she lives she lives through it all the scars may not show but she will always be afraid

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Loving you was so easy it was like the rain on a dreary day calm as the sky letting go has been the hardest things I've ever had to do I've had to let go of every form of love towards you like feeling your hand in mine or the midnight forehead kisses all the memories we made I've had to let go all of it so suddenly so when I said I love you don't take it lightly .

Lacey Dawn Turnbow 💔💔


When I met you it felt so right you made me believe in love again but made me stop in just seconds of believing in love, you told me I was enough and I was perfect but if you really loved me you'd still be standing next to me love is about understanding and communication love isn't giving up when times get hard or if you need a break love is making sure no matter what happens your there. I used to think you were the one but you changed my mind through all the good memories and crazy fun nights we had you were perfect to me and I loved you

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Hold me when I'm at my lowest love me when I need it the most wipe my tears when I'm to weak hold my hand when I'm nervous kiss me like I mean everything to you be the sun to my moon and the water to my sea hold me tightly because you are all I need life's been a mystery but everything is going into place I love you to the moon and back

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


Given the time of day would you be the one to catch me would you be there to carry all the bad and make everything better would you let me light up the room when there is no light would you let me carry all of the pain you feel to make you feel better would it be possible to carry so much for two people will she be enough will she be everything will she make you your worst days the best days

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


No idea what is about you the feeling of your lips the feeling of your hands in mine your eyes staring at me like I'm something magical the touch is epic you are more then epic, you are extrodianry

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


When you've been in a relationship that's caused so much pain and discomfort and your lost and scared listen close listen well its okay to be lost its okay to not know what you need its okay to be broken and it's okay to say no your worth more then all of the pain and tears they've caused it'll take time it'll take patience but you will find your way again

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


What is love if you can't trust that one person why is it that the people that your supposed to trust the most put you in so much discomfort why wasn't their love enough why is it that when it rains it sounds so angry like a ocean angry waves hurricanes tears in the end when will this road supposed to seize and bring light to those that deserve it

the road you take will lead to better days they say when half the time you have to turn around and start a new path life is about making mistakes but being punished when deserved

No matter your gender you are more then all the tears you have shed over them don't let someone else choose the path you lead it all happens for a reason your loved by so many your worth it your perfect beautiful even with your imperfections don't change for anyone

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


How am I supposed to trust when all there is, is an empty space
Am I supposed to lie and say I'm fine
Am I aloud to cry
Am I aloud to ask for help

Screaming through all the lies the discriminates through the blood tears and sweat
I've held my own
And I've fallen

Lacey Dawn Turnbow


I'm glad you can finally be loyal I'm glad your willing to take the time out of your day for dates for roses for kisses in public I'm glad she is making you happy but I hope for one thing I hope she hurts you like you did me cheated lied hid me from everyone barely tried to spend time I hope she finally gets to see who you are as a person but I hope for the best I hope she lies cheats hurts keeps you in the dark but what I hope for the most is that the lies stop ✋

Lacey Dawn Turnbow
