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The Path To No Where

Ever since our county was conquered and subjugated by invaders of Western Origin, we have gradually lost a peaceful and contended lifestyle. We have been hypnotized by the prospect of living in cities, having the latest and what we have been mistakenly taken to the most prized possessions including homes, cars, kitchens, bathrooms and living an opulent lifestyle of partying, socializing as the ultimate goal in life. The population has flocked to the cities in search of this dream, little realizing it is a mirage. Even those who make it, surrounding themselves with these so called luxuries in life, live a life of emptiness, they have to compete to satisfy their Ego’s, eternally at conflict with their families and those around them and more tragically themselves. They think that to climb to the top of the social ladder, to be seen with the so called elite and powerful is the pinnacle of existence. Their lives are actually empty, empty of everything that is good and wholesome, lacking everything that is Human and the Universal Values of Love, Kindness, Empathy Gratitude.

Unfortunately the youth from our villages are flocking to the cities in search of this same Utopia, only to live in the most deplorable conditions in Boarding Houses, working ungodly hours in atrocious conditions, in the dream that they will make it. The current crisis is now completely destroying this illusion, many will lose their jobs, living in closed jam packed conditions will now be a thing of the past, they now need to go back to their villages and start anew. This is now the opportunity to create a lifestyle that is more aligned with Nature and their Purpose in life, where we give up the false belief that happiness comes from external possessions, to a life living in a small but comfortable house, cultivating the land in a Sustainable manner, living close to Nature. This not Utopian Fantasy, those who have made this transition really live fulfilled lives.
The economy of our country must evolve in this direction, farming if practiced properly can be most rewarding, emotionally, and also capable of sustains a very satisfactory and healthy physical lifestyle. We must break away from the myth that happiness is to be found in cities, living a wholesome life in the rural areas of our country is our path to building a truly happy Nation. While the societies built around the Western misconceptions of competition, looking for happiness in things external will eventually crash together with the model that is the Western Countries and their Civilizations, they have progressed a long way along this path of self-destruction only the stupid Opinion Leaders in our society does not see this and continue to ape a society that is self-destructing.

Dr. Tissa Jinasena.


The current Lockdown has forced people to come to the realization of how empty and devoid of Purpose their lives are. Normally their free time is spent socializing, going out, meeting friends and relations, going to the gym, exercising or playing games. At home their free time is occupied with watching TV, films, playing electronic games, or seeking some other form of entertainment, anything to keep the mind occupied, however trivial and mind dumbing it may be. Anything to prevent having to face the realities of life and when they have to face a crisis in life they go to pieces, petrified by the thought of the death of themselves or one of those close to them, the loss of what they have toiled so hard to acquire. They live in so much self-generated stress, that their immune systems have shut down leaving them the prey to a vast hoard of diseases, which they try to control with drugs, sending them further down the spiral of depression, and ill health, driven by negative thoughts and illnesses associated with these negative thoughts.

The majority of the people in the so-called developed world live totally dependent on a cocktail of drugs, which is good for the Drug Companies but plays havoc with the health of the people. The cost of health services and health insurance in these countries is astronomical, but in spite of the colossal amount of resources devoted to promoting health and hopefully happiness, the vast majority live in suffering.
People in our country in the mistaken belief that this is Development, have given up the lifestyle of the rural life and the extended family that was so fulfilling and refreshing and now live aping this stupid lifestyle of the West. The poor parents and relation living alone or relegated to old people’s homes, both partners working to generate enough money to live in a competitive society where position and status are defined by the material goods one flaunts, the children being bought up by servants who impart their restricted mindset upon the young, a mindset of lack and wanting. This is the stupid life that is fostered on Members of our society by the advertising community for the benefit of their clients whose only motivation is to acquire wealth for the shareholders so that they can live opulent lives and hopefully happy lives, what stupidity.

The path to happiness lies within, to align with our Purpose in Life, to understand why we came into this life, to learn from the experiences that we had to encounter, however difficult they may be. The lessons must be learned and eventually, we have to depart from this world with the knowledge that we will return to learn more lessons in this the “University of the Universe”- the Earth, hopefully as a Human Being. To live a life without an orientation towards this Purpose is totally futile and frustrating, nothing goes right, nothing is fulfilling, life is empty and meaningless. You are merely the main character in the play which your Ego has constructed in your mind, totally fictitious, based on your previous experiences, your friend and family are the other members in the cast of this play called Life that you play out so diligently.

When we learn to live from our higher self, which is one with Universal Intelligence, their life takes on new meaning, illuminating and Purposeful. Freed from the tyranny of the Ego is driven Mind, which is perpetually in the state of Lack, feeling not being good enough, striving to be better than others through the vulgar deportment of wealth and power. We move to the higher Universal Values of Love, Compassion, Gratitude, and Kindness. This is the path to a rich and fulfilling life, but how few are the people on this path. Mankind is living in hate, jealousy, unkindness, which in turn generates the negative energies that create so much suffering in this world.
If we succeed in using the excess time the Lockdown has given us, to start understanding our Purpose in life, then we will have commenced a rich and beautiful journey into the understanding of the Universe and our Soul Journey.

Dr.Tissa Jinasena


The Lost Souls
We incarnate into this World to learn certain things, to experience certain situations that will help our Souls to move into a higher state of Consciousness, to gradually go beyond the limitations of the 3rd dimension into the higher realms. Unfortunately, most people do not go beyond the 3rd dimension of events and experiences that can be felt by our five sense organs of sight, hearing, tasting, tactile and mental impressions. We are stuck in these lower frequencies of existence and only rarely get a glimpse of the higher meaning of existence, the joy and bliss associated with living in harmony with the Universal Values of Love, Compassion, Gratitude. Modern man strives to get happiness from the possession of worldly goods, little knowing that the attachment to these Worldly goods only brings about suffering. They live in a sea of Lack, hobbled with the suspicion of not being good enough.

The mercenary World Order of Consumer Economics enslaves them with the belief that the trinkets that they are peddling will bring about happiness, be it a luxury car/ property/ holiday/ eating experience. They are forced to compete to alleviate the constant nagging feeling of not being good enough, of having to try to outdo everyone they come in contact with.

The heightened stress of this stupid way of living only gives rise to continual stress and the illnesses associated with excess stress, the most important being those associated with the shutting down of the immunity system in response to being in a continual state of “flight or flee”. All vestiges of Human Values and Decency fall by the wayside and what emerges is the savage ancestor that had to defend itself from wild animals and other life-threatening incidents.

The so-called consumer society instead of delivering the happiness it promises only gives rise to the unending cycle want, gratification, disillusionment, suffering, and illness. The joys of sharing and caring are a distant memory, buried deep beneath unhealthy competition and the yearning to be good enough in the eyes of society, the so-called attributes of elevated social acceptance. The Humanness is buried deep below the greed and the consumer is prey to the machinations and cunning connivance of the suppliers of these so-called bringers of happiness.

It is indeed sad that in a World where Human Society has more material goods and comforts than any time in its history, it is living in so much unhappiness, unfulfillment, self-created diseases, misery, and sadness. That where there is clear gluttony in some sectors of the World, there is starvation and death in others. We have created Pandemics that is threatening our lives, we live in the shadow of Nuclear War and we have polluted our plant to the extent that it will be uninhabitable by the middle of this century.

Should we not now wake up and try to understand why we incarnated in this world, what was the Purpose, the Vision and Mission of our lives, why were we given such bountiful gifts of talents and abilities which we have buried deep within the insane desire for social acceptance.

Dr. Tissa Jinasena


The COVID 19 Virus Story
This virus is now creating mass-scale suffering in this world, it is now obvious that this is a man-made Biological Weapon designed to kill human beings. It would appear to have been perfected in the Wuhan Laboratory by the Chinese Scientist known as the Bat Women, who spent the last few years perfecting the addition to the Corona Virus the sequence that gave it the ability to attach to Human Cells. This was the so-called achievement of the Wuhan Laboratory and unfortunately, this strain of Virus escaped from the laboratory late last year and, as it was designed, it attacked the Human Population, initially in Wuhan and now throughout the World.
What is surprising is that US agencies funded parts of this research at Wuhan, they knew what was going on, especially Dr. Fauci, the close advisor to President Trump and Bill Gates who was trying to get a patent for the vaccine for this particular virus and make several Billions of Dollars in the guise of Humanitarian and Philanthropic activities, what disgusting hypocrisy and deceit.
Research to achieve this dubious goal, the creation of a Biological Weapon using the Corona Virus as a base had been going on for the last decade in many laboratories in the West.
How do the minds of so-called educated people resort to such inhuman activities? Do they not realize that what they are creating is going to kill Human Beings, what callousness, and similarly for other organizations that have similar sinister motives of developing Biological and Conventional Weapon Systems, the sole purpose of these systems is to kill people, what of the Universities and Governments that have actively funded and pursued such studies. Mankind in the so-called developed and developing world have gone mad, they are straying far from the Universal Values of Love, Compassion, Kindness, and Gratitude. The Universe, in turn, is demonstrating its utter rejection of this behavior, this only the start, there will be an even greater Pandemic at the end of this year and eventually a Nuclear War that will destroy most of Mankind and other inhabitants of this planet.
We can only hope that Mankind will rise from this present disaster and say no more, no more weapons of mass destruction, no more utter selfishness and greed, no more distrust and competition, no more starvation and obesity, no more stress and mental disease caused by not being able to care and share and most importantly no more development of systems using Artificial Intelligence and 5G Technology that will keep Mankind in bo***ge, as slaves and subject them to massive oppression. That Mankind will rise from the abyss of Animal Behavior and follow the higher path shown to us by the great Religious Teachers and Philosophers from the past, by developing their level of Consciousness and living according to the Universal Values.
Dr. Tissa Jinasena


The COVID 19 Virus Story
This virus is now creating mass-scale suffering in this world, it is now obvious that this is a man-made Biological Weapon designed to kill human beings. It would appear to have been perfected in the Wuhan Laboratory by the Chinese Scientist known as the Bat Women, who spent the last few years perfecting the addition to the Corona Virus the sequence that gave it the ability to attach to Human Cells.

This was the so-called achievement of the Wuhan Laboratory and unfortunately, this strain of Virus escaped from the laboratory late last year and, as it was designed, it attacked the Human Population, initially in Wuhan and now throughout the World.

What is surprising is that US agencies funded parts of this research at Wuhan, they knew what was going on, especially Dr. Fauci, the close advisor to President Trump and Bill Gates who was trying to get a patent for the vaccine for this particular virus and make several Billions of Dollars in the guise of Humanitarian and Philanthropic activities, what disgusting hypocrisy and deceit.
Research to achieve this dubious goal, the creation of a Biological Weapon using the Corona Virus as a base had been going on for the last decade in many laboratories in the West.

How do the minds of so-called educated people resort to such inhuman activities? Do they not realize that what they are creating is going to kill Human Beings, what callousness, and similarly for other organizations that have similar sinister motives of developing Biological and Conventional Weapon Systems, the sole purpose of these systems is to kill people, what of the Universities and Governments that have actively funded and pursued such studies. Mankind in the so-called developed and developing world have gone mad, they are straying far from the Universal Values of Love, Compassion, Kindness, and Gratitude. The Universe, in turn, is demonstrating its utter rejection of this behavior, this only the start, there will be an even greater Pandemic at the end of this year and eventually a Nuclear War that will destroy most of Mankind and other inhabitants of this planet.

We can only hope that Mankind will rise from this present disaster and say no more, no more weapons of mass destruction, no more utter selfishness and greed, no more distrust and competition, no more starvation and obesity, no more stress and mental disease caused by not being able to care and share and most importantly no more development of systems using Artificial Intelligence and 5G Technology that will keep Mankind in bo***ge, as slaves and subject them to massive oppression. That Mankind will rise from the abyss of Animal Behavior and follow the higher path shown to us by the great Religious Teachers and Philosophers from the past, by developing their level of Consciousness and living according to the Universal Values.

Dr. Tissa Jinasena


The New World Order

Covid 19 will completely change the world in which we live, whole lifestyles and how we live and earn our livelihood will change, some businesses such as the Airline and Tourism Industries will be very seriously affected. Till an effective vaccine, which will take 1 year at least or a Covid 19 suppressant (which we are working on) is developed, we will have to practice Social Distancing which will completely disrupt the whole travel and manufacturing industries, the live entertainment industries and sports activities, and even social activities such as weddings and religious worship.

The Western Economies will be very slow to recover if at all, China will dominate the World Economy and as a repercussion there could be a war between the Western Economies and China. This will inevitably lead to the use of Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destructions which will see the end of this present civilization of Human Beings and with it the evolution of a more Conscious Society in the World. Human Beings have to become more aligned to the Universal Values and Intelligence, as we discussed previously, either we do this voluntarily through the development of the Higher Consciousness or the majority perishes and we start again with the understanding of how unbridled greed and selfishness together with the wholesale destruction of our habitat and Universal Values led to the destruction of this present civilization, like it led to the destruction of previous so called great civilizations such as the Babylon, Egyptian and Roman Empires Civilizations.

What does this interim period, from the chaos of the post Covid to the creation of a new World hold for the citizens of Sri Lanka. The whole economic pattern of the last few decades will have to change, pre Covid we lived in an Economy where we earned Foreign Exchange through the export of the plantation crops, the new manufactures such as Garments and Rubber Based Products, the earnings from the Tourist Industry and the remittances from Sri Lankan’s working abroad and we spent it on food, fuel, medicines, construction material, household goods and the import of non-essential luxuries such as high value motor vehicles, consumer devices, luxury household requisites mainly to satisfy the Egos of the higher sections of the society and the newly evolving upper middle class. We just about managed to balance this income and expenditure, but went from a self-sufficient economy to an economy greatly dependent on World Trade. We had to import the food, fuel and medicines on which we were totally dependent.

To meet the monetary requirement of the development of the country’s infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, roads, irrigation works and highways we took huge foreign loan which we are unable to service. A high proportion of this money leaked into the grasp of crooked politicians, civil servants, business leaders and people with political patronage and influence. This is totally unsustainable and morally disgusting. We can beg for debt rescheduling and eventually we will manage by putting to ransom future generations.

Post Covid most of our income sources will dry up, industries catering to the needs of consumers of the Western Economies will face a huge contraction of demand, the tourist and hotels industries will shrink, property development and construction activities will drop together with rents plummeting. The number of Sri Lankan’s employed abroad will reduce drastically, in short we will lose a large proportion of our foreign income. We will lose the ability to import many of the things we now import, reduced oil prices will give us some relief but a complete change in our lifestyles will have to take place if we are to survive in the future.

With the curtailing in the activities as described above, all of these people employed in these sectors will have to find alternate employment or source of income. What is stupid is that we have followed the Gurus of the Open Economy, decimated our local industries including agriculture, and moved the population into cities. These are now totally unsustainable, we can’t even dispose of the garbage generated within these cities, we can’t even move around these cities at critical times, and like the Roman Empire we will face the implosion of the whole country in trying to meet the requirements of these monstrous cities that we have created.

We have to go back to a more agrarian society where we grow all of our food requirements, get away from harmful pharmaceuticals to more healthy Aurvedic Medicine, use more renewable energy and most important go back to a more caring and sharing society, away from the dog eat dog ideology imparted on us by the so called developed Western Societies.

Dr.Tissa Jinasena
