A Phantastic Experiment

A Phantastic Experiment

Hexagrams — The Happy Mess Project 22/10/2023

One day last year, I sat down and started to draw them. I still don’t know why, but I love looking at them together, so much.

Hexagrams — The Happy Mess Project One day last year, I sit, and started to draw them. I still don’t know why, but I love watching them. Full lines — are Yang, open lines - - are Yin. They start from the bottom line. The 1st gate is all Yang, the 2nd one is all Yin, all the other ones are a mix of both Yin and Yang.


Written this and shared it in the Hunter's diet group today

On transitioning from complex food to differentiated food
I keep discovering that when I have a strong appetite for something complex, when that's the only thing I can see myself eat (Inner vision), chances are, I am actually craving one or several different types of fuel I need by design. My design strong placements require a bit of each : meat, fat/mass, sugar.
So when possible, I separate all the stuff out instead of putting them together. Same plate, same ingredients, just not mixed anymore, deconstructed. And discovering that it's tasting and I'm digesting all of it far better. Even if now I'm eating my burgers and tacos and bolognese quite weirdly 😂
Well, I've just discovered a new layer of this! I still like to eat a few kinds of 3-5 ingredients sweets. And I started exploring eating a bit of sugar or honey instead. And noticed it satisfied the appetite WAY better, with way less food.
And since I'd still crave sugary drinks, I tried out to put some sugar in water lately : again, satisfying the craving way better, with way less, and the extra bonus of smooth digestion. It's so weird because it's a very different kind of pleasure, less exciting or interesting for my mind, but I have to notice my body being satiated way more easily.
Once again I'm amazed 😳🤩


Nugget from ADGGEA : Ra confirmed that if someone has 10 3rd colors, even if they have other colours in their nodes and Sun/Earth, it’s their main resonance.


Shared and edited in the Projectors group :

What kind of systems are we meant to master?

In the midst of listening to Ra’s LYD, I’m stunned by how differently the LYD format he was recommending for students getting to actually live their design through such a program is quite different from what I see offered out there. 😮

But anyway, I got stunned hearing this for the first time so plainly stated : « Projectors are meant to master systems *that help them understand others* »
Not any systems like I was told so many times. Only ones directly linked to our type life question. That’s a solid, foundational narrowing down of which systems are more correct for us. Really appreciate the clarification 🤓

Edit after a few of us pointed really cool slippery directions it can take : this is not about work. This is not about money. This is absolutely not about guidance as work to make money.

I so love so much that he added something like “and it doesn’t mean that once you’ve mastered the system you need to give everything up and become like a HD guide or whatever. It’s about the fact you need in some way or another to truly understand the other in order for you to fulfill your purpose.” And also something along the lines of “Many people I have seen master human design have lives who are not about human design at all. They just live it and understand the other through it” 💙

And of course, it’s our S&A that will determine what we master, why, when. No need to figure out or solve or change anything.


What heresy and heretics are about?

Loving those moments of heretic keynoting that happen all over the courses that taste like his shocking 51… these ones are for us heretics 🤩😂

“they're very good at changing the way in which we see by making the practical obvious, you know, it's just what heresy is really about.”

“You go out, you seduce your market, you tell them they're fu**ed up, and you fix them. Practically. I mean, that's the job. That's what fives do.”


Photo from Unsplash by Joshua Newton


💫 Gorgeous little text of the day 💫

We are to enlighten each other

You know, this is what it is to be a nine centered being. To be a nine centered being is to have a purpose to enlighten others. And that's mechanical. It's not like it's a big deal. That's what we're supposed to be doing.

And the fact that that is a potential for us is because each and every one of us in our uniqueness have a specialty. You don't have that specific way in which we are designed to take in the experience of being untranslated for the other. Something that nobody else can know.

And if we're not enlightened by that, I mean, think about it each and every one of you, there is this potential in you to enlightened the other if you don't, you know, the darkness remains.

And it doesn't matter what you know.

I mean, it's the first thing I understood when I was sitting under the all of tree the day after my experience with the voice. So what that I had it. I mean, I thought about never saying the word do, you know, don't tell them, it's going to be a trip.

And you know, but we're not here alone. This is not what we're about.

And the first moment that I felt, the real power of what had happened to me was the moment that I enlightened somebody about their design, even at the most primitive level at that time, because that's what it's about. You see, all of us have these incredible gifts. We do. It's built into us.

And it's not something you got to look for. And it's not something you got to work at. It's there. It's there, if you live out what is correct for you.

| Ra Uru Hu

| Source : Color perspective lecture (2009)



Flow, surprises from the process & dancing with an energy being

I’m staying in the “living room temp studio” lately. Noticed the frequency there pleases my nervous system, I relax when I’m in the area.

It’s been weird and hard at times, my authority says no to many conversations I had going on, no explanation of course. I get to go back to them when it’s time apparently. I try : I don’t even get to warn everyone, only some, others get a no for that too. (Sorry Andrea, I know you’re on the list) My open ego really hates that when I’m not soaking in the relaxation or just in the flow.

But I have 2x1.4s. “Aloneness as the medium of creativity”. And 11 second lines. So I’m starting to believe that ignoring people is a very important part of my creative process.

And indeed, there’s a lot of total stillness going on, sitting down, staring at walls and screens on pause, only my insides seem to move, but there’s movement. Huge bouts of melancholy. And then suddenly, my body is on the move. It’s easy and natural. Most often I’m very surprised by the direction. With my undefined G and my right mind, I really, really don’t get to know what I’m doing. That too my open ego really hates sometimes. Almost as much as my undefined G. 😬

I have another piece to share maybe, but I’m too amazed with this one : my 6/3 Emo M Love came into the living room to plug something new about the tv, I’m not sure. He’s been pi**ed episodically about my creative mess. He loves it too. But he wasn’t a fan of climbing and avoiding stuff. And it’s been more annoying as we got boxes from the move so I have a lot of things to sort through 😂

So he checked with me a couple of things and suddenly got clarity, and decide to move stuff around. Furniture looks super weird right now, with way too many around me/us, but we’re alone in the house so it’s our call and now moving around is easy. “Still a little overwhelming for me, but I can totally do with this”

And I get to keep as many supplies as I want and paper around, he even got me a folder for all the finished pieces I’ve done lately (not in the mood for sharing lately, until now) 😻 And then he got me food (37/40). I didn’t have to say a single word besides answering a couple of questions. 😳😂😋

It’s feeling really good to be a right bodied non energy being in their experiment right now 🥰

I’ve been writing on and off something that looks like a practical guide to using variable after a question someone asked that sort of opened an energetic door. It’s so easy to write, pouring out of me…when I write. 😂 Which my body doesn’t allow that often. 🙈 And when I don’t write, my mind is driving me crazy. It seems so terrified to lost that trail and not get to finish it (which absolutely can happen). Those are the moments when  I’ll get over caffeinated or hurting my head focusing too much. The words get difficult to get out… and I usually give up, bitter and vexed. So this time, instead, I’m memeing and will get to bed to rest. And I’ll see what happens from there 🤷🏽‍♀️
Correct creativity is so weird 😳😬😂
🇫🇷 Il y a quelques semaines, on m’a posé une question qui a comme ouvert une porte énergétique en moi. Depuis j’écris irrégulièrement. C’est tellement facile, ça sort tout seul… quand j’écris. 😂 Ce que mon corps ne me laisse pas souvent faire. 🙈 Et quand je n’écris pas, mon mental me rend dingue. Il a l’air tellement effrayé à l’idée que je ne puisse pas le finir au final, que tout ce ne débouche sur rien (ce qui peut absolument arriver). C’est dans ces moments que je me surcafféine, que je me pousse et me concentre à m’en faire mal au crâne, que je pousse... inévitablement, les mots deviennent difficiles à sortir… et je finis généralement par abandonner, épuisée, amère et vexée. Cette fois, à la place, je suis venue ici “meme-er” et vais aller me reposer. Et je verrai ce qui se passe partant de là 🤷🏽‍♀️
La créativité correcte, c’est tellement étrange 😳😬😂
#humandesignmemes #humandesign #designhumain #designhumainmemes #mind #deconditioning #deconditioningbites #boucheesdedeconditionnement 10/07/2022

Memeing + resting > abusing myself trying to uselessly rush my creativity

I’ve been writing on and off something that looks like a practical guide to using variable after a question someone asked that sort of opened an energetic door. It’s so easy to write, pouring out of me…when I write. 😂 Which my body doesn’t allow that often. 🙈 And when I don’t write, my mind is driving me crazy. It seems so terrified to lost that trail and not get to finish it (which absolutely can happen). Those are the moments when I’ll get over caffeinated or hurting my head focusing too much. The words get difficult to get out… and I usually give up, bitter and vexed. So this time, instead, I’m memeing and will get to bed to rest. And I’ll see what happens from there 🤷🏽‍♀️ Correct creativity is so weird 😳😬😂 . 🇫🇷 Il y a quelques semaines, on m’a posé une question qui a comme ouvert une porte énergétique en moi. Depuis j’écris irrégulièrement. C’est tellement facile, ça sort tout seul… quand j’écris. 😂 Ce que mon corps ne me laisse pas souvent faire. 🙈 Et quand je n’écris pas, mon mental me rend dingue. Il a l’air tellement effrayé à l’idée que je ne puisse pas le finir au final, que tout ce ne débouche sur rien (ce qui peut absolument arriver). C’est dans ces moments que je me surcafféine, que je me pousse et me concentre à m’en faire mal au crâne, que je pousse... inévitablement, les mots deviennent difficiles à sortir… et je finis généralement par abandonner, épuisée, amère et vexée. Cette fois, à la place, je suis venue ici “meme-er” et vais aller me reposer. Et je verrai ce qui se passe partant de là 🤷🏽‍♀️ La créativité correcte, c’est tellement étrange 😳😬😂 . . . . . #humandesignmemes #humandesign #designhumain #designhumainmemes #mind #deconditioning #deconditioningbites #boucheesdedeconditionnement


Favourite comic strip in a long time 😻🥰
I love how deconditioning friendly it is 💙

Eating Appetite food is life 😌🥰 That is all. 😻☺️
Manger façon “Appétit”, c’est la vie. 😌🥰 C’est tout. 😻☺️
#humandesign #humandesignmemes #designhumain #designhumainmemes 07/07/2022

My meat suit is so dramatic 😂

Every time I get pulled away from my Appetite eating (one single ingredient at the time), it’s a bit hellish. And then when I come back to my Determiantion… it can really get heavenly 🥰

Eating Appetite food is life 😌🥰 That is all. 😻☺️ . Manger façon “Appétit”, c’est la vie. 😌🥰 C’est tout. 😻☺️ . . . . . #humandesign #humandesignmemes #designhumain #designhumainmemes


Totally looted this one from Human Design Australia because I cannot stop laughing at it 🤣

In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, those wishes are called “dead person wishes” because that’s the only way they can be granted. I find this to be such a good way to convey that crucial idea. 😻

Whether we are defined emotionally and sadness will always be part of our wave or undefined and it will be part of what we amplify. Or if we are individuals and experience melancholy or carry depression from our format definition.

Sadness is part of being human.

I carry all kinds of sadness in my design. Despite the enormous benefits therapy had in helping me navigate them, and all that I learned working as a psychologist Projector from my depressed patients, I so wish I had met design earlier in my life so I could learn way earlier that my sadness was never a problem to fix. That only my mind was making it a problem. 😢💔🥰

🇦🇺/🇫🇷 #HDbasics I do not understand my creativity. I have so little access to it, lots of my creative definition is “unconscious” and I have 3/4 variable. I never know when I’m going to be inspired, nor what I’m going to do… until I do. And apparently, today, it was time and it was about this.
I have struggled with sending the people I guide easily accessible resources to explain the very basics of HD. Especially to the ones that aren’t that acquainted to that kind of…esoteric-ness. 🙈 Or what I would have wanted to find myself. So I started making some. I cant know if I’ll keep at it, but I have made dozens of notes already, but my Monopole is being a jerk about letting me share them until now 😂🤷🏽‍♀️
🇫🇷Je ne comprends pas grand chose à ma créativité. J’y ai tellement peu accès… Beaucoup de ma définition créative est “inconsciente”, et j’ai 3/4 variables à droite. Je ne sais jamais quand je vais être inspirée, créer ni ce que je vais faire ni quand je vais le partager… Apparemment aujourd’hui était le moment et c’était à propos de ça ☺️
Ça fait un moment que j’ai du mal à trouver des ressources pour initier les gens que je guide au Design, encore plus celleux vraiment pas très branché.es “ésotérisme”. Ou ce que j’aurais voulu trouver moi-même au début. Donc j’ai commencé à les faire et évidemment, avec ma Racine comme seul petit moteur et mes variables ça prend son petit temps 😂 Je ne sais pas si je continuerais ou pas mais j’en ai déjà fait quelques dizaines, mon Monopole est décidé à m’agacer à ne pas me laisser partager jusqu’à aujourd’hui 🙄😅
#aura #humandesign #designhumain #learninghumandesign #apprendreledesignhumain 05/04/2022

So much of being a 5/2 can feel like having a secret life. I also have a Right mind, I’ll share with anyone who ask, but sharing by myself is trickier. It’s very inconsistent. And the Monopole is so mysterious in its ways, I really never know where I’m going with most things, I can see potentials, but that’s it.

For months now, I very inconsistently made notes for my people. Today was the day I was allowed to share apparently. I started with something really basic. Because lots of people I guide i really not into anything “esoteric” like HD. I barely admit it to myself 🙈😂 So this is also the notes I wish I had found when I started to study HD.

🇦🇺/🇫🇷 #HDbasics I do not understand my creativity. I have so little access to it, lots of my creative definition is “unconscious” and I have 3/4 variable. I never know when I’m going to be inspired, nor what I’m going to do… until I do. And apparently, today, it was time and it was about this. . I have struggled with sending the people I guide easily accessible resources to explain the very basics of HD. Especially to the ones that aren’t that acquainted to that kind of…esoteric-ness. 🙈 Or what I would have wanted to find myself. So I started making some. I cant know if I’ll keep at it, but I have made dozens of notes already, but my Monopole is being a jerk about letting me share them until now 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ . 🇫🇷Je ne comprends pas grand chose à ma créativité. J’y ai tellement peu accès… Beaucoup de ma définition créative est “inconsciente”, et j’ai 3/4 variables à droite. Je ne sais jamais quand je vais être inspirée, créer ni ce que je vais faire ni quand je vais le partager… Apparemment aujourd’hui était le moment et c’était à propos de ça ☺️ . Ça fait un moment que j’ai du mal à trouver des ressources pour initier les gens que je guide au Design, encore plus celleux vraiment pas très branché.es “ésotérisme”. Ou ce que j’aurais voulu trouver moi-même au début. Donc j’ai commencé à les faire et évidemment, avec ma Racine comme seul petit moteur et mes variables ça prend son petit temps 😂 Je ne sais pas si je continuerais ou pas mais j’en ai déjà fait quelques dizaines, mon Monopole est décidé à m’agacer à ne pas me laisser partager jusqu’à aujourd’hui 🙄😅 . . . . . #aura #humandesign #designhumain #learninghumandesign #apprendreledesignhumain



This week I loved reading…

We have a great mutative phase that's happening in in our evolutionary process. We all have discussed this- the transformation in 2027, the Rave Children, the transformation of the solar plexus system, the mutation that is taking place in the histidine codon, the mutation that's taking place in both the 49th gate and the 55th gate, though the 55th gate is the primary place for mutation.

When the mutation takes hold in the 49th gate, the channel 19-49, the channel of synthesis will collapse. That collapse will lead to many things. It will lead to a radical change in the viability of the human diet. There is something very important to understand about eating. The stomach is in the ego center.

The only cross-speciel connection we have that directly connects to the stomach is our cross-speciel connection with reptiles, fish and birds. The only natural animal, the only natural creature that we are here to take into our bodies, the only ones that WE ARE DESIGNED TO NATURALLY DIGEST ARE EITHER REPTILE,FISH OR FOWL. So, that's something to recognise about the nature of our stomach and the nature of our eating.

The second thing is we have the 19-49. The 19-49 is a mystical channel. It is through this mystical channel that we have one of three cross-speciel connections to mammals. It is through this channel, the 49th gate of revolution, the gate of the butcher, the gate of sacrifice and the sacrificed, that we have the ritual slaughter of animals. And we have the deification through animism out of the pressure of the 19th gate of these animals into the hierarchy, into a special place of recognition.

The eating of meat is NOT natural for our stomachs. As a matter of fact, the eating of mammals is only possible when there is THE PRESENCE OF THE 40-37, because the 40-37 brings the meat to the stomachs naturally. The only way that meat can be eaten in a healthy way is that if it's eaten in groups.

Yesterday at lunch there was a lot of us eating beef, and there was this huge aura full of 40-37's and the 39-55 energy. Within that context, as ritual, it's correct. For Rave children-solar plexus altered children-it will not be possible for them to eat meat. In other words, this will not be an intellectual decision, nor a taste decision. They will simply regurgitate it immediately. They will simply not be able to hold it in their body. They will not be able to use meat.

One of the things to see is that we are going to go through a dietary change. A good idea and a strong recommendation of mine is that you eat meat in the company of others. But fish and fowl-most of you won't eat reptile, though I can recommend snake-is something that is naturally healthy for us, and it is the proper meat to bring into our bodies.

That digression is for a purpose in the sense that we're dealing with food and food recourses. The pleasure principle of the 19th gate is abundance. And out of that Not-Self pleasure of having the recourses of as much food as possible to be secure has come the whole food greed business, with the vast amount of land that has been turned over unproductively to the growing of beef. There is nothing more inefficient, nothing that degrades the soil more than raising beef. It's an enormous waste of land and water. If it weren't for the fact that the prices are outrageous, it would not be profitable.

If you really equated the destruction of the land recources, you would see that in the end it is not profitable at all. But that's another story. We are going in a decline in terms of the usage of meat. We've already seen here in Europe epidemics of diseased animals, because our greed has forced us to raise them in appaling conditions, to feed them in appaling ways in order to be able to satisfy this spiritual greed.

- Ra Uru Hu


What are you here to learn?

Amazing piece from Ra on he différence between defined and undefined centers (and between having gates aphanging from those centers or not)
- courtesy of a lovely friend (thanks Giulia 😘)

What I want you to grasp is something very interesting. Where you have definition, you don’t have to learn. So, think about that incarnatively. In other words, this is stuff you’ve learnt, you’ve worked through, and you don’t have to learn about again. Now, remember I'm talking about the true self, but I want you to see something interesting in that; we’re all in an incarnative, ongoing process. And that each incarnation we come in with things that need to be learnt in order for us to go through our progressive process.

So when you're looking at definition, what you're looking at is ‘I graduated, I got my degree. I've learnt that’. In the sense that that is not a theme for learning in this life now. But the moment that you're looking at a center, and you see that there is more than one or two dormant gates in that center, you know there's a lot of work to be done, that has never been done properly in the past. In other words, here is somebody who has built up, incarnation after incarnation, a problem area in which this is somebody who really has to be nurtured, and really has to learn about what manifestation is. What the Throat is. What the voice is. What communication really is. All of those various aspects.

So, it’s something very interesting to look at. You're looking at your own Design. You can see very clearly “Ah ha!. My incarnation, I'm here. This is something that I have to learn this time”. Now, think about the not-self. The not-self can come back over and over again with the same lessons to be learnt. And they keep on adding up. And if you didn’t get it the last time, then you’ve got an extra dormant gate this time!

So, it’s one of those things to just think about. Because it’s an interesting thing to look at. But please don’t abuse people because you know that – “Oh, look at you there. 35 lifetimes and you're still working on that stuff!”. But it’s really important to understand that these are themes that are unresolved and they need to be worked through. I know that for myself in my 49 gate. I've been a great killer. And I've gone through all of the sacrifice / sacrificer, all of that stuff, but there's still a lesson that’s incomplete for me. That I am finally getting to meet in this life, now.

So, it’s one of those processes that you can really look at, those of you that enjoy that kind of stuff, and be able to say “Aha! This is something that I've always needed to work on. This has been there a long time”. And you can see that by the density that is there.

You can also see that when you're down to the point where there's only one gate, you can see that this is an opportunity to close out a process. Very important. The single gates that are there. Many people have single gates in open centers. The single gate that’s there, that’s the indication. Here's your closing theme. You can finally finish this thing off. And if you have no activations, no activations the is the final stage of perfection.

Long ago somebody said to me “If you could have any Design, what would you have?”. And I said “No activation whatsoever. Just a blank chart. No gates, nothing. Just pure white everywhere”. Because that is being one with everything. And so when you have centers that are fully open you can see that these are areas where you’ve gone beyond the corrective process, and the learning process, and you're starting a new process. In other words, a wisdom process. A transcendent process. In other words you're finally getting to your masters degree, your PhD. You're really at another level entirely.

So you can see that definition, the process is over, but after all with your definition you're working with it all the time and you’ve got to work with it correctly. It just means that you don’t have to go through a learning process there. You simply have to use it correctly. And when you have centers where there is activation but there is no definition, then these are areas where you're carrying from your line of incarnation stuff that is still not yet worked out, still not yet finished in your learning process. And when you get to the entirely open centers, no activation, that’s where you're finally free to seek the one, or to seek the whole.

- Ra Uru Hu


Today, I loved reading…

That piece where Ra talks about the Acceptance tone while showing us what’s that tone has to teach us in dealing with compromises, living our design and life itself. Damn it’s a delicious one 😻


And of course, when you're dealing with this at the level of this kind of cognitive potential, this acceptance, this is really what it's all about. It is the acceptance of. what is. It is the acceptance that there are things you can do nothing about. It‘s what I love when I do partnership analysis, the channel of compromise.

Compromise is one of the great bi***es of all time.
One person has half the channel; the other person has the whole channel. The person that only has one gate are always going to compromise to the person that has the whole channel.

There is no way that you can ever change that. There is nothing you can do about it. Not only that, even when you know what it is, it‘s still terrible. You can never do anything about it.
And you see, the most incredible thing about that is if you can accept at that level, boy have you made a step, because this is what it's all about.

Relationships are the most complex things in the world. It‘s my standing joke. My partner has the 17/62. I have the 62. It‘s the channel of an organizational being, the logical mind, the whole thing. She has her own opinions and she has her own facts. All I‘ve got is facts. I don‘t have any opinions.
Now, I‘ve known this woman 27 years and I have never ever, ever won an argument. It's not even possible to even think about winning an argument.

As a matter of fact, within the context of our compromise I've always been an idiot, a lifetime of being an idiot. There‘s nothing you can do about it. It's not like I could win any of those arguments, because you can‘t because it‘s just the channel. It‘s not like there's something you can break and fix and pull apart and yank and repair. You can‘t do anything. You look at it and go, all right, because in the end it‘s just a weighing thing.

You say okay, you have this and you have this, and there‘s more of this than this, all right. And then you let the other human being be what they are because there‘s nothing worse than having somebody that you're connected to in this life saying that you should really change that.
Yeah, sure, right, I‘m going to do that for you. Let me have a heart transplant for you.

This is the whole thing about understanding what real acceptance is, that when you get to this level it‘s about recognizing that we have to respect each other, because there is no hierarchy in awareness. There‘s none.

There‘s just unique intelligence. There‘s no hierarchy in that.

There‘s nobody better than anybody else, or less, or this or that. There‘s nobody that has something more important to share than somebody else, because it doesn't. It may seem that I have a lot that I can share.
But each and every one of you have the same thing in a different dimension, in a different thing, whatever that thing happens to be.

And unless that comes out we don't all gain the advantage of it. What you gain as an advantage from me is an advantage I can gain from each and every one of you because this is the way it‘s supposed to be. And it begins with that acceptance.

It begins with a simple understanding that we are a fixed mechanism, at least in the way in which we‘re constructed.
So, let's let that work the way it's supposed to work, instead of constantly trying to interfere with it and make it something else.

This technique of watching your transference or watching the distraction, it's there to constantly remind you for now, for the rest of your life because you'll see it all the time now, you‘ll never not see it again. And it‘ll keep on reminding you of the joke.

You don't have to be in charge of all of that. The doing truly gets done. Let it get done. And then you take from this life whatever is truly there for you.

Ra - Radical transformations - The four lectures (2010)

Projectorness & Relationships — Loveful Badassery Sanctuary 07/07/2021


A fellow projector asked my to share my thoughts on relationships, especially in reference to our you and interacting with Emotional Energy Beings, as I have my Sacral and Solar Plexus centers undefined.

I’m loving pondering this, especially as many people around me are one or the other. It brought me to share first my thoughts on being a projector and interacting with others. How it affects both me and them.

Projectorness & Relationships — Loveful Badassery Sanctuary Being a projector is so much about the other. It’s even our type’s ‘‘life theme question’’: ‘‘Who are you?’’. We are literally designed to guide others , more specifically to guide the energy from energy types back to them. To do this, our aura penetrates theirs, laser-focused, s...

Hermitly & Projectorly Yours - A Projector & the Dance of Waiting — Loveful Badassery Sanctuary 07/07/2021


Having so much fun writing about my projectorness and the intersection of my learnings as a psychologist and Human design!

The other day, a new lovely acquaintance asked me what my strategy and authority was to me. And this came out. I’d love your thoughts on this if you have any 💙

Hermitly & Projectorly Yours - A Projector & the Dance of Waiting — Loveful Badassery Sanctuary Ever since I have known about being a projector, I had mixed feelings about our Strategy...


[Open Self - Defined Ego]

Hello Dear,

*** You asked “Can you share your thoughts on how a defined self-center and a open ego can work together? I know I have only true motivation and willpower for things that feel like mine, so I struggle to grasp how that works." ***

Damn this one took me to a rabbit hole for quite a while! Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn.

Ok, I used two sources for this as my baseline and then looked for more in Human Design groups and observed a lot my own experience of them.

Sources : The definitive book from Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu, and Peter Schoeber’s Human design system - The centres.

The shortest answer to your question I found is : "what’s yours" would be better defined in HD terms by “your sense of direction”.

That’s part of your defined self job to tell you this.
My undefined identity not-self key note is in contrast “I am looking for love and direction”. I spent ages learning what’s meaningful and what’s not, what’s worth my efforts and what’s not, what is me and what is not. I still am learning about it.

I am very curious where values are at play here. I noticed people I guide all can resonate with values used as a lighthouse. What matters to us the most at the end of the day. The science behind it helped so many of us!

But it doesn’t seem to be part of the self center package that much.
The self center knows "where we are, where we are going to and how to get there”. It’s your inner GPS, all about love (what we are all here to be) and direction.

Like, yours tells you you are about your love for humanity (gate 15), being the able to look at where you are right now (gate 1) and to look ahead (gate 7).

Out of traumatic situations, your defined G gives you a reliable sense of identity and being loved and lovable. And a sense of what’s the correct direction for you. I assume this is part of what you call “what’s yours”.

Now… About our open heart. Well, we are not wired for a goal oriented approach like the defined hearts are. And it’s not healthy like it is for them to prove ourselves regularly.

We shouldn’t make promises or set goals at all, because despite what most of us believe, we have nothing to prove to anyone. That’s our hidden power, the one we can hone when we gradually let go of our need to prove our worth.

Although, we both have a defined root, so we still have some ways to reliably process energy.

We tend to overachieve, overpromise, as a way to prove our worth without this. Especially in times where fear is so spread out.

We are "not designed to be willful nor competitive, but can often feel driven by a need to find the courage to exercise [our] will". […]

Right now, I’d say the only things I have willpower for are deeply meaningful to me, and I manage to make the process as joyful as possible. And it implies a LOT of flexibility from myself, knowing I don’t do well at all with deadlines when I listen to my body and not my mind who would want me to be a super “reliable” and “trustworthy” person, or the parts of myself conditioned to want me to be a “go getter”.

I share this snippet of my experience because I’ve seen a lot of similar patterns over the years.

We have inconsistent willpower (rather than no willpower at all). “An open ego means that today you want one thing, tomorrow you want another and quite often you do not want anything in particular. And that is exactly as it should be.”

And our open heart, through its struggles teaches us how to understand a lot of what it means to have a healthy self esteem and wise about the ways personal power and money can be used.

So… whatever makes you able to follow through on things that are yours, I would trust that, especially if you used your strategy and authority to get there. In the end, that’s again where we end up, of course. After the mind candy understanding some of who we are, the constant reminder is always needed 😉

Hope you’ll find something helpful in there!


Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

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