Attention Deficit Hyper Hobby Disorder
My life is a disaster. Okay, it's honestly multiple disasters. ADHD with way too many hobbies. Who doesn't love a thousand hobbies? Everybody!
And how about throw in a YouTube channel to document it and possible keep my ADHD mind motivated to actually finish some projects? Okay, that might be more just me.
What 1977 Hess Truck DOESN'T NEED an LED light upgrade?!? Exactly.
1977 Hess Truck LED Upgrade Here it is - playing around with LEDs on the old Hess Truck. The lights were in rough shape and ready for an upgrade now that the next generation is playing...
This is the (hopefully) every growing playlist of the destruction and rebirth of the 1952 Wagemaker Wolverine. The goal is to finish by the Fourth of July!
First Walk around the Wolverine This is the first walk around the Wolverine when she came home. Oddly enough, my much better half was apparently surprised when a boat showed up in the back...
Wagemaker Wolverine Party! Removing fiberglass now that it sufficiently rotted the outer keel. Also removing a couple pretty solid coats of old house paint. Kinda close to the color of my grandparent's house...