Jami Pike Life Coaching

Jami Pike Life Coaching

Life Coaching for women who want to have more confidence, direction and purpose in their lives.


Sometimes we have goals that feel so big they seem unachievable which leads to us feeling overwhelmed and repeatedly putting off taking any action at all.

If we can break those goals into their very smallest parts and then make the next smallest part our current goal, the goals no longer seems quite so daunting.

Eventually just doing the next smallest part leads to those “impossible” goals becoming your new reality.

Comment below, I’d love to hear about your current impossible goal and how you are going to break it up into its current smallest step forward!



A common comment I hear from clients is "Last week got busy and everything just sort of happened."

I get it! Whether we are prepared or not, whether we are paying attention or not, Whether we are ready or not, LIFE HAPPENS.

This happened to me a few weeks ago. Over just a few days our dishwasher, dryer, and projector broke. My friend ended up in the ER and my dog was really sick. It would have been easy to feel like everything was happening TO me and the week had gotten away from me. Except that belief removes my ownership over what is happening and leads to feeling overwhelmed.

Instead I took the time to remember that even though things were happening that were outside of my control, I was still making decisions about how to handle them. I decided which things to address immediately and which things to work on later. I decided where I was going to deviate from what I already had planned for that day. The result was that I was able to manage my week without feeling overly stressed and feel good about where everything landed.

If you frequently find yourself wondering where all your time went and feeling like life is out of control or if you constantly find yourself at the end of the week without having found time to do the things you really wanted to accomplish, drop a “me!” In the comments and I will reach out to you with information about my free constulation. Let’s work together to take back control of your life.


Photos from Jami Pike Life Coaching's post 02/10/2023

The look your husband gives you when you ask for help redecorating you office…

before you find him in your office the next day putting your desk together by himself.

Forever grateful to have a partner who helps me with the heavy lifting.

What is one thing your special someone always does for you?



Life coaching changes so many aspects of your life. If you win the free month of coaching what will you work on changing?

Tomorrow is the last day to enter the drawing for a free month (4 sessions) of coaching. To enter follow my business instagram and like this post. Additional entries for tagging friends in the comments or posting one of my posts in your stories.




***Instagram Giveaway***

Hi friends! If you know me at all you know my birthday is a whole month long celebration! So to celebrate, I'm giving away a free month of coaching (4 sessions) to one lucky follower.

To enter follow me on my business instagram and like this post. You get an additional entry for tagging others and a bonus entry for sharing one of my posts in your stories.


I will be announcing the winner in my instagram stories on Thursday (my birthday)!


Photos from Jami Pike Life Coaching's post 06/04/2023

In college my friend taught me the importance of taking time to have all the feelings.

She would set her time for 5 minutes or 30, depending on how long she felt she needed, then she would cry, complain or be mad for that amount of time.

Once the time was up, she would pull herself together and go back to working on whatever needed to be done.

You don’t have to let your emotions run your life but it is important that you give yourself the time and space to safely express them. If you want to work on it together leave a 🤩 in the comments and I will reach out to you.

Love, Jami


Don't settle for good enough. Sign up for a free consult to discover your first step to a better life.


Are you ready for a life coach?


Photos from Jami Pike Life Coaching's post 23/02/2023

After speaking with a client this week, I need you all to hear this... You are loveable. You are worthy of love exactly as you are. You matter to people. PERIOD. You don't have to change so people will love you. You don't have to do things for others so that you deserve love. You don't even have to know what people love about you in order to feel loved. I promise.



If you are anything like me, at the beginning of the year you had big beautiful New Years goals and you were highly motivated and super excited to get them done.


Except, now it’s February and you are already off track. Maybe like me you got sick for 3 weeks and still aren’t feeling 100%. Not to mention you’re 3 weeks behind on life so there is no way you have time for your ‘extra’ goals.

Maybe you just remembered how busy your life was and got overwhelmed.

Maybe you simply forgot about them.

No matter the reason why you are off track with your goals it’s easy to think “oh well, maybe next year” or “I’ll get to them”. Instead, I challenge you to recommit now.

Make today your day.

Life is going to happen, you are going to get off track, but let’s stop wasting extra time waiting for the next ‘best’ time to start your goals. Even the smallest step today gets you a step closer tomorrow.

If you aren’t sure what your next step is, reach out to me. I would love to help you figure out what you need to do to ensure your goals become a reality.



HAPPY NEW YEARS! 😍 I hope that you have all been loving the holidays.

My wish for you all this coming year is that...

You will grow more than you ever imagined.
You will laugh and cry more than last year because you have learned to be fully present in your life.
You will spend more time experiencing all that life has to offer.
You will embrace the full range of human emotions. You will have good and bad days and know that they are equally as important.
You will learn to love your failures as much as your successes.
You will create a life which is so beautiful that you can't wait to wake up every morning.

Here is to 2023! Let's make this your year!


Photos from Jami Pike Life Coaching's post 16/11/2022

You never expect to get a call saying your healthy 28 year old husband is having a heart attack.

It started out as chest pain. I honestly thought they would send us home saying it was a panic attack. They ran a bunch of test and decide to transfer him to a cardiac unit... but they didn't seem overly concerned. So I ran home to take care of my dog before joining him at the hospital. Then I got the call "They think Christian is having a heart attack. They are sedating him and taking him for an angiogram".

We ended up spending multiple days in the hospital before they determined that he had a minor heart attack brought on by swelling in his heart but that he wouldn’t have lasting damage.

It was a situation where it would have been very easy to feel out of control, but I was able to handle it because I knew that I was in charge of where my focus was. Instead of spending time thinking about the parts that I had zero control over, I focused on what was going right.

We were at the hospital surrounded by people who knew what to do.

We were getting answers.

Christian's mom met us at the hospital and my parents were ready to come if we needed them.

We have an amazing support system. Including family who took our dog, so we didn't have to worry about her.

I had gotten our cars fixed earlier this month so I could make it through the blizzard to get to him at the hospital.

The list goes on and on but here's the thing, it was a choice to focus on the things that I was grateful for. It doesn't matter the circumstance; you get to decide how you want to approach it. That doesn't mean that you will always choose to feel happy, but it does mean that you get to have the power to choose.

P.S. Christian is doing much better now. He is home safe and we expect a full recovery in the next few months. He's currently trying to convince me he's well enough to go to the gym tonight.



I have always HATED making my bed but recently I started doing it every day and I am never going back. For years I heard all of the reasons that people recommend making your bed.

It makes you more productive.

You will feel accomplished.

You will sleep better.

It will help reduce your stress.

So I would try if for a few days, but honestly I just felt frustrated afterwards because I was thinking things like...

I hate this stupid top sheet. Why does it need to be tucked in?

This is taking too long.

This is pointless. I am just going to go back to sleep and mess it all up again.

But recently, I've been making a bunch of small changes in my life which have been adding up to create a life I feel better living. While pondering what changes I wanted to make, I kept coming back to all the positive things people said making your bed would do for you. So I sat down and really thought about what was holding me back from doing it. I realized it was that darn top sheet! So I got rid of it. Honestly, it was that simple.

Now I make my bed every morning in the way that works for me. I don't have the top sheet so it takes me less than a minute and I don't have to tuck anything in! Plus I still get all the great benefits! I feel a sense of accomplishment first thing. I feel like I have more control over the rest of the day. I am less inclined to take an unscheduled nap. I feel more at peace as I get ready for bed.

So go make your bed and then sign up for a free consult with me, so that we can figure out together how you are going to improve your life in a way that makes sense to you!



The most important thing you can do for yourself is to become aware of your thoughts and how they affect your life. Your thoughts control everything! Your actions, feelings, successes, failures… They are all dependent on what you are thinking.

Want to be more successful at work? Change your thoughts.
Want to stop yelling at your kids? Change your thoughts.
Want to stop feeling as stressed? Change your thoughts.

When you are in control of your thoughts you are in control of your life. The question then becomes how do I take control of my thoughts? You become more aware of what you are thinking. The more awareness you have about what you are thinking the more control you have over what thoughts you have.
Even something as small as spending 10 minutes recognizing your thoughts can change your life. It has changed mine. Without actively trying to change anything, being more aware of my thoughts has helped me be more patient with my husband, have more productive days and decreased my stress levels.

So here is your next challenge, spend the next 10 minutes writing down all the thoughts that you have about your life. What do you believe about yourself? About the people around you? Your circumstances? Then take a moment and consider which of those thoughts are serving you and which of those thoughts would be better left in the past.

I would love to hear about some of the thoughts you would like to keep!



My dad is the one who first suggested that I become a life coach. We were talking on the phone after I had graduated from BYU and he was asking what I was going to do with my new degree. I told him I had taken a job at a bank to hold me over and I was figuring it out. Then he said something along the lines of...
"Have you considered being a life coach?"
I immediately started listing off all the things I thought I knew about life coaches and why I wouldn't be a good fit. Through the years, that question would occasionally pop into my head and I would relist all the reasons it wasn't the right fit for me. Until one day, I stopped, spent some time actually looking into what life coaching was and I started realizing all the reasons a life coach was exactly who I was supposed to be.
It took my 5 years to open myself up to the possibility but now I get to spend my time celebrating others as they transform their lives ❤ It's amazing where life can take you when you start looking for the reasons that this is the perfect opportunity for you, instead of focusing on the ways that it isn't.


Photos from Jami Pike Life Coaching's post 15/08/2022

Life is always going to be 50/50. How would your life change if you could meet all of life's "frustrations" with such simple acceptance?
***Disclaimer: I am in no way recommending this book or the ideas contained within it. It was simply a quote I found interesting from the book I most recently picked up.



You are not your to-do list.

Please stop deciding how you feel about yourself based on how much of your to-do list you managed to accomplish during the day! What would happen if you decided that you are going to be proud of yourself for everything you managed to accomplish instead? Even if it was just getting dressed or simply eating some food. Treating yourself with kindness and understanding is more important than striving to complete a never ending list of things you "should" be doing.

The prize for getting everything done today is just more things to do tomorrow!



Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Poorly 🤩

I remember the first time I heard this and my first instinct was to object. I thought if it's worth doing it needs to be done as close to perfect as possible. If it's not done well enough why are you bothering to do it at all?

But then I started thinking about what it was really saying. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly because doing it badly is better than not doing it at all.

Walking for 10 minutes is better than sitting on the couch when going to the gym for an hour sounds impossible. Brushing your teeth for 30 seconds in better than skipping it because 2 minutes sounds too hard. Eating a vegetable with your burger is healthier than just eating the takeout.

Often we beat ourselves up for the things we didn't do well enough but maybe we should be celebrating doing it at all. What is something you did recently that you could celebrate?



Other people’s thoughts can’t hurt you, what causes hurt are your own thoughts and how they assume what others are thinking about you.
My husband always makes fun of me because I can't leave the library without checking out at least 10 books. I love the library ❤ but occasionally I stress over what other people are thinking about my huge stack of books. I can hear them thinking “why could she possibly need so many books, leave some for someone else or there is no way she will be able to read all of those before they are due”.
Last week the self-checkout was closed so I had to use the checkout desk. I shyly put my books on the table thinking "please don't be exasperated with how many books I have". However, the librarian just looked at me with the brightest smile and said, "now these are the kinds of checkouts we love to see!!"
Sitting in the car afterwards, I realized that I had been making myself feel horrible for years because of what I thought others MIGHT be thinking about me. The truth is most of them are too busy to think about me at all. In reality, it doesn’t matter what others are thinking, because my own thoughts were making me feel crummy all on my own.

If you have book recommendations (for any genre) I'd love to hear them! I always need some more reading material!



What would your life look like if you were the author of your own story?

Take 8 minutes to write down what life would look like if you were living your ideal life.
Would you go on daily sunset walks on the beach? Would you eat peaches and cream everyday? Would you go on 3 fun dates a week with your husband?
Be specific. Be honest with yourself about what you really care about. Of course it sounds fun to be a billionaire and never work again but what will you fill your time with to make your life meaningful.

Spend the remaining 2 minutes thinking about what is preventing you from living that life now. What aspects of that life could you be doing now? How can you incorporate the life you want to live into the life you are living now?
It may not be realistic for you to relocate to Hawaii so that you can start taking daily strolls on the beach, but you could absolutely start going on a walk every evening.

What small changes are you going to start making so you can be living your best life now? Let me know below!



Here is your permission to stop feeling guilty for "not being enough."

That's it. That is all you need. Simply give YOURSELF permission to stop feeling guilty.

The thing is that our brain is great at making us believe that feeling guilty is important. It wants us to believe that feeling poorly is motivating us to be better, but this isn't true. When we are consumed by feelings of guilt or overwhelm, we react poorly. We do things like snap at our spouse, procrastinate that thing we really want to do or we hide from our feelings by sleeping, watching too much tv or overeating. None of these things help us reach whatever goal we believe we aren't living up to.

But what if you ignored your brain and believed you were enough? What if you choose to believe the house is clean enough for the kids to play in and doesn't need to be perfect? What if it doesn't matter that you didn't make it to the gym today because instead you choose to are are already healthy enough to go hiking with your husband like you want to? What if the service you did yesterday was more important than the to do list you didn't finish?

The truth is you are already enough. The first step to believing that, is to take notice when your brain tells you that you aren't. Recognize which things you believe you aren't good enough at and consider the possibility that it MIGHT not be true.

Let me know what things you come up with. I'd love to hear about what you want to believe!

Love, Jami

Photos from Jami Pike Life Coaching's post 18/07/2022

Hi, I'm Jami! I am a relationship coach who is passionate about helping women escape the overwhelm they feel so they can be more present and engaged in their lives. I am here to help you reclaim your sense of self, in order to avoid feeling lost in your relationships. It's time to get back to living and enjoying the life you've built!

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Exciting News! I am now coaching full time 😍 if you are interested in working with me comment below and I will reach out...
Don't settle for good enough. Sign up for a free consult to discover your first step to a better life. #Lifecoach #abett...