Misfit Bee

Misfit Bee

Workout videos, health and fitness tips. Everything I post here is what I have tried myself and has


My first challenge 😅 This was fun!


My go-to form of cardio workout 😃 I LOVE HIIT workouts because they are quick(er), intense and they push your limits.

This circuit is one of my favourites. No equipment, do anywhere, anytime. 6 exercises, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, for a total of 4 rounds. 1 min rest between each round.

You can switch up the intervals for 30-15, 40-20 or even Tabata style. This circuit takes under 30 mins and will leave you feeling AMAZING! Tag me if you try 😘


Switch it up with this fun circuit. Grab a ball, and get to work 😀
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 4 rounds. 1 min rest after each round.

The third one is a bit hard on balance. Skip the jump to modify.

Have a great week ahead 😘

Timeline photos 08/05/2020

Raise your hand if you have more sports bras than regular ones 😛


Working on my pistol squats 😛 I used to be able to do this. But can't anymore cos I stopped practicing. So, starting from scratch again. I'll get there soon 😎

What challenging exercise are you working on?

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

Let's talk PROTEIN.

We all know that protein is a very important macronutrient. Here are a few reasons why:
- Helps build muscle
- Keeps you full for longer, means you're less hungry
- Boosts metabolism, means increased fat burning
- Aids in weight loss
- Curbs cravings, especially sweets (I've noticed this difference in me, on days my protein consumption dips)

Now, let's talk supplements. Is it required? You'll have the answer to this question, if you answer the two below:

1. How much protein do you need per day? (This is based on your gender, your body weight and your daily activity level - exercise + general lifestyle. You get plenty online calculators.)
2. Can you meet this requirement without having to stress over making special recipes specifically for this (unless you want to, ofcourse)?

In my case, after much contemplation (almost 2 years), I decided to start supplementing cos my diet wasn't cutting it. I'm a vegetarian, and the protein sources than I enjoy eating are limited.

If you can get all your protein from whole foods, that is the BEST! Don't stop or change. If you can't, look for alternatives, but don't overdo it. At the end, these are what they are - SUPPLEMENTS. They can never replace real food.

I've been using 's whey isolates for over 3 years, and it's the only one I've ever used. I love it. Isn't too sweet, easy on the taste buds and stomach. I do 1 scoop, 7 days a week. Usually sip on it during my workout.

Any more questions, comment or DM.

PS. I've shot so many home videos, but been so lazy to edit. I'll do it soon. Hope you all doing well. 😘


[Swipe] As you know, HIIT is one of my absolute favourite ways to train. HIIT workouts are basically repeating short, explosive bursts of exercises, followed by a recovery period. They are extremely effective in burning fat, increasing your metabolism and saving time. What's better is, you burn fat for upto several hours AFTER an intense session, even while your body is at rest.

Here is a full body, no equipment circuit that is one my new go-to workouts. If this doesn't kill you, it will definitely make you stronger. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by a 30 second rest after. On completion of the 6 exercises in the said format, rest 1 minute. That is 1 round. Make a total of 4 rounds and you'll be on 🔥

Timeline photos 17/04/2020

Umm tough but squats for me 😅 I LOVE weighted squats as much as I hate it hahaha. What about you? Gotta pick at least ONE! 😝


I managed to train my entire upper body with random things in the house. Anya's scooter was put to good use. This wasn't too heavy, maybe around 20lbs, but was so good to lift some 😅 More of scooter videos coming up soon.

Meanwhile, try this with maybe a water jug, bottle or bag or backpack filled with things. Time to get creative 😝

Perform each exercise for anywhere between 8 and 12 reps, depending on your fitness level. Make a total of 4 sets.

I did a superset of exercises 1&2, 3&4, 5&6. Superset is when you perform one exercise after another without a break. Example, perform exercise 1 of prescribed reps and then move on to exercise 2 without a break. Once you finish the reps and sets of the first superset, rest for about 2 mins, before moving on to the next superset.

Now, double tap, save and try during your next session 😁

Timeline photos 15/04/2020


I'm an emotional eater, and I've been mindlessly eating over the past few weeks, out of anxiety and stress. Things I wouldn't even think of normally, are being consumed without a thought. If you do this too, please know that you're not alone.

When meal times merge and extend into the next, it's hard to keep up with what you're eating. Like a late lunch leading to a snack to another to... so on. There is no sense of time or control. Here are some things that are working for me, and may for you, too.

1. Identify and avoid the munch spot. I noticed that most of my random eating happens on the couch, in front of the TV (and I'm not even a watcher - I just sit. And eat 🤷‍♀️). I'm not hungry. Just bored. I stopped spending time on the couch, and the snacking has reduced drastically.

2. Out of sight, out of mind. Store your snacks away from sight. A lot of times, we eat not because we are hungry, but we are bored. And when it's right in front of your eyes, it's both a trigger and a reminder. Tuck it away somewhere.

3. It's a mind game. If you feel like snacking right after a meal, you're most likely NOT hungry. Don't give in 🙅‍♀️ Distract yourself until the snacking thought passes.

4. Last and one that works the best: DON'T stock (or cook) junk food 😀

If you've got other ways to curb your snacking, share them in comments. We could all use some 😀

PS. The pic has nothing to do with the caption. I have no pic of me nomnom-ing, so.. 😝


No equipment cardio workout to include in your next session.

40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest between exercises. 1 min rest after each round. Make a total of 4 rounds.

If you're looking for a timer, try . I use the paid version, and I design all my interval workouts on this. Love the app.

Stay in, be positive and tag me if you try this 😘


Target your obliques (love handles) with this no equipment at home workout.

Perform each exercise for 8 - 10 reps each side (depending on your fitness level increase/ decrease reps), with little to no rest between exercises. Make a total of 4 sets. Rest 1 min after each set.

Don't forget to double tap. And, tag me if you try this 😀

PS. I'm working on a 4-week training calendar for beginners. It's all at home, no equipment workout that can be completed in little time. Watch this page for updates 🙂

Timeline photos 09/04/2020

Coffee 🙋‍♀️ Always 😍 Which type are you?


Grab a cushion and set that core on fire 🔥

Perform 8 - 12 reps of the three exercises with little to no rest. Repeat circuit to make a total of 4 sets.

1. To engage your core. Tighten it like you're getting punched in your stomach
2. Don't rush. Go slow and easy, feel the muscles work
3. Use your core for the exercises, never your back or neck
4. Have fun 😀

Timeline photos 07/04/2020

This is a rough time for everyone. We are, by nature, social beings, and isolating for a long, uncertain period of time isn't easy to say the least. Staying strong and positive is extremely crucial now, more than ever. Because, mental health matters. So, I urge you all to take a minute and think of at least ONE thing you're thankful for during this quarantine. Some of mine below 👇

The extra cuddles and snuggles from my 5 year old. All day, everyday 😍

Every morning video call with my niece, who's the cutest little butter ball EVER! She's 10 months old & watching her reminds me of Anya when she was little 🥰

The video con calls with all my girls. I love talking to them and they crack me up ❤

I can cook! Who'da thunk?! 👩‍🍳 I'm able to make more workout videos for you guys, which I couldn't earlier. 😘

What's yours? 😀

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

"I binged on junk food last night! Now, I need to workout extra to burn that off!" 😭 If you've been here, even once, read on..

We've all been here. Everything is going well; you're eating healthy and training regularly. It's perfect and you feel like you're on top of your game. And one night out with friends or night in netflixing, you eat a full unhealthy meal, and way more than you would usually. The guilt next day is REAL. Here's how you can get over it 👇

1. Beat yourself about it. It's done and over. Move on and think of what next
2. Overdo your training next day. You *cannot* out-train a bad meal
3. Go on some crazy diet, cutting out food groups and essentials
4. Deprive yourself of your favourite foods. This will cause you to go on a binge at some point, sooner or later

1. Remind yourself that it's OK. It happens to all of us
2. Get back to your regular training and eating schedule asap
3. Give yourself credit for how far you've come and how well you've done
4. Set a cheat meal day - once a week or whatever works for you. Eat what you feel like, but watch your portions

Tag a friend who needs to see this.


Start your week with this killer lower body circuit, that will also up your heart rate. The circuit takes exactly 20 minutes, you need no equipment or much space. But you will be sore, for sure.

1. Press Jacks (grab a water bottle)
2. Squat Walk
3. Pulse Squats (I hate you!!! 😭)
4. Toe Taps to Lunges (The pain is real!)
5. Lateral Lunges (change side every round, instead of every 15 second during same round. It's easier on balance).
6. Wide Squat with Calf Raise

METHOD: Each exercise 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. On completion of the 6 exercises, rest 1 minute. Repeat to make a total of 4 rounds. BURN 😛

Remember, you can mix up my workouts, and the intervals to suit your fitness levels. Now double tap, save and have a kickass week.


Strengthen your core with this no-equipment ab workout. This quick circuit won't take much of your space or time, but is sure to leave you sore. Save now, and include this in your next session. Don't forget to like this video, and let me know if you tried this 😀 Happy weekend 😘

Photos from Misfit Bee's post 03/04/2020

Love pasta? Me too 😍 Try the chickpea pasta next time, which is loaded with protein and fiber. It tastes absolutely delish and is super easy to cook. The only time is to chop veggies. Here's a quick recipe below.

1. Boil pasta as per instructions on package and drain in a large colander after
2. Chop veggies of your choice (I've used tomato, pepper, carrot, broccoli & onion) and saute them in 1/2 tsp oil for about 3 - 4 mins while the pasta is cooking
3. Heat 1 1/2 tbsp butter and 2 tbsp all purpose flour (maida) while stirring continuously for a min
4. Pour about 400 ml milk to this while stirring continuously. Keep stirring on low flame till the mixture thickens (you'll know when it does)
5. Add oregano, chilli flakes and ground pepper - each 1/4 tsp and mix well. Add salt
6. Add the cooked veggies and pasta and mix
7. Garnish with cheese (I skipped this) and serve hot

Give this a shot and let me know if you like it 😀


New no-equipment lower body workout you can do at home. Baby optional 😛 Tag a mom who'll try this 😀

Squats - 10 reps x 4 sets
Reverse lunge to curtsy lunge - 8 reps x 4 sets (each side)
Side lying leg lift - 10 reps x 4 sets (each side)
Glute bridge - 10 reps x 4 sets
Elevated calf raise - 10 reps x 4 sets
Lateral leg raise - 10 reps x 4 sets (each side)


Timeline photos 30/03/2020

Morning, lovelies. Thought I'll answer a few FAQs, that I get.

Q1. How can I lose fat from arms/ belly/ thighs?
A. By losing total body fat. Eat healthy, exercise at least thrice a week, lots of water, 8 hours sleep (and in time). Adopt an overall healthy lifestyle and you'll see the difference

Q2. How do I stay motivated to workout?
A. I don't 😅 Nobody does. Discipline is what helps. Push yourself, even literally when you must. Get it done. You *always* feel better after, and you'll never regret it.

Q3. What's my diet like?
A. I try and follow the 80-20 rule. 80% of what I eat is healthy and home-cooked. I avoid processed food and sugar almost always (but also give in every once in a while). I do not eliminate (and do not recommend eliminating) any food group from your diet. Portion control is the magic word. Watch how much you eat.

Q4. Some things that help me stay on track.
- The before/after photos
- Cute workout attires (this works wonders!)
- The way you feel after every workout. Every. Single. Time. Love that!

Q5. Will lifting weights make me bulk up?
A. Not unless you train and eat for that particular purpose. It isn't easy to bulk up. It's heck a lot of work, and your regular training isn't gonna do it.

If you have any more questions you'd like answered, leave them in comments or DM and I'll answer them in another post 😁 Have a great week ahead 😘


Push up challenge? I tried the clap push up today and was sooo thrilled that I could do it (the last time I tried, I fell on my face 😛). Small steps and consistency pays off 🙂 I managed 3 reps of 2 sets. Can you do this? Give it a shot and lemme know with a 'done' in comments. I'd love to know 😀


You don't need equipments to get a good workout. Do I miss the gym? Totally! But gotta make do with what we got right now. And this one is a killer. Include these ab exercises in your next session. They work your upper abs, lower abs and obliques.

I did 6 reps x 4 sets of first one, and 12 reps x 4 sets of second, along with a few other exercises. But these are my fave. Tag a friend that would try this 😁



Another quarantined Monday. Another no-equipment workout. This is an intense circuit that takes exactly 25 mins (if the rest isn't extended - which I did, by a little bit 😛). Give it a go.

1. Scissor Jacks
2. Pop Squats (modify with jump squats or lose the jump if beginner)
3. Burpee Jacks
4. Shuffle Squats
5. High Knees
6. Leaps
30 sec work, 30 sec rest between exercises. Completion of all 6 exercises in said format is one round. Repeat 3x times, for a total of 4 rounds.

Please note that I've sped up the video here. You can't be this fast. At least, I can't 😅

Timeline photos 22/03/2020

Here's something healthy you can snack on while you're home. This carrot lentil salad (aka kosmalli) is something we grew up with. I'm not very fond of cooking, but since I have to, I love these easy-to-make healthy recipes that's are also super yummy. I usually have this as a meal, for dinner.

Recipe :
1. Soak moong dal (250 gm) for at least 30 mins
2. Grate carrots (300 gm)
3. In a mixing bowl, add grated carrots, drained dal and salt (to taste). Mix well
4. Tempering: Heat oil (I use canola but use any oil you prefer), add mustard, curry leaves, red chillies and urad dal. You know when they done. Add that to the carrot and dal
5. Add grated coconut (50 gm) and garnish with coriander leaves
6. Sliced green chillies are optional. I skip cos I can't do spicy
7. Squeeze lemon. I like it tangy, so I add a little extra

Do you have any simple, healthy recipes that you love? Share them with me! ❤ And if you try this, let me know.


A full body workout you can do at home. Grab a chair and get to work. Lose the rope and spot jump, if you don't have one. This circuit takes under 30 mins, will leave you sore but feeling great!

Here's what I did.
- 100 Jump Rope
- 10 Bulgarian Split Squat (each side)
- 8 Knee-up To Lunge (each side) - this one's tough on balance 😓
- 8 Burpee to Box Jump
- 30 Jumping Jacks
- 6 - 8 Inclined Push Ups (which I forgot to video)
Repeat circuit 3x times.
Little to no rest between exercises; 1 minute rest between rounds.

We've been locked in here for almost a week now, and are going stir-crazy. I'm sure you too. Especially during times such as now, I find that almost all of my positive energy comes from working out. It's definitely not been easy training during this period, but it's absolutely worth it. Hope these videos help you guys. I'll try making more of these over the next few days. Take care and stay strong ❤😘


Timeline photos 19/03/2020

We went for a little run outside this evening and it was so refreshing, physically and mentally. What are you doing to stay active while isolating? Tell me in comments 👇


Hello, folks 😁 I finally managed a video for you guys, thanks to the lockdown. This is a 30-minute no-equipment workout, where I've used the EMOM (every minute on minute) method.

EMOM is a type of interval workout, where you perform a specific exercise for a prescribed number of reps, at the start of a minute. Once the reps are completed, the remaining time on the minute is your rest time, before you move on to the next exercise. I've used 6 exercises here. Completion of the 6 in said format, is one round. Perform circuit for a total of 4 rounds, with 2 minute rest between each round. Tag me if you try this ❤

*𝐄𝐱𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐩*
Minute 1: 50 Jumping Jacks
Minute 2: 25 Cross Jump Squat
Minute 3: 10 Skater to Oblique Twist (each side)
Minute 4: 15 X Jumps (each side)
Minute 5: 10 Donkey Kick Crunch (each side)
Minute 6: 30 Mountain Climbers (each side)
*𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝟑𝐱 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬*

As depressing as the current scenario may be, it is necessary and only temporary. Please stay in as much as possible and do what you can to support the community and healthcare officials. We are in this together, and this too shall pass 😘

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Some transformations are visible. A lot of it aren't. These pictures are roughly 8 months apart. I have lost some fat and become stronger physically. But, the mental strength I've gained is incredible!

Moving to a new country and doing things I never imagined I would do. Or could do. I've come to realise that training regularly has improved my patience levels (which was non existent), social skills (non existent, too), confidence and overall attitude towards life. It's literally saved my sanity. Even on days I don't feel like, I drag myself to the gym because, not once have I regretted that after-workout feeling. It's AMAZING and addictive 😍

We all start working out wanting to lose some weight, but once you're in, you realise there's so much more to this! Motivated, you won't be everyday, but disciplined, you should be. That is the first and most important thing that will see you through your fitness journey.

Timeline Photos 31/10/2019

Happy Halloween! 👻🎃


Your butt muscles aka the glutes - comprised of gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus - is the largest and strongest muscle in the human body. The three muscles work together to enable leg movement, hip rotation and stabilising your pelvis and knees. Aside from the cosmetic factor now attached to training glutes, below are some actual benefits:

1. Stronger lower back, hips, knees and hamstrings, which means decreased injury risk
2. Better posture
3. Better training performance (strong glutes is imperative in almost every sport)

Mini band is one of my favourite leg day accessory and I try and include it in my training at least once a week. It may seem easy, but this mini beast really works up a sweat. I’ve put together some of favourite b***y workout here.

Each exercise 10-12 reps x 4 sets. Tag me or comment here if you try this 🍑🔥😘

Remember, this video is super sped up. Go slow with your workout and make sure you get the form right.

Timeline Photos 24/10/2019

It's been a while since I posted a transformation photo. I do not have many pictures from before because.. no sad story here.. just my hard drive crashed 😏

From someone who'd never gain weight whatever I ate to someone who'd look at food and add calories, a lot changed after baby.

Being back to work two days after delivery didn't help. I was swamped with work and a newborn. Safe to say, weight gain wasn't even top 10 priorities. I was lucky if I got two hours of sleep together.

A year later, when I was 10kgs heavier just like that, I figured I'm not gonna 'find' time, I'm gonna have to 'make' time. And with that, this journey began.

I've come a long way since then. Although I have been a physically active person all my life - athletics, basketball, swimming, dancing, badminton (yeah, jack of all trades 🙋 😛) - I have come to realise that I LOVE lifting weights. I feel strong and badass 😎 I AM badass but it's better coupled with strength 💪

My point is.. If you want it bad enough, kick those excuses and get down to work. Sure, it's not easy, but you'll thank yourself later 😘

PS. The pic on left was shot in very bad angle. I wasn't as heavy as I seem there 😅

Timeline Photos 21/10/2019

If it's raining, we are still training. Cos it's Monday and we don't miss it 😎

Started the week super sweaty, and also managed to make a video. Edit and upload soon. Tell me what training videos you'd like to see and I'll try to make more of those. 💓😘

My Fitness Journey

There are 3 reasons to start this fitness page👇

1. To help/motivate new mums and women in general, to take some time out of their hectic schedule for themselves - not only to look good but FEEL GOOD. It's amazing how much happiness and positivity exercising regularly has brought into my life, not to mention s**t loads of energy that I do not know what to do with.
2. To hold myself accountable and not slip off my fitness journey.
3. One of my biggest fears is to be out there, be seen, get criticised or judged by people. This is it's taken me almost 8 months to start this page. And, one of my 2018 resolutions is to face my fears, one at a time. *Phew* 😅

Videos (show all)

Managed to record my newest fave. Get your heart rate up while you strengthen your core with this HIIT circuit. If this ...