Lindsey vale Acres Videos

Videos by Lindsey vale Acres. Welcome to Family Tree Spaniels! We are small intimate breeders of quality Cocker Spaniels that offe

Sunshine = puppy play

Other Lindsey vale Acres videos

Sunshine = puppy play

Talk about cuteness!! Here’s a behind the scenes from todays photoshoot with the talented Nicola Brander Photography ! Stay tuned! *taking expressions of interest . . . #cockerspaniel #cockerspanielpuppy #cockerdream #cockerpoo #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockerspanielworld #cockerlove #cockerpuppy #baby #cocker #babycockerspaniel #puppy #puppylife #puppylove #puppygram #puppyoftheday #puppydog #puppylover #puppylovers #puppyeyes #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogsatbunnings #dogfriendly #dogfriendlybrisbane #dogs #dogsoff45

Mumma Milly having some afternoon play time with bubs! . . . #cocker #cockerpoo #cockerpoo #cockerspanielpuppy #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockermouth #cockerspanielworld #cockerlove #cockerspaniellove #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogsofaustralia #dogfriendly #dogsatbunnings #dogwalker #dogfriendlybrisbane #doglover #dogsoff45 #doggrooming

Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ From our furry babies to yours! (Cause we all know they are the real Valentine’s 😍) . . . #valentines #valentine #cocker #cockerspaniel #cockerdream #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockerspanielpuppy #cockerspanielworld #cockerlove #cockerspaniels #cockerpoo #cockerpuppy #cockerlovers #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogsofaustralia #dogs #doglover #dogsofsunshinecoast #puppy #puppylove #puppylife #puppylover

Pure joy! #cockerspaniel #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cocker #cockerspanielpuppy #cockerspanielworld #cockerdream #cockerspanielcuties #cockerlove #cockerspaniels #cockerspaniellove #dog #dogsofinstagram #doglovers #dogsofaustralia #dogoftheday #dogs #dogs #dogmumlife #dogphotography #kid #kids #kidsofinstagram #sun #sunshinecoast #sunshine #fun #funnyvideos #funny #funnydogs

Fun in the sun after everyone just had a bubbly bath 🛁. #dogsofinstagram #dogs #dogsofaustralia #dogsofinsta #dogslife #dogstagram #dogsofinstaworld #puppy #puppylove #puppylife #puppyoftheday #puppygram #puppyeyes #puppygram #cockerspaniel #cocker #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockerspanielpuppy #cockerspanielworld #cockerdream #bathtime #bathtimefun #bathtimebaby #bathtime🛁 #fun #funnydogs #funinthesun #funinthesun☀️