Athletic Fitness Hong Kong

Athletic Fitness Hong Kong

Provide outdoor group workout class

Timeline photos 03/03/2020

Athletic fitness 星期六户外運動班尚有少量quota! 有興趣嘅朋友快啲報名啦🔥


日期: 7/3
時間: 1900-2030
地點: 沙田公園
費用: 全免


大家好!我哋將會係三月第一個星期六正式推出第一班嘅戶外團體運動訓練班。今次訓練嘅主題係高強度間歇式訓練 (HIIT),透過短時間高耗能運動及短暫歇息嘅方法達致燃燒脂肪嘅效果🔥


日期: 7/3
時間: 1900-2030
地點: 沙田公園
費用: 全免

有興趣嘅朋友可以留言或者DM我地。快啲share 俾朋友一齊join啦!!

#戶外體能訓練 #健身 #健身教練


Workout buddies are great for adding accountability and helping you to push beyond your comfort zone.


“Every time u feel like giving up. Don’t “

Edgar is a qualified trainer and also a men’s physique competitor. He believed that there is no better feeling in life than inspiring people to have a healthy lifestyle.


“ I help people move and perform better”

Peter is a sports therapist and performance coach. He is passionate about rehabilitation and performance training. Knowing he wanted to make a positive change in one's life, he pursued a career as a therapist to get people living a healthier and pain-free life. Therapeter 運動治療
