Lisa DeMio for NH State Representative

Lisa DeMio for NH State Representative

Democratic Candidate for NH State Representative - District 34 - Hampstead, Atkinson, Plaistow and K

Timeline photos 07/11/2022

When it comes to our freedoms, New Hampshire should be moving forward not backward. Radical right extremists want to take away freedom from all who do not look, live, and love like them. From our freedom to decide if and when we grow our families to our freedom to vote, radical right lawmakers want to control us, undermine our confidence in elections, and block the things NH families need.

We deserve better. Tomorrow, our freedoms are on the line and on the ballot. Across the state this year, voters have shown up to reject the radical right agenda in their towns. Tomorrow we can reject it statewide and elect leaders who are right for New Hampshire.

Timeline photos 02/11/2022

For democracy to work for all of us, it must include all of us. The right to vote is a fundamental freedom in America. Radical right extremists in Concord try to undermine our confidence in our elections so they can stay in power. During town meetings last spring, community after community rejected the radical right agenda in New Hampshire. On Election Day on Tuesday, November 8th let’s do it again to keep our elections free, fair, and accessible for every voter.


Horror fans know vampires can't come into your house without being invited. After this past year, it’s pretty clear the radical right wants to suck the life out of the Granite State. Whether it’s supporting our public schools or defending our beloved recreational areas, community members of all political stripes have effectively worked together to ward off the death of our vital community resources. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th let’s do it again and kick these destructive vampires out of the State House.


So many folks I speak with while canvassing are asking about property taxes and worried about the future - there are solutions to this problem but we cannot get there with our current legislature. It's past time to fix this broken system so that our kids get all they need and our property taxes are affordable for everyone.

"We are disappointed but not surprised that elected Republicans continue to deny that school funding in NH is broken.

The DOE's own data reveals what families across the state already know, that the current school funding formula is unfair for students & taxpayers."


Granite State families are busy - we trust our elected officials to be our voice in the State House to work on the things that actually matter to our families: good paying jobs, clean environment, and vibrant public schools and communities. We know that NH works best when we all work together.

Instead of working for NH families, the radical right is working for their own extremist agenda. They tried to distract us with made up culture wars in the hopes that we will not notice that they:

☞raised property taxes with a reckless, bloated, school voucher scheme

☞hijacked the state budget with NH’s first abortion ban in modern history

☞targeted NH’s LGBTQ kids with cruel discriminatory bills
attempted to abandon the United States through secession

This November, it’s time to elect leaders that we can trust to protect our freedoms, protect our families and protect our futures.


With the impact of their decisions coming to fruition, Republicans are scrambling to find anyone but themselves to blame.

The truth is, they've BLOCKED every sound energy proposal in the last 4 years from renewable energy production through net metering and biomass.


Living a safe and healthy life is a basic right that includes reproductive health care, like cancer screenings, STD testing, contraception, abortion care, and other routine health care services. By refusing to fund family planning centers, radical right extremists have abandoned low-income Granite Staters and left them without access to routine health care. We cannot trust Governor Sununu and the radical right to protect our access to health care, including abortion. When we have access to a full range of health care services, including birth control, abortion, and maternity care, we are healthier and our families thrive.


We all want our kids to have the freedom to learn, to be themselves, to grow up healthy and safe, and to be treated with dignity and respect. We learn from a young age to treat others as we’d want to be treated, but radical right extremists exploit divisions and fears so they can deny our children the basic rights, resources, and respect all people deserve.

This year radical right extremists plotted to:
>>>make teachers and guidance counselors "out" LGBTQ+ youth to their parents.
>>>criminalize parents who seek gender affirming care for their children.
>>>legalize the dangerous practice of conversion therapy.

We owe it to our kids to come together and make NH a state where all our young people have the freedom to be themselves, find a sense of community and belonging with their peers, and pursue their dreams.


We know that NH works best when we all work together. Our property taxes help to fuel our communities - public schools, our fire and police departments, our roads and bridges, but we can’t do it alone. While we are all paying our fair share, radical right extremists in Concord siphon resources from our communities and classrooms. We’ve seen it happen in Grafton, Greenland, Croydon and Gunstock: every time they get involved it costs us more in reckless spending. Then they claim that we don’t have enough money for the things we need. It’s up to us, not a small group of extremists, to decide how our communities take shape. This November we must protect our freedoms, our families, and our futures.


This is the right thing to do but in November we need to remember why it's even necessary - the current utilities commission is not looking out for NH Families!

Timeline photos 15/09/2022

School is a place where childhood happens. A place where children of different places and races learn from the past, make sense of the present and prepare for the future. While our trusted public school teachers have worked to safely deliver our children an accurate and honest education, radical right extremists pushed through a reckless voucher scheme, interfered in curriculum, and tried to undermine our teachers. We must keep public dollars in our public schools, and out of the pockets of for-profit private vendors and private, religious, and home schools.


Some takeaways:

🔎The majority of the new enrollees this year are kids who were ALREADY in a private school/home school/or some other non-public school situation.

🔎The EFA program has 6% of students receiving special education aid. NH public schools as a whole have about 19.1%.

🔎The AFP (Americans For Prosperity) has been advertising these vouchers to try to get people to sign up. Why would a libertarian group that aims to lower taxes care about vouchers?

End Game: Because they want to defund and dismantle public schools.

What will actually happen: We will end up paying higher taxes to sustain both public schools AND vouchers.


Public taxpayer dollars belong in our public schools, where every NH student has a place to belong and learn. Education for profit harms those who are in the greatest need.

In NH we believe in fairness. No matter where we live or what our background is, access to a strong public education helps level the playing field. We must protect the fundamental promise of quality public education for all our students, regardless of race, religion, ability, or zip code.
Last year, radical right extremists pushed through a reckless voucher scheme that is already wildly over budget. This scheme takes money from our public schools and gives it to out-of-state vendors and private and religious schools who don’t have to play by the same rules. And unlike public schools, private institutions may exclude students based on gender, religion, ability, or income.
Public taxpayer dollars belong in our public schools, where every NH student has a place to belong and learn.


All fun till we were nearly attacked!

It was a gorgeous day for canvassing with Lisa DeMio for NH State Rep. Some great conversations with Hampstead residents about their concerns in town and in the state.


We aren’t truly free unless we can control our own bodies, lives, and futures. We must be able to make decisions about pregnancy and abortion free from fear or politicians who shame and try to control us. Lawmakers have no place interfering in someone else’s pregnancy decisions. We can not trust Governor Sununu and radical right lawmakers to protect our access to health care, including abortion. If we want the freedom to control our own bodies, safely care for our families, and live with dignity, we need elected officials who will protect abortion care and reproductive rights.


The school voucher program gets an "F" grade for New Hampshire. Know the facts.

- Over budget by 5,000% in its first year.
- Nearly 90% of the students who signed up were already attending private schools or were home-schooled
- NH ranks LAST in the nation for state education funding
-In order to continue to fund vital school needs such as school buses, academic programs, and teacher salaries many towns could soon be forced to raise local property taxes to replace lost revenue from the voucher system.

State’s Education Funding System Is a Mess 21/08/2022

So many folks I have talked to are worried about property taxes - we have a huge problem that is just going to get worse with the voucher scheme.

State’s Education Funding System Is a Mess The problem with taxes is most people do not know how they work.

End of August Canvassing Launch in Hampstead!! · Organize NH 20/08/2022

Please join your State Rep candidates next weekend to knock doors in Hampstead - Election Day is less than 100 days away and we need to reach as many voters as we can to get them out in November.

End of August Canvassing Launch in Hampstead!! · Organize NH We will be knocking doors all over New Hampshire to connect directly with voters on the issues that matter most to them so that we can ensure all Democratic candidates are successful in 2022 and beyond! We will start the canvassing shift with our messaging updates and current materials you will need...


I’m running for State Representative because we can do better. Our system works best when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone gives their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. For too long we have favored those at the very top and left local property tax payers paying the balance. I want to ensure that everyone who works hard and plays by the rules has the opportunity to succeed.

I'd love your help reaching voters and getting my message out - please donate today so I can get to work.

Timeline photos 31/07/2022

Fair Housing: Know Your Rights!
FREE Webinar – all are welcome.
Wednesday, August 31st, 6 PM

Register for Zoom link:


The freedom to vote for our elected leaders and speak up for what we believe in is foundational to American democracy. Those who serve our country should have a say in our country, period. Granite Staters living and serving outside the US must have equal access to voting.

The radical right members of the State House and the Governor claim to support our military, but instead they are jeopardizing the right to vote for those serving overseas. In their effort to undermine our elections, radical right extremists refused to listen to local election officials and instead created an unconstitutional separate ballot system (SB 418). This law makes it nearly impossible for overseas military to receive their ballots in time to vote, jeopardizes ballot secrecy, and is already being challenged in court.

For democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. We must make sure that everyone has a say, including those willing to put themselves in harm's way. By joining together we can elect leaders who are committed to fulfilling the promises we make to those who serve our country.


In NH we believe in fairness. No matter where we live or what our background is, access to a strong public education helps level the playing field. We must protect the fundamental promise of quality public education for all our students, regardless of race, religion, ability, or zip code.

Last year, radical right extremists pushed through a reckless voucher scheme that is already wildly over budget. This scheme takes money from our public schools and gives it to out-of-state vendors and private and religious schools who don’t have to play by the same rules. And unlike public schools, private institutions may exclude students based on gender, religion, ability, or income.

Public taxpayer dollars belong in our public schools, where EVERY NH student has a place to belong and learn.


House Republicans have already tried to restrict legal abortions far beyond the 24-week ban they enacted in 2021. This year, they tried to ban nearly all abortion care in NH (HB 1477). When Republicans tell you they do not want any abortion restrictions, they are hoping you will ignore their record.


New Hampshire works best when individuals, families and businesses can thrive, but a group of radical right extremists that are out of touch with New Hampshire values has infiltrated our State House. Together, we can turn the tide and take back our state!

Know the history and agenda:
A decade ago, the ultra-extreme Free State Project voted on a state to move 20,000 libertarians to, with the stated purpose to take over state government and dismantle it. They chose NH as their target and have been actively moving here and running for office.

The Free State Project seeks to create a libertarian dystopia void of public infrastructure and common laws, and to use their numbers to dramatically change New Hampshire. The Free State Project even threatens to secede from the rest of the country once it meets its initial goals.

Know the legislators:
Based on NH Liberty Alliance candidate endorsements, 72% of House Republicans are aligned with Free Staters or their Libertarian allies - with 25 Free Staters in elected office at the State House right now.

Take action:

→Participate in town and school meetings
→Talk to your neighbors
→Spread the word on social media
→Know your candidates
→Call your State Representatives


While this election did not go as I had hoped, this is not the end of the road - not for me and not for local Democrats. Thank you all for your support and kind words - I have read all the messages and appreciate having so many of you join me in this fight.

This was an incredible experience and while I wasn't successful in my bid for State Representative, I made so many community connections and learned so much about our local politics and what we can do to to make things better. It has strengthened my resolve to remain engaged and work for solutions for working families.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much - your support and encouragement mean the world to me!

If you have a yard sign of mine or any others, I am happy to pick up.

Thank you, again.


Not only are many faith communities supporting Isaiah 58 NH's mission to end homelessness, many are making it part of their missions also. Thank you Hampstead Congregational Church more making it your mission too.

Klobuchar shares personal stories as she campaigns for Biden, Shaheen in NH 29/10/2020

Truly an honor to stand with these women - and all the other women running in our area.

Klobuchar shares personal stories as she campaigns for Biden, Shaheen in NH One of the surprise finishers in the first-in-the-nation primary was back in New Hampshire on Tuesday to campaign for Democrats up and down the ticket.


This has been a tough year for all of us, and in many ways it has brought us all closer together. I'm proud to live in a place where I can lean on my neighbors when times get tough, and I hope they know they can expect the same support in return.

Photos from Lisa DeMio for NH State Representative's post 27/10/2020

It was an honor listening to senators Shaheen and Klobuchar speak today about access to healthcare and what the ACA means to so many families in N.H. and all over this country. We need to protect access to affordable quality healthcare for all N.H. families!


Only one week until ! If you're voting plan involves voting in person, be sure to take these steps to be ready on November 3rd!