Courageous Kontagious Joy

Courageous Kontagious Joy

Healthy Encouragements for an Eternity with God

Photos from Nature Chronicles's post 10/05/2022

And God keeps saying:


Read the Bible and pray every day! Be like Daniel!


Today, don't just pray for an hour, nor for 12 hours, pray without ceasing! The Lord is always wise and knows that when we pray, not only do we get closer to the Lord, we feel His presence of Peace the passes ALL understanding! And in these unprecedented times prayer is everything. Let not your heart be troubled, believe in Him! Be at Peace and Hear His Still Small Voice in your heart!🙏


Only God is LOVE. You can’t earn God’s LOVE. God FREELY Loves you! Nothing can separate you from LOVE. There is nothing that can separate you from the LOVE of God. GOD IS LOVE.

There is no pride in God! Pride is demonic. Pride separates. Pride hurts. Pride divides.

God loves you! God IS Love! Love covers all sins and makes you clean. God sent His Son to die for All of your sins! God Loves you! ♥️

Photos from Courageous Kontagious Joy's post 26/05/2020

He was laid to rest on Friday so that He rested on the Sabbath Day. And as a soon as the week began He Arose! He IS Risen! Proof that He Loves you and me, for He died for all of our sins! ❤️




So Will I


One of my favorite Bible Stories is the story and journey of the Israelites in the desert! I have learned many lessons and have many more still to learn. One small fact comes to mind, which impressed me so much, that I want to share with you!

The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years, going around in circles, because it was so difficult for them to obey God willingly and take the Land. You see, they’d been slaves for 400 years and were brought to submission by the Egyptians! Their freedom of choice was taken away from them (or did they give their freedom away?).

As they wandered around the desert, I am sure it was pretty difficult to simply walk into a store and purchase a pair of new sandals or a bright new tunic to wear.

At the end of their wandering, many lessons were learned. Only the faithful endured! The faithful endured because they fully and resiliently trusted in Him Above, God, Creator, Redeemer and Friend! And yet, they, the original slaves that came out of Egypt did not get to enter Canaan after all that wandering; except for Caleb {at the age of 40} and Joshua {at the age of 40} (the only 2 from the 12 spies who believed they could take the land)!

But the one fact I want to bring up, which is so amazing, is that through their wandering years, their sandals did NOT wear out (for 40 years), nor were their tunics wear off (for 40 years).

God is FOREVER Faithful!

This too shall pass!


“Walking With Ellen White: Her everyday life as a wife mother and friend” by George R Knight


Even broken crayons can continue painting!
Pr C


Aún las crayolas rotas pueden seguir pintando!
Pr C




Shine! Anywhere! You do Not need someone’s permission to shine for the Lord! 💃🏽🎶💞🥰


Brilla! Donde sea! No necesitas permiso de alguien para brillar para Dios! 💃🏽💞🎶🥰


No temas perder a alguien el cual no está agradecido(a) en tenerte en su vida.


Need energy, each an apple, banana, or buts! Also drink a lot of H2O!

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