Delivers The Hope Of Christ to a Lost and Dying World. Visit God called him to Deliver Hope to a Lost and Dying World.

Robert Woeger is a Christian author and evangelist who has been doing Internet Evangelism since 1995. He believes God still works miracles today. Salvation through Jesus Christ, is the greatest miracle, that any person can receive from God. Robert Woeger, believes and trusts in The Supernatural Power Of God, and desires to see all people be set free. He is interested in various areas of Christiani


Joy - Robert Woeger - From the Series about The Courts Of Heaven. Video message preached at House Of Elohim in Saint Charles, Missouri on May 30, 2021. Robert Woeger info:

Kevin Zadai recently had a five-hour encounter with Jesus in Heaven. 10/08/2020

URGENT! Watch Kevin Zadai on Sid Roth (Extended Version) here to find out what is really going on in The Spirit concerning America, and why we need to pray to change the enemy's plans! This extended version video is NOT the short version of this program on YouTube, but is currently only found online here:

Kevin Zadai recently had a five-hour encounter with Jesus in Heaven. Kevin Zadai recently had a five-hour encounter with Jesus. In Heaven. He says your understanding of Christianity is about to change, and a separation has already started!


Join us live streaming here on Facebook, or in person, tonight (Friday), Saturday, and Sunday (May 15th-17th) in Saint Charles, Missouri. Dr. Francis Myles will be sharing about Altars and Divine Restraining Orders and issuing Divine Decrees. Service times are: Friday 7pm Central, Saturday 9am and 7pm Central, and Sunday 9am Central time. More info about the location of meeting here: House of Elohim

Join us live streaming here on Dr. Francis Myles Facebook, or in person, tonight (Friday), Saturday, and Sunday (May 15th-17th) in Saint Charles, Missouri. Dr. Francis Myles will be sharing about Altars and Divine Restraining Orders and issuing Divine Decrees. Service times are: Friday 7pm Central, Saturday 9am and 7pm Central, and Sunday 9am Central time. More info about the location of meeting here: House of Elohim


Courts Of Heaven Conference with Dr. Francis Myles on May 15th-17th, 2020 in Saint Charles, Missouri. Location: House Of Elohim, 1920 N. 4th St., Saint Charles, MO 63301. Info: 636-947-4525. Friday May 15th 7PM, Saturday May 16th 9AM & 7PM, Sunday May 17th 9AM. Please arrive early, as seating is limited. Please bring a face mask or face covering. This will be an exciting time of God's Glory!

Courts Of Heaven Conference with Dr. Francis Myles on May 15th-17th, 2020 in Saint Charles, Missouri. Location: House Of Elohim, 1920 N. 4th St., Saint Charles, MO 63301. Info: 636-947-4525. Friday May 15th 7PM, Saturday May 16th 9AM & 7PM, Sunday May 17th 9AM. Please arrive early, as seating is limited. Please bring a face mask or face covering. This will be an exciting time of God's Glory! Doors open one hour prior to each service!


The Land Of The Free - Encouraging Video - Pray For America. Delivering Hope. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14.

BREAKING! FAUCI, BIRX are FINISHED! This NEW Study Just DEMOLISHED Their Bill Gates LIES! 21/04/2020

Corona Virus / COVID-19 Medical Studies show it to be 40 to 50 Times Less Deadly than Projected.

BREAKING! FAUCI, BIRX are FINISHED! This NEW Study Just DEMOLISHED Their Bill Gates LIES! Dr Buttar Interview: Dr: Shiva interview: Full USC press conference Re...

Prayer Divine Restraining Order Against the Coronavirus Dr. Francis Myles #Pray2StoptheCoronavirus 22/03/2020

Prayer Divine Restraining Order Against the Coronavirus Dr. Francis Myles #Pray2StoptheCoronavirus JOIN NOW: The Global Challenge Against the Coronavirus... Recently the LORD told to me to issue a against the and create...

Divine Restraining Order Against the Coronavirus #Pray2StoptheCoronavirus 08/03/2020

Divine Restraining Order Against the Coronavirus #Pray2StoptheCoronavirus JOIN NOW: The Global Challenge Against the Coronavirus... Recently the LORD told to me to issue a against the and create...


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. James 4:10. Please LIKE and SHARE this KJV Bible Verse.


God Loves You! Visit for more about God.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. Psalm 23


Brighten Up Your Day! Share this video to help encourage someone else and brighten up their day! Visit: for more.


I am hearing a lot of rumblings recently about Hillary Clinton planning to run for President in 2020, and using the whole Impeachment proceedings to try to further discredit President Trump in preparation for her running. Please pray for America and for the upcoming 2020 election. Prayer changes things. Please pray for President Trump, and for God's Perfect Plan for America.

This photo is Public Domain and was taken when Hillary Clinton was working for the United States Department of State as part of her official government duties. Here is Wikipedia link to photo showing it is Public Domain and can be used here:

President Trump’s National Day Of Prayer Proclamation – 05/02/2019 02/05/2019

President Trump’s National Day Of Prayer Proclamation – 05/02/2019 President Trump’s National Day Of Prayer Proclamation – 05/02/2019 The White House Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 30, 2019 NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, 2019 & #8211…


President Trump's Encouraging Message for Christians and Jews. Powerful!


God Loves You! - Invite Jesus Christ To Live In You Today! - Daniel Simonin. More info: or Call (417) 231-9700.

Pilgrim’s Progress – New Christian Animated Movie Trailer 05/04/2019

Pilgrim’s Progress – New Christian Animated Movie Trailer Pilgrim’s Progress – New Christian Animated Movie Trailer. Official video from Revelation Media. Find out where you can get tickets to see the new Pilgrim’s Progress Movie near yo…


God Loves You So Much! Visit the Prophecy Fire™ Christian Media Network to discover the good things God has for you: Love, Acceptance, Purpose, Relationship and Destiny.


Does God Still Heal People Today? Yes, God Still Heals People Today! Healing info: Christian Videos and Books: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Hebrews 13:8. By Jesus' Stripes you were healed and are healed. Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24.


God Loves You So Much! God desires a relationship with you for all eternity! Ask God to Save You In Jesus' Name! Find out more here: Christian Videos and Resources:


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJV Bible. Repent of your sins and Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ. Presented by More information about how much God Loves You:


Praying For America to be restored by God for His Glory! May God Make America Great Again! God Bless America! Presented by


"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV Bible. For more Christian Media, visit


Holy Ground (Standing On Holy Ground) - Nadia Cole - Worship From Mel Bond Crusade in Branson, Missouri - August 10, 2018. Visit us at: Nadia Cole: Watch the Crusade worship video:


Prayer lines are open tonight from now until 8PM Central time. Call (636) 327-5632 and press option #3 to get personal prayer! We would love to pray with you!


Mel Bond Recommends Jerry Presley (Elvis Presley's Cousin) - Elvis Presley Gospel Concert - Branson, Missouri on Sunday, 8/12/2018 at 3PM. Tickets and info, call: (417) 334-6806. Mel Bond Service info (Friday, August 10, 2018):


God Rewards Diligence by Robert Woeger. Important Christian Video.


Demon Caught Fleeing On Video? - Mel Bond Prays - What Flew Away? Was A Demon Caught Fleeing On Video When Mel Bond Prayed For People Who Were Deaf at a Miracle Service on 3-31-2018 at Agape Church in Wentzville, Missouri? Watch the original video at 19:23 here: More information: This looks similar to viewing at 2:55 in this video here as well:


Branson Miracle Crusade - Mel Bond - Friday, August 10, 2018 @ 7pm. More info: Call 417-332-2121 now to reserve discount hotel rooms for Mel Bond's Branson Crusade. Please help us promote this Miracle Crusade by distributing flyers to other people:


Selfishness Has Consequences by Robert Woeger. Encouraging Christian Video. Visit for more videos.


Knees Healed Miracle by God - Mel Bond. Visit: Watch Mel Bond Videos:


Healed Of Broken Neck And Nerve Damage - Now Walking Again - Healed by God - - Mel Bond. Mel Bond YouTube Videos: Visit:

Our Story

Robert Woeger is a Christian author and evangelist who has been doing Internet Evangelism since 1995. God called him to Deliver Hope to a Lost and Dying World. He believes God still works miracles today. Salvation through Jesus Christ, is the greatest miracle, that any person can receive from God.

Robert Woeger, believes and trusts in The Supernatural Power Of God, and desires to see all people be set free.

He is interested in various areas of Christianity, including God's Power, Bible Promises, Prayer, Deliverance, God's Presence, The Holy Spirit, Faith, Healing and Evangelism.

In January 2014, Robert released the God book, featuring helpful Christian topics and many Powerful Bible Promises.

Robert Woeger's favorite quote about God: "I am nothing, He is everything!" Robert Woeger's website:

God desires you to learn about Him, and have intimacy with Him. Do NOT try to earn, by your own works, the right to be close to Him. Receive your relationship with Him by Grace.

Hear and believe God's Word! God's Words are life, unto those that find them, and they are health to all their flesh.