Michael Robinson-Books

Michael Robinson-Books

Former solider. Writer of fiction and non fiction


Available now £5 from The Kindle store or £8 as a book, both on Amazon. Please share.



my new book "Eliminator" is now live and available on kindle, 5er, pls share


"Eliminator" coming soon


as its world book day, here a list of all my books on amazon kindle-sectioned; the book the nhs tried to ban
the killing moon
dirty laundry-confessions of an es**rt agency minder
thief take
and coming soon "eliminator"
all are 5er each


Well "Eliminator" is now in the bag and finished, just needs twerking here and their


had quite a good feb regarding work, managed to almost finish my next book "Eliminator" with the help of my typist, so should be available on kindle soon, will keep u posted, also big thank you to all who bort my books this month-every one a sale including 2 copy's of "Sectioned-the book the NHS tried to ban", peace and love to all


had a real good week around my books, sold the killing moon, thief taker and 2 copy's of sectioned-all on kindle, plus had a review of the killing moon on amazon, thanks to all whom got my work and i should also say, a positive review makes it all worth it, like a band hearing their song on the radio. thanks again-coming soon "Eliminator"


big thank u 2 the 2 readers that got "sectioned" on Friday and "the killing" moon today


just a quickie, i posted last night i was bit low-all ok now, it was just a person i used to work with , whom i was a partner in crime with if you like, asked me not to contact her again. i didn't know what id done, as someone with scizzo effective disorder i was thinking all sorts. However, after my post one person tex me in the middle of the night to make sure i was ok, others fb me to give me the kick up my arse i needed, another fb my to make sure i was ok and lastly i got a call to go for a drink in Harrys later. maybe im not as alone i think, bear with me, i don't always see it. im doing ok and my next book is out soon- as 4 the person concerned, iv just got a book deal worth 1/4 million.


nearly complete. "Eliminator", my next book, part of the Rob Foster series


i don't have a problem with refugees or asylum seekers- no refugee ever called me a "paranoid schizophrenic"


3 more chapters of my next book "Eliminator" done tonight, thanks to my typest


massive thank u 2 whoever just bought my book "sectioned", pls leave review


one last post, gona be on phoenix community radio Goole Monday 1pm til 3pm taking about my books and playing some trax, might have to tune in on line, pls share thank


gonna b on Goole radio next monday-(on-line) at 1pm talking about my books, including sectioned, the killing moon, dirty laundry, and thief taker, pls share-thanks (phoenix community radio Goole)


thank u to whoever got my book "dirty laundry-more works at "michaelsrobinsonauthor.com"


just quick head up, i will be on west hull fm (106.9 fm) from 11am talking about my new book Thief Taker


this just in, my new book "Thief Taker" is now available in amazon kindle-pls share


My next book 'Thief Taker' will be available to buy from Amazon Kindle in the next few days.