

Lehoa is a social impact startup focused on powering sustainability & female leadership in business.


As pessoas estão buscando cada vez mais se conectar com marcas com um propósito claro.

🌱 Quase 90% dos consumidores brasileiros confiam mais em empresas que demonstram ter um propósito
🌱 88% preferem comprar de marcas que defendem algo maior do que simplesmente seus produtos e serviços

Mas isso não é tudo. Ter uma missão bem definida é apenas o primeiro passo.

O que os consumidores de hoje querem de verdade são marcas genuínas que vivem seus valores e praticam o que pregam.

Pense nisso por um momento:
Sua empresa possui um propósito claro?
Ele está alinhado com suas ações?
O seu cliente entende o seu propósito?

🌟 Reconhecemos a importância da genuinidade nos negócios e transformamos valores e missões de sustentabilidade em ações tangíveis e transparentes. Mais do que isso, também ajudamos empresas a comunicar seus esforços sustentáveis e reforçamos sua mensagem.

Quer saber como?

Fique ligado nas nossas atualizações!


Marcas memoráveis transcendem a simples venda de produtos ou serviços.

Elas oferecem experiências, fazem seus clientes se sentirem bem, estabelecem conexões e cultivam relações duradouras. 🌟

Estas são as marcas que atraem clientes alinhados com seus valores, os transformam em embaixadores e constroem um legado ao longo do tempo.

Nós entendemos que a chave para se tornar inesquecível é ir além das palavras. Compromissos autênticos, ações e decisões alinhadas e a promoção de valores éticos (e genuínos) são pilares essenciais para marcas que desejam criar um legado positivo.

🌳 Com a Lehoa, sua marca ganha um aliado poderoso para amplificar o alcance e poder do seu legado enquanto cria impacto positivo, tanto ambiental quanto social.

Em apenas alguns cliques, nós ajudamos sua empresa a se posicionar como um agente de mudança no mercado.

👉 Quer saber mais?

Fique de olho nas nossas atualizações! Em breve, nossa solução chegará ao mercado e estará disponível para ser implementada na sua empresa.

Junte-se a nós e veja sua marca florescer!


Oferecemos uma maneira única de aprofundar a conexão emocional que sua marca tem com seus clientes.

Ao adotar nossa solução, eles:
🌱 Fazem parte de uma experiência digital interativa, recebendo uma árvore real que podem nomear, ver imagens reais e acessar detalhes
🌱 Se conectam diretamente ao universo da sua marca
🌱 Se alinham com o propósito da sua marca
🌱 Se sentem parte da solução

Ao presentear com árvores e compartilhar seus detalhes de forma transparente, você demonstra o seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade e involve seus clientes nessa jornada.

Essa ação cria uma história, que será valorizada e lembrada, e gera um vínculo muito especial entre você e sua comunidade.

🌟 Vem aí! Nossa solução está chegando ao mercado e logo, logo sua empresa vai poder implementa-la como parte dos seus esforços sustentáveis. Fique de olho nos nossos próximos posts!

Junte-se a nós e veja sua marca florescer!


Oferecemos uma solução ágil e descomplicada que conecta sua marca a projetos de reflorestamento, transformando ações sustentáveis em experiências digitais únicas para seus clientes.🌟

Ao adotar nossa solução, sua empresa tem a oportunidade de presentear seus clientes com árvores reais após cada compra.

Eles recebem um cartão-presente digital personalizado, alinhado à identidade visual e mensagem da sua marca.

Cada cliente pode nomear sua árvore e acessar informações detalhadas sobre ela, como geolocalização, espécie e imagem. 🌳

O cartão-presente e toda a experiência digital foram projetados para enfatizar a transparência em cada interação. Além disso, são facilmente compartilháveis, ampliando o alcance e reforçando a autenticidade da sua marca.

Para seus clientes, isso se traduz em uma conexão profunda com a natureza e a gratificante sensação de contribuir para um futuro mais verde. 🌿

Em um mercado que valoriza cada vez mais a autenticidade e ações com propósito, a Lehoa destaca sua marca, promovendo seus esforços sustentáveis.

👉 Fique atento: nossa solução vai estar disponível em breve para transformar sua empresa!


À medida que os brasileiros se tornam mais conscientes sobre questões ambientais, muitos estão reavaliando seus hábitos e decisões de compra.

🌱 Mais da metade da população do país se diz muito preocupada com o meio ambiente
🌱42% dos consumidores brasileiros estão mudando seus hábitos de consumo para reduzir seu impacto no meio ambiente
🌱 87% da população prefere adquirir produtos e serviços de empresas sustentáveis

O fato é: a sustentabilidade deixou de ser apenas um diferencial para empresas e passou a ser uma exigência do mercado.

Nesse contexto, a Lehoa surge como uma facilitadora.

Conectamos empresas a projetos de reflorestamento, garantindo que elas não só atendam às demandas dos consumidores, mas também desempenhem contribuam ativamente para um futuro mais verde.

Quer saber mais?

Em breve, nossa solução chegará ao mercado e estará disponível para ser implementada na sua empresa. Fique ligado nas nossas atualizações! 🌿

“Mudanças Climáticas na Percepção dos Brasileiros”, Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade (ITS) do Rio & Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.
"Estilos de Vida 2019", Nielsen.
Pesquisa da Union + Webster, divulgada pela Fiep, 2019.


Hey there! 🌎

2022 was an intense year for Lehoa - we connected with different entrepreneurs, established a full-time team, developed the first version of our product and got truly valuable feedback.

We expanded our horizons by embracing the challenges we faced along the way, learning something new every day.

We are working on some exciting changes for Lehoa in 2023, around our product, brand and strategy - which is why we'll be taking a short break from social media for the next couple of months.

We’ll be back soon with updates and fresh content that we can't wait for you to see!

Thanks for sticking with us and stay tuned for what's to come in 2023. 🤝


Embracing sustainable business practices is an investment for your business.🌱

👉 Why is that?

As a major shift towards sustainable shopping and consumption habits is happening, people are becoming more and more aware of the social and environmental impact of their choices, and they’re actively looking for ways to create positive change.

This makes sustainability a key consideration in competitiveness for businesses, and a strong indicator of value creation, where the greenest, most ethical, and most transparent businesses are most likely to thrive in this scenario.

We believe that the future of business has to be rooted in a sustainable model; one that creates long-term value and generates profit, while improving societal and environmental issues. 🌎

Businesses that ignore that might be leaving value on the table. Have you ever considered this? 💭

If you are a young female entrepreneur eager to create a better, more sustainable business future, join our community of like-minded businesswomen around the world, and gain early access to our business solutions. Click the link in bio to apply. 🤝


It’s Women Support Women Day!

Today is the day to celebrate, appreciate, and empower one another. 🤍

When women support each other, the world heals a little, a domino-effect begins and magic takes place.


The key to building and growing an impactful and sustainable business is transparency and trust - within the company, customers, and society. 🤝

A brand moving towards sustainability shouldn't lie about or glamorize its green efforts to attract visibility (that’s greenwashing!).

It should instead create open and honest conversations about its efforts and limitations.

Share your sustainability objectives with your customers and invite them to build with you. Ask for feedback and suggestions. Be open & vulnerable to learning and growing with them, especially as a small business.

LehoaPartners is being developed as a solution for young businesses that aim to become more sustainable. To do that, they must engage their customers in the efforts.

So we help businesses plant trees and gift them to customers through an exciting branded experience - a way to offset their footprint, add value to customers and promote awareness. 🌱

👉 Curious to learn more? Join our community and be part of the first businesses to access this solution. Link in bio.



In this age of race-to-unicorn startups, where Millennials have been creating unprecedented innovation and wealth on a global scale, and climate change has been showing its effects, making businesses sustainable from the ground up is the challenge we have been presented with.

Lehoa’s purpose is to create spaces and tools to support women in building a more sustainable business future. 🌱

We aim to be the ideal environment for new sustainable female-led businesses to spring from.

The future we envision is one where businesses are used as a force for good, to create a positive social and environmental impact. 🌎

Right now, our efforts are aimed at
1. Building a solid community of young female entrepreneurs;
1. Developing, testing, and improving our product and preparing for launch.

👉 If you are a young businesswoman that resonates with our purpose, we would love to connect on a call, learn how Lehoa can support you and welcome you into our community!

Click the link in our bio to join the Lehoa Community, or DM us if you have any questions. 🤍

Photos from Lehoa's post 21/11/2022

Did you know that planting a tree is one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to positively impact the environment? 🌎

👉 Slide to learn some relevant data on tree-planting. 🌱

The question is: how can you, as a businessowner, use your business to create positive impact by planting trees? 💭

You will be happy to know that we have a solution for you!

We welcome you to join the LehoaPartners waitlist - a solution for integrating tree-planting into your business through innovative customer experiences.

To make your journey even more magical, join our community of female entrepreneurs around the world working to build a better, more sustainable business future.

To learn more about the LehoaPartners waitlist and our community, leave a comment or reach out! 🤝



In the race to accelerate economic growth, many imbalances have been created in our planet, so much so that the very survival of our species is at stake.

With climate change, eco-anxiety and scarcity of natural resources being a reality of the times we now live in, people are becoming much more concerned with - and vocal about - the theme of sustainability.

So much that businesses can no longer ignore what’s going on.

The conversations around the future of business and sustainability leads to the same conclusion:

the future of business has to be rooted in a sustainable model; one that creates long-term value and generates profit, while improving societal and environmental issues.

We believe that every company has the opportunity to make significant sustainable changes from within, and to to inspire & make changes in the outside world.

If you are a young female entrepreneur looking to use your business as a force for good, click the link in our bio to join the Lehoa Community, or DM us if you have any questions. 🤍🤝


The 3 pillars of Lehoa are: business, sustainability and female leadership.

They represent our mission as a company to build spaces and solutions to support women in building a more sustainable business future.

Businesses have the power of influencing the masses - they can shape behavior, disrupt industries, and create movements…

And at Lehoa we believe women led and young businesses hold the key to building the business future the world needs - one more aligned with nature and with our physical, mental and spiritual health. 🤍

We are building a global ecosystem of female-led businesses, and together we are creating, step by step, through technology and collaboration, the shared future we envision. 🌎

👉 Join our community of female entrepreneurs and become a part of this journey. Let’s build a better, more sustainable business future together.

We look forward to welcoming you to our tribe. Click the link in our bio to apply!


As entrepreneurs, a valuable exercise to put in practice from time to time is to take a step back and see what children can teach us. Simple as that. Believe it or not, successful entrepreneurs and young children share quite a few character traits.

👉 Here’s a 3 things entrepreneurs can learn from kids:

1️⃣ Curiosity
Curiosity expands your horizons and helps you ask the right questions to create great solutions. In business, that’s a key factor for standing out.

2️⃣ Taking risks
Entrepreneurship is all about taking risks. What if what you wish for lies on the other side of the risk you’re avoiding taking?

3️⃣ Thinking with a fresh mind
The ability to look at the world from a fresh, clean perspective, like a kid, defies conventional thought and forces new logic. It causes a shift in how your business is done and is perceived by others - it’s authenticity.

Have you ever thought about how much we can learn from kids? What’s your favorite teaching? Share with us! 🤍


You are responsible for bringing your unique vision and dream into this world and making it come to reality. 🧘‍♀️

In the journey of building your business, you will have to be able to convince partners, investors, team members and early customers of the importance of what you are building.

You will have to stand up for yourself and for company daily, as you face obstacles, challenges, doubt, or rejection.

To do that in a consistent and inspired manner, you must love and believe in what you are creating wholeheartedly. 🤍

This is crucial keep you and your business healthy and prosperous on the long run.


We can’t deny the fact that empowering female entrepreneurs is key to achieving a more collaborative, supportive, and sustainable business future. 

Women’s empowerment is connected to women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to confidently make their own choices, and their right to influence social change by standing up for themselves and others.

Ultimately, it represents the awareness, both individually and collectively, that women have the power to lead massive change. 

In business, women are solving problems that were never given attention to. They are bringing unique and fresh points of view to the table, and with that, creating unlimited possibilities.

Empowered women create magic. 🌺

👉 Join a community of female entrepreneurs around the world working to build a better, more sustainable business future.

We look forward to having you in this journey. Link in our bio! 🌎🤍


Small businesses are now more than ever adopting sustainable practices and taking the lead in the creation of a better, more sustainable future - and their positive impact has the potential to be huge. 🌱

The world - and the modern conscious consumer - needs businesses that place value on the planet and people instead of pure profit.

Eco-friendly businesses help benefit local communities socially, environmentally and economically, and they also attend to the growing demand for ‘green’ products and services. They are change catalysts, and their role is crucial.

If every small business reasonable steps towards sustainability, together we can combine efforts and make a significant impact on building and maintaining a sustainable future. 🌎

Photos from Lehoa's post 30/09/2022

💌 Hey there…

Our Community is back, and we have a spot saved specially for you.

Grow personally and professionally in a safe space made for badass female entrepreneurs!

Click the link in bio and apply to join the Lehoa Community. We are looking forward to connecting with you! 🤍

👉 If you have any questions, we’d love to answer them! Leave a comment or DM us.

Photos from Lehoa's post 26/09/2022

Self-confidence is one of the key factors to success in business, and it goes far beyond just feeling good about yourself…

Your confidence touches everything you are involved in and gives you the power to attract the right opportunities and build the successful business you dream of. 💭

👉 So how can you grow your confidence and use it to reach your full potential?

Like any skill, confidence can be taught! At its core, confidence is about changing your mindset. 🧠

We gathered a few tips to help you! Slide to learn more.

PS: Stick until the final slide for an extra special tip.


The Lehoa Community 2.0 is coming!!

Our community is a safe space for female entrepreneurs from around the world to connect and exchange support, discuss important topics, and learn, grow and thrive together.

Our mission is to shape the future of business into something better, more sustainable, conscious, and equal - by empowering the next generation of female leaders and creating space for all their passion, creative energy, and open minds to develop and connect.

If you're interested in becoming a member - or as we call it, a Lehoa - click the link in our bio, and join us in this mission! 🤍🌍

Photos from Lehoa's post 14/09/2022

A major shift towards sustainable shopping and consumption habits across all generations is driving entire industries to change, and that’s a fact. 🌱

People are becoming more and more aware of the impacts of their choices on the environment, and they’re actively looking for ways to create positive change.

What does that tell us about the future of business? Slide to learn more. ➡️


It's ok if you're not there yet…

You're here right now, and the good news is: this is the perfect moment to stop and show yourself some self-love. 🤍

What has the past few months taught you? What challenges did you overcome?

How different are you today compared to who you were when you first started?

Self-compassion is not always easy, but remember: you have a business to run - that's quite a challenge in itself - and it's waaaay harder to take care of anything when you're not taking care of yourself.

You got this.

Tweet credit: Lalah Delia

Photos from Lehoa's post 03/09/2022

To create a better, more conscious and sustainable future, nurturing our bond with nature is an essential practice. 🌱

Dedicating time and truly connecting with the natural world could be your first and most important step towards embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Eco-conscious decisions come easier once we start to understand our relationship with nature and its magnitude.

We’re all nature. We’re are all governed by nature’s rhythms and laws, and we’re all together on this journey. 🌍

👉 What sparked your interest in sustainability? Share with us in the comments!


While useful, to-do lists are not always the answer to success. And learning how to build a list that actually puts on the road to success is a game-changer skill for entrepreneurs.

“If a list isn’t built around success, then that’s not where it takes you.” Simple as that.

A "success list" is a shorter, more precise version of your typical to-do list. It focuses on your priorities and allows you to concentrate your energy on the few demands that will deliver the majority of your results.

👉 How to build a killer success list?

Write your to-do list as usual. At the top of it write - in red, bold, underlined, or however you like it - three “micro-goals." They're small tasks you can do today that will help you make progress towards your long-term goals. They're your priority. ✍️

Your other tasks should be prioritized afterward - they belong at the bottom of your list.

Do this every day and you'll shift from merely surviving to thriving.

Focusing on the bigger picture and keeping your biggest goals in mind brings you one step closer to achieving them. 🤍


“Or being in the present but wanting to be in the future. It's a split that tears you apart inside."

That awful feeling of stress, tension, and anxiety is your body telling you that there's something wrong. Pay attention to it.

Perhaps you have forgotten that now is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be - and we're here to remind you of that.

Take a deep breath... and ask yourself: am I fully present right now? Is my mind right here right now, in the present moment?


Being more sustainable as a business can seem expensive, but, in reality, there is a big number of measures you can take to promote change on a limited budget.

We’re here to show you 3 of them: 👇

1️⃣ Reduce your waste

Start by identifying what wastes you generate, and finding your biggest "offenders". Look for waste prevention measures, set your priorities and goals, and get started!  

2️⃣ Involve your employees

Incorporate eco-conscious behavior in your company's organizational culture!
Create internal sustainability goals and encourage your teams to achieve them. Simple efforts when done collectively - and consistently - cultivate meaningful changes.

3️⃣ Reduce paperwork and go for recycled paper

Discouraging the overall use of paper in your business, such as reducing the printing of documents when possible, is a great start.
Choosing recycled paper over regular paper is also a great move. Recycled paper uses less energy and water, and its manufacturing process produces less carbon than non-recycled paper.  

Share with us in the comments some of your business’s low-cost sustainable practices and how that’s been working for you. Let’s exchange tips and experiences!


Photos from Lehoa's post 19/08/2022

It’s time to learn how to keep stress from building up and getting the best of you.

Not all stressors are within your control, but some are. Making mindful small efforts to guide your day-to-day operations can create big waves of impact and protect your headspace in the long run.

Which one of our tips do you consider more relevant to you right now? Let us know!


Here are 6 essential lessons the book "Start With Why" teaches us:

👉 Great leaders trust their gut. They understand the art before the science and win hearts before minds. Use your instincts and intuition. That's where your power is.

👉 Charisma is greater than energy. It is what inspires and commands loyalty. It comes from a clarity of the "why" behind what you do.

👉 Every business starts with a why, but they lose it with time to metrics. To lead with the why, don't get lost on metrics. If needed, create your own, that supports your business' "why".

👉 A happy team means happy customers. Hire people because of their attitude. Skills can be learned.

👉 For values to be effective in a business, they should be verbs. Actions that can be ingrained in the culture of the team.

👉 Don't focus on external competition. Instead, focus on competing with yourself. and watch people coming to help you.

The points made make up the magical recipe for a successful and strong business led by a great leader with an even greater purpose - and it all starts with "why". 🤍

Do you know your business's "why"? Share it with us in the comments.


We all know how the story goes, on your day-to-day it always seems like there are so many things to do and the amount of time for doing them never seems to be enough, so the only solution is to multitask your task list away, right? 👩‍💻

Well, that may not be the best way to solve this equation ...

We can, in fact, do two or more things at the same time, like walking and talking or eating and watching TV, but we can't truly concentrate on two things at once - that's just not the way our brain's wired.

The truth is: multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance.

In essence, attention is a very limited human resource and juggling between tasks "divides" your concentration and slows down your work. Also, when attention is overloaded, we miss things and become prone to mistakes.

Not only that, this division of attention can sometimes result in confusion, stress, and anxiety because the brain is stressing itself out trying to process and handle too many things at once.

So next time you try to do 13 things at the same time, remember: that's not how your brain is wired.

Are you a big multitasker? Let us know if these infos are new to you. 👇


Fear is always with us, in the corner of every small or big life movement.

The real problem when it comes to fear is not fear itself, but the way we respond to it. How we manage fear dictates how much we'll either suffer or prosper when in an testing situation.

Training your brain to accept that there's no threat, that not everything is a life or death situation, and that challenges CAN and WILL be overcome will help you switch off the paralyzing and painful fear response.

Fear is inevitably always present - let's make it our travel buddy in this journey and take control back. You'll soon realize that it's the fear of fear that you fear, nothing else.

Eventually fear will become easier to manage and your life will become a little bit lighter. 🤍

How do you deal with fear? Let us know in the comments.👇

Videos (show all)

Here’s to an abundant life! 🤍 #manifestation #manifesting #affirmationoftheday #abundancemindset #mindsetshift #affirmat...
Get to know Lehoa and join our community for female entrepreneurs! We’d love to welcome you into our tribe of hard worki...
The struggles of being an entrepreneur might seem endless, but knowing that you’re not alone, especially as a woman in b...
And remember: you’re doing GREAT!
On some days taking care of so many things at once can feel so overwhelming… Our advice: do the best you can with the en...