To be cool is to be kind

To be cool is to be kind

Follow your heart❤


Sometimes I wonder what would be the NEXT. Would it be something that would make me happy or would it be something that would take away all that i have built. The thought of having to face the Next thing when one is done with the previous with much hardship makes me realize that there would never be the END, that There would never be the moment where i can look out the window release a long breath and say FINALLY! ITS OVER.... There wont be the times where i can sleep and wake without having to remind myself to be Strong and that i can DO IT!
so when there is no End then i wonder why i am trying so hard, trying my best till the end just to face another challenge. I dont know why i am hopeful that someday when all the things are done I would get to relax and worry no more. such thoughts over the time makes me want to just Give up and give no damn.
And just as i am about to give up, I am reminded that even though there might not be the end to ones problem there is the End to ones Life. One day we will have to die and when we do so we leave behind all the problems behind. So all i need to do is to be strong till the time of my death. somewhere along the path of being strong, i would chance upon happy memories with my families and friends, though it is temporary it would be just what i would need,a place to smile and to feel the love.
on particular nights i would be able to see the stars and the moon, the clouds and the sky and it would all look amazing because i am living the best i can. So even if it never ENDS i would simply SMILE and make it to the NEXT.


On days like this when you feel like crying and on days when you don't know what to do please have faith in yourself! Everything may not be alright at the moment but for all you know it ll be better someday. Some days make us feel so small and some days make us feel like we ain't anything but a piece of unworthiness. Life sure tests us; it tests our perseverance and our strength to fight through any hurdle. Well, no one loves to lose . Everyone loves winning but some days are hard. We can't do anything but let ourselves fall and crumble right before our eyes. I think we worry about other people more than ourselves. We fear about the people who appreciate and worry about us. We fear that if we lose, the people who are rooting for us will be upset. The fear of losing ain't really for ourselves but for the people who are there around us. And I really think we need to work on this cause losing would be okay if we don't really care about others. Losing is okay; afterall we all are humans and we can't always win!

Don't be afraid of failures, let it shape you into a beautiful human!
Remember you are afraid of failures only if you are concerned about the people around you.


To be the best version of yourself?

Maybe what we had is gone or maybe it's still there and we can still grasp it. But do we really have the strength to go through what we have gone through? Or do we skip the red signal and pass the street like nothing happened? Well, don't we really need attention? The attention of being seeked and finding ourselves through the flaws. We have gone through a lot; a lot of things. We always act tough and strong and pretend like everything's okay. We don't bother anyone cause we don't want anyone listening to our stupid problems. Well, that's cool like being tough in our own way but deep inside do we really not crave for someone to talk to? Someone to understand us? Someone to be there for us? And maybe someone to hold us despite all the thorns we grow around us? Yes, we do! Afterall we all are human beings and remember that we are just a human with a heart and a feeling. In all this chaos, maybe we forgot what we were. Maybe we forgot our true self and maybe we have forgotten to live for ourselves. Maybe we neglected all our feelings and decided to live with the flow. In all this , maybe we forgot who we are! To be the best version of yourself, did you try to become someone better? Maybe someone better with some good qualities that is not you? All that matters is that YOU ARE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF when you are being you. You don't have to fit in; you are meant to be the DIFFERENT YOU! Love yourself a little harder. Be your first priority♡

Pic - ctto


It's all about you, all about the things you love. Nothing matters as long as you are there; as long as you keep going forward. It's all about the things you love rather than things you don't like. Happiness comes in doing things you love. The universe conspires together so that all your dreams come true. I think doing what you love is another love language. Love language could be another set of poetry, the blue sky in the bright daylight, the stars amidst the dark and the way you smile. If I were to justify the LOVE LANGUAGE, I would simply say it's an ecstasy. Remember, you could be a beautiful love language to someone which gives you more reason to live in this chaotic world. So always be the one that shines even in this bizzare world cause you are a LOVE LANGUAGE💖



I think being a good person is a blessing and a curse at the same time. As a good person, we always end up giving others more than they deserve. We tend to believe that kindness is free and that it keeps other person happy. We only care about people around us and fail to look more at ourselves. We lose ourselves in the process of being too good to people who are not even worth it. We become vulnerable in this era where good people are used for benefits. In the end, good people are the one's that get hurt. For all I know, good people are too innocent to know about anything negative that pollutes the world.
I believe that kindness is another spirit we should keep up as a human💖💖
Always be the kind person you are //

Pic - ctto


I think we always learn through the part of ourselves that seems to be broken. We tend to pick up pieces of ourselves through the mess we create. And I truly think that's the spirit we should keep up as a human. I always loved a quote that says that " Remember there's a human inside a skin." This one line always motivated me to be the best of myself; for all I know, I learned to love myself a little harder. I think we are just something "we could come up with" cause we can always become what we think. That gives me more reason why we should try a little harder cause everything is possible. You can try achieving the love of your life without giving up and get the result you want. It could either be a happy story or a sad story. Irrespective of your outcome, you heart will be in content knowing that you gave your best. To let your dream come true is the most beautiful thing in this world. I have seen and heard of stories where people go up till the extremest means to achieve their goals. That was one thing that always kept me going. I always found solace in other people's happiness cause it made me believe that happiness is real. One day I hope all souls in this world get the exact moment to grasp the intensity of happiness. May you learn to be happy for all the things you have. I mean CLAIM IT♡

Pic - ctto


To all the dreamers, may you always have the determination to work towards your dream. May your hardwork lead you to a fruitful success. May your effort never go in vain. I hope you always shine just like this and never fade away. May you gain enough strength to pursue your dreams. May you always be good to yourself and your dreams. Always keep chasing your dreams🌸


Learn to let go of things that are not meant for you. Letting go isn't easy as it seems but holding on causes you more harm than letting go. What's the use of holding on to something that will never be good for you? Isn't it better to be hurt for once than hurting yourself for a long time? Some comes in a shape like it's meant for you but it 'll deceive you. As time passes by, it will lose it's fake shape and show you that's it's not meant for you. When it shows you it's true shape, stop spending time in shaping it the way it used to be. It's just a waste because it's not meant for you. They aren't worth your time and effort. It will just hurt you in the process of shaping it. The longer you hold on and try to shape it, it will hurt you more. Just let it go when you know it's true colour. Letting go will hurt you but not as much as holding on.


Evərything Happəns For A Rəason♡

I wanted myself to accept that everything happens for a reason. I didn't want to get hurt over things that hurt me so I always consoled myself by saying everything happens for a reason. It did help a lot in coping with the intense feelings loitering inside me. Everytime I had to repeat "everything happens for a reason" again and again until the pain inside me subsides.

Yeah, it takes a lot! It takes a lot of effort to accept things that happen in my life. We always lose ourselves in the process of giving so much to someone that ain't worth it. Remember you lose a piece of yourself when you give someone more than they deserve. Definitely it's a beautiful thing to shower everyone with love but don't forget you are one of them too. Always have the tendency to sprinkle love around you but always remember to give it more to yourself. You deserve love and kindness more than anyone.

Everything happens for a reason and it's totally okay to let go of things that gives you pain. Why hold onto a cactus while you can be the flower? I wanted to tell you how brave and strong you are for stranding amidst all these ruins. I am proud of you for giving good vibes to everyone you meet despite the heartbreaks and trust issues. The world had been harsh on you and yet you are there smiling like nothing ever happened. It's beautiful to see you smile and move on. Yeah that's how we do it. The world continues to move with strong people like you.

☆Be happy and get it done. Never wait too long to move on or else it might hamper your peace. Just get it done and move on with the flaw! Yeah, take your time but move on cause holding on causes you pain☆


My dearest Ama,
I thought of writing you a letter though we are under a same roof. I am very lucky to have you and I appreciate how much you genuinely care. I never had to ask for your love, you gave it freely without a question. You always provide me with consistent support for whatever it is. Whether it is good or bad, you have been with me throughout the laughter and the tears. You have always believed in me and I thank you for that. You are always by my side every step of the way.

You are kind to the world, and you deserve all the right things. I want to be there for you as you have been there for me, through thick and thin, in good and bad. Mom, you have seen and watched me grow from an impatient, stubborn, short tempered and incompatible girl into a calm, compliant and a girl who gets along with everyone. I hope you are proud of me. I know you wouldn't have thought that I would change this way. And I can't believe that I totally changed and became just the opposite of what I used to be as a little kid. I think that's because I was just grown the right way. Thanks to you Mom!

Even if it doesn't seem like I am listening to everything you say and to what you teach me, I am and it made me a better person. In the near future, I might become someone great, someone beyond your expectations or I maybe able to fullfill your dreams or I may just upset you but I promise I will be a better human being because of you. I 'll live with honesty, respect and integrity. I promise to become better each day.

Everyday, I am thankful to have you and blessed to be loved. I know there's nothing you wouldn't do for me. I wanted to let you know, even though I don't say it enough... I love you so much! The world wouldn't be same without you. Your love is something I cherish everyday! Thank you for being you and loving me so much mom! I owe you alot, more than this entire universe.

From yours,
Loving daughter 💕

Photos from To be cool is to be kind's post 24/03/2022

Stars always give me the strength;
The strength to let go
And the strength to move on.
At this moment I need more of you,
More of the stars💖



Life's just like a cup of coffee. Sometimes coffee turns out to be sweet and sometimes it turns out bitter. You can't give up on life when life becomes bitter. Instead you should think of a way to make your next cup of coffee a sweet one. What we think about ourselves is the most important thing in this world. A positive mindset leads to a postive behaviour. Positivity always wins over negativity; hence always have the courage to drink the bitter coffee so that you learn to free all those negativites. World is so full of negative and positive energies. We are a human being so it is obvious to inhale both the energies within us. It doesn't matter because life is "a cup of coffee".

Just like a cup of coffee, we all go through bitter and sweet moments. It's in the bitter moments of our life that we truly learn to be strong. "Strong" is really a big word and not many of us can afford to be strong. I really appreciate those people that are strong enough to handle the bitter moments of their life. what could be more beautiful than a person who choose to stay strong even after all the heartbreaks? Not many of us care to appreciate the silent warriors but for me nothing is greater than a mentally strong person. There's always a good part about a bitter story. We always learn and grow through the bitter part of our life and that's the charm we could afford through the harships. We always wish for a better life filled with happiness. Happiness is sweet but there's nothing more we could learn or grow from the happiness. Happiness 'll be happiness but the hardships always turns us into a better human.

We could always remake our coffee if it turns out bitter. Just like that we could always restart our life with the better version of ourselves. All we need is courage; the courage to let go and move on. At times moving on 'll really feel like a big task and it might even feel suffocating to detach ourselves from the past. And that's totally okay cause it takes time. All of a sudden, we will let go of the things that bothered us in the past and we will be glad that we never gave up.

Life is a cup of coffee. Therefore it's okay to go through bitter and sweet moments. You just need to be strong and courageous to taste the coffee of your life💖


I miss the way it used to be. We used to envy the world as a young child. We viewed a world through a totally different perspective back then. We were so young and innocent. We really didn't know about the worldly desires and chaos. We were so young and wanted to grow up real quick; we wanted to experience the "grown up". We thought the world would be a fairy tale if we grow up into a young lady or a young gentleman. We knew nothing; we were in haste to grow up and didn't imagine a world of complications. Now we know what the world is after growing up into what we call ourselves " the sad and lonely". Isn't this too ironic? When we were a child we envisioned ourselves as a happy grown up but all we have as a grown up is our sad identity. We are a sad grown up with so many problems and complains and it would be a shame to the child within us who still hopes for a better "grown up". As a child we all had dreams; a dream that had a happy smiling face for all times to come. We never imagined that our older selves would be this complicated and problematic. Everything becomes a problem as a grown up but as child everything was way too easy. We are a funny story, we wished to grow up as a child and we wish to go back as a grown up. This is life. Life is a story that tells the story of a "child and the grown up" embedded deep within our hearts. Sometimes we become a child and sometimes we become a grown up. Through all this we fight and strive and that's what life is. Nothing is permanent in this world ; be it happiness or sadness. So take the chance to embrace the happiness and deal with your sadness. Everthing goes away so have a life that you desire. Afterall we all are a human being❤


Thank you for everything♡


Dear Past me,
Girl, you have been through the best days and the worst days. I am proud of how you dealt everything well especially the bitter days. You did an amazing job!

No one will know it better than me for what you have been through. You had anxiety, You had sleepless nights, you were drown in so much thoughts and emotions, you were traumatized. But you stood strong through all of this. You never thought of giving up. You believed in yourself even through the hardest days. It would be a lie if I say you were always surrounded by the good people but you had our parents and dear friends supporting through the toughest battles. They made it a little easier for you to get through it.

I am sorry for all those times I didn't believe in you and for underestimating you. I am sorry for letting you absorb all the pains that led you to more sleepless nights. Sorry, I had to pressurize you and wanted the best because that was what society demand. I am always sorry for doubting you and your decisions. Forgive me for all the troubles, I could have avoided some of it but it was too late when I realized it. I am sorry I didn't assure you when you needed it the most. Sorry, I let you fight the battle alone because I was afraid of being judged. I am sorry for not loving you enough.

Even after all those hardships and struggles you had mentally and physically remained firm with the smile on your face. No matter how hard the situation was you always seemed like a happy girl. I am always thankful for you. I am learning so much from watching you through my memories. Please give me the strength you had. I promise, I will be as strong as you. Who I am today is because of you who never gave up and worked hard. The fight you have won is not in vain. Thank you for everything. I am so proud of you and I hope I can make you proud too.

With endless love,
Present me

Photos from To be cool is to be kind's post 19/03/2022

The beautiful spring:

Once a year, spring comes around. Spring comes for three months and then leaves for another nine months of the year. Spring comes with the hope of better future. It comes with the warm embrace of love and courage. Spring brings with her the audacity of self love and bravery. March is the beginning of spring where flowers begin to bloom. Flowers come into our life to indicate a "new beginning". If you had a harsh life so far, it's your time to have a new beginning. A beginning where you are leading to a colourful and a beautiful future just like the spring flowers. People are afraid of change. That's why people continue to live in a daily habit of trauma. You have to change for the better. It is never too early or too late to start over. You can always start over just like the spring flower that blooms once in a year. Spring ignites in me the feeling of love and joy. Have this spring as your spring; a spring that moves with your trance . I hope spring gives you the courage to let go and move on. Let this spring be your new beginning. Let us change into a better person with this beautiful spring.
🌸Life moves on, so do you! 🌸


○ You are beautiful when you choose to be kind.
○ You are beautiful when you smile at everyone you meet.
○ You are beautiful when you give a helping hand to someone in need.
○ You are beautiful when you love someone correctly.
○ You are beautiful when you appreciate someone for their small achievements.
○ You are beautiful in the way you make your parents happy.
○ You are beautiful when you make small efforts to make someone happy.
○ You are beautiful when you choose to forgive and let it go.
○ You are beautiful when you are kind to animals.
○ You are beautiful when you nurture your plants.
○ You are beautiful when you are true to your friends.
○ You are beautiful when you believe in yourself.
○ You are beautiful in the way you make others laugh.
☆ You can be beautiful in million different ways. Your small efforts are enough to flex yourself for being beautiful. "BEAUTIFUL" doesn't have to be perfect. Beauty is in the way you are. It is in the way you love yourself and act in accordance to your instincts. Beauty comes in million different ways. Poems have to rhyme, but you don't have to. You can be messed up and still be beautiful. To be beautiful, you don't need such a perfect big reason. Beauty is an art. So simply by being a part of an art, you are beautiful. Beauty is in the small things you do. I don't think I need any more reason to call you beautiful; cause you all are doing a great thing simply by existing in this world. You all make this world a better place to live. Remember you do not need anyone to validate you that you are beautiful. You know you are beautiful and that's million times enough. Flex yourslef for all the things you do cause damn you are beautiful. Let's call each other beautiful cause we deserve it.
♡Lots of love ♡
