Natascha Slemenjak Podobnik, MSc

Natascha Slemenjak Podobnik, MSc

Bestseller Author | Professional Language Coach | Polyglot | Speaker | Sales Expert

Join my free Private Group for Effective Language Learning:


Discover the secrets of effective immersive learning in our private Facebook group.

Click the link below to join us on a language journey like no other!




Hi, dear German Students & Teachers!

I haven't been active lately because I have been really busy with other projects.

To support you I have something for you today:

Here are some amazing worksheets that I use for my lessons with students and I must say that they have improved their grammar and vocabulary in a very short time.

You can find the link in the first comment (due to copyright I had to add the link to their original page. This is an affiliate link - that means if you buy through my link, I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you).

I wish you a lot of success!
Enjoy your German skills and make use of them as often as you can.

Remember, practicing improves your skills and it boosts your confidence!

Ich wünsche euch einen wunderschönen Tag.


What language learning strategies would be really helpful so you could learn the foreign language much faster?

Comment below


💡 Did you know that scents can have an impact on your brain when learning a foreign language?

💡 Did you know that scents can have an impact on your brain when learning a foreign language? 💡

The things we hear and see influence our emotions, but the smell can also be a powerful memory trigger. This happens because the area that’s responsible for the smell is very close to the Amygdala, the part of the brain that regulates our emotions and emotional memories.

But did you know that certain scents can influence your performance and mood?

👉 Next time when you feel angry or anxious because you’re facing challenges with certain grammar rules or you must present in a foreign language, try inhaling one of the following essential oils:

▶ Lemons are an excellent concentration booster and they also calm your mind, especially if you’re feeling anxious or angry.

▶ Lavender is another option as it controls your emotional stress and relieves tension.

▶ Peppermint is an energy booster and helps you increase your productivity, use it if you want to get new ideas during a brainstorming activity because it promotes clear thinking.

▶ Cinnamon improves concentration and focus.

Studies have shown that inhaling essential oils can activate parts of the brain (e.g. the hypothalamus which sends information to other parts of the body and can stimulate your body).

Isn’t it fantastic how you can trigger changes in your body and improve your language learning simply by inhaling certain scents?

I'm curious:
What's your favourite scent?
Have you ever tried inhaling essential oils when learning?


Becoming fluent in a foreign language is a sign of discipline & motivation

Language Coach Natascha


Don't miss out on this! 🥳

I've finally decided to start a new IG 'channel' that is dedicated only to language learners who want to get useful tips on how to learn a foreign language fast, effectively AND with fun! All based on 17 years+ experience and scientific knowledge!
So, if you've decided to learn a foreign language (especially German) or you want to get effective tips and upgrade your language skills, then this is the perfect place for you! ❤️
Thank you all for sharing the link with those who want to improve their foreign language skills! I really appreciate that! 🙏


Wie lernst du am liebsten?

What’s your favourite way of learning German? 🚀

What are the ways that particularly motivate you when learning and using German?

👉 Do you love visual material and organized handouts and worksheets where you can write down your own examples and important information?

👉 Do you like videos where certain content is explained?

👉 Do you prefer to listen to different audio recordings or read texts?

👉 Or maybe you prefer tasks and content where you can be active like e.g. role-plays, speeches, practical conversations, etc.?

_ _ _

Psychologically speaking, with the right choice of content, you can significantly speed up the learning process.

This means - if you choose content and tasks that you like and love to do, you will increase your motivation and turn learning German into a pleasant activity.

This is important when you are learning German on your own (for example, when I have individual programs, I completely personalize the content to save the client time and create content for them that they enjoy - yes, this is possible 😊, but unfortunately at schools they don’t teach like that).

In my 17 years of active teaching, coaching, mentoring and lecturing, I have come to remarkable findings, which I now connect with scientific findings (cognitive science - brain function), so that I can design programs that significantly accelerate language learning.

The happy news is: You can also implement these if you are learning a language on your own! 🥳

So, what’s important?

Before you decide that you want to learn a certain topic, create an effective learning plan that will help you achieve your goal.

Remember, language learning can be fast, effective AND fun in one!

Have a nice day! 🍀

Your Language Coach Natascha

‼️ PS: I’ve started with Instagram posts where I share useful tips for effective foreign language learning with emphasis on German.
You can find the link in the comment below. Follow my posts and allow yourself to learn German more effectively.


Manchmal muss man den eigenen Wünschen und Träumen freien Lauf lassen, nicht wahr? 🥳

Und wovon träumst du?


An alle, die den heutigen Tag feiern:

Ich wünsche euch einen wundervollen Valentinstag! ❤

Nehmt euch heute mehr Zeit und verbringt diesen Tag mit denjenigen Menschen, die euch am meisten bedeuten. 🍀🌷

Liebe Grüße,



Do you want to boost your language learning process and enjoy every moment of it without becoming demotivated?

If you answered 'yes', then you should definitely add music to your learning plan.

🎵🎶 Here's a video about the positive effect that music has.

Comment below which effect you like best. I'd love to hear your opinion. 👇

I wish you a pleasant weekend! 🌟


(Source: Science Nature Page)


Claim it:
This year I'm going to improve my language skills & I will be proud of my accomplishments! 🌟


"Den größten Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist immer Angst zu haben, einen Fehler zu machen."

"The biggest mistake you can make in life is to continually fear you will make one."

Face your fears and start acting! 🌟

What are you going to improve today to become more confident in speaking a foreign language?


If you want to learn a foreign language on your own, you need to create a learning plan and add a deadline.

This will help you follow through with your language learning goals.

To your success,


Yay! Today is the day! 🥳

Book #2 is here!

How does YOUR MINDSET serve you in challenging times?
Does it support your GOALS and DREAMS?
How does your mindset INFLUENCE your language learning?


DU bist der wichtigste Mensch in deinem Leben.
Also behandele dich auch so!

Was hast du heute schon gemacht, um DICH besser zu fühlen bzw. um etwas Gutes für dich selbst zu tun?

Ich wünsche euch einen fantastischen Tag!


PS: Share your thoughts in German in my new private group Glowtalk Language Academy | Learn German with your native speaker Natascha
Can't wait to see you there!


🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇦🇹

For those of you who want to become fluent in German and not waste time with inefficient and ineffective strategies...

Let me introduce GLOWTALK LANGUAGE ACADEMY, a free Private Group for Ambitious Language Learners led by an experienced Native Speaker and Professor of German language.

This group is perfect for you if you want to:

✅ Learn German with a Native Speaker and a Passionate Language Coach

✅ Become familiar with effective learning techniques (based on neuroscience and cognitive science) that help you cut your learning time

✅ Get rid of ineffective learning methods that waste your time, energy and money

✅ Learn German in a supportive community of like-minded people

✅ Benefit from proven language learning strategies from a Professor of German Language with 17-years of experience

Hop over to this new group:

Let's rock 2022 with new Language Skills!


I wish you all a Happy New Year and many fulfilled wishes and accomplished goals in 2022! ❤



🎄🌟 They say the best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.

May the miracle of Christmas bring you joy and happiness.
I wish you contentment and peace among you and your family.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas surrounded by your loved ones, and many blessings for the coming year.


If you want to learn how to create E-Books that increase your visibility and boost your authority so you can establish yourself as an Expert, then this is something you want to see.
The Digital Product Toolkit 💖


Sometimes all you need to succeed is to have the right business strategy that helps you reach your ideal clients on demand. Right?
But the best part is, there's absolutely no need to pay for expensive ads! -If of course, you know the proven SECRETS OF ORGANIC LEAD GENERATION.
Ask yourself:
Is it maybe time to upgrade your strategy and take your online business to the next level?
Start your own profitable online business and reach consistent 5 figure months with ease.
Join the free 3-day business training (value 997€) that starts on 19th October and get insights from the international business coach and sales expert Natascha Slemenjak Podobnik, MSc.


Have you decided to become fluent in a foreign language?
Then this is definitely something that might interest you to avoid fatal learning mistakes.
Watch the video and see, hear and explore how you can improve your learning process and acquire language fluency in only 3 months.


Have you already seen the on my website?
See, hear and explore what awaits you inside the book...


"Learn the secrets of successful language learning and you will be able to communicate with the world." NSP

Videos (show all)

The Power of Music